Opioid deaths skyrocket in PA as Trump is unable to contain crisis (but he can golf and tweet)

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

You are advocating getting high, in fact as far as we can tell you are high now

Untrue on both counts. But have you ever been drunk or high?

I have used narcotics, not fentanyl or OxyContin. If I need some I will call your Mom

Nice. Time for you to bow out of the discussion. The adults are trying to talk. See ya.

Adults do not advocate annulling all drug laws like you want to......
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties

As you know, and know well, the Opioid/heroin epidemic began early in the reign of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. As he did with everything, he chose to lead from behind and secure himself under his desk.
Obama even pardoned drug pushers and users as well, so they can continue using
Obummer hates Americans

He is Muslim Brotherhood scum.....so yes, he hates Americans!
Nothing he did in office helped Americans
The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

Don’t dumb yourself down here...you know that legalization equals accessibility which equals greater consumption. This is a no brainer.

Again, a primary function of .GOV is to create law to protect American citizens both physically and fiscally.
This really is third grade shit.

Even if there is 'greater consumption, i'd still rather see Citizens have the right to make their own adult decisions on drug use. I'd rather that, than continue on with this bloody 'War on Drugs.'

Stated like the addict that you are, in fact drugs are all that you care about


Let us know when you have gathered up all the carts at the Food Lion
Who produces most of the world's supply of Opioids? How many of them have been killed and imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' Folks really should think about that before being so Gung-ho about supporting the war.
True the wall is not going to change everything, but it will help. We need to put more drug users in prison however as drugs are human pollution just like oil spills are pollution and must be stopped

Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

LOL, did you tell that to the judge

Are you aware that alcohol is legal without a prescription and that Pedro does not issue prescriptions
Who produces most of the world's supply of Opioids? How many of them have been killed and imprisoned by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' Folks really should think about that before being so Gung-ho about supporting the war.
The USA produces only a miniscule part of the illegal drugs that the USA consumes
Is addiction a personal choice too?
It is

no. it's a disease.

I don't buy the disease route for drugs or alcohol. Saying it is a disease, to me personally, is trying to take an easy way out. Yes, some folks are hereditarily inclined to addiction. The rest, to me, is personal responsibility.

That's about the only way they can say it's not their responsibility and not their fault.
Name one person who chose to be an addict
The one who got high, then stayed high. An alcoholic is a choice. What is the difference?
Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

LOL, did you tell that to the judge

Not debating whether or not the current laws deem drug use illegal. Obviously they do. And that needs to change. We're not a puritanical religious zealot nation anymore. We're more enlightened now. If adult Citizens want to get high or drunk, than so be it. It doesn't make them criminals. But anyway, i can see you're all-in on the War propaganda. No point in continuing a discussion with you. I'm movin on. Take care.
How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

LOL, did you tell that to the judge

Not debating whether or not the current laws deem drug use illegal. Obviously they do. And that needs to change. We're not a puritanical religious zealot nation anymore. We're more enlightened now. If adult Citizens want to get high or drunk, than so be it. It doesn't make them criminals. But anyway, i can see you're all-in on the War propaganda. No point in continuing a discussion with you. I'm movin on. Take care.

So you were wrong when you said that drug use is not criminal.

You were wrong because you are delusional
Thats a ridiculous analogy.

Blaming pharmaceutical companies for doctors prescribing medication is ridiculous
Why make them addictive?
You do not understand drugs in general. Heroin is a natural chemical, it is not made addictive, it is addictive, there is a difference. Many people get addicted to being pain free, as the pain that Obama induced on society is unbearable
Do pharmaceutical companies make heroin?

Most opioid addiction in the US involves prescription meds, not street heroin.
I know
Is addiction a personal choice too?
It is

no. it's a disease.
So it’s a disease to be a serial killer now?
Seriously can you name one serial killer who was not diseased?

The Green River dude?
So people who kill 50 or more women for sport are not diseased in your mind.


PT Barnum has a job for you in the new circus
No one is forced into addiction

No one is forced into schizophrenia either, so is it their fault?

Think, if you can

Thats a ridiculous analogy.

Blaming pharmaceutical companies for doctors prescribing medication is ridiculous
Why make them addictive?

Opium, by its very nature, is addictive. It's not possible to formulate it into medication without it being addictive. It's not like the pharmaceutical companies are deliberately adding something to them with the intention of making it addictive.
If that were true, why wouldn’t everyone get addicted?
So it’s a disease to be a serial killer now?
Seriously can you name one serial killer who was not diseased?

The Green River dude?
So people who kill 50 or more women for sport are not diseased in your mind.


PT Barnum has a job for you in the new circus

He didn't have any diseases per se, just no social skills, no empathy, and a libido. Name the disease he had, then, bitch. You can't.

Reminds me of a certain poster here.
No one is forced into schizophrenia either, so is it their fault?

Think, if you can

Thats a ridiculous analogy.

Blaming pharmaceutical companies for doctors prescribing medication is ridiculous
Why make them addictive?

Opium, by its very nature, is addictive. It's not possible to formulate it into medication without it being addictive. It's not like the pharmaceutical companies are deliberately adding something to them with the intention of making it addictive.
If that were true, why wouldn’t everyone get addicted?

Well, for starters, because not everyone is as prone to addiction. Also, increasing numbers of doctors will not prescribe opioids for longer than a set period of time, to avoid the possibility of addiction, unless the patient is terminal anyway.
True the wall is not going to change everything, but it will help. We need to put more drug users in prison however as drugs are human pollution just like oil spills are pollution and must be stopped

Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

Look, what you’re trying desperately not to understand is that drugs and drug users tend to be a liability for society in one way or another. Drugs and usage only perpetuates a lower class society.
Remember, all drug users want drugs legalized and all classy, stand-up citizens do not. The motives are clear on both sides.

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