Opioid deaths skyrocket in PA as Trump is unable to contain crisis (but he can golf and tweet)

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

Look, what you’re trying desperately not to understand is that drugs and drug users tend to be a liability for society in one way or another. Drugs and usage only perpetuates a lower class society.
Remember, all drug users want drugs legalized and all classy, stand-up citizens do not. The motives are clear on both sides.

You need to stop listening to old white Neocons. They're not only religious zealot nuts, they're also bought & paid for whores for Big Pharm drug corporations. Their good buddies produce most of the Opioids folks are addicted to. Don't you find it odd that no $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have ever been killed or imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' I do.

I thought we addressed this already...let’s do it again.
In the real world one is to be held accountable for his/her own actions...you have been programmed to believe that someone or something else is always responsible for your shortcomings this is one of many problems in LibTardoLand.
RJ Reynolds execs haven’t killed anyone...their weak minded consumers killed themselves.
McDonalds execs haven’t killed anyone....fat slobs with no self control killed themselves.
Jack Daniels never killed anyone....lowlifes that drive drunk killed themselves.
See how this works...own your own shit...be accountable and teach accountability. Stop the excuse making...that shit is played the fuck out.

I hear ya, you wanna kill and imprison drug dealers except for the biggest drug dealers of em all... Big Pharm. You wanna put a dent in your 'Opioid Epidemic?' Start imprisoning Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials.
Problems with this position imo.

1. Government policy created the environment of hopelessness that encourages addiction.

2. The effects of their addictions cause harm and expense to society.

It's a personal adult decision whether or not to get high or drunk. The act of partaking in drug use, is not a criminal act. Government can't and shouldn't control everything.

Our Government has killed and imprisoned far too many Citizens in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' Its primary focus should have been on helping folks with treatment. But whenever Government declares 'War' on something, there will be blood. It's time to end this bloody 'War on Drugs.'

It is not a personal adult decision to whether or not to get high or drunk.

That is how you think it should be.

People are dying from the Opioid epidemic. We need to address that.

Yet no $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have ever been killed or arrested by Government. Pretty strange, no? Till i see that happen, i can't support this bloody 'War on Drugs.'

A valid complaint, about how the War has been waged.

but one that does not change the fact that people are dying from the Opioid Epedemic.

Arrest and imprison some $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats, and you might make a dent in the problem. Till then, our Government should stop killing and imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. If it wants to be involved, it should be involved with helping folks by way of treatment. Killing and imprisoning isn't a humane solution.

While not having any desire to defend any CEOs, my understanding is that the majority of drugs killing people are being imported from Mexico, not produced and sold domestically.

Sealing the border is a good idea for all kind of reasons.
Only morons get their info from Wikipedia where the drug smugglers can post their own misinformation.
The Top 10 Reasons Students Cannot Cite or Rely On Wikipedia

Then maybe you ought to do your own research before asking stupid questions, dumbass.
30 Famous Musicians Who Have Battled Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
Celebrities Who've Opened Up About Drug Addiction | HuffPost
List of Famous and Celebrity Drug and Alcohol Addicts

30 famous and rich musicians who have nothing to do with the unemployed under Obooba general public

The epidemic is on the poor not the rich stupid, 99.99 percent of the effected are not rich or famous.

You got that kid

If all else fails, refer back to your previous statement.
Name one person who chose to be an addict

Name one famous person or not famous person who chose to be an addict?

I still don't have one
John belushi

Chris Farly
I would like to see you try. The more clear your posts, the easier it is to see that you are spewing nonsense to hide how full of hate you are.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.

That is not identifying a fallacy.

It is also, completely irrelevant.

Do you really think that you added something to the discussion, by pointing out the illegal use of drugs is illegal?
only the right wing complains about illegals.

I think that is unfair to moderates and even many who side with the Left.

Rational people recognize the value of Law and Order.

I agree that the LEft generally sides with the criminals and the barbarians and the feral animals.

Like when you sided with Mexican Rapist instead of his 14 year old American victim.
opioids are available via prescription, only illegals buy them illegally.

I think that is unfair to moderates and even many who side with the Left.

