Open Letter From Ukraine Jewish Community


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
You've heard the lies from the usual suspects, right? dimocrap scum....

They keep saying that the Ukraine uprising was Anti-Semitic at its core and Neo Nazi and backed by American Nazis, etc, etc?

You've heard that. It's been repeated on this very Board several times. The usualt suspects.... Lying dimocrap scum doing their Masters' bidding. Too stupid to think for themselves. Too arrogant to look in the mirror, too hateful to look for the truth.

Somebody needs to tell these guys about the American Nazis in the Ukraine...

Open Letter From Ukrainian Jewish Community To Putin: Stop Lying And Get Out Of The Ukraine


Decimates the Putin lies.


Mr. President!

We are Jewish citizens of Ukraine: businessmen, managers, public figures, scientists and scholars, artists and musicians. We are addressing you on behalf of the multi-national people of Ukraine, Ukraine’s national minorities, and on behalf of the Jewish community.

You have stated that Russia wants to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking citizens of the Crimea and all of Ukraine and that these rights have been flouted by the current Ukrainian government. Historically, Ukrainian Jews are also mostly Russian-speaking. Thus, our opinion on what is happening carries no less weight than the opinion of those who advise and inform you.

We do not believe that you are easy to fool. You consciously pick and choose lies and slander from the massive amount of information about Ukraine. And you know very well that Victor Yanukovich’s statement concerning the time after the latest treaty had been signed that “…Kyiv is full of armed people who have begun to trash buildings, places of worship, churches. Innocent people have begun to suffer. People have simply been robbed and killed in the street…” are lies, from the first word to the very last.

The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine are not being humiliated or discriminated against, their civil rights have not been limited. Meanderings about “forced Ukrainization” and “bans on the Russian language” that have been so common in Russian media are on the heads of those who invented them. Your certainty of the growth of anti-Semitism in Ukraine also does not correspond to the actual facts. It seems you have confused Ukraine with Russia, where Jewish organizations have noticed growth in anti-Semitic tendencies last year.

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do
An FYI for those who are interested.

It sure does rhyme: US reaction to Moscow aggression echoes Carter's in 1980 | Fox News

The president's press secretary fumed, saying that the recent incursion by Moscow posed "a serious threat to peace."

The president himself declared that the invasion severely damaged the relationship between Moscow and Washington. The U.S. intended to send a strong message and canceled some diplomatic negotiations.

"Aggression, unopposed, becomes a contagious disease," said the president. "This is a power violation of international law and the United Nations Charter."

The U.S. prepared economic penalties, focused on trade and financial consequences.

"These new policies are being and will be coordinated with those of our allies," said the president.

It is said that history doesn't repeat itself. But it sure does rhyme.

Which is why all of this seems so familiar. All of this, being the current diplomatic/political/military quagmire over Ukraine.

The above depicts the machinations of President Jimmy Carter and his Press Secretary Jody Powell in January, 1980. The Soviet Union had just invaded Afghanistan. That sent the U.S. and the international community scrambling to figure out what to do.

One front in the current Ukraine crisis centers on Crimea where Russian forces seized control of the region. Another front is unfolding in Paris and Rome as Secretary of State John Kerry is trying to forge an agreement with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. And the third front in this dilemma is playing out before the United States Congress.

Today marks the most-pivotal day on Capitol Hill since Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin dispatched forces into Ukraine last week.
I knew there was no neo nazi element from the report the other night by the news media. I'm not surprised to see this Jewish person confirm it. Putin has no reason for going in there.
I'm not critiquing what Obama has done but deciding not to get involved militarily was a good decision.
Oh give me a break people. If you think this is Putin propaganda that the new high ranking members in the transitional government aren't anti semetic let me give you the freaking BBC.

BBC. You got that. Article and proof from 2012 when Svoboda who won their 37 seats were elected.

2012. Long before this coup.

In 2004, Tyahnybok was kicked out of former President Viktor Yushchenko's parliamentary faction for a speech calling for Ukrainians to fight against a "Muscovite-Jewish mafia" - using two highly insulting words to describe Russians and Jews - and emphasising that Ukrainians had in the past fought this threat with arms.

