Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

If homosexuals are "true" to there "born that way", they would have no children outside of rape or adoption. So you ARE saying it is a choice.

So your "logical" screen name is really just you being ironic? Being gay does not make you sterile. Welcome to the 21st century where sex is not required for procreation. :rolleyes:

I'm gay, was born this way and have kids. :eek:

Same here. I'm gay, was born this way and have a daughter.....

But people like "logical" want to relegate us and our families to the 2nd tier of rights as tax-paying, law-abiding citizens.
I was born hetero, yep no choice here - knew it my whole life. :razz:

Why do only Gays get to choose? damn them and their special privileges!

ETA: I have no children and am married for 19 years. Guess the state wasted the license on me.
Oh, I suspect the MAJORITY of Americans are bigots when it comes to this issue.

Thank God we live in a country whose laws and constitution protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority in matters of fundamental right.

I don't understand the sense of your use of the term bigot, here. I believe homosexuality is immoral. Does that make me a bigot, and if so, why?

Since I don't throw the word bigot out, my answer would be - it depends. Are you classifying a group (race, age, gender, sexual orientation, left handed pipefitters, fake pirates, etc.), do you demonstrate intolerance to that group, and are you obstinately or intolerantly devoted to your own opinion?

Then yes you might be a bigot. If not then no you are not a bigot.

Definition of BIGOT
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Well, I'm none of those things, so I'm not a bigot.
The gay lifestyle is disgusting. I do not like being around buttfvckers. They are just as vile as a pedophile is to me, but there is no law against their perversion because it does not hurt another human.

To be consistent in my views on FREEDOM for all. The faggots need to be able to get married.

The faggots do not need to impose their beliefs on me or my children. If they continue to campaign gay lifestyles be taught to our children in schools, I must insist, we also teach all children about Sodom and Gomorrah and how risky, unhealthy and filthy anal sex is.

Here is someone REAL insecure about his masculinity.
If homosexuals are "true" to there "born that way", they would have no children outside of rape or adoption. So you ARE saying it is a choice.

So your "logical" screen name is really just you being ironic? Being gay does not make you sterile. Welcome to the 21st century where sex is not required for procreation. :rolleyes:

I'm gay, was born this way and have kids. :eek:

Same here. I'm gay, was born this way and have a daughter.....

But people like "logical" want to relegate us and our families to the 2nd tier of rights as tax-paying, law-abiding citizens.

I wish for you that one day you are happy being yourself and don't need the validation or money of others to feel that way.
So your "logical" screen name is really just you being ironic? Being gay does not make you sterile. Welcome to the 21st century where sex is not required for procreation. :rolleyes:

I'm gay, was born this way and have kids. :eek:

Same here. I'm gay, was born this way and have a daughter.....

But people like "logical" want to relegate us and our families to the 2nd tier of rights as tax-paying, law-abiding citizens.

I wish for you that one day you are happy being yourself and don't need the validation or money of others to feel that way.

What are you mumbling about?
Oh, I suspect the MAJORITY of Americans are bigots when it comes to this issue.

Thank God we live in a country whose laws and constitution protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority in matters of fundamental right.

I don't understand the sense of your use of the term bigot, here. I believe homosexuality is immoral. Does that make me a bigot, and if so, why?

No...but if you try to use the law to prevent equal rights for law-abiding, tax-paying fellow citizens because they are gay, then I would say yes you are.

So I suppose if I oppose empowering the government to enforce civil rights protections against the fundamental rights touching on private property and free association on the basis of sexual behavior inconsistent with biological physiology and reproduction, I'm a bigot.

Now, let's flip that coin over: what label should we put on those who support the notion of the government imposing the homosexual's morality on private interests? Can we say fascist or tyrant or thug?

I'm just saying.


Is Suppressing Religious Liberty the Point of SSM Bills?

Conservative Activists Argue Gay Marriage Threatens Religious Liberty
I don't understand the sense of your use of the term bigot, here. I believe homosexuality is immoral. Does that make me a bigot, and if so, why?

No...but if you try to use the law to prevent equal rights for law-abiding, tax-paying fellow citizens because they are gay, then I would say yes you are.

So I suppose if I oppose empowering the government to enforce civil rights protections against the fundamental rights touching on private property and free association on the basis of sexual behavior inconsistent with biological physiology and reproduction, I'm a bigot.

Now, let's flip that coin over: what label should we put on those who support the notion of the government imposing the homosexual's morality on private interests? Can we say fascist or tyrant or thug?

I'm just saying.


Is Suppressing Religious Liberty the Point of SSM Bills?

