Optimist: Wish I Could Be One

Let's see.....you claimed "I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why'."

I provided 21+ news items damning this regime....and you gave an "is not, is not" for two......I won't even bother to skewer those two.....

Seems to have pretty well demolished your defense of the failure in the White House, which was based on your ignorance.

PC, you posted a bunch of C&Ps and I made a very compelling argument that you were cherry-picking information in order to take a very inaccurate snapshot of the current administration.

I hate to disappoint you, kind woman, but I'm no democrat; I would probably be considered a Libertarian, but am actually more of a quasi-anarchist.

Having an opinion is fine - I truly have no prob with you believing what you believe, but don't forgot that I am entitled to that same, constitutionally guaranteed, honor.


"...I am entitled to that same, constitutionally guaranteed,..."
I respect your right to be stupid.

"I hate to disappoint you, kind woman, but I'm no democrat; I would probably be considered a Libertarian, but am actually more of a quasi-anarchist."

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.......
"...I am entitled to that same, constitutionally guaranteed,..."
I respect your right to be stupid.

"I hate to disappoint you, kind woman, but I'm no democrat; I would probably be considered a Libertarian, but am actually more of a quasi-anarchist."

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.......

I'm not a duck, either! :tongue:

Oh, and I'm not THAT stupid - maybe with regards to my propensity to forget that I'm not properly dressed to leave the house, but that's more of a laps of concentration, than lack of shmartz.

"...I am entitled to that same, constitutionally guaranteed,..."
I respect your right to be stupid.

"I hate to disappoint you, kind woman, but I'm no democrat; I would probably be considered a Libertarian, but am actually more of a quasi-anarchist."

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.......

I'm not a duck, either! :tongue:

Oh, and I'm not THAT stupid - maybe with regards to my propensity to forget that I'm not properly dressed to leave the house, but that's more of a laps of concentration, than lack of shmartz.


So...you're wearing plaid with checks again?????
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

Shhhhh.... PC needs "Imaginary " Reagan. The one who never raised taxes, never gave amnesty to illegals, never sold weapons to terrorists

I "imagine" nothing, you dunce....

I can document what happened to the economy and the geopolitical environment as a result of his presidency.

No you can't. You have never demonstrated cause and effect. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the economy to eventually expand during his presidency. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the breakup of the Soviet Union.
"The poll, conducted by phone from Aug. 7-10, shows Obama's overall approval rating at 44 percent. However, in the same poll his approval rating for handling foreign affairs is at 36 percent and for handling the economy is at 35 percent."
Obama s Overall Approval Tops Economy Foreign Affairs Ratings

Can you explain how 44% of the public is still giving this fraud/failure positive ratings????
Look at wry and rightwhinger...the left is a mindless cult who believe Obama can do no wrong...they think he's the next FDR
No you can't. You have never demonstrated cause and effect. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the economy to eventually expand during his presidency. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the breakup of the Soviet Union.
...the lengths the left goes to denigrate Reagan are simply astounding
We've survived worse than obama (not much worse, but...). We'll recover in time.
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

Shhhhh.... PC needs "Imaginary " Reagan. The one who never raised taxes, never gave amnesty to illegals, never sold weapons to terrorists

I "imagine" nothing, you dunce....

I can document what happened to the economy and the geopolitical environment as a result of his presidency.

No you can't. You have never demonstrated cause and effect. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the economy to eventually expand during his presidency. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Of course I have.
Demagoguery isn't a plan, nor is it generally morally correct or pragmatic. It's unfortunate PC cannot define problems and must always place blame (sans any cause and effect analysis), and cannot offer real world solutions, since problem identification is limited to "ain't it awful".

Simple thinking attracts simpletons, as we will see as the echo chamber comes to her defense.
Coming from one of those who believes the Bush tax-cuts were only for the rich, that rings sort of hollow.
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

The price of a gallon of gas certainly was a lot less by then, Sherlock.

The lines of us waiting to buy it were a lot shorter, too.

You have to stand in line to buy your gas? Since when has this been a thing?
He's talking about the oil embargo.
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

Shhhhh.... PC needs "Imaginary " Reagan. The one who never raised taxes, never gave amnesty to illegals, never sold weapons to terrorists

I "imagine" nothing, you dunce....

I can document what happened to the economy and the geopolitical environment as a result of his presidency.

