Opioid deaths skyrocket in PA as Trump is unable to contain crisis (but he can golf and tweet)

It's probably been mentioned. But if the Idiot in Chief is going to take credit for no commercial airline deaths in the entire world last year then his stumps should also accept Trump's responsibility for opioid deaths that took place within his own country's border.
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
Don’t you know Trump is not responsible for anything? Only making his rich friends richer, taking healthcare away from people, giving Wall St. big wet kisses and removing regulations to prevent another recession, not sufficiently helping PR but giving himself an A,
doing nothing to prevent Russia hacking our democracy again, oil drilling off all shore areas putting billion dollar tourism industries at risk,
Etc etc etc
He’s talked a good game about doing something about the opioid crisis like he talked about lowering the prices of pharmaceuticals during the campaign, but the talk stopped a long time ago and inaction is all that’s left.

Just another example of him making Murica great again.

But I hear he’s putting Kellyanne Conway on the opioid crisis problem so we’re all excited about that.
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President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
There is no opioid "crisis."

What you are seeing is a "feature" of opioid abuse.

Some National Geographic specials on T.V regarding this are there. It's everywhere, especially in southern states like Kentucky. Very discriptive--with personal individual stories. Netflix may even have a few documentaries about this.

I already saw the one about central Pennsylvania. An Oxycotton will sell on the street for 80 bucks a piece. They grind it down on aluminum foil, light a match underneath and snort it. When that runs out, and the doctors cut them off, they turn to black tar heroin.
Addiction is a drug of personal choice...
Stupid fucking dolt. Addiction is a disease not a personal choice.
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
There is no opioid "crisis."

What you are seeing is a "feature" of opioid abuse.

Some National Geographic specials on T.V regarding this are there. It's everywhere, especially in southern states like Kentucky. Very discriptive--with personal individual stories. Netflix may even have a few documentaries about this.

I already saw the one about central Pennsylvania. An Oxycotton will sell on the street for 80 bucks a piece. They grind it down on aluminum foil, light a match underneath and snort it. When that runs out, and the doctors cut them off, they turn to black tar heroin.
Addiction is a drug of personal choice...
Stupid fucking dolt. Addiction is a disease not a personal choice.
Says who? It isn’t airborne, nor is anyone forced into addiction. Jack weed
Solving the opioid crisis was one of the 10 responsibilities this joke of a president gave Jarrod Kushner along with brokering a Middle East peace, diplomacy with Mexico, reforming the criminal justice system etc etc etc
He’s been a marvelous success don’t you think?
While the idiot sits on his fat ass watching TV 8-10 hours a day and eating junk food.

Craziest president in the history of this country.
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
There is no opioid "crisis."

What you are seeing is a "feature" of opioid abuse.

Some National Geographic specials on T.V regarding this are there. It's everywhere, especially in southern states like Kentucky. Very discriptive--with personal individual stories. Netflix may even have a few documentaries about this.

I already saw the one about central Pennsylvania. An Oxycotton will sell on the street for 80 bucks a piece. They grind it down on aluminum foil, light a match underneath and snort it. When that runs out, and the doctors cut them off, they turn to black tar heroin.
Addiction is a drug of personal choice...
Stupid fucking dolt. Addiction is a disease not a personal choice.
Says who? It isn’t airborne, nor is anyone forced into addiction. Jack weed
Says doctors, researchers and other professionals who work with addicts.
You never disappoint proving you don’t know a goddamn thing about anything.
Solving the opioid crisis was one of the 10 responsibilities this joke of a president gave Jarrod Kushner along with brokering a Middle East peace, diplomacy with Mexico, reforming the criminal justice system etc etc etc
He’s been a marvelous success don’t you think?
While the idiot sits on his fat ass watching TV 8-10 hours a day and eating junk food.

Craziest president in the history of this country.