Conservative Activists Argue Gay Marriage Threatens Religious Liberty

Give examples...and make sure you do not move the goal posts you have set....you said PRIVATE INTERESTS...you said IMPOSING HOMOSEXUAL MORALITY (maybe you should define that as if you think it's in some way different than HETEROSEXUAL MORALITY)

Edited to add: I would say that there is as much chance of the government forcing homosexual marriages onto churches as when the government forces interracial marriages onto churches....which was about the time the government forced interfaith marriages onto churches.
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So your "logical" screen name is really just you being ironic? Being gay does not make you sterile. Welcome to the 21st century where sex is not required for procreation. :rolleyes:

I'm gay, was born this way and have kids. :eek:

Same here. I'm gay, was born this way and have a daughter.....

But people like "logical" want to relegate us and our families to the 2nd tier of rights as tax-paying, law-abiding citizens.

I wish for you that one day you are happy being yourself and don't need the validation or money of others to feel that way.

That validation that you enjoy, right? Oh, I forgot that validation was "forced" on you. :lol:
Same here. I'm gay, was born this way and have a daughter.....

But people like "logical" want to relegate us and our families to the 2nd tier of rights as tax-paying, law-abiding citizens.

I wish for you that one day you are happy being yourself and don't need the validation or money of others to feel that way.

That validation that you enjoy, right? Oh, I forgot that validation was "forced" on you. :lol:

It was forced on my by a private party, my wife. That government recognizes anything is meaningless to me. And I wish you also to be content based on your own situation without caring who thinks it or what "benefit" you get for it
To any conservative who claims to love liberty......how does denying a gay couple to get married uphold the value liberty you cherish?

I grasp what the gay rights agenda is truly all about in terms of real-world outcomes, beginning with the public education system, and why the sanctity of human life and the family of nature—the first principles of private property—are the only legitimate basis on which the government may exert civil rights protections beyond those that correspond with the franchise.

I'll just copy the post I wrote in response to bodecea:

So I suppose if I oppose empowering the government to enforce civil rights protections against the fundamental rights touching on private property and free association on the basis of sexual behavior inconsistent with biological physiology and reproduction, I'm a bigot.

Now, let's flip that coin over: what label should we put on those who support the notion of the government imposing the homosexual's morality on private interests? Can we say fascist or tyrant or thug?

I'm just saying.


Is Suppressing Religious Liberty the Point of SSM Bills?

Conservative Activists Argue Gay Marriage Threatens Religious Liberty
No...but if you try to use the law to prevent equal rights for law-abiding, tax-paying fellow citizens because they are gay, then I would say yes you are.

So I suppose if I oppose empowering the government to enforce civil rights protections against the fundamental rights touching on private property and free association on the basis of sexual behavior inconsistent with biological physiology and reproduction, I'm a bigot.

Now, let's flip that coin over: what label should we put on those who support the notion of the government imposing the homosexual's morality on private interests? Can we say fascist or tyrant or thug?

I'm just saying.


Is Suppressing Religious Liberty the Point of SSM Bills?

Conservative Activists Argue Gay Marriage Threatens Religious Liberty

you can,but it would make you a moron for doing so.

And I would make you out to be a liar for denying the obvious.
I don't understand the sense of your use of the term bigot, here. I believe homosexuality is immoral. Does that make me a bigot, and if so, why?

Since I don't throw the word bigot out, my answer would be - it depends. Are you classifying a group (race, age, gender, sexual orientation, left handed pipefitters, fake pirates, etc.), do you demonstrate intolerance to that group, and are you obstinately or intolerantly devoted to your own opinion?

Then yes you might be a bigot. If not then no you are not a bigot.

Definition of BIGOT
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Well, I'm none of those things, so I'm not a bigot.

You are also unaware, M.D., as well as a bigot. Pray and become aware that you meet the definition of bigotry. That is why your thinking is so dangerous to the American dream.
Edited to add: I would say that there is as much chance of the government forcing homosexual marriages onto churches as when the government forces interracial marriages onto churches....which was about the time the government forced interfaith marriages onto churches.

What does this statement mean?
Edited to add: I would say that there is as much chance of the government forcing homosexual marriages onto churches as when the government forces interracial marriages onto churches....which was about the time the government forced interfaith marriages onto churches.

What does this statement mean?

That your fears are yours and do not represent reality. No such bogeys as described by Bodecea will happen.
I wish for you that one day you are happy being yourself and don't need the validation or money of others to feel that way.

That validation that you enjoy, right? Oh, I forgot that validation was "forced" on you. :lol:

It was forced on my by a private party, my wife. That government recognizes anything is meaningless to me. And I wish you also to be content based on your own situation without caring who thinks it or what "benefit" you get for it

Ah, what an interesting relationship you have.....FORCED to civilly marry. You are a victim in all this then.
Well, New York has done the right thing. Which brings to mind a question.

