Open letter published to fight "Cancel Culture"

Thank goodness. It's about time some well-known voices spoke out against "Cancel Culture".

The letter addressed the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and calls to defund the police — acknowledging that the demands are over due while warning against cancel culture and being intolerant of differences.

“But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity,” the letter read. “The democratic inclusion we want can be achieved only if we speak out against the intolerant climate that has set in on all sides.”

The letter warned that liberals are forming their own version of censorship, one that President Donald Trump and “right-wing demagogues” thrive off of.

“This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of our time,” the letter added. “The restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.”


Your crotch must be sore from straddling the fence...
How am I straddling the fence? How much more clear can I be?
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Thank goodness. It's about time some well-known voices spoke out against "Cancel Culture".

The letter addressed the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and calls to defund the police — acknowledging that the demands are over due while warning against cancel culture and being intolerant of differences.

“But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity,” the letter read. “The democratic inclusion we want can be achieved only if we speak out against the intolerant climate that has set in on all sides.”

The letter warned that liberals are forming their own version of censorship, one that President Donald Trump and “right-wing demagogues” thrive off of.

“This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of our time,” the letter added. “The restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.”


So you are no longer Dem leaning???


Don't let his game bullshit you. He claimed to LOATHE Hillary but still voted for her.

I like Mac but he's as fake as a 3 dollar bill
In Normal World, you would conclude that I voted for candidate A, even if I didn't care much for them, because I liked candidate B even less. Gee. Brilliant.

You just don't like the fact that I'm not an obedient, tribal partisan sheep, that I think for myself and don't follow your rules. Sorry. Some of us can do that.
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Deciding you don't want to purchase the work of someone you disagree with is not censorship.

Now if the government decides to not allow her to speak, then I'll join her.

Your pretense that that is what is going on, is your defense of bullying and censorship.
Free speech is not the right to have no one counter your speech.
Counter with speech, yes. Counter with punishment and intimidation, no.

There is a very clear distinction there.


People are saying "I do not support what she is saying". They have as much right to say that as she does to say what she says.

Your lying is not fooling anyone. Why are you doing it? Mmm, it is a form of stonewalling.
Only a dipshit like you commie fucks would believe that allowing people from China to come over here where the Wuhan flu was released to begin with is "racist".

Sure it was. If you were a white businessman in China, they let you back in, and that's how TRUMP PLAGUE got into the country. Funny thing about viruses... unlike you and Trump, they aren't racist. They don't care who they infect.

o why have you a voided the fact that 5 blue state governors insisted that COVID positive patients that showed no symptoms were quarantined in nursing homes?

Um, that's where they lived, dummy. The hospitals were overwealmed.

South Vietnam has NO deaths from COVID-19.

South Vietnam? There hasn't been a South Vietnam since 1975. I am assuming you mean South Korea, but let's look at that. Yes, South Korea and Japan have had very few Covid Deaths, because they took the actions Trump refused to take. There are a few cultural things. Japanese don't great each other by hugging, kissing or shaking hands... they just do that little bowing thing. They are also a culture where people routinely wear masks when they are out in public long before there was a Covid issue. In short, they were ALREADY doing the things to prevent the spread of the virus.

India that has almost three times the population of America has only accredited 20,000 deaths to this all encompassing virus? Taiwan, only 7 deaths? Bangladesh with a population of 162 million only have around 2,200 hundred deaths?

None of those places have the mobility our society has to spread it,and their leaders, unlike Trump, took it seriously from the start.

The thing you don't get... we failed miserably at containing this, because, fuck, we're AMERICANS. We don't listen to no one.

I wouldn't bet on that just yet. As I recall, you were CERTAIN that the Hildebeast was a sure bet in 2016.

She beat Trump by 3 million votes. Americans forgot the Electoral College is a thing, so that was a problem. This time, we won't. Then hopefully, after this election, we'll abolish the electoral college.

But for all your Screaming about "Communism", the fact is, Trump has brought Ruin on many Americans. 40 million unemployed and 135,000 dead. We've thrown out better men for a lot less.

