oprah is sorry she lied.

I didn't hurt anyone. I don't know why someone as great as her must cannibalize me on TV. … If it had all taken place as she claimed, why has she not complained the next day at the wedding of Tina Turner with Trudie Goetz, my boss? She was there also at the Turner wedding as a guest. I don't understand it. ... I spoke to Oprah Winfrey in English. My English is OK but not excellent, unfortunately. ... I didn't know who she was when she came into the store. That wouldn't have made any difference if I had.”

Race Hoax? Oprah Downplays Swiss Mess After Accused Racist Calls Her a Liar
I am sick of celebs expecting special treatment, then when not getting what they expect...they start shit.

I could give a less shit about what Oprah thinks, does, says. If people want to fall all over themselves at her...that's on them.

However, I WOULD fall all over myself to meet Tina Turner. ;)
Oprah is a racist bitch who made a fortune off PC, gullible women. She had mediocre talent, but was smart enough to market herself as something she wasn't, kinda like Obama and Clinton.

Kinda of like Bill O Reilly and Sean Hannity. Only stupid people listen to these TV personalities.
I am sick of celebs expecting special treatment, then when not getting what they expect...they start shit.

I could give a less shit about what Oprah thinks, does, says. If people want to fall all over themselves at her...that's on them.

However, I WOULD fall all over myself to meet Tina Turner. ;)

eh--Whatever it is that you have or have become someone somewhere will not understand you.


During that interview what struck me was the almost childlike demeanor of the 'journalist'.

I assumed that someone at CNN had provided talking points. Don't get me started on the shortcomings of the media.
u people surprised she is a racist?
hell she made her name in the 80 and 90s on suppression!
race baiters are what keep racism alive
Clearly oprah wasn't at all sorry she tried to manufacture a racial incident. She's done that too many times before. What she's sorry about is getting caught.
Oprah is sorry her story created a shit storm which was what she wanted to happen.
Otherwise why did she bring it up.

If she was so offended why didn't she have the manager brought over at the time it happened.
All of a sudden she's a timid little mouse who was afraid to say anything?

Give me a break.
Clearly oprah wasn't at all sorry she tried to manufacture a racial incident. She's done that too many times before. What she's sorry about is getting caught.

They so much want us to feel guilty of something that they will lie. :(


Regardless--I no longer feel guilt but extreme abuse has occurred in the area of racial profiling. Undeniably.

I can only assume, because someone on CNN said this--that the media believes things will improve when 'we' discuss this at the proverbial water cooler.

Maybe that will work out--someday.

A flawed plan, jmo.

Somewhere in the early 80's I was introduced to these ideas--while teaching.

Race and gender.

whatever--I live dangerously---that is not the way I think and it seems to work pretty well.

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