Rational people recognize the value of Law and Order.

I agree that the LEft generally sides with the criminals and the barbarians and the feral animals.

Like when you sided with Mexican Rapist instead of his 14 year old American victim.
So it’s a disease to be a serial killer now?
Seriously can you name one serial killer who was not diseased?

The Green River dude?
So people who kill 50 or more women for sport are not diseased in your mind.


PT Barnum has a job for you in the new circus
What is the disease and how do you treat it?
You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

Look, what you’re trying desperately not to understand is that drugs and drug users tend to be a liability for society in one way or another. Drugs and usage only perpetuates a lower class society.
Remember, all drug users want drugs legalized and all classy, stand-up citizens do not. The motives are clear on both sides.

You need to stop listening to old white Neocons. They're not only religious zealot nuts, they're also bought & paid for whores for Big Pharm drug corporations. Their good buddies produce most of the Opioids folks are addicted to. Don't you find it odd that no $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have ever been killed or imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' I do.

I thought we addressed this already...let’s do it again.
In the real world one is to be held accountable for his/her own actions...you have been programmed to believe that someone or something else is always responsible for your shortcomings this is one of many problems in LibTardoLand.
RJ Reynolds execs haven’t killed anyone...their weak minded consumers killed themselves.
McDonalds execs haven’t killed anyone....fat slobs with no self control killed themselves.
Jack Daniels never killed anyone....lowlifes that drive drunk killed themselves.
See how this works...own your own shit...be accountable and teach accountability. Stop the excuse making...that shit is played the fuck out.
Did tobacco manufacturers kill anyone? Dude, that’s really weak. There is no difference

Did they?
Lenny Bruce, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, John Belushi... the list goes on.
no. it's a disease.

I don't buy the disease route for drugs or alcohol. Saying it is a disease, to me personally, is trying to take an easy way out. Yes, some folks are hereditarily inclined to addiction. The rest, to me, is personal responsibility.

That's about the only way they can say it's not their responsibility and not their fault.
Name one person who chose to be an addict
The one who got high, then stayed high. An alcoholic is a choice. What is the difference?
People choose to use, not to be addicted
Then why don’t they choose to stop once they start?
Opium, by its very nature, is addictive. It's not possible to formulate it into medication without it being addictive. It's not like the pharmaceutical companies are deliberately adding something to them with the intention of making it addictive.
If that were true, why wouldn’t everyone get addicted?

Well, for starters, because not everyone is as prone to addiction. Also, increasing numbers of doctors will not prescribe opioids for longer than a set period of time, to avoid the possibility of addiction, unless the patient is terminal anyway.

AFAIK Just about everyone with an addictive personality has already died from Oxys and Roxys.

True story. Everyone who was like that around me did. That shit killed them. Was it necessary? Probably not. Would I prefer some of them were still alive? Yes!

Why did Congress allow deadly drugs like that to be?

So you live in the ghetto.................

So I take it you have forgotten how your fat ass clown of a savior Rush Limbaugh had an opiate problem. Not just in the getto .
He did, his choice
Appalachia: The Cradle of the Opioid Epidemic

Appalachia has millions of poor whites.

Addicts in black communities deserve to be jailed.

Addicts in white communities have a disease and need help.

This reminds me of the aftermath of Katrina:


If possible addicts deserve treatment, not jail
Treatment doesn’t resolve the issue. Addicts want their drug or die!
Appalachia: The Cradle of the Opioid Epidemic

Appalachia has millions of poor whites.

Addicts in black communities deserve to be jailed.

Addicts in white communities have a disease and need help.

This reminds me of the aftermath of Katrina:


If possible addicts deserve treatment, not jail
Treatment doesn’t resolve the issue. Addicts want their drug or die!
Some you are right you can not help. Some you can. My sister is a shrink at OSU and has had great success at helping many kick their addiction. She has also been to alot of funerals.
Agreed. FUck North Korea.

He needs to focus on Trade and the Border.

Bring in jobs and disrupt the flow of drugs from Mexico.

It is however worth noting that he is the only politician that was credibly interested in doing either of those.

