Oprah the racist scum bag tells Fox News all white people have to die

These sorry sacks of liberal excrement claim such lies as racism because they have no validity on the foundation of primary issues so they hide behind such lies while exemplifying to be that which they falsely accuse others of hence what it means to be liberal. I was never a fan of this low life racist Oprah.

Oprah Tells FOX News Host ‘All White People Have To Die’, Her Reasoning Is Unbelievable


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

How many boards have you been tossed from for being racist trash?

What are you claiming qualifies me as the racist trash you pathetic miserable liar?


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Dont worry, that is Shillian, one of the top ignored members of this message board.
These sorry sacks of liberal excrement claim such lies as racism because they have no validity on the foundation of primary issues so they hide behind such lies while exemplifying to be that which they falsely accuse others of hence what it means to be liberal. I was never a fan of this low life racist Oprah.

Oprah Tells FOX News Host ‘All White People Have To Die’, Her Reasoning Is Unbelievable


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

The supposed quotation isn't correct. She stated that those older people who were born into a racist time will remain racist till they die. Her belief that no new ones will take their place is juvenile, but she fundamentally believes that people are basically good and that is what drives her beliefs.

Agree. She believes there will be cultural evolution and racism will die out with the people who are racists now. She is not a racist nor has ever displayed racist ideology. She's rather simple in believing racism will die out. I agree with that. We can see today that 150 years since the end of the Civil War, we still have intense racism in this country. Nearly 50 years since the Civil Rights movement, though we have many improvements, there still exists intense racism in this country.

She never said nor implied in any way that all white people need to die. The OP is disingenuous at best in trying to suggest she said that.
Most blacks hated her guts when she first started out. It was the whites that made the racist piece of work so rich.

This woman started attacking whites before she got any attention from blacks at all.

Absolutely untrue. Both statements. What do you do, make it up as you go along? Provide verifiable evidence she was hated by blacks and has attacked whites. Provide evidence instead of spewing shit.
Does Oprah think all the black people yelling "get the white people" should die?
The irony is that if whites die Asians will exterminate them because of racism and black's refusal to work and contribute to society, something East-Asian cultures hold dear.
Does Oprah think all the black people yelling "get the white people" should die?
LMAO Where are all these black people yelling 'get the white people'? Provide a valid source please. You ninny.
Wow. if she really said this, I guess that it was a smart move to never take the time to watch her show.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In all the years that she was on the TV, I only remember ever seeing one episode of her show.
These sorry sacks of liberal excrement claim such lies as racism because they have no validity on the foundation of primary issues so they hide behind such lies while exemplifying to be that which they falsely accuse others of hence what it means to be liberal. I was never a fan of this low life racist Oprah.

Oprah Tells FOX News Host ‘All White People Have To Die’, Her Reasoning Is Unbelievable


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
I imagine what she meant was that when the older generation dies off there will be less racism against blacks. Presumably, the younger generations are more color blind. This is a sort of ageism. One could make a good argument that the older white generation did a great deal to improve race relations in the United States. But I never liked Oprah Winfrey anyway. She seemed to me to be like a pied piper whose followers were like members of a cult. Her followers worship her.
These sorry sacks of liberal excrement claim such lies as racism because they have no validity on the foundation of primary issues so they hide behind such lies while exemplifying to be that which they falsely accuse others of hence what it means to be liberal. I was never a fan of this low life racist Oprah.

Oprah Tells FOX News Host ‘All White People Have To Die’, Her Reasoning Is Unbelievable


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

And then you get the right taking it out of context.

It's not difficult to see what she meant. Not that the individuals needs to be killed, she didn't say killed, that the mentality needs to die.

However, all people die. Get over it.
These sorry sacks of liberal excrement claim such lies as racism because they have no validity on the foundation of primary issues so they hide behind such lies while exemplifying to be that which they falsely accuse others of hence what it means to be liberal. I was never a fan of this low life racist Oprah.

Oprah Tells FOX News Host ‘All White People Have To Die’, Her Reasoning Is Unbelievable


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Nah. The feral whites just need to be absorbed back into the human population where their neanderthal genes wont be so strong and cause them to be violent.
Most blacks hated her guts when she first started out. It was the whites that made the racist piece of work so rich.

One of my two best friends for almost 60 years since childhood stopped talking to me because I said Oprah was a liberal anti God witch. Its been 10 years now since we spoke. I still have one childhood friend left, and she is precious to me. So is the other oen can't forget all the good years because of the last 10 bad ones.

This woman started attacking whites before she got any attention from blacks at all.
Bullshit. Blacks people were the first to support her and still do. You pink cave gibbons never know what you are talking about.
Does Oprah think all the black people yelling "get the white people" should die?
LMAO Where are all these black people yelling 'get the white people'? Provide a valid source please. You ninny.
Tank is a timid little white boy that fears Black people. He got beat up all the time in school by Black girls that took his lunch money.
Does Oprah think all the black people yelling "get the white people" should die?
LMAO Where are all these black people yelling 'get the white people'? Provide a valid source please. You ninny.

Limited exmples of extremists. Using this as an example of what blacks in America want is like using terrorists to say all Muslims are terrorists and want to kill non-Muslims. It is illogical and simple minded thinking to make such hysterical sweeping assumptions about millions of people. You're simple, you're stupid and you are a pathetic racist.
There are thousands more videos of spear chuckers attacking people
These sorry sacks of liberal excrement claim such lies as racism because they have no validity on the foundation of primary issues so they hide behind such lies while exemplifying to be that which they falsely accuse others of hence what it means to be liberal. I was never a fan of this low life racist Oprah.

Oprah Tells FOX News Host ‘All White People Have To Die’, Her Reasoning Is Unbelievable


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Why not post the entire statements?

Apparently Oprah isn’t aware that her comments don’t set her apart. Instead, they group her with a slew of Obama supporters that claim that disapproval of the president stems from either religious or racial discrimination. And she clearly hasn’t paid attention to stations like MSNBC or “celebrities” like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

She certainly isn’t alone in her accusations, but continued on to make a statement about racisms in general, stating that “As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved.”

So when does Oprah see racism coming to an end?

“There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism,” Oprah said, “and they just have to die.”

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