Opioid deaths skyrocket in PA as Trump is unable to contain crisis (but he can golf and tweet)

Name one person who chose to be an addict

List of deaths from drug overdose and intoxication - Wikipedia
But who knows, all the drugs may have ingested/injected by accident. Any other dumbass questions?
Only morons get their info from Wikipedia where the drug smugglers can post their own misinformation.
The Top 10 Reasons Students Cannot Cite or Rely On Wikipedia

Then maybe you ought to do your own research before asking stupid questions, dumbass.
30 Famous Musicians Who Have Battled Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
Celebrities Who've Opened Up About Drug Addiction | HuffPost
List of Famous and Celebrity Drug and Alcohol Addicts

30 famous and rich musicians who have nothing to do with the unemployed under Obooba general public

The epidemic is on the poor not the rich stupid, 99.99 percent of the effected are not rich or famous.

You got that kid

If all else fails, refer back to your previous statement.
Name one person who chose to be an addict

Name one famous person or not famous person who chose to be an addict?

I still don't have one
Addicts destroy lives other than their own, thus protecting the people is a government job


That may be true, but the act of using drugs is not a criminal act. Just like the act of getting drunk isn't a criminal act. It can be a bad decision, but it's not a Government issue.

You live in an alternate dimension of time and space. Here in my dimension using and selling drugs not prescribed gets people to PRISON.

You are mentally inept if you do not know this

Yes, that's the real problem. An individual adult decision to partake in drug use, is not a criminal act. It might be a bad decision, but it's not criminal. No Citizen should be killed or imprisoned in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' The 'War on Drugs' is a bloody disgrace.

If drug use is not criminal, why do the police take drug users to jail, then the judge sends them to prison.

Again what planet are you on?

Because it's their duty to enforce laws. And that's the root of the problem. The current laws are archaic and barbaric. I don't blame the police entirely, they're ordered to kill and imprison in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' Their foot soldiers in this insane 'War on Drugs.'

So you want all laws repealed which would create more users and more deaths...


Now go snort your meth
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties
You think Trump or the GOP give a flying fuck about opioid addiction? They’re going to slash funding for anything that can fight it.
It wouldn't be an issue if not for Trump. He's not ignoring it like the previous admin, except for a few half-hearted comments.

Remember, it was an issue for the GOP because it was happening to white people.

Fucking hypocrites.
Absolutely he’s ignoring it. Are you dumb? :cuckoo:

Well actually, it’s possible that he’s not ignoring since he signed an order that stops people from getting addiction treatment from their health plans, his proposed budget includes slashing funding for treatment, and he continues to try to kill healthcare for millions of Americans.
Trump is building a wall to help prevent this, YOU ARE IGNORING IT.

You got that kid
Trump is currently not building anything, and the only reason he wants a wall is because he’ll look like a moron if it’s never even started

Prototypes seem quite cool. I like the one with the solar panels.


I don't think it made the finals list though.

How many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have been arrested and killed by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' Folks really should contemplate that for a bit before supporting their Government killing and imprisoning fellow Citizens in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'
Opioid pills are being smuggled in to the USA by Mexican drug mules just walking across the border..........We need a WALL

I'm ok with a wall, but that's not gonna solve the drug problem. Folks wanna get high and drunk. That won't change with a wall. A more logical humane solution would be for our Government to stop killing and imprisoning Citizens for drug use. It should instead focus on helping folks by way of treatment.
True the wall is not going to change everything, but it will help. We need to put more drug users in prison however as drugs are human pollution just like oil spills are pollution and must be stopped

Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?
Not a Government issue. If people wanna get high, so be it. The act of getting high is not a criminal act. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for getting high. That's archaic and barbaric. People have always wanted to get high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity.

As long as they're adults, they should be allowed to make the decision for themselves. Government shouldn't be involved. It's time to end the 'War on Drugs.' Our Government has killed and imprisoned far too many Citizens in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' It's over. Time to move on.

Problems with this position imo.

1. Government policy created the environment of hopelessness that encourages addiction.

2. The effects of their addictions cause harm and expense to society.


3. Legalized pot destabilized Mexican economy so they began escalation of importing heroin to replace lost revenue from their old black market.

Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some of the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. So your stereotypes are questionable.

In the end, it was the puritanical religious zealots who forced prohibition on the nation. And it's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.
Not a Government issue. If people wanna get high, so be it. The act of getting high is not a criminal act. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for getting high. That's archaic and barbaric. People have always wanted to get high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity.

