Opioid deaths skyrocket in PA as Trump is unable to contain crisis (but he can golf and tweet)

Appalachia: The Cradle of the Opioid Epidemic

Appalachia has millions of poor whites.

Addicts in black communities deserve to be jailed.

Addicts in white communities have a disease and need help.

This reminds me of the aftermath of Katrina:


If possible addicts deserve treatment, not jail
Drugs are a personal choice...
Is addiction a personal choice too?
Yes it is.

Addiction is nothing but the result of the choice to keep using drugs
You are a hateful turd, that is too dumb to even know what the word addiction means.

Addiction is nothing but the result of use of a substance and time of use

It's you people who try to abdicate responsibility for the choices they make that want to call it a "disease".

How and Why Addiction is Not a Disease: A Neuroscientist Challenges Traditional Views
better solutions at lower cost; not excuses, right wingers!

So, still afraid to watch the video.
better solutions at lower cost; not excuses, right wingers!

Your gibberish does not hide the fact that you are afraid to watch and then comment on the video.

Coward about what; I watched a few seconds of it. role playing being in Congress may be more appropriate and useful.

And you agree with those monsters don't you?

The idea of white people suffering to the point of mass suicide and "dying off" is funny to you, is it not?
when they "suffer" by choice it's none of my business.

And FYI drug use is a choice
Appalachia: The Cradle of the Opioid Epidemic

Appalachia has millions of poor whites.

Addicts in black communities deserve to be jailed.

Addicts in white communities have a disease and need help.

This reminds me of the aftermath of Katrina:


Your J.J. / Al Sharton inspired propaganda is quite entertaining.
But remember, reputations and stereotypes are built from actions and not from skin color. Get your people to start acting civilized and the stereotypes go away...TA-DA!
It’s not his job...

and yet, moron, he declared a public health crisis.... if it wasn't his job, he wouldn't have done that. he just fails at his job. wacko


Declaring it a public health crisis was necessary for funding purposes. Trump did his job, now people need to accept personal responsibility for their actions.

not how it works. there were things he could have done that would have required funding attach to it.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump declared the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency on Thursday, telling an audience in the East Room of the White House that "we can be the generation that ends the opioid epidemic."

"This epidemic is a national health emergency," he said. "Nobody has seen anything like what is going on now."
He added: "As Americans, we cannot allow this to continue. It is time to liberate our communities from this scourge of drug addiction.

Trump declares opioid epidemic a public health emergency - CNNPolitics

That sounds like it is on all of us to help. What have you or the OP been doing?
dear right wingers; there are no problems. Work or die.
not how it works. there were things he could have done that would have required funding attach to it.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump declared the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency on Thursday, telling an audience in the East Room of the White House that "we can be the generation that ends the opioid epidemic."

"This epidemic is a national health emergency," he said. "Nobody has seen anything like what is going on now."
He added: "As Americans, we cannot allow this to continue. It is time to liberate our communities from this scourge of drug addiction.

Trump declares opioid epidemic a public health emergency - CNNPolitics

That sounds like it is on all of us to help. What have you or the OP been doing?

again, no funding was provided. all it did was provide certain medical access.

Liberals: “Stop the war on drugs, legalize all drugs.”
Liberals: “Stop me from doing the drugs I asked you to make easier for me to obtain....lead me around by the hand DAMNIT!”
Filthy, retarded fuckin LefTards!

so says compulsive lying trump scum.

perhaps if you did something constructive you wouldn't be a broke loser.

go have another beer....

Well, what are we missing here? Enlighten us dumbasses...please.
It sounds like you’re saying “let me do whatever the fuck I want without interference” but then you say “protect me from myself with funding and please interfere”
Hopefully you’re sane enough to see/hear how fucked up in the head you appear to be.
You’re saying a lib is talking out both sides of their mouth as usual? I agree
Wrong, the best thing to fight this epidemic is a flippin WALL

'Mexican Oxy' moves north
Around WHAT ? Pfizer ? These are drugs your owners purposely addicted all you idiots to. THEN they make them "BAD" and take them away. You're nuts so you go heroin hunting. More revenue for the private prisons and the FakeJews that own them, more revenue for the CIA that you can never find out about and the band of meatheads with flag lapels guarding the growers in Afghanistan. Its fucking brilliant !
BTW. April 15. Midnight. Tax time.Be there before. OR ELSE !
Pfizer has never prescribed a drug, not ever. Again these drugs are being smuggled in to the country. Did it ever occur to you fools that many of the addicted are unemployed without healthcare and or doctors in the first place.

