Operation Iron Swords (מבצע חרבות ברזל)

Except there is no apartheid in Israel. That has been soundly disproven many times.


More bullshit. Gaza is not part of Israel. They left it entirely in charge of the Palestinians in 2005 and since then they turned it into an Islamic terrorist shithole.


The fences indicated a border. Breaching them is an invasion. Citizens are included. Invaders are destroyed.


I couldn't have defined an apartheid state better than you two just did.
That's a sad statement of your vocabulary. In what I described, there was no apartheid. Are you sure you are choosing the right word?
You who supposedly are here to advocate for Israel.

An EXCLUSIONARY state that treats the native population as foreigners in their own homeland.

I couldn't have said it better myself.
Native population? No. Citizens? No. You seem also to lack an even rudimentary understanding of the history and current situation. If you just ask then maybe I can help you.
South Africa spent 2 centuries trying to erradicate the "hatred" of the african population towards apartheid only to end up in the garbage can of History.

The fate of the jewish racial dictatorship will be no different. It's a country living on borrowed time, if there ever was one.

But as usual super patriotic american clowns will only see the writing on the wall when the walls and fences start being torn down.

No one ever accused them of being the brightest bulb in the box.

Re: No one ever accused them of being the brightest bulb in the box.

Thank you.

America's traitorous gaggle of "Israel Firsters" are so delusional that they don't even care that the Israelis who they worship regard them as gullible idiots:

What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.

EXCERPT " Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people.

“Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lifshitz, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”

“Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.”

But it’s not just American tourists whom many Israelis see as guileless. American foreign policy is held up to similar scrutiny here, even as Israel receives billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each year.

The naivete Israelis perceive in Americans is not just something they believe only Israel’s adversaries exploit; Israelis believe they can do so, too — and do. In a secretly recorded video of a 2001 discussion with a group of terror victims in the Ofra settlement in the Israeli occupied West Bank, now-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out this widely held perception.

“I know what America is,” Netanyahu, told the settlers. “America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. CONTINUED
The Graus and Rosends are those who do not understand.

There will only be Greater Israel with Gaza in its control.

I've spent time in the Middle East, stay in touch with people who are deployed there and studied its events since the mid 1960s.

I don't claim to be an expert but don't know many people who have spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch hiking throughout the Middle East and Levant learning things rarely mentioned in the pro Israel Western MSM. (1)

I have never questioned Israel's ability to dominate a "Greater Israel" with not only America's criminal complicity but even more American blood and precious resources.

Israel, without the US and other extorted aid can't even support itself.

It was to perpetuate a "Greater Israel" regional hegemony that thousands of young Americans were sent to die in Iraq and elsewhere in the region:

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

The question every loyal American must ask is why should America sacrifice our precious resources and young American blood for criminal Zionist regional hegemony especially when the true nature of the US - Israel alliance is so one sided:

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” -- Benjamin Netanyahu


(1). "Western media bias makes Israeli war on Palestinians possible"

EXCERPT "While U.S. and western mainstream and corporate media remain biased in favor of Israel, they often behave as if they are a third, neutral party. This is simply not the case.

For the uninformed reader, the article succeeds in finding a balanced language between two equal sides. This misleading moral equivalence is one of the biggest intellectual blind spots for western journalists. If they do not outwardly champion Israel’s discourse on ‘security’ and ‘right to defend itself’, they create false parallels between Palestinians and Israelis, as if a military occupier and an occupied nation have comparable rights and responsibilities." CONTINUED
RE: Operation Iron Swords (מבצע חרבות ברזל)
SUBTOPIC: Continued Support
※→ Grau, John Edgar Snow,, et al,
I have never questioned Israel's ability to dominate a "Greater Israel" with not only America's criminal complicity but even more American blood and precious resources.

Israel, without the US and other extorted aid can't even support itself.

(IMO as a Layman) The key is, whether or not the Court sees a "criminal intent;" and if the nature of the complaint rises to the level of the international legal meaning of "genocide."

In the case of the Serbian claim to genocide, the International Court of Justice (ICJ)"rejected claims of genocide by Serbia and Croatia against each other during the Croatian war of secession from Yugoslavia." Subsource: BBC article - UN court dismisses Croatia and Serbia genocide claims, 3 FEB 2017.

International Law - 8th Edition (2017) said:
The Court also held that state responsibility could arise under the Convention for genocide and complicity, without an individual being convicted of the crime or an associated one, and that such responsibility for genocide applied to a state wherever it may be acting.
SOURCE: International Law, Malcolm N. Shaw, University Printing House, © 2017 One Liberty Plaza, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10006, USA (ISBN 978-1-107-18847-1)​
• ICJ Reports, 2007, pp. 43, 119–20. See also Croatia v. Serbia, ICJ Reports, 2015, para. 129.​
• Bosnian Genocide case, p. 120.​
Grau, that's interesting, but that won't stop Israel as long as it has US support. It will for a very long time.

The US can (if it wants) add to the Qualitative Military Edge (QME) it supplies, with national-level intelligence (SIGINT, IMINT). In exchange, Israel may (from time to time) share their national-level intelligence (HUMINT). Between the 1970s and 2001, the HUMINT capacity gradually diminished. While it can be said that the overall Intelligence Community (IC) has been gradually reconstructing its HUMINT capabilities, (IMO as a Layman) the IC is not there yet, especially in the Middle East and North African (MENA) Region. As long as each balances the give-and-take momentum the relationship will endure.