Can any person here who is "opposed to gay marriage" come forward and justify their position on the basis of anything other than intolerance and bigotry? Seriously.

Please don't start with "the Bible does not condone same sex marriage." Perhaps it doesn't. So WHAT? Let's say the Bible contained a passage which said: "Marriage is only between a man and a woman. If thou shalt marry one of the same sex as yourself, thou shalt burn in the fiery pits of HELL!" So what? Isn't invoking the Bible just another way of shoving religion down the throats of other people? Yup. In other words, intolerance and bigotry.

No, my friends - we all know what is really involved here, don't we? I am wondering if there is anyone here who has the stones to come right out and tell it like it is: "I am opposed to same sex marriage because I hate gays everything they stand for. No other reason."

Intolerance and bigotry. There really does not seem to be any other reason.

New York has not done the "Right Thing". This issue was not put to a popular vote of the People of New York State. This Homosexual Sodomy marriage law was activated by
New York State politicians, not by its citizens!. Sodomy is Sodomy, it is abnormal and unnatural. Marriage is between a Man and a Woman. The institution of marriage, throughout history has been between a man and a woman, not man and man or woman and woman.

What New York State and other states have done, is morally corrupted the institution of marriage. The New York State Homosexual Sodomy marriage law must be repealed,
and then put to a popular vote by the People.!

We as citizens of New York should not have Sodomy forced upon us, in the form of Homosexual marriage by elected politicians. This issue must be put on the ballot, and voted on by the citizenry of New York State.
Sodomy is a sin, and a crime in many countries throughout the rest of the world.!!
Homo marriage is wrong!!

Its not intolerance or bigotry, its standing up for whats morally right in the world.!

And what minister is going to marry two men or two women in their church. This homo marriage business is absurd!
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So I suppose if I oppose empowering the government to enforce civil rights protections against the fundamental rights touching on private property and free association on the basis of sexual behavior inconsistent with biological physiology and reproduction, I'm a bigot.

Your opinion simply does not comport with Constitutional case law. You’re free to believe what you want, to not be a homosexual, to not have them on your private property or join a private organization (See: Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale, 2000).

You may not , however, advocate to have a given government – Federal, state, local – ban homosexual acts, restrict homosexuals from public venues, or deny homosexuals equal access to the laws.

Now, let's flip that coin over: what label should we put on those who support the notion of the government imposing the homosexual's morality on private interests? Can we say fascist or tyrant or thug?

I'm just saying.

Really not sure what you’re trying to say, as there are no individuals or groups advocating imposing anyone’s morality – gay or otherwise – on private interests. Federal enforcement applies only when a given lawmaking entity attempts to preempt any American’s civil rights based on race, gender, or sexual orientation.
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Well, New York has done the right thing. Which brings to mind a question.

Can any person here who is "opposed to gay marriage" come forward and justify their position on the basis of anything other than intolerance and bigotry? Seriously.

Please don't start with "the Bible does not condone same sex marriage." Perhaps it doesn't. So WHAT? Let's say the Bible contained a passage which said: "Marriage is only between a man and a woman. If thou shalt marry one of the same sex as yourself, thou shalt burn in the fiery pits of HELL!" So what? Isn't invoking the Bible just another way of shoving religion down the throats of other people? Yup. In other words, intolerance and bigotry.

No, my friends - we all know what is really involved here, don't we? I am wondering if there is anyone here who has the stones to come right out and tell it like it is: "I am opposed to same sex marriage because I hate gays everything they stand for. No other reason."

Intolerance and bigotry. There really does not seem to be any other reason.

New York has not done the "Right Thing". This issue was not put to a popular vote of the People of New York State. This Homosexual Sodomy marriage law was activated by
New York State politicians, not by its citizens!. Sodomy is Sodomy, it is abnormal and unnatural. Marriage is between a Man and a Woman. The institution of marriage, throughout history has been between a man and a woman, not man and man or woman and woman.

What New York State and other states have done, is morally corrupted the institution of marriage. The New York State Homosexual Sodomy marriage law must be repealed,
and then put to a popular vote by the People.!

We as citizens of New York should not have Sodomy forced upon us, in the form of Homosexual marriage by elected politicians. This issue must be put on the ballot, and voted on by the citizenry of New York State.
Sodomy is a sin, and a crime in many countries throughout the rest of the world.!!
Homo marriage is wrong!!

Its not intolerance or bigotry, its standing up for whats morally right in the world.!

And what minister is going to marry two men or two women in their church. This homo marriage business is absurd!

Apparently you do not know enough about our form of government to know what a Legislature does.

Oh, FYI, my wife and I were church married in 1990...over 21 years before CA stepped up to the plate as a civil entity.

And one more thing....let us know when "sodomy is forced on you", okay?
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