Operation American Spring promises to drive Obama from office this Friday

I vote for a CLEAN SLATE.

Send the carpetbaggers, thieves, and liars HOME, or to the GALLOWS.

The best way to do that is to start a groundswell of support for a third party.

The reason the politicians have ignored the people so long is because they are far more interested in their party than in their oath of office.

Put in a third party candidate and force some serious campaign finance reforms.


The Taxed Enough Already Party basics are on target but a new name would be needed so the established duopoly would have to start demonizing all over again.

The Tea Party started out as a grassroots movement to take back the gov't. As soon as it gained popularity it was co-opted by the republicans and turned toward social conservatism.
The best way to do that is to start a groundswell of support for a third party.

The reason the politicians have ignored the people so long is because they are far more interested in their party than in their oath of office.

Put in a third party candidate and force some serious campaign finance reforms.


The Taxed Enough Already Party basics are on target but a new name would be needed so the established duopoly would have to start demonizing all over again.

The Tea Party started out as a grassroots movement to take back the gov't. As soon as it gained popularity it was co-opted by the republicans and turned toward social conservatism.

The Tea Party started back in 2002. It manipulated a large group of ticked off people who believed that it was a grass roots movement. It was and is what we call astroturfing.
They expect 30,000,000 people tomorrow ... we shall see.

Operation American Spring promises to drive Obama from office this Friday

Self-styled revolutionary patriots plan to converge on Washington, D.C., this week to drive President Barack Obama and disloyal lawmakers out of office.

“We are calling for the removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder as a start toward constitutional restoration,” said retired Army Col. Harry Riley, leader of the Operation American Spring protest group. “They have all abandoned the US Constitution, are unworthy to be retained in a position that calls for servant status.”

Operation American Spring aims to pressure those lawmakers who remain – or are replaced by officials of their own choosing – “to sponsor and pass very Constitutionally crafted State legislation to dissolve the size, powers, scope and spending of the U.S. Government by 2/3rds.”

"Never underestimate the power of a large group of stupid people."....even though it's only a 10% minority. The GOP is only 34%, and they destroyed the whole U.S. economy. Thanks to the cons in the SCOTUS, majority rule is outlawed. It's now the UNITED CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICA.
Henry, the teatards have proven beyond any doubt that they don't know shit from Shinola when it comes to running anything. Their entire platform is based on eliminating all the rules just for them, while tightening restrictions on anyone that is - or could someday be - a competitor.

They'll be gone in 2017, and good riddance.

You know what I'd like to see? No - what I'd LOVE to see? I'd love to see a special dotgov messageboard set up that hosts debates with the candidates from all the parties - there's something like 4 dozen - and the independent candidates as well. It would have to be done on a messageboard, tv coverage for that many people would last for days and cost too much.

It would be great to get a good look at all the candidates.

But back to the issue at hand:

American Spring

There's a tiny group of butthurts out there. A couple dozen will show up in DC in a few hours and they'll make complete asses of themselves.

And that's going to be the final nail in the Far Right's coffin.

Comedy gold.

Great post until the highlited part....they will declare "success" or a "regrouping" like the truckers did...or else they will find some other excuse besides the FACT that they are just a crazy small minority.
Operation American Spring falls flat: 'This is very disappointing,' Texan says - Washington Times

Operation American Spring, billed as a Friday morning multi-million patriot march on Washington, D.C., to oust leadership from the nation&#8217;s capital &#8212; from President Obama to House Speaker John Boeher &#8212; has proven woefully below expectations.
&#8220;It&#8217;s a very dismal turnout,&#8221; said Jackie Milton, 61, a Jacksboro, Texas, resident and the head of Texans for Operation American Spring, to The Washington Times. He said hopes were high when he arrived in Alexandria, Va., a day or so ago and found motels and hotels were sold out for 30 miles around.

Read more: Operation American Spring falls flat: 'This is very disappointing,' Texan says - Washington Times
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