In 2005, he signed an open letter to Ukrainian leaders, including President Yushchenko, calling for the government to halt the "criminal activities" of "organised Jewry", which, the letter said, was spreading its influence in the country through conspiratorial organisations as the Anti-Defamation League - and which ultimately wanted to commit "genocide" against the Ukrainian people.



Title - Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry
Signed by Tyahnybok and 17 others
Lists Jewish businessmen, who got rich in the 1990s, and claims they control Ukrainian media
Describes Zionism as "Jewish Nazism" and warns of "genocide" through the impoverishment of Ukrainians
Demands investigation into the activities of Jewish organisations headed by people "suspected of serious crimes"

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists[/QUOTE]
You've heard the lies from the usual suspects, right? dimocrap scum....

They keep saying that the Ukraine uprising was Anti-Semitic at its core and Neo Nazi and backed by American Nazis, etc, etc?

You've heard that. It's been repeated on this very Board several times. The usualt suspects.... Lying dimocrap scum doing their Masters' bidding. Too stupid to think for themselves. Too arrogant to look in the mirror, too hateful to look for the truth.

Somebody needs to tell these guys about the American Nazis in the Ukraine...

Open Letter From Ukrainian Jewish Community To Putin: Stop Lying And Get Out Of The Ukraine


Decimates the Putin lies.


Mr. President!

We are Jewish citizens of Ukraine: businessmen, managers, public figures, scientists and scholars, artists and musicians. We are addressing you on behalf of the multi-national people of Ukraine, Ukraine’s national minorities, and on behalf of the Jewish community.

You have stated that Russia wants to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking citizens of the Crimea and all of Ukraine and that these rights have been flouted by the current Ukrainian government. Historically, Ukrainian Jews are also mostly Russian-speaking. Thus, our opinion on what is happening carries no less weight than the opinion of those who advise and inform you.

We do not believe that you are easy to fool. You consciously pick and choose lies and slander from the massive amount of information about Ukraine. And you know very well that Victor Yanukovich’s statement concerning the time after the latest treaty had been signed that “…Kyiv is full of armed people who have begun to trash buildings, places of worship, churches. Innocent people have begun to suffer. People have simply been robbed and killed in the street…” are lies, from the first word to the very last.

The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine are not being humiliated or discriminated against, their civil rights have not been limited. Meanderings about “forced Ukrainization” and “bans on the Russian language” that have been so common in Russian media are on the heads of those who invented them. Your certainty of the growth of anti-Semitism in Ukraine also does not correspond to the actual facts. It seems you have confused Ukraine with Russia, where Jewish organizations have noticed growth in anti-Semitic tendencies last year.

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do

I'm as conservative as can be. I am of Ukrainian descent which by virtue of my bloodline makes me no friend to Russia. AND I have been following the events in Russia way before the coup.

This letter is bullshit and you are being hoodwinked on a mega scale.

Do you know what one of the first piece of legislation was that the new government passed was?

They banned the Russian language. Now the new President overturned the new legislation
for now.

But even in Svoboda's party platform they are uber Ukrainian even going so far as promising to criminalize "ukrainian phobia" aka speaking out against the motherland.

The deepening crisis in Ukraine involves not only issues of political sovereignty, European integration and Russian hegemony, but also language and its relationship to nationalism and ethnic identity.

Immediately after the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych from power on Feb. 22, the Ukrainian Parliament repealed a controversial law passed in 2012 that allowed the use of "regional languages" – including Russian, Hungarian, Romanian and Tatar -- in courts and certain government functions in areas of the country where such speakers constituted at least 10 percent of the population. (In 1991, in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the newly independent state of Ukraine established Ukrainian as its sole official language.)

Interim President Oleksandr Turchynov has since vetoed that repeal, but the episode has alarmed many of Ukraine’s Russian speakers and others.

