Zone1 Openly Gay Man Allowed to Baptize People

You do know everyone sins and comes short of the glory of God? Every day.

Do you understand what that means? It means he PUBLICLY EMBRACES what GOD calls an ABOMINATION.

Your lack of understanding and deliberate blindness is why I JUDGE you.

Now off to ignore you go. You're a time waster.

Do you understand what that means? It means he PUBLICLY EMBRACES what GOD calls an ABOMINATION.

Your lack of understanding and deliberate blindness is why I JUDGE you.

Now off to ignore you go. You're a time waster.
Fortunate for me, your judgement does not matter.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven -- Matt 5:19

This "teacher" teaches what GOD calls an "ABOMINATION" is actually okay. He is a FALSE MINISTER and leading the gulible into sin. His future is the Lake of Fire if he doesn't repent
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven -- Matt 5:19

This "teacher" teaches what GOD calls an "ABOMINATION" is actually okay. He is a FALSE MINISTER and leading the gulible into sin. His future is the Lake of Fire if he doesn't repent
Really? Do you really believe you are so righteous you can judge others?
Fortunate for me, your judgement does not matter.
No one seems to understand. People are on top of Christians for the least thing. It appears Christians don't even vote for the right politician. The Bible even shows an adulterous king, appointed by God, that most thought were great. However, Christians are judged harshly if they don't vote for a 'true' Christian. Ironically, some of these same people applaud a Christian who is openly going against Biblical teaching and then does not go into political office--but goes into a church to baptize. Remember the political king who committed a sexual offense? He wasn't allowed to build a Temple, let alone go into it.

I have been trying to point out some people aren't happy no matter what Christians do. What's that line? We played a song, but you would not dance; we sang a dirge, but you would not mourn. Whatever Christians do--whichever side of the opposite that occurs--here comes the criticism.

A great one here--some Christians welcomed Trump to political office, and here come the howls over his sexual sins. Some criticized someone with open sexual sins baptizing inside a church, and here come the howls that the man wasn't being welcomed by all.

No one else sees the irony?

As far back as Genesis, ancient man began warning descendants that lack of sexual discipline leads to failure of most everything. Not even condoms and antibiotics seems to save mankind from that. One would think churches should take some responsibility in pointing this out.
Really? Do you really believe you are so righteous you can judge others?
Consider that it may not be judging may be reading the handwriting on the wall. (Also another Bible teaching.)
No one seems to understand. People are on top of Christians for the least thing. It appears Christians don't even vote for the right politician. The Bible even shows an adulterous king, appointed by God, that most thought were great. However, Christians are judged harshly if they don't vote for a 'true' Christian. Ironically, some of these same people applaud a Christian who is openly going against Biblical teaching and then does not go into political office--but goes into a church to baptize. Remember the political king who committed a sexual offense? He wasn't allowed to build a Temple, let alone go into it.

I have been trying to point out some people aren't happy no matter what Christians do. What's that line? We played a song, but you would not dance; we sang a dirge, but you would not mourn. Whatever Christians do--whichever side of the opposite that occurs--here comes the criticism.

A great one here--some Christians welcomed Trump to political office, and here come the howls over his sexual sins. Some criticized someone with open sexual sins baptizing inside a church, and here come the howls that the man wasn't being welcomed by all.

No one else sees the irony?

As far back as Genesis, ancient man began warning descendants that lack of sexual discipline leads to failure of most everything. Not even condoms and antibiotics seems to save mankind from that. One would think churches should take some responsibility in pointing this out.
Why do you care? I know if I am doing right or wrong. I don't care about the criticism. I cannot be a Democrat because I believe abortion is murder, I cannot be a Republican because, actually I lost count. I fall far short of the Christian I should be, but I try.
Why do you care? I know if I am doing right or wrong. I don't care about the criticism. I cannot be a Democrat because I believe abortion is murder, I cannot be a Republican because, actually I lost count. I fall far short of the Christian I should be, but I try.
Why do I care about the irony of outsiders complaining about a group/community no matter what they do? Shrug. I think it should be pointed out.

Now, if you are asking why I care if you openly baptize people in church despite openly sinning with no intent of turning from that sin...not a good example of turning from sin to God, nor of striving to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect.

We all know no one is without sin, that we all fail. But nor are we used to someone openly sinning with an attitude of, "Neener, neener" as they baptize others to turn from sin to God, and to strive to be as perfect as their heavenly father. Do you think churches would happily advertise that a known adulterer, still engaged in adultery, was performing baptisms in their church?
No one else sees the irony?
Of course we do.
"Trump is an adulterer!".
"Joe Biden the pedophile is th greatest president we've ever had."

""How could any Christian vote for Trump! Just look at his past!"
"Bill Clinton's private life doesn't matter! Who cares that he is getting BJs IN THE OVAL OFFICE"
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How can they be Christians let alone baptize other Christians when their beliefs don't match the Bible?

We have gay men in the Mormon church who perform "priesthood" functions. But has long as they don't have sexual relations with another man, or woman; they are in good standing.
Their are thirteen nations where people face death if they are not Muslim. I find it interesting that some are praising gay people--not for being Christian--but for being gay.

Are adulterers praised for adultery over being Christian?
Knew is politically correct, one isn't.
Of course we do.
"Trump is an adulterer!".
"Joe Biden the pedophile is th greatest president we've ever had."

""How could any Christian vote for Trump! Just look at his past!"
"Bill Clinton's private life doesn't matter! Who cares that he is getting BJs IN THE OVAL OFFICE"
Political correctness is very confusing, huh.
Homosexuality is sin. 1 Corinthians 9:6 says people who live a sinful lifestyle without repentance will not see the Kingdom of God. Drunks, liars, thieves, gluttonous, queers, etc.
So you're a Paulist rather than a Christian. Suits those looking for authoritarian religion I suppose.
Yep. This is a RELIGION forum. We are discussing whether an individual who is openly a sodomite can preform a baptism that God will honor. Homos are free to do what they want, but GOD isn't in these baptisms.
Oh. I had the impression that if YHWH was anywhere then YHWH was everywhere. But then I'm not a follower of Sharia.
You can't be a Christian because your belief in capital punishment doesn't match the bible.

You can't be a Christian because you don't believe in welcoming the stranger.

Trumpers are, by definition, not Christians.

Leviticus 24:17

17 “ ‘Anyone who takes the life of a human being is to be put to death.

I'm sorry, wut?

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