As long as they're adults, they should be allowed to make the decision for themselves. Government shouldn't be involved. It's time to end the 'War on Drugs.' Our Government has killed and imprisoned far too many Citizens in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' It's over. Time to move on.

Problems with this position imo.

1. Government policy created the environment of hopelessness that encourages addiction.

2. The effects of their addictions cause harm and expense to society.


3. Legalized pot destabilized Mexican economy so they began escalation of importing heroin to replace lost revenue from their old black market.

Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

You are advocating getting high, in fact as far as we can tell you are high now
Not a Government issue. If people wanna get high, so be it. The act of getting high is not a criminal act. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for getting high. That's archaic and barbaric. People have always wanted to get high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity.

As long as they're adults, they should be allowed to make the decision for themselves. Government shouldn't be involved. It's time to end the 'War on Drugs.' Our Government has killed and imprisoned far too many Citizens in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' It's over. Time to move on.

Problems with this position imo.

1. Government policy created the environment of hopelessness that encourages addiction.

2. The effects of their addictions cause harm and expense to society.


3. Legalized pot destabilized Mexican economy so they began escalation of importing heroin to replace lost revenue from their old black market.

Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

Don’t dumb yourself down here...you know that legalization equals accessibility which equals greater consumption. This is a no brainer.

Again, a primary function of .GOV is to create law to protect American citizens both physically and fiscally.
This really is third grade shit.
That may be true, but the act of using drugs is not a criminal act. Just like the act of getting drunk isn't a criminal act. It can be a bad decision, but it's not a Government issue.

You live in an alternate dimension of time and space. Here in my dimension using and selling drugs not prescribed gets people to PRISON.

You are mentally inept if you do not know this

Yes, that's the real problem. An individual adult decision to partake in drug use, is not a criminal act. It might be a bad decision, but it's not criminal. No Citizen should be killed or imprisoned in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' The 'War on Drugs' is a bloody disgrace.

If drug use is not criminal, why do the police take drug users to jail, then the judge sends them to prison.

Again what planet are you on?

Because it's their duty to enforce laws. And that's the root of the problem. The current laws are archaic and barbaric. I don't blame the police entirely, they're ordered to kill and imprison in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' Their foot soldiers in this insane 'War on Drugs.'

So you want all laws repealed which would create more users and more deaths...


Now go snort your meth

How many have been killed and imprisoned by our Government in the name of 'Fighting Drugs?' So yes, it is time to end prohibition. The 'War on Drugs' needs to be ended.
How many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats have been arrested and killed by Government in this 'War on Drugs?' Folks really should contemplate that for a bit before supporting their Government killing and imprisoning fellow Citizens in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'
Opioid pills are being smuggled in to the USA by Mexican drug mules just walking across the border..........We need a WALL

I'm ok with a wall, but that's not gonna solve the drug problem. Folks wanna get high and drunk. That won't change with a wall. A more logical humane solution would be for our Government to stop killing and imprisoning Citizens for drug use. It should instead focus on helping folks by way of treatment.
True the wall is not going to change everything, but it will help. We need to put more drug users in prison however as drugs are human pollution just like oil spills are pollution and must be stopped

Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'
Not a Government issue. If people wanna get high, so be it. The act of getting high is not a criminal act. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for getting high. That's archaic and barbaric. People have always wanted to get high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity.

As long as they're adults, they should be allowed to make the decision for themselves. Government shouldn't be involved. It's time to end the 'War on Drugs.' Our Government has killed and imprisoned far too many Citizens in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' It's over. Time to move on.

Problems with this position imo.

1. Government policy created the environment of hopelessness that encourages addiction.

2. The effects of their addictions cause harm and expense to society.


3. Legalized pot destabilized Mexican economy so they began escalation of importing heroin to replace lost revenue from their old black market.

Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

You are advocating getting high, in fact as far as we can tell you are high now

Untrue on both counts. But have you ever been drunk or high?

3. Legalized pot destabilized Mexican economy so they began escalation of importing heroin to replace lost revenue from their old black market.

Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

You are advocating getting high, in fact as far as we can tell you are high now

Untrue on both counts. But have you ever been drunk or high?