Wake up fool

'Mexican Oxy' moves north
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Capitalism is only it for the profit (motive).
Coconut custard and cranberry glaze
nothing but socialism, I got it, right wingers.
Nothing but blacktop, libturds
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump declared the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency on Thursday, telling an audience in the East Room of the White House that "we can be the generation that ends the opioid epidemic."

"This epidemic is a national health emergency," he said. "Nobody has seen anything like what is going on now."
He added: "As Americans, we cannot allow this to continue. It is time to liberate our communities from this scourge of drug addiction.

Trump declares opioid epidemic a public health emergency - CNNPolitics

That sounds like it is on all of us to help. What have you or the OP been doing?

again, no funding was provided. all it did was provide certain medical access.

Liberals: “Stop the war on drugs, legalize all drugs.”
Liberals: “Stop me from doing the drugs I asked you to make easier for me to obtain....lead me around by the hand DAMNIT!”
Filthy, retarded fuckin LefTards!

so says compulsive lying trump scum.

perhaps if you did something constructive you wouldn't be a broke loser.

go have another beer....

Well, what are we missing here? Enlighten us dumbasses...please.
It sounds like you’re saying “let me do whatever the fuck I want without interference” but then you say “protect me from myself with funding and please interfere”
Hopefully you’re sane enough to see/hear how fucked up in the head you appear to be.
You’re saying a lib is talking out both sides of their mouth as usual? I agree

I’m just so damn thankful I wasn’t abused and dropped on my head as a child. Spending time here, having a front row seat to watch the Lib mind at work is a priceless experience....and entertaining as all hell.
Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

Look, what you’re trying desperately not to understand is that drugs and drug users tend to be a liability for society in one way or another. Drugs and usage only perpetuates a lower class society.
Remember, all drug users want drugs legalized and all classy, stand-up citizens do not. The motives are clear on both sides.

You need to stop listening to old white Neocons. They're not only religious zealot nuts, they're also bought & paid for whores for Big Pharm drug corporations. Their good buddies produce most of the Opioids folks are addicted to. Don't you find it odd that no $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have ever been killed or imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' I do.
Says the man that accuses me of using fallacies.

NOte that, Jillian.
that is all you have. want me to practice identifying them for you?

I would like to see you try. The more clear your posts, the easier it is to see that you are spewing nonsense to hide how full of hate you are.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.

That is not identifying a fallacy.

It is also, completely irrelevant.

Do you really think that you added something to the discussion, by pointing out the illegal use of drugs is illegal?
only the right wing complains about illegals.
The only patriotic party we know! You want to be around illegals, move to mehico
I would like to see you try. The more clear your posts, the easier it is to see that you are spewing nonsense to hide how full of hate you are.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.

That is not identifying a fallacy.

It is also, completely irrelevant.

Do you really think that you added something to the discussion, by pointing out the illegal use of drugs is illegal?
only the right wing complains about illegals.

I think that is unfair to moderates and even many who side with the Left.

Rational people recognize the value of Law and Order.

I agree that the LEft generally sides with the criminals and the barbarians and the feral animals.

Like when you sided with Mexican Rapist instead of his 14 year old American victim.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.
All illegals are illegal
Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

LOL, did you tell that to the judge

Not debating whether or not the current laws deem drug use illegal. Obviously they do. And that needs to change. We're not a puritanical religious zealot nation anymore. We're more enlightened now. If adult Citizens want to get high or drunk, than so be it. It doesn't make them criminals. But anyway, i can see you're all-in on the War propaganda. No point in continuing a discussion with you. I'm movin on. Take care.

We're not a puritanical religious zealot nation anymore. We're more enlightened now.”

True...and today’s class of American is filthier than it’s ever been....lack of family values, morality, faith in God..etc
Which is exactly why more legislation is desperately needed...these Liberals have to be protected from themselves.