The Faustian Bargain with Trump is "Ignore the racism, the misogyny, the corruption, the fact he is in bed with Putin. The economy is awesome and that's all that counts...."

Well, those things aren't true anymore. Trump fails the basic Reagan Question. "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" I'm not. Most of us aren't.

The most revealing facts that "Pedo-Joe" and his actions around female S.S agents and his penchant for grabbing young girls to "smell" their hair hasn't been made a public spectacle....yet. It hasn't even got interesting yet

Okay, buddy, you tried that route.. and all you came up with was a serial con-woman named Tara Reade (this week, the woman has changed her name so many times they had a hard time tracking her down). So you have one con woman who has already been discredited vs. 25 women who've accused Trump of rape or sexual assault. Good luck with that one.

It hasn't even got interesting yet and once this COVID-19 scare is revealed for the psy-op that it is and perpetuated by the commie left?

Guy, you know what, I'm not sure what is going on in St. Petersburg, but Covid-19 is a real thing in this country. Thousands have died and millions have lost their jobs. Trump can rant like a Q-Anon loon, but at the end of the day, he's getting thrown out on his can, and even he is starting to realize it.
Thank goodness. It's about time some well-known voices spoke out against "Cancel Culture".

The letter addressed the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and calls to defund the police — acknowledging that the demands are over due while warning against cancel culture and being intolerant of differences.

“But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity,” the letter read. “The democratic inclusion we want can be achieved only if we speak out against the intolerant climate that has set in on all sides.”

The letter warned that liberals are forming their own version of censorship, one that President Donald Trump and “right-wing demagogues” thrive off of.

“This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of our time,” the letter added. “The restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.”


So you are no longer Dem leaning???


Don't let his game bullshit you. He claimed to LOATHE Hillary but still voted for her.

I like Mac but he's as fake as a 3 dollar bill
In Normal World, you would conclude that I voted for candidate A, even if I didn't care much for them, because I liked candidate B even less. Gee. Brilliant.

You just don't like the fact that I'm not an obedient, tribal partisan sheep, that I think for myself and don't follow your rules. Sorry. Some of us can do that.
In a normal world people vote their conscience since there are a plethora of candidates to suit each position on the ballot every time.

You claim all the time to be above the duopoly but just proved again you are playing their game.

Good job Mac
Thank goodness. It's about time some well-known voices spoke out against "Cancel Culture".

The letter addressed the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and calls to defund the police — acknowledging that the demands are over due while warning against cancel culture and being intolerant of differences.

“But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity,” the letter read. “The democratic inclusion we want can be achieved only if we speak out against the intolerant climate that has set in on all sides.”

The letter warned that liberals are forming their own version of censorship, one that President Donald Trump and “right-wing demagogues” thrive off of.

“This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of our time,” the letter added. “The restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.”


So you are no longer Dem leaning???


Don't let his game bullshit you. He claimed to LOATHE Hillary but still voted for her.

I like Mac but he's as fake as a 3 dollar bill
In Normal World, you would conclude that I voted for candidate A, even if I didn't care much for them, because I liked candidate B even less. Gee. Brilliant.

You just don't like the fact that I'm not an obedient, tribal partisan sheep, that I think for myself and don't follow your rules. Sorry. Some of us can do that.
In a normal world people vote their conscience since there are a plethora of candidates to suit each position on the ballot every time.

You claim all the time to be above the duopoly but just proved again you are playing their game.

Good job Mac
I don't claim to be above anything. These words exist in your mind only.

I wish you guys could actually quote me instead of making stuff up.
Thank goodness. It's about time some well-known voices spoke out against "Cancel Culture".

The letter addressed the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and calls to defund the police — acknowledging that the demands are over due while warning against cancel culture and being intolerant of differences.

“But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity,” the letter read. “The democratic inclusion we want can be achieved only if we speak out against the intolerant climate that has set in on all sides.”

