Operation Iron Swords (מבצע חרבות ברזל)

Greta Thunberg will be banished from all Israeli educational material. She "stands with Palestine" but did not comment on the terror raids and rocket attacks conducted by the Hamas terrorist group.

Syria has a strange view on the conflict.

"Syria affirmed its position rejecting the Zionist colonial transfer policies against the Palestinian people, calling on the United States and the West to prevent the Israeli occupation from forcibly removing the 2.3 million people of the Gaza Strip to Sinai outside Palestine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said in a statement published on its official website yesterday: “The Israeli intentions have finally appeared for what they are. Israel has adopted the policy of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, expelling them from their land, and replacing Zionist settlers on the land of Palestine in place of its original people as a consistent approach to it, and over the past few days it has killed more than On 2,000 Palestinian children and women in the Gaza Strip, and now it has exposed its identity with its open demand, along with its supporters, for the 2.3 million people of Gaza to move to Sinai, outside of Palestine."

That looks like Israel has started this new escalation but it didn´t. That is exactly the same shit that has been propagated against the Syrian government. Tit-for-tat? But they promised to not to "play the terrorist card". I love kept promises only, so stay real.
As Rubeus Hagrid would say, "A lot of codswollop if you ask me."
The following page will have updated news about the new conflict:

What happened so far:


Israel Strikes Back – Day 2 of Operation Iron Swords​

JERUSALEM 08.10.2023 (LS) – Israel's military is preparing a large-scale counter-offensive against Hamas. In an attack of alarming scope on Saturday morning, armed Hamas fighters had invaded 22 places in southern Israel, including towns and other communities up to 24 kilometres from the Gaza Strip border. In some places they moved around for hours and shot at civilians and soldiers, while the Israeli military tried to take countermeasures. The shots continued until well after dark, and in at least two cities the terrorists held hostages during a shooting.

The number of death victims of the day rose every hour and was 300 people early Sunday morning. The hospitals were flooded with the wounded, most recently 1,590, including about 300 seriously injured and 19 in critical condition.

After midnight, 18 hours after the coordinated attack began, the Israeli security forces still fought to clear the terrorist cells that had entrenched themselves in the devastated Jewish communities. Many civilians continued to be hidden in their homes, for fear of wandering terrorists looking for victims, while in some cases the troops were dealing with hostage-takers and in other cases storming houses and shot the armed guns in it.

Israel's reaction​

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was at war. He discussed with leading representatives of the opposition the possible formation of an emergency government.

In a nightly speech to the nation, the Prime Minister promised to use "all the IDF's power" to destroy Hamas and called on the Gazans to "now disappear."

He described the events of the day as something that has never happened in Israel before, and promised to make sure that such a thing never happened again.

"Hamas want to assassinate us all," Netanyahu said, "she murders children and mothers in their homes, in their beds. She is an enemy who abducts elderly people, children and young girls, an enemy that “massacres and slaughters our civilians, our children, who just wanted to enjoy the holiday.”

Israeli counterattacks included a drone attack on two terrorists who tried to break the security barrier near the closed Karni crossing. Nine terrorists were killed in clashes with troops in the city of Nirim, and four terrorists were shot by a fighter jet at the Erez crossing.

According to the IDF, other terrorist commands were killed by combat troops in the southern cities of Sufa, Kfar Aza and Kerem Shalom. The Israeli Army (IDF) also carried out several drone attacks against terrorist operatives in the region. The military published film footage showing one of the attacks near Be’eri.

The locations attacked by the fighter jets and drones of the Israeli Air Force included 17 military installations, four headquarters and four skyscrapers used by Hamas, according to the IDF.

One of the buildings – the “Palestine” building – was used by a number of Hamas units, including the intelligence service, weapons production, and senior member offices, according to the IDF. Another office building was the headquarters for Hamas' general security.

Two more multi-story buildings in the Gaza Strip housed Hamas assets, according to Hamas military. The military said they had notified the residents of the two buildings before they were hit.

According to a military source, Israeli fighter jets dropped more than 16 tons of ammunition at Hamas facilities in the Gaza Strip.

The army announced that four divisions of reservists were transferred to the border with the Gaza Strip, in addition to the 35 battalions that are already there.

Multi-front war?​

On Sunday morning, a number of mortar shells from Lebanon were fired into Israeli territory. The projectiles beat in the embattled region of Mount Dov on the border with Lebanon. There are no reports of injury or damage.

“The IDF has taken preparatory measures for this kind of possibility and will continue to operate in all regions and at all times to ensure the security of the Israeli civilian population,” says a statement by the military.