I have used narcotics, not fentanyl or OxyContin. If I need some I will call your Mom
Opioid pills are being smuggled in to the USA by Mexican drug mules just walking across the border..........We need a WALL

I'm ok with a wall, but that's not gonna solve the drug problem. Folks wanna get high and drunk. That won't change with a wall. A more logical humane solution would be for our Government to stop killing and imprisoning Citizens for drug use. It should instead focus on helping folks by way of treatment.
True the wall is not going to change everything, but it will help. We need to put more drug users in prison however as drugs are human pollution just like oil spills are pollution and must be stopped

Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

what if your adult children end up dead?
Not a Government issue. If people wanna get high, so be it. The act of getting high is not a criminal act. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for getting high. That's archaic and barbaric. People have always wanted to get high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity.

As long as they're adults, they should be allowed to make the decision for themselves. Government shouldn't be involved. It's time to end the 'War on Drugs.' Our Government has killed and imprisoned far too many Citizens in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.' It's over. Time to move on.

Problems with this position imo.

1. Government policy created the environment of hopelessness that encourages addiction.

2. The effects of their addictions cause harm and expense to society.


3. Legalized pot destabilized Mexican economy so they began escalation of importing heroin to replace lost revenue from their old black market.

Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

Don’t dumb yourself down here...you know that legalization equals accessibility which equals greater consumption. This is a no brainer.

Again, a primary function of .GOV is to create law to protect American citizens both physically and fiscally.
This really is third grade shit.

Even if there is 'greater consumption, i'd still rather see Citizens have the right to make their own adult decisions on drug use. I'd rather that, than continue on with this bloody 'War on Drugs.'

3. Legalized pot destabilized Mexican economy so they began escalation of importing heroin to replace lost revenue from their old black market.

Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

Don’t dumb yourself down here...you know that legalization equals accessibility which equals greater consumption. This is a no brainer.

Again, a primary function of .GOV is to create law to protect American citizens both physically and fiscally.
This really is third grade shit.

Even if there is 'greater consumption, i'd still rather see Citizens have the right to make their own adult decisions on drug use. I'd rather that, than continue on with this bloody 'War on Drugs.'

Stated like the addict that you are, in fact drugs are all that you care about
Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

You are advocating getting high, in fact as far as we can tell you are high now

Untrue on both counts. But have you ever been drunk or high?

I have used narcotics, not fentanyl or OxyContin. If I need some I will call your Mom

Nice. Time for you to bow out of the discussion. The adults are trying to talk. See ya.
Humans like getting high. It's been that way since the beginnings of humanity. Governments shouldn't be killing and imprisoning Citizens for it. How many people have Governments around the world killed & imprisoned over the years? Was it all really worth it?

The more logical humane alternative would be to allow people to get high if they want to. If the Government wants to help by way of treatment, i could accept that. But i can't accept killing & imprisoning folks for engaging in drug use. It's barbaric.

The whole “stop the war on drugs” thing is so very confusing to me. Help me understand would you?
You think drugs should be legal and more accessible?
You know this results in more people using drugs...right?
You know that people who use drugs are often a detriment to society in many ways...right?
You know people who use/abuse drugs tend to be taxpayer dependent...right?
You know that drug abuse ruins families...right?
You want drugs legalized and less government interference in that regard but then you want government to interfere and fund on the back end...the treatment side? Is that proactive governing?

A primary duty of government is to pass law protecting people from people and people from themselves...no?

Yes legal, but not necessarily more accessible. I'm not advocating getting high and drunk. And some the most prominent US heroes in history have been known to have engaged in drug & alcohol use. It was the puritanical religious zealots that forced prohibition on the nation. It's time to move away from that. People are always gonna wanna get high and drunk. And it should be their own individual personal decision. It's shouldn't be a Government issue.

Don’t dumb yourself down here...you know that legalization equals accessibility which equals greater consumption. This is a no brainer.

Again, a primary function of .GOV is to create law to protect American citizens both physically and fiscally.
This really is third grade shit.

Even if there is 'greater consumption, i'd still rather see Citizens have the right to make their own adult decisions on drug use. I'd rather that, than continue on with this bloody 'War on Drugs.'