That is not to say the Political-Military (POL-MIL) relationship between Israel and the US has not been damaged (in some cases crippled) by the bungling of the White House and State Department all complex relationships have periods of argumentative behaviors.


Most Respectfully,
Grau, that's interesting, but that won't stop Israel as long as it has US support. It will for a very long time.

I'm afraid that you're right.

Perhaps it's because I served in S.E. Asia during the Vietnam war and have spent plenty of time around younger American G.I.s in V.A. Hospitals who had been burned, dismembered and traumatized fighting for a parasitic, treacherous and criminal foreign government. (1)

Would you want your son or daughter shipped thousands of miles away to die for Netanyahu's "Greater Israel"?

(1). "Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war"

"Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,"

EXCERPT "Douglas Macgregor, a top adviser to President Donald Trump’s new acting defense secretary, routinely blames “the Israeli lobby” and “neocons” for pushing the United States into wars.

CNN’s KFile uncovered interviews in which Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who appears frequently on Fox News and other conservative media, says “pro-Israel” donors and the pro-Israel lobby are behind efforts to drive the United States into war." CONTINUED
Elon Musk after a visit to Auschwitz: "The indoctrination of hate into kids in Gaza has to stop...
I understand the need to invade Gaza, and unfortunately some innocent people will die, there's no way around it, but the most important thing to ensure is that afterwards the indoctrination … stops."
RE: Operation Iron Swords (מבצע חרבות ברזל)
SUBTOPIC: pro-HAMAS Advocates
※→ John Edgar Slow Horse, et al,


The implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (UNGCTS)

Terrorism remains a major threat to international peace and security. After years of decline, terrorist attacks have recently increased.

Four Pillars of the Strategy

◈ Pillar I, on measures to address conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism;
Pillar II, on measures to prevent and combat terrorism;
Pillar III, on measures to build States’ capacity to prevent and combat terrorism and to strengthen the role of the United Nations in that regard;
Pillar IV, on measures to ensure respect for human rights for all and the rule of law as the fundamental basis for the fight against terrorism.

That pro-Hamas indoctrination has be stopped in the US, absolutely, completely.

As we know, the Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank do not face “grave and imminent peril” from the Israelis. If anything, the exact opposite is true.

As we know, the Arab Palestinians do not face deliberate targeting of Arab Palestinian civilians. Israel operates inside the parameters of Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Rule #21:

"When a choice is possible between several military objectives for obtaining a similar military advantage, the objective to be selected must be that the attack on which may be expected to cause the least danger to civilian lives and to civilian objects."

Global Perspective Human stories said:
Despite “inflammatory rhetoric and violent clashes” between Palestinians and Israeli Security Forces (ISF) at the Holy Sites, Tor Wennesland said that the situation in Jerusalem, remains “relatively calm.”

However, rocket launching in Gaza is “undermining the fragile stability that has prevailed since last May,” he continued.

Let me be clear: there is no justification for acts of terrorism or violence against civilians. Violence, provocations, and incitement must stop immediately and be unequivocally condemned by all."

Remember that Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention provides for the prosecution of Arab Palestinians "who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power." This applies to those "guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons."


Most Respectfully,
After the ruling of the ICJ, Netherlands considers using its military to airdrop humanitarian aid into the Hamas strip.
The court ruled that Israel must improve the humanitarian situation there.

According to Israeli information, at the present day, since the start of the war, through Egyptian and Israeli border crossings 10536 trucks laden with 194260 tons of aid passed.


Netanyahu: "we must respond with war to those who seek to destroy us"

Netanyahu affirmed the need to continue the war until Hamas is destroyed. He made several points backing up his position, you can learn them here:

So, actually nobody wants Israel to win the war against Hamas. But the victory will surely come, small minded worries about temporary refugee crisis or pending election aren´t valid.
Two weeks from now until the operation against Rafah will begin if a hostage deal is not negotiated, Egypt warned Hamas. Egypt also warns Israel that existing bilateral agreements (Camp David Treaty) are endangered if the operation grows too large,

No rewards for conducting terrorism, Israel says.

"National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said that "the intention of the US, together with other Arab countries, to establish a terrorist state alongside the State of Israel is hallucinatory and part of the wrong concept that there is a partner for peace on the other side. After October 7, it is clearer than ever that they must not be given a state. As long as we are in the government, a Palestinian state will not be established.""

Hamas goes all in on the hostage deal.

RE: Operation Iron Swords (מבצע חרבות ברזל)
SUBTOPIC: A Very Typical Move
※→ Bleipriester,
et al,

Going back to the beginning - it is plain to see the model that HAMAS started with:

Article 13 Covenant of HAMAS (August 1988) said:
The initiatives, the so-called peace solutions, and the international conferences for resolving the
Palestinian problem stand in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement, for to neglect any part of Palestine is to neglect part of the Islamic faith.
Hamas goes all in on the hostage deal.


It should be understood with clarity that:

Article 12 HAMAS Charter said:
Nationalism, as seen by the Islamic Resistance Movement, is part of the [Islamic] religious creed. There is nothing that speaks more eloquently and more profoundly of nationalism than the following: when the enemy tramples Muslim territory, waging jihad and confronting the enemy become a personal duty of every Muslim man and Muslim woman. A woman may go out to fight the enemy [even] without her husband's permission and a slave without his master's permission.

Article 13 HAMAS Charter said:
There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international
conferences are a waste of time and a farce.

It is three and a half decades later and the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) still follow these basic tenets. This is called a "History of Past Criminal Behaviors."


Most Respectfully,

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