oprah is sorry she lied.

It was all a simple misunderstanding

Here's what really happened, Oprah tried to ask to see the bag, in Italian but instead of seeing the bag she asked if she could eat the bag, the salesperson replied "you're way too fat" which Oprah mistranslated as "you're way too black"

Glad I could clear that up

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Who's abusing who? Blacks kill twice as many whites ever single year. It is their standards that are biting them in the ass.

it is not "their" standard. not at all blacks are violent.

Too many....

Black parents need to shield their children away from rap and ghetto culture.

rap (most, not all) and ghetto culture is indeed harmful, that said, there is white music and culture that is also harmful. you only cite the black culture over and over.....
It was all a simple misunderstanding

Here's what really happened, Oprah tried to ask to see the bag, in Italian but instead of seeing the bag she asked if she could eat the bag, the salesperson replied "you're way too fat" which Oprah mistranslated as "you're way too black"

Glad I could clear that up

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To be fair, her performance in the "Color Purple" is to be commended. That was a fine film among a few others.

In the same interview in which the handbag comment was made--they were discussing the new film 'The Butler' --which looks pretty good. It will probably be nominated/win some academy awards.
The Butler willl win lots of awards and lose tons of money because so few will see it. They should have made it straight to Netflix.
The Butler willl win lots of awards and lose tons of money because so few will see it. They should have made it straight to Netflix.

sigh---I guess so.

I can't really agree. From the clip there seemed to be a decent plot and by my standards above average performances.

I would think that it would have appeal to Boomers and others.

They say 'the contenders' are released during late fall and through the holidays.

Might be a 'sleeper'.

Oscars-- maybe this/these will be good.
the making of mary poppins film sounds interesting. who knew such drama went on behind the scenes. author disapproved of the Disneyfication of her character.

<Another actor who has multiple ponies in this year's slate is one that hasn't been to the races in a while: Tom Hanks. A constant Oscar presence in the 1990s, Hanks is looking for a return to prominence in 2013, and the potential certainly looks good on paper. In Paul Greengrass's real-life tale "Captain Phillips," Hanks plays the title character, a man held hostage by Somalian pirates. A juicy role only to be outdone by a role made to win an Oscar: playing Walt Disney in "Saving Mr. Banks," the story of the making of "Mary Poppins." Emma Thompson -- herself an Oscar regular in the 1990s -- plays "Poppins" author P.L. Travers (the script suggest hers is actually the more Oscar-bait role).>
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I like Oprah. I don't feel so bad bout being over weight when I watch reruns of her talk show.

whatever else she may or may not have done--she did what she could with her abilities. I have forgotten much of her story--seems like her mother left, she was raped and didn't/couldn't speak for a long time--went to live with her father and started out as a weather girl or something.

It's sort of a waste of time to overreact to anything someone says.

Civil rights--if there is any way to get things straightened out then let us commence as fast as we can.
I suspect it was an innocent misunderstanding, but who knows?

I do wonder how good Oprah's German is...probably not good enough to avoid misunderstandings.

To be fair to Oprah - she never named the shop.

excellent point, they are commission shoppes, why the *uck wouldn't someone want to sell a 38K handbag?

I'd sell one to lassie...:lol:
I suspect it was an innocent misunderstanding, but who knows?

I do wonder how good Oprah's German is...probably not good enough to avoid misunderstandings.

To be fair to Oprah - she never named the shop.

excellent point, they are commission shoppes, why the *uck wouldn't someone want to sell a 38K handbag?

I'd sell one to lassie...:lol:

I inferred that English was being spoken---the employee was said to be Italian--not that proficient in English.

again--I point the finger of shame at CNN--apparently they are in need of rehabilitation--obsessed with talking points--I suspect there is no cure.
Oprah sat in the same Black Separatist Church as Obama for decades.. Black Liberation Theology is racist at it's very heart, thru and thru.. I'm not surprised at all. I never watched her, never liked her.. She's a fat big mouth who made billions off of bored housewives.
As usual, its katzen who is lying.

I tend to be fairly progressive on racial issues, and frankly, I find Oprah's conduct here to be reprehensible.

She was a rich person using her wealth and position to abuse a working-class person with a false accusation.

And under normal circumstances, liberals would be crying bloody murder if Mitt Romney did something like this, as well we should.
Who gives a shit what oprah says or thinks? She ain't nothing.

Except that the woman did SUBSTANTIAL damage to the beef industry by allowing unsubstiated claims about Mad Cow Disease to be made by people on her show.

So, yeah, we should ignore her, or at least take what she says with a grain of salt...but she has a lot of influence because she is on Television.

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