The letter warned that liberals are forming their own version of censorship, one that President Donald Trump and “right-wing demagogues” thrive off of.

“This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of our time,” the letter added. “The restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.”


So you are no longer Dem leaning???


Don't let his game bullshit you. He claimed to LOATHE Hillary but still voted for her.

I like Mac but he's as fake as a 3 dollar bill
In Normal World, you would conclude that I voted for candidate A, even if I didn't care much for them, because I liked candidate B even less. Gee. Brilliant.

You just don't like the fact that I'm not an obedient, tribal partisan sheep, that I think for myself and don't follow your rules. Sorry. Some of us can do that.
In a normal world people vote their conscience since there are a plethora of candidates to suit each position on the ballot every time.

You claim all the time to be above the duopoly but just proved again you are playing their game.

Good job Mac
I don't claim to be above anything. These words exist in your mind only.

I wish you guys could actually quote me instead of making stuff up.
You are CONSTANTLY deriding partisans and you just admitted to voting for partisan reasons.
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Deciding you don't want to purchase the work of someone you disagree with is not censorship.

Now if the government decides to not allow her to speak, then I'll join her.
Is this disingenuous? Or are you just unaware of how things work these days?

If you decide YOU don't want to buy a book or see a movie, that's one thing.

If you decide NO ONE should be able to see a movie, buy a book ,etc. then that's a problem.

That's the cancel culture that we live under in these sick times.
Deciding you don't want to purchase the work of someone you disagree with is not censorship.

Now if the government decides to not allow her to speak, then I'll join her.
Is this disingenuous? Or are you just unaware of how things work these days?

If you decide YOU don't want to buy a book or see a movie, that's one thing.

If you decide NO ONE should be able to see a movie, buy a book ,etc. then that's a problem.

No one can do that.
No one can do that.
Okay, at least we know now where you stand and it doesn't look good for you.
Roseanne Barr got her show yanked out from underneath her for tweets made years beforehand (for instance).

This was done by cancel culture groups all pressuring ABC to cancel her program or suffer severe adverse
economic and p.r. consequences.

To say no one can act as part of a group to pressure cowardly content creators to bow to the whims of
left wing cancel culture gangs is just absurd, dishonest and downright absurd. It's what I expect from you.
No one can do that.
Okay, at least we know now where you stand and it doesn't look good for you.
Roseanne Barr got her show yanked out from underneath her for tweets made years beforehand (for instance).

This was done by cancel culture groups all pressuring ABC to cancel her program or suffer severe adverse
economic and p.r. consequences.

To say no one can act as part of a group to pressure cowardly content creators to bow to the whims of
left wing cancel culture gangs is just absurd, dishonest and downright absurd. It's what I expect from you.

I've covered this 4-5 times. Businesses have always hired or fired people based upon how they affect the business.

Is it your position that if a business has an employing that is harming the business they should have to keep them on?
Thank goodness. It's about time some well-known voices spoke out against "Cancel Culture".

The letter addressed the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and calls to defund the police — acknowledging that the demands are over due while warning against cancel culture and being intolerant of differences.

“But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity,” the letter read. “The democratic inclusion we want can be achieved only if we speak out against the intolerant climate that has set in on all sides.”

The letter warned that liberals are forming their own version of censorship, one that President Donald Trump and “right-wing demagogues” thrive off of.

“This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of our time,” the letter added. “The restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.”


So you are no longer Dem leaning???


Don't let his game bullshit you. He claimed to LOATHE Hillary but still voted for her.

I like Mac but he's as fake as a 3 dollar bill
In Normal World, you would conclude that I voted for candidate A, even if I didn't care much for them, because I liked candidate B even less. Gee. Brilliant.

You just don't like the fact that I'm not an obedient, tribal partisan sheep, that I think for myself and don't follow your rules. Sorry. Some of us can do that.
In a normal world people vote their conscience since there are a plethora of candidates to suit each position on the ballot every time.

You claim all the time to be above the duopoly but just proved again you are playing their game.

Good job Mac
I don't claim to be above anything. These words exist in your mind only.

