Opioid deaths skyrocket in PA as Trump is unable to contain crisis (but he can golf and tweet)

So, still afraid to watch the video.
better solutions at lower cost; not excuses, right wingers!

Your gibberish does not hide the fact that you are afraid to watch and then comment on the video.

Coward about what; I watched a few seconds of it. role playing being in Congress may be more appropriate and useful.

And you agree with those monsters don't you?

The idea of white people suffering to the point of mass suicide and "dying off" is funny to you, is it not?
when they "suffer" by choice it's none of my business.

And FYI drug use is a choice

It's my business. And we need policy to address this crisis.
Appalachia: The Cradle of the Opioid Epidemic

Appalachia has millions of poor whites.

Addicts in black communities deserve to be jailed.

Addicts in white communities have a disease and need help.

This reminds me of the aftermath of Katrina:


If possible addicts deserve treatment, not jail
Treatment doesn’t resolve the issue. Addicts want their drug or die!
Some you are right you can not help. Some you can. My sister is a shrink at OSU and has had great success at helping many kick their addiction. She has also been to alot of funerals.
Users create sellers and gang violence fk them
f it ain't drugs it's pussy. If it ain't pussy it's money. People will always find a reason to commit violence.
Yep! Drugs leads the way into that violence by much
Says the lefty that supports "Free Trade" and an effectively Open Border, polices that are literally killing my people.


Drama queen.

Not even close, shit head.

Drama queens like yourself love to whine. Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

What is your game here, cocksucker?

Trying to piss me off to get me banned, and thus consider that a win?

FUck you. YOu are a piece of shit.

Easy there Correll, I have said worse to ya and you did not get so upset! Take a deap breath and relax. No one here is going to actually effect your life. Maybe a bad day? It will be better tomarrow.

I live in the Rust Belt. This cocksucker thinks this is funny, like the assholes in the video.

"Whine" about the pain and death of people I've seen and known?

I doubt you've said worse than that to me.

He is a vile piece of shit.
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
It’s not his job...

If Obama was President you would be saying it was his job to do this--

Trump was the one that brought up the opioid crisis we're having in this nation. The doctors cut them off, then they go out on the streets and buy the black tar herion and are dead from an overdose two weeks later.

This is not only going on in PA. Kentucky and several other states in the south have a real ongoing problem with Prescription drug pain killer addictions.

Trump has already outspent Obama's 8 year travel budget--and he has golfed more than any other President in this nations history.
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics


Here is the fat ass on the golf course now.
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Drama queen.

Not even close, shit head.
Drama queens like yourself love to whine. Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

What is your game here, cocksucker?

Trying to piss me off to get me banned, and thus consider that a win?

FUck you. YOu are a piece of shit.
Easy there Correll, I have said worse to ya and you did not get so upset! Take a deap breath and relax. No one here is going to actually effect your life. Maybe a bad day? It will be better tomarrow.

I live in the Rust Belt. This cocksucker thinks this is funny, like the assholes in the video.

"Whine" about the pain and death of people I've seen and known?

I doubt you've said worse than that to me.

He is a vile piece of shit.
And believes he is more moral than us. Only in a libturd’s world.
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
It’s not his job...

If Obama was President you would be saying it was his job to do this--

Trump was the one that brought up the opiade crisis we're having in this nation. The doctors cut them off, then they go out on the streets and buy the black tar herion and are dead from an overdose two weeks later.

This is not going on in PA. Kentucky and several other states in the south have a real ongoing problem with Prescription drug pain killer addictions

And Trump has already outspent Obama's 8 year travel budget--and he has golfed more than any President in this nations history.
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics

Dude, you’re too special. You are obsessed with trump. More than me! You should have just voted for him . You got his picture for your sexual life as well? Getin wood are you?
Summing Up
Addiction involves an initial “honey moon” period, followed by alternating periods of remission and relapse, and then an eventual return to a more sober life. Most addicts quit using drugs at clinically significant levels, they typically quit without professional help, and in the case of illicit drugs, they typically quit before the age of 30. The correlates of quitting include many of the factors that influence voluntary acts, but not, according to Figure Figure1,1, drug exposure once drug use meets the criteria for dependence. Thus, we can say that addiction is ambivalent drug use, which eventually involves more costs than benefits (otherwise why quit?). Behavioral choice principles predict ambivalent preferences, semi-stable suboptimal behavior patterns, and the capacity to shift from one option to another. In contrast, the brain disease account of addiction fails to predict the high quit rates; it fails to predict the correlates of quitting; it fails to predict the temporal pattern of quitting; and it is tied to unsupportable assumptions, such as the claims that neural adaptations, heritability, and irrationality are prima facie evidence of disease. To be sure “compulsion” and “choice” can be seen as points on a continuum, but Figure Figure11 and research on quitting make it clear that addiction is not a borderline case.

