
things have been going wrong for decades and both parties are responsible,,,
And the remedy for you is total withdrawal until they get their act together

which accomplishes nothing

we live in an imperfect world and no party can supply your every desire

you just have to pick the better side for you and wade onto the fight
I have never withdrawn,,,

You may not know what that means.
well I have voted every election for the last 30+ yrs,,,
thats not what I call withdrawing,,,

For someone actually running to win
or someone running to make a point?
if I voted for who could actually win would make me a useful idiot and not a patriotic voter,,,

I vote for who I want not who can win,,more so when its the lesser of two evils,,

Again, that is your right.
You are confused about withdrawal
And not being involved.
Voting for losers or not voting at all lets libs complain all the time and never have to answer for their policies, such as they are
things have been going wrong for decades and both parties are responsible,,,
And the remedy for you is total withdrawal until they get their act together

which accomplishes nothing

we live in an imperfect world and no party can supply your every desire

you just have to pick the better side for you and wade onto the fight
I have never withdrawn,,,

You may not know what that means.
well I have voted every election for the last 30+ yrs,,,
thats not what I call withdrawing,,,

For someone actually running to win
or someone running to make a point?
Each of us should vote for what we believe in - for the candidates we think are the best. Anything else is a lie, and is the driving force in the decline of our democracy.
things have been going wrong for decades and both parties are responsible,,,
And the remedy for you is total withdrawal until they get their act together

which accomplishes nothing

we live in an imperfect world and no party can supply your every desire

you just have to pick the better side for you and wade onto the fight
I have never withdrawn,,,

You may not know what that means.
well I have voted every election for the last 30+ yrs,,,
thats not what I call withdrawing,,,

For someone actually running to win
or someone running to make a point?
if I voted for who could actually win would make me a useful idiot and not a patriotic voter,,,

I vote for who I want not who can win,,more so when its the lesser of two evils,,

Again, that is your right.
You are confused about withdrawal
And not being involved.
Voting for losers or not voting at all lets libs complain all the time and never have to answer for their policies, such as they are
blah blah blah,,,
thats the same thing democrats tell me when I call them a POS,,
They probably dont like whiny fence sitters any more than I do

I think dems are wrong on the issues but at least the stand for something
I'm not a fence sitter,,,I just dont like leftist politicians,,,

you know you havent once denied the GOP stands for bigger government than allowed by the constitution,,,
thats the same thing democrats tell me when I call them a POS,,
They probably dont like whiny fence sitters any more than I do

LOL - too bad. If Republicans, or Democrats, want libertarian votes, they need to implement libertarian policies. Both sides pretend to care about liberty when they're not in power. Once they are, they forget all about it. If Democrats had repealed the PATRIOT ACT, I'd consider voting for them. If Republicans had repealed ACA, likewise. Neither did.

I think dems are wrong on the issues but at least the stand for something

Both major parties "stand" for the same thing - they're own power to control society. That's pretty much it.
you know you havent once denied the GOP stands for bigger government than allowed by the constitution,,,
yes, both parties are drifting left

but the dems are drifting farther and faster

what makes you think holding your breath and making faces will bring them back your way?
If Republicans, or Democrats, want libertarian votes,
Neither party “needs” libertarian votes

as long as you remain out in the weeds neither side will care what you think
you know you havent once denied the GOP stands for bigger government than allowed by the constitution,,,
yes, both parties are drifting left

but the dems are drifting more and faster

what makes you think holding your breath and making faces will bring them back your way?
the dems are beyond help,,and as you see from my other comments on this forum I do hope the repubes can find their way back and is why I sometimes defend them and POTUS,,,

and when did I hold my breath and make faces???
We've have a democracy where most voters vote for candidates they know to be bad. Isn't it overwhelmingly obvious why we're so screwed?
Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.
Political parties have always played the greater population for fools. The really sad part is that they've been sucessful. The mythical two party system is just that, mythical. If the polulation of this country as a whole had any damn sense at all we'd force a constitution convention and ban all political parties forever and start electing qualified leaders for a change instead of submitting to this idiotic mob rule buncha bullshit. We'd also limit terms in office to one single term and eliminate professional political assholes and again select the best most qualified people who would best serve the nation as they should instead of themselves or some silly assed political party.
Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.
Political parties have always pla
yed the greater population for fools. The really sad part is that they've been sucessful. The mythical two party system is just that, mythical. If the polulation of this country as a whole had any damn sense at all we'd force a constitution convention and ban all political parties forever and start electing qualified leaders for a change instead of submitting to this idiotic mob rule buncha bullshit. We'd also limit terms in office to one single term and eliminate professional political assholes and again select the best most qualified people who would best serve the nation as they should instead of themselves or some silly assed political party.

All that makes sense to a 12 year old
Or maybe someone stuck in a totalitarian government somewhere
Not realistic in any way.
as with all leftist you resort to insults instead of honest debate,,,
He’s a conservative

you are a lefty who is ashamed to admit it
thats the same thing democrats tell me when I call them a POS,,
funny how you both behave the same way when someone doesnt do what you say,,,

I've seen you as anti progressive on here for what that's worth.
Your ideology seems solid
Its the implementation or lack there of thats seems flawed.
They call us "conservatives" for a reason. We love America, and we want to "conserve" it, hence the name. We wave American flags, we stand when our national anthem is played and put America first, we're patriotic and nationalist and proud of it.

You're sure as hell not preserving it by voting for the Duopoly, which is controlled by the same people. Waving an American flag is an empty gesture if you turn a blind eye to our rights, freedom, privacy and sovereignty being continually stolen, through lies and deception.

We don't riot, loot, burn and commit violent acts. Compare that to the America hating agenda many bands of radical America hating rioters, communist supporters and anarchist that the democrat party is supporting, along with every illegal alien that manages to break our laws and sneak across our border, and if that doesn't tell you there's a major difference between the two, then I'm sorry, but you have to be deaf, dumb and blind.

I don't want to speak for Gdjjr, but he wasn't saying both sides are the same in terms of the people, the voters. He was talking about those who run the show. At least that's what I got out of it, but he can correct me if I'm wrong.

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