Stated like the addict that you are, in fact drugs are all that you care about

Opioid pills are being smuggled in to the USA by Mexican drug mules just walking across the border..........We need a WALL

I'm ok with a wall, but that's not gonna solve the drug problem. Folks wanna get high and drunk. That won't change with a wall. A more logical humane solution would be for our Government to stop killing and imprisoning Citizens for drug use. It should instead focus on helping folks by way of treatment.
True the wall is not going to change everything, but it will help. We need to put more drug users in prison however as drugs are human pollution just like oil spills are pollution and must be stopped

Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.
President Donald Trump is failing miserably in the battle against the opioid crisis.
What a pathetic, lazy President. He should drop that fucking golf club and get to work.
'Worst year,' 'terrifying trend': Opioid, heroin deaths in '17 ravage Central Pa. counties

Agreed. FUck North Korea.

He needs to focus on Trade and the Border.

Bring in jobs and disrupt the flow of drugs from Mexico.

It is however worth noting that he is the only politician that was credibly interested in doing either of those.

Donald has zero credibility. Burt it's funny how trump loons think he does even though he's lied more than any president in history. nutters. :cuckoo:

Says the lefty that supports "Free Trade" and an effectively Open Border, polices that are literally killing my people.


Drama queen.

Not even close, shit head.

Drama queens like yourself love to whine. Ya gonna hit me with your purse?
Just had hip replacement. Got two different pain meds norco and tramadol. Neither actually toot away pain. I’m on day nine and stopped both. I don’t get it. Neither did anything. 325 mg of norco. Made me drowsy and that’s it. Stopped zero pain.

When I had a wrist operation with pins and screws I was on morphine in the hospital, which worked well as it should, The doctor sent me home with a prescription for 500mg of Tylenol with 5mg of Codeine. It did not do squat. I called the doctor and ask for something stronger and he said no, then I screamed at him that 5mg of Codeine was all that was in this pill and I would go to another fucking doctor if I needed to. He then called a prescription to the pharmacy for Talwin. Talwin is highly addictive, but it works. So if you are in pain start some shit, there is no reason for your pain
Dude, they made me get out of bed and walk same day of surgery. It’s amazing the trauma in a hip replacement.. they cut a seven inch Incision. Then dislocated my hip. Leg free from the torso. Then they cut the stem and ball off clean out the hip socket drilled a hole in the femer bone and slam a rod in the femer. Put it all back together and sew you back up. Then make you walk on the new leg four hours later. Pain? Holy fk. Nothing worked to relieve the pain. Day nine I’m walking pain free with a cane. Wow!

That all sounds familiar..:lol:
Just thank the good Lord they go in from the front these days rather than the back,way less muscle damage.
Hell,I was climbing stairs three days after my hip replacement.
Of course I had no choice since the big screen is upstairs in the game room and the Texans were playing.....
I had to climb stairs to get out the next morning. Nothing to it

The hip replacement was surprisingly easy when it was all said and done.
I fully expected way more pain.
Good day today
I'm ok with a wall, but that's not gonna solve the drug problem. Folks wanna get high and drunk. That won't change with a wall. A more logical humane solution would be for our Government to stop killing and imprisoning Citizens for drug use. It should instead focus on helping folks by way of treatment.
True the wall is not going to change everything, but it will help. We need to put more drug users in prison however as drugs are human pollution just like oil spills are pollution and must be stopped

Well, that just sounds unwise and barbaric. If our Government really wants to help folks, it should stop killing & imprisoning. It should instead start focusing on treatment.

And just ask yourself sometime, how many $Millionaire Pharmaceutical Fatcats and corrupt FDA officials have been killed and imprisoned by Government, in this 'War on Drugs?' You wanna seriously make a dent in your 'opioid epidemic', start arresting and imprisoning those folks.

How many RJ Reynolds executives have been killed and or imprisoned by .GOV? Their products have killed millions of Americans.
How about McDonalds executives? Their product has killed millions...right?
The manufacturers of X products aren’t holding users down and forcing it down their throats. Users are CHOOSING to use. It’s time to depussify and own your own shit....be accountable for your choices...no?

Yes, end prohibition. I'd rather adult Citizens be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high and drunk. I'd much rather see that, than see our Government continue killing and imprisoning in the name of 'Fighting Drugs.'

You sound like an awfully intelligent dude...(pun intended)
Maybe you could enlighten us with some demographics that would help us support your wish.
Tell us, what percentage of criminals, violent or otherwise commit their crimes while under the influence? Look it up.
I think sane people find their answer right there.

Apples & Oranges. The act of using drugs itself, is not a criminal act. Anymore than the act of consuming alcohol is. However, if one does go out and commit a crime, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But most adult Citizens deciding to get high or drunk, are not criminals.

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