Donald has zero credibility. Burt it's funny how trump loons think he does even though he's lied more than any president in history. nutters. :cuckoo:

Says the lefty that supports "Free Trade" and an effectively Open Border, polices that are literally killing my people.


Drama queen.

Not even close, shit head.

Drama queens like yourself love to whine. Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

What is your game here, cocksucker?

Trying to piss me off to get me banned, and thus consider that a win?

FUck you. YOu are a piece of shit.
Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

Look, what you’re trying desperately not to understand is that drugs and drug users tend to be a liability for society in one way or another. Drugs and usage only perpetuates a lower class society.
Remember, all drug users want drugs legalized and all classy, stand-up citizens do not. The motives are clear on both sides.

You need to stop listening to old white Neocons. They're not only religious zealot nuts, they're also bought & paid for whores for Big Pharm drug corporations. Their good buddies produce most of the Opioids folks are addicted to. Don't you find it odd that no $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have ever been killed or imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' I do.

I thought we addressed this already...let’s do it again.
In the real world one is to be held accountable for his/her own actions...you have been programmed to believe that someone or something else is always responsible for your shortcomings this is one of many problems in LibTardoLand.
RJ Reynolds execs haven’t killed anyone...their weak minded consumers killed themselves.
McDonalds execs haven’t killed anyone....fat slobs with no self control killed themselves.
Jack Daniels never killed anyone....lowlifes that drive drunk killed themselves.
See how this works...own your own shit...be accountable and teach accountability. Stop the excuse making...that shit is played the fuck out.
Did tobacco manufacturers kill anyone? Dude, that’s really weak. There is no difference

Did they?
You didn’t answer?
Donald has zero credibility. Burt it's funny how trump loons think he does even though he's lied more than any president in history. nutters. :cuckoo:

Says the lefty that supports "Free Trade" and an effectively Open Border, polices that are literally killing my people.


Drama queen.

Not even close, shit head.

Drama queens like yourself love to whine. Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

What is your game here, cocksucker?

Trying to piss me off to get me banned, and thus consider that a win?

FUck you. YOu are a piece of shit.

Easy there Correll, I have said worse to ya and you did not get so upset! Take a deap breath and relax. No one here is going to actually effect your life. Maybe a bad day? It will be better tomarrow.
Appalachia: The Cradle of the Opioid Epidemic

Appalachia has millions of poor whites.

Addicts in black communities deserve to be jailed.

Addicts in white communities have a disease and need help.

This reminds me of the aftermath of Katrina:


If possible addicts deserve treatment, not jail
Treatment doesn’t resolve the issue. Addicts want their drug or die!
Some you are right you can not help. Some you can. My sister is a shrink at OSU and has had great success at helping many kick their addiction. She has also been to alot of funerals.
Users create sellers and gang violence fk them
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties

Agreed. FUck North Korea.

He needs to focus on Trade and the Border.

Bring in jobs and disrupt the flow of drugs from Mexico.

It is however worth noting that he is the only politician that was credibly interested in doing either of those.

Donald has zero credibility. Burt it's funny how trump loons think he does even though he's lied more than any president in history. nutters. :cuckoo:

Says the lefty that supports "Free Trade" and an effectively Open Border, polices that are literally killing my people.


The right wing are just a bunch whiners; better solutions at lower cost. All talk and no action, can still make this happen.

Dude, can’t you write in English?

He could, but he won't. He think it makes him look smart, and helps him hide what he is really about, ie, hating America and Americans.
Appalachia: The Cradle of the Opioid Epidemic

Appalachia has millions of poor whites.

Addicts in black communities deserve to be jailed.

Addicts in white communities have a disease and need help.

This reminds me of the aftermath of Katrina:


If possible addicts deserve treatment, not jail
Treatment doesn’t resolve the issue. Addicts want their drug or die!
Some you are right you can not help. Some you can. My sister is a shrink at OSU and has had great success at helping many kick their addiction. She has also been to alot of funerals.
Users create sellers and gang violence fk them
f it ain't drugs it's pussy. If it ain't pussy it's money. People will always find a reason to commit violence.

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