I don't know why they don't impeach him on the 25th amendment as being UNFIT to hold this office. If you're reading Michael Woolff's book--"Fire & Fury"-- it's clear that even his relatives and closest aids don't feel he is fit to be POTUS.
Solving the opioid crisis was one of the 10 responsibilities this joke of a president gave Jarrod Kushner along with brokering a Middle East peace, diplomacy with Mexico, reforming the criminal justice system etc etc etc
He’s been a marvelous success don’t you think?
While the idiot sits on his fat ass watching TV 8-10 hours a day and eating junk food.

Craziest president in the history of this country.

I don't know why they don't impeach him on the 25th amendment as being UNFIT to hold this office. If you're reading Michael Woolff's book--"Fire & Fury"-- it's clear that even his relatives and closest aids don't feel he is fit to be POTUS.
The topic of the 25th amendment is common talk among the WH staff. They can’t believe it hasn’t happened yet with this prez in such a cognitive decline.
People choose to use, not to be addicted
Then why don’t they choose to stop once they start?
You are so stupid it's amazing that you can breath without help.

Most addicts do choose to stop, but can't, because of the meaning of the word addiction which you have no clue as to the meaning.
Excuses for abusing drugs. That’s all
Then why does every insurance company pay for treatments?
Yes right, insurance companies pay for treatment as addiction is considered a disease.

When you show some compassion to your fellow human, then and only then will you be truly human. Now this does not mean that all addicts want to be helped, but most do
If possible addicts deserve treatment, not jail
Treatment doesn’t resolve the issue. Addicts want their drug or die!

True treatment does not always work, but you just described addiction, this is beaten every day
Yep, go cry in front of other abusers I get it
I am so thankful that I do not understand you.......................
Never asked you to
True, I merely stated that I am glad that you are an ignorant compassionless animal, and that I am a human
Not even close, shit head.
Drama queens like yourself love to whine. Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

What is your game here, cocksucker?

Trying to piss me off to get me banned, and thus consider that a win?

FUck you. YOu are a piece of shit.
Easy there Correll, I have said worse to ya and you did not get so upset! Take a deap breath and relax. No one here is going to actually effect your life. Maybe a bad day? It will be better tomarrow.

I live in the Rust Belt. This cocksucker thinks this is funny, like the assholes in the video.

"Whine" about the pain and death of people I've seen and known?

I doubt you've said worse than that to me.

He is a vile piece of shit.
As some one who has lived thru the last year as I have. I have buried two people in the past week due to this epedimic. I have faced milicious prosecution in the past year and won but it cost me major amounts of money. I watched a twenty five year marriage end, closed a 22 year old business. I have lost my dog. Some of the people closest to me have betrayed me and stolen from me. Through all of this, I have not given any one the satification of seeing me lose my cool. When life is fucking you up the ass, all you have to maintain some sort of dignity is to not give the deplorables of the world the satisfaction of seeing you break down.

The very least that we can do, when people like reasonable are complete assholes, is tell them to their face that they are complete assholes, and they aren't fooling anyone.

If we don't raise a stink about issues that are important, like the fact that their policies are killing us, then they can use their constant, vile lies to create the false perception in society that everything is ok, or that at least nothing can be done about it.

Because there are VAST amounts of shit that can be done to improve things in central PA rust belt, and I'm not going to let these cocksucker pieces of shit, lie about that without challenge.

We have chosen as a society to NOT do any of those things, because cocksucking pieces of shit like reasonable, have slandered and marginalized anyone who dared voice any concern about white people having interests that need addressed.

That is not identifying a fallacy.

It is also, completely irrelevant.

Do you really think that you added something to the discussion, by pointing out the illegal use of drugs is illegal?
only the right wing complains about illegals.

I think that is unfair to moderates and even many who side with the Left.

Rational people recognize the value of Law and Order.

I agree that the LEft generally sides with the criminals and the barbarians and the feral animals.

Like when you sided with Mexican Rapist instead of his 14 year old American victim.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.

Opioids are available without prescription, the democrats are hiding how many tons of these pills come in from Mexico, since this justifies Trumps WALL
legals go to doctors for recommendations or prescriptions.

Says the hater that is glad to see Americans, especially white Americans, dying.
better solutions at lower cost; not excuses, right wingers!

