Zone1 Openly Gay Man Allowed to Baptize People

Homosexuality is sin. 1 Corinthians 9:6 says people who live a sinful lifestyle without repentance will not see the Kingdom of God. Drunks, liars, thieves, gluttonous, queers, etc.
Sinful lifestyle can mean greed. What does it say about the rich entering the Kingdom of Heaven?

it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
The old testament, which Jesus repudiated. You need a new name for what you believe, because Christian means following Jesus, not following the old testament.
Jesus didn't repudiate the Old Testament. Fulfill doesn't mean repudiate. You better read Romans 13 in the New Testament about capital punishment. You might want to try another topic. The Bible threads aren't gonna work for you.
Jesus didn't repudiate the Old Testament. Fulfill doesn't mean repudiate. You better read Romans 13 in the New Testament about capital punishment. You might want to try another topic. The Bible threads aren't gonna work for you.
Jesus rather famously brought a New Covenant. Which is why you get to eat bacon now; and you don't have to stone Donald Trump to death for adultery.

Romans is Paul, not Jesus.
Jesus overturns eye for an eye in sermon on the Mount. That passage is literally Jesus quoting the OT to show how the Pharisees hypocritically picked & chose to condemn people.
Jesus rather famously brought a New Covenant. Which is why you get to eat bacon now; and you don't have to stone Donald Trump to death for adultery.

Romans is Paul, not Jesus.
Jesus overturns eye for an eye in sermon on the Mount. That passage is literally Jesus quoting the OT to show how the Pharisees hypocritically picked & chose to condemn people.
The Word of God is the Word of God, regardless who is speaking. Jesus wasn't speaking about crime and punishment. Jesus was speaking always about the Kingdom of God and your heart.
Never said people can't do what they want, they aren't christian, that is the crux of my argument!
Yep. This is a RELIGION forum. We are discussing whether an individual who is openly a sodomite can preform a baptism that God will honor. Homos are free to do what they want, but GOD isn't in these baptisms.
You understand nothing.
This, from the Fake Christian who voted for the Real Adulterer.
This, from the Fake Christian who voted for the Real Adulterer.

. Jesus Recognized the Entire Old Testament as Authoritative​

Jesus’ view of the Old Testament can be seen by the way He used the Old Testament Scripture. He recognized the entire Old Testament as Scripture, He accepted the two main divisions of the Old Testament, the Law and the Prophets, and He quoted from fourteen individual books of the Old Testament.

2. Jesus Recognized the Entire Extent of the Old Testament​

The Old Testament, in its entirety, was recognized as authoritative by the Lord Jesus. He called it the Scriptures. We read Him saying the following:

You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me. (John 5:39 NASB)
To Him, there was a completed Old Testament Scripture. In other words, He recognized every book as inspired by God.

3. Jesus Recognized the Two Divisions of the Old Testament: the Law and the Prophets​

We find that Jesus also recognized the two main sections of the Old Testament; the Law and the Prophets. He said:

Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. (Matthew 5:17 RSV)
Jesus also made a reference to a third section of the Old Testament; the Psalms. On the day of His resurrection, He said to His disciples:

Jesus said to them, “While I was still with you, I told you that everything written about me in the Law of Moses, the Books of the Prophets, and in the Psalms had to happen.” Then he helped them understand the Scriptures. He told them, The Scriptures say that the Messiah must suffer, then three days later he will rise from death. (Luke 24:44-46 CEV)
He said that all the things written in these three parts of the Old Testament had to occur. In His teachings, He cited passages from each of these divisions. This is another indication that He accepted the Old Testament in its entirety.

4. Jesus Cited Fourteen Different Old Testament Books​

The New Testament records Jesus referring specifically to fourteen different Old Testament books
Hilarious watching the Anti-Gods discuss something they don't believe in or respect

Pearls before swine.
I dunno, Matthew 7? I could not be a Democrat because of abortion. I think being a Republican is even a bit more repugnant to my beliefs. You have no clue what I believe in or respect. I do not judge people in either party, but I think either party have deal killers for me.
I dunno, Matthew 7? I could not be a Democrat because of abortion. I think being a Republican is even a bit more repugnant to my beliefs. You have no clue what I believe in or respect. I do not judge people in either party, but I think either party have deal killers for me.
Why do you think I care? Seriously


You two reprobates insist on "judging" those you don't agree with, while thinking "we" (Christians) can't judge. My judgement is correct because I stay close to the trunk of the tree--the Word of God.