It is time to think about addiction in terms of what the research shows, particularly the more recent epidemiological studies, and it is time to abandon the medical model of addiction. It does not fit the facts. The matching law, melioration, and hyperbolic discounting predict that drugs and similar commodities will become the focus of destructive, suboptimal patterns of behavior. These same choice models also predict that individuals caught in a destructive pattern of behavior retain the capacity to improve their lot and that they will do so as a function of changes in their options and/or how they frame their choices. This viewpoint fits the facts of addiction and provides a practical guide to measures that will actually help addicts change for the better.

Addiction and Choice: Theory and New Data

Tell us what you are using that you are not addicted to?
Big pharma does not make heroin, cocaine and meth................

Grow up
Opioid drugs and fentynol, did they over prescribe those for the better part of 15 years or not? Remember your hero Rush was hooked on them!

Rush was using 20 doctors, this is not the fault of any one of those doctors, it was his fault. I have been prescribed Tylenol with Codeine, Percocet, Talwin and morphine sulfate narcotics in my life, they all treated the pain at the time and I was never once addicted. Are you planning to ban all painkillers? because of drug users

My understanding is that they have cut WAY back on writing scripts for them yes. And why did your hero go to 20 different Drs for those scripts? Yes because they got him addicted to them.

actually he got himself addicted to them

addiction is a behavior

Addiction is not a behavior that is controlled by the individual...............

Look up the word retard
Hey retard! Did someone force addiction on you?
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
There is no opioid "crisis."

What you are seeing is a "feature" of opioid abuse.

Some National Geographic specials on T.V regarding this are there. It's everywhere, especially in southern states like Kentucky. Very discriptive--with personal individual stories. Netflix may even have a few documentaries about this.

I already saw the one about central Pennsylvania. An Oxycotton will sell on the street for 80 bucks a piece. They grind it down on aluminum foil, light a match underneath and snort it. When that runs out, and the doctors cut them off, they turn to black tar heroin.
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Drama queen.

Not even close, shit head.
Drama queens like yourself love to whine. Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

What is your game here, cocksucker?

Trying to piss me off to get me banned, and thus consider that a win?

FUck you. YOu are a piece of shit.
Easy there Correll, I have said worse to ya and you did not get so upset! Take a deap breath and relax. No one here is going to actually effect your life. Maybe a bad day? It will be better tomarrow.

I live in the Rust Belt. This cocksucker thinks this is funny, like the assholes in the video.

"Whine" about the pain and death of people I've seen and known?

I doubt you've said worse than that to me.

He is a vile piece of shit.
As some one who has lived thru the last year as I have. I have buried two people in the past week due to this epedimic. I have faced milicious prosecution in the past year and won but it cost me major amounts of money. I watched a twenty five year marriage end, closed a 22 year old business. I have lost my dog. Some of the people closest to me have betrayed me and stolen from me. Through all of this, I have not given any one the satification of seeing me lose my cool. When life is fucking you up the ass, all you have to maintain some sort of dignity is to not give the deplorables of the world the satisfaction of seeing you break down.
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
There is no opioid "crisis."

What you are seeing is a "feature" of opioid abuse.

Some National Geographic specials on T.V regarding this are there. It's everywhere, especially in southern states like Kentucky. Very discriptive--with personal individual stories. Netflix may even have a few documentaries about this.

I already saw the one about central Pennsylvania. An Oxycotton will sell on the street for 80 bucks a piece. They grind it down on aluminum foil, light a match underneath and snort it. When that runs out, and the doctors cut them off, they turn to black tar heroin.
Cool story.
Summing Up
Addiction involves an initial “honey moon” period, followed by alternating periods of remission and relapse, and then an eventual return to a more sober life. Most addicts quit using drugs at clinically significant levels, they typically quit without professional help, and in the case of illicit drugs, they typically quit before the age of 30. The correlates of quitting include many of the factors that influence voluntary acts, but not, according to Figure Figure1,1, drug exposure once drug use meets the criteria for dependence. Thus, we can say that addiction is ambivalent drug use, which eventually involves more costs than benefits (otherwise why quit?). Behavioral choice principles predict ambivalent preferences, semi-stable suboptimal behavior patterns, and the capacity to shift from one option to another. In contrast, the brain disease account of addiction fails to predict the high quit rates; it fails to predict the correlates of quitting; it fails to predict the temporal pattern of quitting; and it is tied to unsupportable assumptions, such as the claims that neural adaptations, heritability, and irrationality are prima facie evidence of disease. To be sure “compulsion” and “choice” can be seen as points on a continuum, but Figure Figure11 and research on quitting make it clear that addiction is not a borderline case.