Your gibberish does not hide the fact that you are afraid to watch and then comment on the video.

Coward about what; I watched a few seconds of it. role playing being in Congress may be more appropriate and useful.

And you agree with those monsters don't you?

The idea of white people suffering to the point of mass suicide and "dying off" is funny to you, is it not?
when they "suffer" by choice it's none of my business.

And FYI drug use is a choice

It's my business. And we need policy to address this crisis.


We have had what hundreds or thousands of drug policies and all of them have failed.
The so called war on drugs is an utter failure
Just say no was a joke

People have always used and abused mind altering substances and they always will.
Your gibberish does not hide the fact that you are afraid to watch and then comment on the video.

Coward about what; I watched a few seconds of it. role playing being in Congress may be more appropriate and useful.

And you agree with those monsters don't you?

The idea of white people suffering to the point of mass suicide and "dying off" is funny to you, is it not?
when they "suffer" by choice it's none of my business.

And FYI drug use is a choice

It's my business. And we need policy to address this crisis.


We have had what hundreds or thousands of drug policies and all of them have failed.
The so called war on drugs is an utter failure
Just say no was a joke

People have always used and abused mind altering substances and they always will.
There was a treatment in the sixties that had over 90 percent success rate against alcoholism. Unfortunately our governemt made it illegal. I do not know if it would have worked against other drugs, but maybe it would.
Your gibberish does not hide the fact that you are afraid to watch and then comment on the video.

Coward about what; I watched a few seconds of it. role playing being in Congress may be more appropriate and useful.

And you agree with those monsters don't you?

The idea of white people suffering to the point of mass suicide and "dying off" is funny to you, is it not?
when they "suffer" by choice it's none of my business.

And FYI drug use is a choice

It's my business. And we need policy to address this crisis.


We have had what hundreds or thousands of drug policies and all of them have failed.
The so called war on drugs is an utter failure
Just say no was a joke

People have always used and abused mind altering substances and they always will.
Yep, it’s a personal choice....
Coward about what; I watched a few seconds of it. role playing being in Congress may be more appropriate and useful.

And you agree with those monsters don't you?

The idea of white people suffering to the point of mass suicide and "dying off" is funny to you, is it not?
when they "suffer" by choice it's none of my business.

And FYI drug use is a choice

It's my business. And we need policy to address this crisis.


We have had what hundreds or thousands of drug policies and all of them have failed.
The so called war on drugs is an utter failure
Just say no was a joke

People have always used and abused mind altering substances and they always will.
There was a treatment in the sixties that had over 90 percent success rate against alcoholism. Unfortunately our governemt made it illegal. I do not know if it would have worked against other drugs, but maybe it would.

What was that? Antabuse? FYI still legal

and define success rate? How many years of being sober?

The fact is that AA has a high success rate and all it consists of is choosing not to drink anymore.

All addiction is a choice because using and abusing drugs is a choice
And you agree with those monsters don't you?

The idea of white people suffering to the point of mass suicide and "dying off" is funny to you, is it not?
when they "suffer" by choice it's none of my business.

And FYI drug use is a choice

It's my business. And we need policy to address this crisis.


We have had what hundreds or thousands of drug policies and all of them have failed.
The so called war on drugs is an utter failure
Just say no was a joke

People have always used and abused mind altering substances and they always will.
There was a treatment in the sixties that had over 90 percent success rate against alcoholism. Unfortunately our governemt made it illegal. I do not know if it would have worked against other drugs, but maybe it would.

What was that? Antabuse? FYI still legal

and define success rate? How many years of being sober?

The fact is that AA has a high success rate and all it consists of is choosing not to drink anymore.

All addiction is a choice because using and abusing drugs is a choice
It was actually LSD used in conjuntion with some sort of suggestivism. I studied it in college, but it was so many years ago most of that info has left my head. If you do not use knowledge you truely lose it.

I am not sure how long they tracked success rate after the drug was made illegal. I will see if I can hunt up some of those old notes.

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