I wish you guys could actually quote me instead of making stuff up.
You are CONSTANTLY deriding partisans and you just admitted to voting for partisan reasons.
I wanted to vote third party, but I knew I had to vote against Trumpism.

It's always funny when wingers say I think I'm above something. Meanwhile, you guys think that YOU and your tribe have all the answers, and that the OTHER tribe is stupid and evil.

Above it all? Look in the mirror.
I've covered this 4-5 times. Businesses have always hired or fired people based upon how they affect the business.

Is it your position that if a business has an employing that is harming the business they should have to keep them on?
Your fake arguments don't hold water. Someone like Roseanne had one of the most popular shows on the air
when the Cancel Culture vultures showed up and scared the shit out of network executives.

Kevin Hart has a big following when the Academy Award execs got nervous, wet their pants and disinvited
him to host the program when rumors of old tweets circulated.

It's fear driven black listing (which I thought leftists abhorred) and there is no absolute evidence that people
like Roseanne Barr or Kevin Hart would cause more harm than not if not cancelled by the angry mob
of Cancel Culture vultures.

How many people who put their name on lists of "outraged" whiners actually watch the shows they
love to boycott? You have no idea.
I've covered this 4-5 times. Businesses have always hired or fired people based upon how they affect the business.

Is it your position that if a business has an employing that is harming the business they should have to keep them on?
Your fake arguments don't hold water. Someone like Roseanne had one of the most popular shows on the air
when the Cancel Culture vultures showed up and scared the shit out of network executives.

Kevin Hart has a big following when the Academy Award execs got nervous, wet their pants and disinvited
him to host the program when rumors of old tweets circulated.

It's fear driven black listing (which I thought leftists abhorred) and there is no absolute evidence that people
like Roseanne Barr or Kevin Hart would cause more harm than not if not cancelled by the angry mob
of Cancel Culture vultures.

How many people who put their name on lists of "outraged" whiners actually watch the shows they
love to boycott? You have no idea.

My argument is how business has always operated. You know that.
My argument is how business has always operated. You know that.
But not ALL businesses operate that way and you should know that. There are very big businesses that have
told the mob to pound sand and survived and thrived.

It's only in the media, books, television, movies, magazines, etc. that the Cancel Culture vultures have a 100%
success rate based on the nature of the media itself.
My argument is how business has always operated. You know that.
But not ALL businesses operate that way and you should know that. There are very big businesses that have
told the mob to pound sand and survived and thrived.

That's great. Their call to make. The NFL being one.

It's only in the media, books, television, movies, magazines, etc. that the Cancel Culture vultures have a 100%
success rate based on the nature of the media itself.

Meaningless. Are J.K.',s books still being published?
Obviously there are people who don't see a distinction between (a) disagreeing verbally with someone and (b) actively working to punish them for their words.

My question is: Do they REALLY not see the distinction, or are they CHOOSING not to see the distinction?

It's a choice. Lots of people like to just whistle on past the graveyard these days.
That's great. Their call to make. The NFL being one.
My argument is how business has always operated. You know that.
But not ALL businesses operate that way and you should know that. There are very big businesses that have
told the mob to pound sand and survived and thrived.

That's great. Their call to make. The NFL being one.
I don't thinks it's "great" at all depending
on what is being cancelled due to craven cowardice by leftist executives.
Ask the NFL or ESPN if it's "great" that their fan base has abandoned the product itself.
Of course for thumb up the ass ideologues such as yourself you don't give a crap...or think this is
all wonderful.

It's only in the media, books, television, movies, magazines, etc. that the Cancel Culture vultures have a 100%
success rate based on the nature of the media itself.

Meaningless. Are J.K.',s books still being published?
[/QUOTE]Meaningless indeed! Rowling has a base of fans that don't really give a damn about what she
said in some social media post years ago. She is immune from the idiotic mob and she's one of the few,
I might add. A one of a kind.

I can't believe you have argued this issue many times before, as you claimed. It seems to me you never have.

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