Open Letter to Senator McCain- Shove Off


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.

I am sure he's cleaning out office as I write this. lol
The Russians also went after senators who put US interests over Russian interests, such as McCain. And McCain knows that.

Oh, senators aren't part of any "chain of command". It's very authoritarian of someone to think that senators owe fealty to a dictator-president.
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


I would add, that his endless calls to send American troops to every shooting fight is getting old to. I mean, you would think that a dude who technically got shot down twice would not be so eager to get other people killed, yet he endlessly plods on with his girlfriend Lindsey. Chain of command? He was done with that when he became a civilian. No, he should save the last bit of dignity he has and to away quietly like Zell Miller did.
Senator McCain has without question, chose to be the leader of dissent within the Republican Party. He should call it a day and pack it in

Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


John McCain is a hero.

He has bowel movements smarter than you.
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


John McCain is a hero.

He has bowel movements smarter than you.

That may very well be. Nevertheless, he should retire for the betterment of the Republican Party and America in general

Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


John McCain is a hero.

He has bowel movements smarter than you.

How so? Do we refer to rape. Victims as heros? Robert and murder. I tend to? They heros? The dude crashed a jet twice, given he had a little help both times, but that doesn't make him a hero. It makes him unlucky. No better then any other soldier, sailed or airman. Fuck McCain.
Tell y'all what though, google up "USS Forestall" or "USS ZIPPO". Crazy shit, horrible incident, but allot of of good came of it.
This thread will not be derailed to assault Mr McCain's military record. It is to display his failure to support the rank and file of the Republican Party

You know, McCain no longer was a part of the chain of command the day he retired from the military. How do I know? I also am retired as well.

There isn't an officer around that has the ability to order me around, so therefore I am exempt from the chain of command, and so is McCain.

Guess the OP doesn't really understand how the military works, otherwise they wouldn't have made such a stupid post.
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


Too funny. It was a bodily function of tea buggers to disrespect the Chain of Command for the last 8 years. Obama was actually a respectable human being, Trump is a turd that has gained the ability to walk.
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


John McCain is a hero.

He has bowel movements smarter than you.
What? Spineless McCain and cross dressing Graham are your heroes…
You know, McCain no longer was a part of the chain of command the day he retired from the military. How do I know? I also am retired as well.

There isn't an officer around that has the ability to order me around, so therefore I am exempt from the chain of command, and so is McCain.

Guess the OP doesn't really understand how the military works, otherwise they wouldn't have made such a stupid post.

Oh I know how it works there Sparky. McCain is a disgraceful Senator that should honorably retire. He fails to support the Commander and Chief for which his party elected.

Mr McCain....

Wish you 'Fair winds and following seas'

Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


John McCain is a hero.

He has bowel movements smarter than you.
Being captured doesn't make anyone heroic. Serving your country is deserving of a certain repect, but it doesn't elevate one to the status of hero without considerably selfless acts to boot. I know, because I served. And I never got captured.
John McCain is a hero.

He has bowel movements smarter than you.

When a Libtard starts saying things like this, I take it as irrefutable proof now that McCain needs to go. Just again today, McCain stuck his finger in Trump's eye. Does this guy ever do anything to further and support his party's agenda? If ever the GOP had a democrat RINO spy in its midst, I cannot think of a more likely candidate than McCain.
The DNC media sure loves crazy Johnny, when he dumps on Trump. The military industrial complex loves him too, for his fanatical desire to start wars.

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