Your judgements are a badge of honor for me. I know you and I know who your father is (John 8:44)
Why do you think I care? Seriously


You two reprobates insist on "judging" those you don't agree with, while thinking "we" (Christians) can't judge. My judgement is correct because I stay close to the trunk of the tree--the Word of God.

Your judgements are a badge of honor for me. I know you and I know who your father is
My point are still judging me as not a Christian. I pray you know my father as do I and are just mistaken about my Christianity, which is forgivable. Your hateful judgement makes me doubt that.
This, from the Fake Christian who voted for the Real Adulterer.
The "real adulterer" isn't baptizing anyone. As we are talking about Biblical sexual indiscretions, would you be okay with that if he were? Or are you only giving a pass to one type of sexual indiscretion?

. Jesus Recognized the Entire Old Testament as Authoritative​

Jesus’ view of the Old Testament can be seen by the way He used the Old Testament Scripture. He recognized the entire Old Testament as Scripture, He accepted the two main divisions of the Old Testament, the Law and the Prophets, and He quoted from fourteen individual books of the Old Testament.

2. Jesus Recognized the Entire Extent of the Old Testament​

The Old Testament, in its entirety, was recognized as authoritative by the Lord Jesus. He called it the Scriptures. We read Him saying the following:

To Him, there was a completed Old Testament Scripture. In other words, He recognized every book as inspired by God.

3. Jesus Recognized the Two Divisions of the Old Testament: the Law and the Prophets​

We find that Jesus also recognized the two main sections of the Old Testament; the Law and the Prophets. He said:

Jesus also made a reference to a third section of the Old Testament; the Psalms. On the day of His resurrection, He said to His disciples:

He said that all the things written in these three parts of the Old Testament had to occur. In His teachings, He cited passages from each of these divisions. This is another indication that He accepted the Old Testament in its entirety.

4. Jesus Cited Fourteen Different Old Testament Books​

The New Testament records Jesus referring specifically to fourteen different Old Testament books
Note Jesus said that they were written about Him. That'll twist some religious necks.
Luke 24:44
He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about ME in the Law of Moses, etc".
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You can't be a Christian because your belief in capital punishment doesn't match the bible.

You can't be a Christian because you don't believe in welcoming the stranger.

Trumpers are, by definition, not Christians.
Are you having fun playing God? And lying about who is and who isn't a Christian while you are doing it? If you ever picked up a Bible and read it cover to cover you'd know that pretending to know everything God knows is one of blasphemy's little sidekicks. You would be wise to apologize to the person you said "can't be a Christian" because of your differences in political parties. Please spend a year reading the Bible from cover to cover. It would benefit you since you are so interested in who can and cannot be a Christian. When you get to the third Chapter of John, and the sixteenth verse, you will see why a person who believes in Christ is a practicing Christian, and is therefore saved from sin. Christ, aka, the Lamb of God, placed himself to die for our sins when we trust in him through repenting, prayer and practice. And God chooses wisely since he created Heaven, Earth, and the children he created in his own image. Love, beautress.
You know, thinking more about this. Do you believe all good American Christians are Trump followers? Any Democrats good Christians?
Why do you insist on derailing this thread?

This is not a political thread. The question is, will God honor the baptism of a person who knowingly seeks out a false teacher caught up in a sin God calls an ABOMINATION

The answer is "NO." Neither does a priest or minister who CLAIMS to represent God while openly embracing any sin.
Why do you insist on derailing this thread?

This is not a political thread. The question is, will God honor the baptism of a person who knowingly seeks out a false teacher caught up in a sin God calls an ABOMINATION

The answer is "NO." Neither does a priest or minister who CLAIMS to represent God while openly embracing any sin.
You do know everyone sins and comes short of the glory of God? Every day.

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