Watch Your Tongue: Language Controversy One Of Fundamental Conflicts In Ukraine
BBC again. In 2012. Now I'm not Jewish but this sure as hell wouldn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

Other Svoboda members have also courted controversy. Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn, a parliamentary deputy considered one of the party's ideologues, liberally quotes from former Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, along with other National-Socialist leaders.

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists
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Neo-Nazis and that it was a coup is what Russia has consistently sold as justification for their meddling. First and foremost it was not a coup - it was an impeachment by a democratically elected Ukrainian parliament (I can repost those facts if you'd like) Regarding Neo-Nazis please read this:

"There has also been completely unfounded accusations that Ukraine’s interim government is “Neo-Nazi” and “Ultranationalist.” Timothy Snyder has done a wonderful job debunking these claims. The truth is that much of Ukraine’s present leadership, including Yatsenyuk are Jewish. Jewish community leaders in Ukraine have also refuted Russian accusations."

"Only the most twisted mind could conceive of a Jewish led Nazi conspiracy. Are there Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? Sure, just as there are in Chicago and every other major American city. Are some politically active? Yes, as is David Duke in our own country. Do they have any power to shape policy or events? Categorically no."

How The Western Press Is Getting It Terribly Wrong In Ukraine - Forbes

You've heard the lies from the usual suspects, right? dimocrap scum....

They keep saying that the Ukraine uprising was Anti-Semitic at its core and Neo Nazi and backed by American Nazis, etc, etc?

You've heard that. It's been repeated on this very Board several times. The usualt suspects.... Lying dimocrap scum doing their Masters' bidding. Too stupid to think for themselves. Too arrogant to look in the mirror, too hateful to look for the truth.

Somebody needs to tell these guys about the American Nazis in the Ukraine...

Open Letter From Ukrainian Jewish Community To Putin: Stop Lying And Get Out Of The Ukraine


Decimates the Putin lies.


Mr. President!

We are Jewish citizens of Ukraine: businessmen, managers, public figures, scientists and scholars, artists and musicians. We are addressing you on behalf of the multi-national people of Ukraine, Ukraine’s national minorities, and on behalf of the Jewish community.

You have stated that Russia wants to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking citizens of the Crimea and all of Ukraine and that these rights have been flouted by the current Ukrainian government. Historically, Ukrainian Jews are also mostly Russian-speaking. Thus, our opinion on what is happening carries no less weight than the opinion of those who advise and inform you.

We do not believe that you are easy to fool. You consciously pick and choose lies and slander from the massive amount of information about Ukraine. And you know very well that Victor Yanukovich’s statement concerning the time after the latest treaty had been signed that “…Kyiv is full of armed people who have begun to trash buildings, places of worship, churches. Innocent people have begun to suffer. People have simply been robbed and killed in the street…” are lies, from the first word to the very last.

The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine are not being humiliated or discriminated against, their civil rights have not been limited. Meanderings about “forced Ukrainization” and “bans on the Russian language” that have been so common in Russian media are on the heads of those who invented them. Your certainty of the growth of anti-Semitism in Ukraine also does not correspond to the actual facts. It seems you have confused Ukraine with Russia, where Jewish organizations have noticed growth in anti-Semitic tendencies last year.

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do

I'm as conservative as can be. I am of Ukrainian descent which by virtue of my bloodline makes me no friend to Russia. AND I have been following the events in Russia way before the coup.

This letter is bullshit and you are being hoodwinked on a mega scale.

Do you know what one of the first piece of legislation was that the new government passed was?

They banned the Russian language. Now the new President overturned the new legislation
for now.

But even in Svoboda's party platform they are uber Ukrainian even going so far as promising to criminalize "ukrainian phobia" aka speaking out against the motherland.

The deepening crisis in Ukraine involves not only issues of political sovereignty, European integration and Russian hegemony, but also language and its relationship to nationalism and ethnic identity.