It is time to think about addiction in terms of what the research shows, particularly the more recent epidemiological studies, and it is time to abandon the medical model of addiction. It does not fit the facts. The matching law, melioration, and hyperbolic discounting predict that drugs and similar commodities will become the focus of destructive, suboptimal patterns of behavior. These same choice models also predict that individuals caught in a destructive pattern of behavior retain the capacity to improve their lot and that they will do so as a function of changes in their options and/or how they frame their choices. This viewpoint fits the facts of addiction and provides a practical guide to measures that will actually help addicts change for the better.

Addiction and Choice: Theory and New Data

Tell us what you are using that you are not addicted to?
Opioid drugs and fentynol, did they over prescribe those for the better part of 15 years or not? Remember your hero Rush was hooked on them!

Rush was using 20 doctors, this is not the fault of any one of those doctors, it was his fault. I have been prescribed Tylenol with Codeine, Percocet, Talwin and morphine sulfate narcotics in my life, they all treated the pain at the time and I was never once addicted. Are you planning to ban all painkillers? because of drug users

My understanding is that they have cut WAY back on writing scripts for them yes. And why did your hero go to 20 different Drs for those scripts? Yes because they got him addicted to them.

actually he got himself addicted to them

addiction is a behavior

Addiction is not a behavior that is controlled by the individual...............

Look up the word retard
Hey retard! Did someone force addiction on you?
Have you experienced it, neither have I. Neither of us can say we understand what these people are going thru. I can not pretend to understand the addict any more than I can claim to understand being gay. What I do understand is that these people are dying and I am willing to look for a solution to a problem. Do I want to hang this epedimic on Trump? Hell no!!!!! I think it will take much more than a year to solve this problem. We can not blame Trump any more for the opiate addiction problem as we can the alcohol addiction problem.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.

That is not identifying a fallacy.

It is also, completely irrelevant.

Do you really think that you added something to the discussion, by pointing out the illegal use of drugs is illegal?
only the right wing complains about illegals.

I think that is unfair to moderates and even many who side with the Left.

Rational people recognize the value of Law and Order.

I agree that the LEft generally sides with the criminals and the barbarians and the feral animals.

Like when you sided with Mexican Rapist instead of his 14 year old American victim.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.

Opioids are available without prescription, the democrats are hiding how many tons of these pills come in from Mexico, since this justifies Trumps WALL
legals go to doctors for recommendations or prescriptions.
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
/——-/ Everyday Libs demand and end to the war on drugs to save money, mock Trump for his wall to slow drug trafficking, his DOJ decision to reverse Oboz’s lax pot policies sends libs into a tail spin and comes little libtards like you blaming him for opioid deaths. Further proof liberalism is evil.
That is not identifying a fallacy.

It is also, completely irrelevant.

Do you really think that you added something to the discussion, by pointing out the illegal use of drugs is illegal?
only the right wing complains about illegals.

I think that is unfair to moderates and even many who side with the Left.

Rational people recognize the value of Law and Order.

I agree that the LEft generally sides with the criminals and the barbarians and the feral animals.

Like when you sided with Mexican Rapist instead of his 14 year old American victim.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.

Opioids are available without prescription, the democrats are hiding how many tons of these pills come in from Mexico, since this justifies Trumps WALL
legals go to doctors for recommendations or prescriptions.

Wrong, 9.99 percent of doctors do not prescribe what is ask for by the patient...........

30 famous and rich musicians who have nothing to do with the unemployed under Obooba general public

The epidemic is on the poor not the rich stupid, 99.99 percent of the effected are not rich or famous.

You got that kid

If all else fails, refer back to your previous statement.
Name one person who chose to be an addict

Name one famous person or not famous person who chose to be an addict?

I still don't have one
John belushi

Chris Farly

Why do you say that he chose addiction?

He did not, no one ever has
Can / will the DOJ indict Obama for aiding and abetting and protecting the Hezbollah international criminal terrorist-supporting drug organization?
I don't buy the disease route for drugs or alcohol. Saying it is a disease, to me personally, is trying to take an easy way out. Yes, some folks are hereditarily inclined to addiction. The rest, to me, is personal responsibility.

That's about the only way they can say it's not their responsibility and not their fault.
Name one person who chose to be an addict
The one who got high, then stayed high. An alcoholic is a choice. What is the difference?
People choose to use, not to be addicted
Then why don’t they choose to stop once they start?
You are so stupid it's amazing that you can breath without help.

Most addicts do choose to stop, but can't, because of the meaning of the word addiction which you have no clue as to the meaning.
30 famous and rich musicians who have nothing to do with the unemployed under Obooba general public

The epidemic is on the poor not the rich stupid, 99.99 percent of the effected are not rich or famous.

You got that kid

If all else fails, refer back to your previous statement.
Name one person who chose to be an addict

Name one famous person or not famous person who chose to be an addict?

I still don't have one
John belushi

Chris Farly

Why do you say that he chose addiction?

He did not, no one ever has
Not everyone takes opiods / drugs for the 1st time as a result of a medical issue / problem.

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