More Government isn't the answer. Less Government is. However, if Government wants to help folks by way of treatment, i could support that. But the killing and imprisoning needs to stop.
List of deaths from drug overdose and intoxication - Wikipedia
But who knows, all the drugs may have ingested/injected by accident. Any other dumbass questions?
Only morons get their info from Wikipedia where the drug smugglers can post their own misinformation.
The Top 10 Reasons Students Cannot Cite or Rely On Wikipedia

Then maybe you ought to do your own research before asking stupid questions, dumbass.
30 Famous Musicians Who Have Battled Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
Celebrities Who've Opened Up About Drug Addiction | HuffPost
List of Famous and Celebrity Drug and Alcohol Addicts

30 famous and rich musicians who have nothing to do with the unemployed under Obooba general public

The epidemic is on the poor not the rich stupid, 99.99 percent of the effected are not rich or famous.

You got that kid

If all else fails, refer back to your previous statement.
Name one person who chose to be an addict

Name one famous person or not famous person who chose to be an addict?

I still don't have one
John belushi
Jillian rated this post as funny.

Does she really doubt anything I said?

yes, you're delusional. poor thin-skinned baby

How much have you pressed Danial to get past his protective layer of gibberish?

You do not want to be on the same side as that man. His heart is full of hate.

what are you blathering about, little one?

If you don't know, you should find out before you defend him.

I wasn't "defending" anyone. I was pointing out that your comment was pure fantasy and silly. knowing Donald did nothing is different from wanting someone to die.

and I'll keep pointing that out. trumptards have this absurd habit of making up garbage then arguing the stuff they make up

So do you support Trump continuing the 'War on Drugs' or not? We're not really gettin where you're coming from on this. I mean we get that you hate Trump, but other than that you aren't making a coherent point.
How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

Look, what you’re trying desperately not to understand is that drugs and drug users tend to be a liability for society in one way or another. Drugs and usage only perpetuates a lower class society.
Remember, all drug users want drugs legalized and all classy, stand-up citizens do not. The motives are clear on both sides.

You need to stop listening to old white Neocons. They're not only religious zealot nuts, they're also bought & paid for whores for Big Pharm drug corporations. Their good buddies produce most of the Opioids folks are addicted to. Don't you find it odd that no $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have ever been killed or imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' I do.

I thought we addressed this already...let’s do it again.
In the real world one is to be held accountable for his/her own actions...you have been programmed to believe that someone or something else is always responsible for your shortcomings this is one of many problems in LibTardoLand.
RJ Reynolds execs haven’t killed anyone...their weak minded consumers killed themselves.
McDonalds execs haven’t killed anyone....fat slobs with no self control killed themselves.
Jack Daniels never killed anyone....lowlifes that drive drunk killed themselves.
See how this works...own your own shit...be accountable and teach accountability. Stop the excuse making...that shit is played the fuck out.
Who produces most of the world's supply of Opioids? How many of them have been killed and imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' Folks really should think about that before being so Gung-ho about supporting the war.
The USA produces only a miniscule part of the illegal drugs that the USA consumes
Well actually taking pain narcotics is legal right?
Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

Look, what you’re trying desperately not to understand is that drugs and drug users tend to be a liability for society in one way or another. Drugs and usage only perpetuates a lower class society.
Remember, all drug users want drugs legalized and all classy, stand-up citizens do not. The motives are clear on both sides.

You need to stop listening to old white Neocons. They're not only religious zealot nuts, they're also bought & paid for whores for Big Pharm drug corporations. Their good buddies produce most of the Opioids folks are addicted to. Don't you find it odd that no $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have ever been killed or imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' I do.

I thought we addressed this already...let’s do it again.
In the real world one is to be held accountable for his/her own actions...you have been programmed to believe that someone or something else is always responsible for your shortcomings this is one of many problems in LibTardoLand.
RJ Reynolds execs haven’t killed anyone...their weak minded consumers killed themselves.
McDonalds execs haven’t killed anyone....fat slobs with no self control killed themselves.
Jack Daniels never killed anyone....lowlifes that drive drunk killed themselves.
See how this works...own your own shit...be accountable and teach accountability. Stop the excuse making...that shit is played the fuck out.
Did tobacco manufacturers kill anyone? Dude, that’s really weak. There is no difference

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