Immediately after the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych from power on Feb. 22, the Ukrainian Parliament repealed a controversial law passed in 2012 that allowed the use of "regional languages" – including Russian, Hungarian, Romanian and Tatar -- in courts and certain government functions in areas of the country where such speakers constituted at least 10 percent of the population. (In 1991, in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the newly independent state of Ukraine established Ukrainian as its sole official language.)

Interim President Oleksandr Turchynov has since vetoed that repeal, but the episode has alarmed many of Ukraine’s Russian speakers and others.

Watch Your Tongue: Language Controversy One Of Fundamental Conflicts In Ukraine

If you stop and think about it for a minute, you'll understand that a Country with multiple native languages HAS to have a Universal language... An Official Language, if you will.

Take India for example. Dozens of different dialects in India. The South can barely communicate with the North and they guard their customs and languages like a Mama Tiger guards her cubs.

So India made English the official language of government.

It only makes sense.

Language IS culture. Communication is essential. Without communication, people will fragment. With fragmentation comes tribalism, with tribalism comes war, with war comes.... Bad stuff.

As to the rest of which you speak, I'm a little confused as to your point :dunno:
Neo-Nazis and that it was a coup is what Russia has consistently sold as justification for their meddling. First and foremost it was not a coup - it was an impeachment by a democratically elected Ukrainian parliament (I can repost those facts if you'd like) Regarding Neo-Nazis please read this:

"There has also been completely unfounded accusations that Ukraine’s interim government is “Neo-Nazi” and “Ultranationalist.” Timothy Snyder has done a wonderful job debunking these claims. The truth is that much of Ukraine’s present leadership, including Yatsenyuk are Jewish. Jewish community leaders in Ukraine have also refuted Russian accusations."

"Only the most twisted mind could conceive of a Jewish led Nazi conspiracy. Are there Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? Sure, just as there are in Chicago and every other major American city. Are some politically active? Yes, as is David Duke in our own country. Do they have any power to shape policy or events? Categorically no."

How The Western Press Is Getting It Terribly Wrong In Ukraine - Forbes


I've put up proof from 2012 from the BBC that Svoboda is anti semetic. And how many times have we seen where the most unlikely groups would pair up to remove a common enemy? And that enemy was the duly elected President of Ukraine.

My proof stands with the BBC and history. Not blogs. Not opinions.
You've heard the lies from the usual suspects, right? dimocrap scum....

They keep saying that the Ukraine uprising was Anti-Semitic at its core and Neo Nazi and backed by American Nazis, etc, etc?

You've heard that. It's been repeated on this very Board several times. The usualt suspects.... Lying dimocrap scum doing their Masters' bidding. Too stupid to think for themselves. Too arrogant to look in the mirror, too hateful to look for the truth.

Somebody needs to tell these guys about the American Nazis in the Ukraine...

Open Letter From Ukrainian Jewish Community To Putin: Stop Lying And Get Out Of The Ukraine


Decimates the Putin lies.


Mr. President!

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do

I'm as conservative as can be. I am of Ukrainian descent which by virtue of my bloodline makes me no friend to Russia. AND I have been following the events in Russia way before the coup.

This letter is bullshit and you are being hoodwinked on a mega scale.

Do you know what one of the first piece of legislation was that the new government passed was?

They banned the Russian language. Now the new President overturned the new legislation
for now.

But even in Svoboda's party platform they are uber Ukrainian even going so far as promising to criminalize "ukrainian phobia" aka speaking out against the motherland.

The deepening crisis in Ukraine involves not only issues of political sovereignty, European integration and Russian hegemony, but also language and its relationship to nationalism and ethnic identity.

Immediately after the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych from power on Feb. 22, the Ukrainian Parliament repealed a controversial law passed in 2012 that allowed the use of "regional languages" – including Russian, Hungarian, Romanian and Tatar -- in courts and certain government functions in areas of the country where such speakers constituted at least 10 percent of the population. (In 1991, in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the newly independent state of Ukraine established Ukrainian as its sole official language.)

Interim President Oleksandr Turchynov has since vetoed that repeal, but the episode has alarmed many of Ukraine’s Russian speakers and others.