No you can't. You have never demonstrated cause and effect. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the economy to eventually expand during his presidency. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the breakup of the Soviet Union.
what he "created" was a "defense contractor bubble" using borrowed taxpayer $$$. The very definition of "crony capitalism" :thup: He saw the redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top. How admirable. :doubt:
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The real point here is optimism is warranted for our future. Americans just haven't hit bottom yet. Once we do, Americans will work together and pull this out. It is never a political solution with the economy, but the American workforce. Government just needs to take a giant step back on meddling.

"The poll, conducted by phone from Aug. 7-10, shows Obama's overall approval rating at 44 percent. However, in the same poll his approval rating for handling foreign affairs is at 36 percent and for handling the economy is at 35 percent."
Obama s Overall Approval Tops Economy Foreign Affairs Ratings

Can you explain how 44% of the public is still giving this fraud/failure positive ratings????
Too many are busy either working, looking at stupid videos, or watching anything other than news. Besides, the less he tries to do the less he gets blamed for. It's impossible to fail at anything if all you do is golf and fundraising.
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

Shhhhh.... PC needs "Imaginary " Reagan. The one who never raised taxes, never gave amnesty to illegals, never sold weapons to terrorists

I "imagine" nothing, you dunce....

I can document what happened to the economy and the geopolitical environment as a result of his presidency.

No you can't. You have never demonstrated cause and effect. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the economy to eventually expand during his presidency. You have never even attempted to make an argument that Reagan CAUSED the breakup of the Soviet Union.
what he "created" was a "defense contractor bubble" using borrowed taxpayer $$$. The very definition of "crony capitalism"
Crony Capitalism is picking those who succeed. Giving them breaks nobody else gets. Defense contractors are usually picked by their low bids. Now they are sellected by their campaign donations and their associations with friends of Obama. Friends like former classmates of Michelle who got the contract to build the disastrous Healthcare.gov site.
Lower taxes, rebuild the destroyed military and get the money from the insane welfare programs. How much do we need to spend to care for illegal immigrants? How much goes in the trash over the failed school nutrition programs? obama intends to pay for sex reassignment surgery. Stop. Don't do it. Fire the legions of lawyers and stop suing states for enforcing the law. Stop harassing citizens who are just trying to eke out a living in the failed obama economy. Stop the insane presidential entertainment budget. Cut out the lavish vacations and parties. obama's attendance at the bachelor party for the white house chef wasn't really necessary.
Demagoguery isn't a plan, nor is it generally morally correct or pragmatic. It's unfortunate PC cannot define problems and must always place blame (sans any cause and effect analysis), and cannot offer real world solutions, since problem identification is limited to "ain't it awful".

Simple thinking attracts simpletons, as we will see as the echo chamber comes to her defense.

. . . and speaking of demagoguery.
Lower taxes, rebuild the destroyed military and get the money from the insane welfare programs. How much do we need to spend to care for illegal immigrants? How much goes in the trash over the failed school nutrition programs? obama intends to pay for sex reassignment surgery. Stop. Don't do it. Fire the legions of lawyers and stop suing states for enforcing the law. Stop harassing citizens who are just trying to eke out a living in the failed obama economy. Stop the insane presidential entertainment budget. Cut out the lavish vacations and parties. obama's attendance at the bachelor party for the white house chef wasn't really necessary.

The destroyed military? Are you serious? The same military that successfully invaded two very prolific and traditionally difficult to attack countries and won with one hand tied behind their back?

While I agree to a point about social welfare, your republican constituents obviously do not, otherwise, they would have ended it when they had the chance.

The insane presidential entertainment budget? Could you share that with the class or do we just take your word on this?

I'm actually glad when the federal government intervenes in matters of the constitution - if you violate the constitution, you violate the laws of the United States of America.

It's win-win.

Unless of course, you are neo-fascist, who's only use for our constitution is to use it as a stage-prop.
Like pessimists, optimists are deluded. Rather than facing the world as it is, they both imagine something different from what is. I'm an as-is'ist :)
"I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why'."

Evidence coming right up:

1.More than 6.7 million more Americans have been plunged into poverty since Obama became President.

2.Real household income is down 5%

3. Consumer prices are up 10.2%

4. Total federal debt is up 58%

5. Gasoline prices are up 82%

6. Food stamp recipients up 49%

7. Debt held by the public is up 89%

Unless you can prove, or even make a convincing argument, that President Obama actually caused any of that, then you might as well be claiming that President Reagan caused the AIDs epidemic in the US.

Yet, on the other hand, the left will try and make blanket statements that President Bush was the reason the economy is where it is, right? Interesting how that double talk works.
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