This attack from Lebanon could mean that Hezbollah will also enter the war. Like Hamas, it is controlled by Iran, which has been planning a multi-front war against Israel for a long time."
I am saddened, frustrated, angered by the truly anti-Israelite majority on social media, MSM, message boards etc. as well as the current U.S. administration and other world spokespeople saying in effect:

1. Israel has every right to defend itself.
2. Israel is the bad guy if it defends itself.

The disconnect is truly amazing and disheartening to watch.
I am saddened, frustrated, angered by the truly anti-Israelite majority on social media, MSM, message boards etc. as well as the current U.S. administration and other world spokespeople saying in effect:

1. Israel has every right to defend itself.
2. Israel is the bad guy if it defends itself.

The disconnect is truly amazing and disheartening to watch.
Its in this thread that the US supports Israel´s goal to entirely take over the Gaza-strip.
Its in this thread that the US supports Israel´s goal to entirely take over the Gaza-strip.
I have seen nothing whatsoever from any Israeli, including Netanyahu, who has commented on the current war that taking over the Gaza-strip is the goal. The goal is to obliterate Hamas and remove it as a threat to Israel.

In my opinion that may not be an achievable goal, but it damn sure is reasonable given the circumstances.
I have seen nothing whatsoever from any Israeli, including Netanyahu, who has commented on the current war that taking over the Gaza-strip is the goal. The goal is to obliterate Hamas and remove it as a threat to Israel.

In my opinion that may not be an achievable goal, but it damn sure is reasonable given the circumstances.
Isn´t that actually the same?
Isn´t that actually the same?
Defeating an enemy does not necessarily mean taking control of the area/country/whatever. It probably does mean occupying most or all of it until that enemy is defeated.
Defeating an enemy does not necessarily mean taking control of the area/country/whatever. It probably does mean occupying most or all of it until that enemy is defeated.
Besieging something can take months or even longer. There will probably the need to take over Gaza, house by house, meter by meter.
Besieging something can take months or even longer. There will probably the need to take over Gaza, house by house, meter by meter.
The immediate goal is to kill enough Hamas leaders and solders and destroy enough Hamas military assets to make it impossible for Hamas to launch a major attack on Israel, and after that goal is achieved, an ongoing military and intelligence presence will hunt down and Hamas people who are still there, but effective control of Gaza should be established within weeks.
Besieging something can take months or even longer. There will probably the need to take over Gaza, house by house, meter by meter.
You are talking about one of the most densely populated areas on Earth. Here are some photos of Gaza City that illustrate how Israel doesn't have the manpower to take over house by house, meter by meter, and how quickly the terrorists can fall back into the areas already cleared.



The immediate goal is to kill enough Hamas leaders and solders and destroy enough Hamas military assets to make it impossible for Hamas to launch a major attack on Israel, and after that goal is achieved, an ongoing military and intelligence presence will hunt down and Hamas people who are still there, but effective control of Gaza should be established within weeks.
They will always be able to start some sort of terror, unless they are destroyed completely.
You are talking about one of the most densely populated areas on Earth. Here are some photos of Gaza City that illustrate how Israel doesn't have the manpower to take over house by house, meter by meter, and how quickly the terrorists can fall back into the areas already cleared.
View attachment 848071

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View attachment 848068
Yeah, thanks for the lesson on buildings and cities. In case they cannot take it, they have to destroy it. Syria defeated hundreds of Hamas-like groups, including ISIS, in urban and open battles. Israel will have to as well, or live with Hamas.
They will always be able to start some sort of terror, unless they are destroyed completely.
Sure, they will have knife intifadas and car rammings and such, just as they do in Judea and Samaria, but they will never again be able to launch large scale attacks. For over a hundred years the so called Palestinians have prioritized the conflict with Jews/Israel over the welfare of their own people, their own families, and there is no reason to doubt they will change in the foreseeable future, but Israel will be able to effectively defend itself against this Palestinian madness.
Sure, they will have knife intifadas and car rammings and such, just as they do in Judea and Samaria, but they will never again be able to launch large scale attacks. For over a hundred years the so called Palestinians have prioritized the conflict with Jews/Israel over the welfare of their own people, their own families, and there is no reason to doubt they will change in the foreseeable future, but Israel will be able to effectively defend itself against this Palestinian madness.
It is probably the best thing to end the Gaza strip. The dwellers can move to do-gooders´ houses.
The northern part of the Gaza Strip is no longer controlled by Hamas, Netanyahu says and also the IDF.

Benjamin Netanyahu said he had warned Hezbollah that entering the war with Israel would be a "fatal mistake" that would "determine the fate of Lebanon".
The Hamsters refused to accept the Israeli fuel for the Shifa-Hospital.

"UN Chief Poses ‘Danger to World Peace,’ Has ‘Reached New Moral Low’ With Latest Gaza War Decision: Israeli Officials"

Weapons in incubators, Oct 7 Terrorists arrested. High pressure tunnel flooding.


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