Watch Your Tongue: Language Controversy One Of Fundamental Conflicts In Ukraine

If you stop and think about it for a minute, you'll understand that a Country with multiple native languages HAS to have a Universal language... An Official Language, if you will.

Take India for example. Dozens of different dialects in India. The South can barely communicate with the North and they guard their customs and languages like a Mama Tiger guards her cubs.

So India made English the official language of government.

It only makes sense.

Language IS culture. Communication is essential. Without communication, people will fragment. With fragmentation comes tribalism, with tribalism comes war, with war comes.... Bad stuff.

As to the rest of which you speak, I'm a little confused as to your point :dunno:

This should show you how very serious the language issue is being taken.

Outside of Russia, the European Parliament even passed a resolution calling on the new Ukraine regime to respect the rights (and languages) of its minority population.

“The Parliament of Ukraine has made what I believe to be a mistake... canceling a law on regional languages,” Poland's Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told CNN.

“The new Ukrainian government should signal very eloquently to the ethnic minorities in Ukraine that they are welcome in Ukraine; that they are going to be part of the new Ukraine.

And also Ukraine is a member of the Council of Europe, [with] its laws on protecting minorities.”

BUT check this out. You have to remember Svoboda's hand in all of this. Because the language issue is not just a freedom of speech issue it is a control issue.

Please really think about Svoboda wanting to strip Ukrainian citizenship from Russian speakers.

Meanwhile Ukrainian nationalists, particularly members of the ultra-right Svoboda (Freedom) party led by Oleg Tyahnibok, have even threatened to ban the Russian language completely and even strip the Ukrainian citizenship of the nation's Russian speakers.

Jean Asselborn, the foreign minister of Luxembourg, in a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Moscow, expressed their grave concerns about another Svoboda-proposed bill that would essentially ban all Russian language media in Ukraine (which Svoboda has defended by citing that Russian reports of the turmoil in Ukraine have been tarred with bias).

That bill would prohibit from Ukraine any media from nations that have not ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television -- Russia has signed the convention, but has not ratified it yet.

Watch Your Tongue: Language Controversy One Of Fundamental Conflicts In Ukraine
Neo-Nazis and that it was a coup is what Russia has consistently sold as justification for their meddling. First and foremost it was not a coup - it was an impeachment by a democratically elected Ukrainian parliament (I can repost those facts if you'd like) Regarding Neo-Nazis please read this:

"There has also been completely unfounded accusations that Ukraine’s interim government is “Neo-Nazi” and “Ultranationalist.” Timothy Snyder has done a wonderful job debunking these claims. The truth is that much of Ukraine’s present leadership, including Yatsenyuk are Jewish. Jewish community leaders in Ukraine have also refuted Russian accusations."

"Only the most twisted mind could conceive of a Jewish led Nazi conspiracy. Are there Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? Sure, just as there are in Chicago and every other major American city. Are some politically active? Yes, as is David Duke in our own country. Do they have any power to shape policy or events? Categorically no."

How The Western Press Is Getting It Terribly Wrong In Ukraine - Forbes


I've put up proof from 2012 from the BBC that Svoboda is anti semetic. And how many times have we seen where the most unlikely groups would pair up to remove a common enemy? And that enemy was the duly elected President of Ukraine.

My proof stands with the BBC and history. Not blogs. Not opinions.

Svoboda is anti-semetic but that doesn't change the fact that they are a minority - some 10%. The UK, Sweden and France (amoung others) also have a minority of their voters frustrated and voting extreme right to send a message to their politicians. Also please note that nothing that I have posted is from blogs.

According to the BBC:

"The far right was a minority element in the protests that attracted a wide cross-section of support from Kiev and other cities. They were, however, often involved in the most violent confrontations and nationalist symbols were frequently visible in the square."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Does Russia have a case?

"The infiltration of the far right into the movement has played directly into the propaganda of Yanukovych and Vladimir Putin. Russia's president, immediately before he asked Parliament for permission to invade Ukraine, he condemned the "fascist hooligans" who had staged a coup against a democratically elected president."

"Nevertheless, the political and ideological make-up of Ukraine's opposition-turned-government is far more complex and nuanced, and includes a practicing Jewish businessman and a campaigning Muslim journalist."

Ukraine's New Leaders: From Neo-Nazis To A Muslim, A Jew And A Heavyweight Boxer

I'm sorry if the facts are disturbing to you. Truly I am.
Neo-Nazis and that it was a coup is what Russia has consistently sold as justification for their meddling. First and foremost it was not a coup - it was an impeachment by a democratically elected Ukrainian parliament (I can repost those facts if you'd like) Regarding Neo-Nazis please read this:

"There has also been completely unfounded accusations that Ukraine’s interim government is “Neo-Nazi” and “Ultranationalist.” Timothy Snyder has done a wonderful job debunking these claims. The truth is that much of Ukraine’s present leadership, including Yatsenyuk are Jewish. Jewish community leaders in Ukraine have also refuted Russian accusations."

"Only the most twisted mind could conceive of a Jewish led Nazi conspiracy. Are there Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? Sure, just as there are in Chicago and every other major American city. Are some politically active? Yes, as is David Duke in our own country. Do they have any power to shape policy or events? Categorically no."

How The Western Press Is Getting It Terribly Wrong In Ukraine - Forbes


I've put up proof from 2012 from the BBC that Svoboda is anti semetic. And how many times have we seen where the most unlikely groups would pair up to remove a common enemy? And that enemy was the duly elected President of Ukraine.

My proof stands with the BBC and history. Not blogs. Not opinions.

Svoboda is anti-semetic but that doesn't change the fact that they are a minority - some 10%. The UK, Sweden and France (amoung others) also have a minority of their voters frustrated and voting extreme right to send a message to their politicians. Also please note that nothing that I have posted is from blogs.

According to the BBC:

"The far right was a minority element in the protests that attracted a wide cross-section of support from Kiev and other cities. They were, however, often involved in the most violent confrontations and nationalist symbols were frequently visible in the square."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Does Russia have a case?

"The infiltration of the far right into the movement has played directly into the propaganda of Yanukovych and Vladimir Putin. Russia's president, immediately before he asked Parliament for permission to invade Ukraine, he condemned the "fascist hooligans" who had staged a coup against a democratically elected president."

"Nevertheless, the political and ideological make-up of Ukraine's opposition-turned-government is far more complex and nuanced, and includes a practicing Jewish businessman and a campaigning Muslim journalist."

Ukraine's New Leaders: From Neo-Nazis To A Muslim, A Jew And A Heavyweight Boxer

I'm sorry if the facts are disturbing to you. Truly I am.

With all due respect I have been following events in the Ukraine for a long time.

Here is a piece from Haaretz. Make special note of the date. This was written long before all the op eds favorable to the coup leaders had seized power.

And make no mistake. These people overthrew a duly elected President from the election of 2010.

Debate rages over whether Ukraine presidential hopeful is Jewish
While Arseny Petrovich Yatsenyuk insists he isn't, he daily reads and hears that he is a Jew.

By Lily Galili | Oct. 11, 2009 | 1:16 AM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apparently is not Jewish, but there's a chance the candidate for the presidency in Ukraine elections in January 2010, Arseny Petrovich Yatsenyuk, is a Jew after all.

While he insists he isn't, he daily reads and hears that he is a Jew - with rivals and Jewish organizations making political hay from the situation.

It seems like blatant political manipulation.

In a country with an anti-Semitic instinct like Ukraine, a vaguely Jewish grandmother does wonders for electoral rivals.

Sometimes Jewishness is used as an insult, sometimes people actually intend to flatter him with it, sometimes they scold him for concealing it.
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So what's the main point and what are you all proposing? Intervention? If so, who should we side with, Ukraine or Russia?
I've put up proof from 2012 from the BBC that Svoboda is anti semetic. And how many times have we seen where the most unlikely groups would pair up to remove a common enemy? And that enemy was the duly elected President of Ukraine.

My proof stands with the BBC and history. Not blogs. Not opinions.

Svoboda is anti-semetic but that doesn't change the fact that they are a minority - some 10%. The UK, Sweden and France (amoung others) also have a minority of their voters frustrated and voting extreme right to send a message to their politicians. Also please note that nothing that I have posted is from blogs.

According to the BBC:

"The far right was a minority element in the protests that attracted a wide cross-section of support from Kiev and other cities. They were, however, often involved in the most violent confrontations and nationalist symbols were frequently visible in the square."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Does Russia have a case?

"The infiltration of the far right into the movement has played directly into the propaganda of Yanukovych and Vladimir Putin. Russia's president, immediately before he asked Parliament for permission to invade Ukraine, he condemned the "fascist hooligans" who had staged a coup against a democratically elected president."

"Nevertheless, the political and ideological make-up of Ukraine's opposition-turned-government is far more complex and nuanced, and includes a practicing Jewish businessman and a campaigning Muslim journalist."

Ukraine's New Leaders: From Neo-Nazis To A Muslim, A Jew And A Heavyweight Boxer

I'm sorry if the facts are disturbing to you. Truly I am.

With all due respect I have been following events in the Ukraine for a long time.

Here is a piece from Haaretz. Make special note of the date. This was written long before all the op eds favorable to the coup leaders had seized power.

And make no mistake. These people overthrew a duly elected President from the election of 2010.

Debate rages over whether Ukraine presidential hopeful is Jewish
While Arseny Petrovich Yatsenyuk insists he isn't, he daily reads and hears that he is a Jew.

By Lily Galili | Oct. 11, 2009 | 1:16 AM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apparently is not Jewish, but there's a chance the candidate for the presidency in Ukraine elections in January 2010, Arseny Petrovich Yatsenyuk, is a Jew after all.

While he insists he isn't, he daily reads and hears that he is a Jew - with rivals and Jewish organizations making political hay from the situation.

It seems like blatant political manipulation.

In a country with an anti-Semitic instinct like Ukraine, a vaguely Jewish grandmother does wonders for electoral rivals.

Sometimes Jewishness is used as an insult, sometimes people actually intend to flatter him with it, sometimes they scold him for concealing it.


You cite the BBC and then you ignore the BBC. Why? Answer this: Did a democratically elected Ukrainian parliament oust Yankovych?

Now to Svoboda. I agree. They only won 10% and 37 seats in the election pre coup.

But check out the power they wielded during the coup. And now they have been given extraordinary power with their new Cabinet positions.

Payback for the violence they waged to unseat a democratically elected President.

This unsavory constituency, including the "ultra" Right Sector movement, manned the barricades in the Kiev uprising, providing "security" to the mainstream political opposition leaders and matching the pro-government forces in violent tactics that led to the dozens of dead in and around the Maidan.

These rightist-nationalist forces were in large part responsible for the collapse of the agreement signed in February that called for early parliamentary and presidential elections and a return to the 2004 Ukrainian constitution, which harks back to the "Orange Revolution" that brought a pro-West government to power in Ukraine.

Opinion: Rein in Ukraine's neo-fascists -
Now to Svoboda. I agree. They only won 10% and 37 seats in the election pre coup.

But check out the power they wielded during the coup. And now they have been given extraordinary power with their new Cabinet positions.

Payback for the violence they waged to unseat a democratically elected President.

This unsavory constituency, including the "ultra" Right Sector movement, manned the barricades in the Kiev uprising, providing "security" to the mainstream political opposition leaders and matching the pro-government forces in violent tactics that led to the dozens of dead in and around the Maidan.

These rightist-nationalist forces were in large part responsible for the collapse of the agreement signed in February that called for early parliamentary and presidential elections and a return to the 2004 Ukrainian constitution, which harks back to the "Orange Revolution" that brought a pro-West government to power in Ukraine.

Opinion: Rein in Ukraine's neo-fascists -

There was no coup as Yanukovych was impeached by a democratically elected parliament.


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