Optimist: Wish I Could Be One

Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

The price of a gallon of gas certainly was a lot less by then, Sherlock.

The lines of us waiting to buy it were a lot shorter, too.

You have to stand in line to buy your gas? Since when has this been a thing?

We did before Reagan was elected, sista.
"maintain gains in Iraq"? :lol: Are you referring to the Republican, HUGELY EXPENSIVE, "Keeping a Lid on It" strategy tinfoil grl?

Stop trying to re-write history PoliHack @PoliticalChic .

That place was/is a blackhole for service men & women's lives and busted our treasury because not only did the Repubs not pay for it, they showered tax-cuts on the rich.

BTW- you serve? When, where?
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

The price of a gallon of gas certainly was a lot less by then, Sherlock.

The lines of us waiting to buy it were a lot shorter, too.

You have to stand in line to buy your gas? Since when has this been a thing?

It was a fact under Democrat President Carter.

You heard it hear first, folks: Standing in line and waiting your turn is an unconscionably un-American act that no humyn should have to suffer through, and Political "Sellout to the Patriarchy" Chic here has accurately identified the source of this inhumyne practice as the Democratic Party.

Stay tuned for the big expose on who invented diarrhea (hint: Democrats!) and even more unrelated racism against President Obama.
Anything less than 650,000 troops on the ground isn't a war? I guess future president will be sure to only send 649,999 then.
I have been hearing from one source or the other since I was born, how we are all going to hell in a handbasket. And here we are, enjoying a standard of living unequaled in the history of mankind. Could things go very wrong? Yep. But not likely. Too many people actually doing something about making things better, rather than just posting nonsense on the internet.
When I look at the damage done by the current President, it seems more likely that the nation is locked in a downward death spiral with no bottom in sight.

And this, of course, is proof of the fact that the OP is indeed a liar and tedious partisan hack.
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

I'm sure after listening to this speech, as the events unfolded, I wouldn't think our nation to be in any economic trouble. Recession was clearly as uneventful as you portray it to be. Lucky for you, I was old enough to remember the Carter years.

From President Jimmy Carter's televised speech on July 15, 1979.

It's clear that the true problems of our Nation are much deeper -- deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages, deeper even than inflation or recession. And I realize more than ever that as president I need your help.

In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We've learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose.
The symptoms of this crisis of the American spirit are all around us. For the first time in the history of our country a majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years.

First of all, we must face the truth, and then we can change our course. We simply must have faith in each other, faith in our ability to govern ourselves, and faith in the future of this nation. Restoring that faith and that confidence to America is now the most important task we face. It is a true challenge of this generation of Americans.
One of the visitors to Camp David last week put it this way: "We've got to stop crying and start sweating, stop talking and start walking, stop cursing and start praying. The strength we need will not come from the White House, but from every house in America."

Item #8 is key.

Are you willing to have your taxes raised to support more military spending?
:popcorn: Righties, who claim to be deficit hawks, won't go there lol. They CLAIM to be deficit hawks but are the opposite.

Well, their story is that cutting taxes will produce more revenue and magically pay for their massive increases in defense spending.

Yet when you ask a liberal - What has the government done to encourage big business to establish themselves in the United States as opposed to building in another country? The left simply can not provide an answer.

You can believe in "trickle up" all you want, but none of that will make a difference if GM (for example) decides to close down one of their plants and move it somewhere else. The reality is people will STILL have a dependency and buy their cars or trucks no matter where they happen to be built. Those workers will still walk away with their layoff checks, because the left feel it's more constructive to encourage job growth by raising taxes. If a business moves their headquarters to another country, like Canada, where is all that revenue going? Who is benefiting?

Liberals believe that squeezing more corporate taxes will compensate for BIG Government and it's appetite for out-of-control spending. Guess what? The United States is no longer this massive industrial steel industry it once boasted over and enjoyed back around World War II. Where did all our nation's industry go? Did we not do enough "trickle up" spending to save it? What we fail to capitalize on, other nation's are all to happy to encourage, like the new multi-billion dollar Ford production plant being built in China. What nation are we in bed with to cover our excessive debt? Do we enjoy depending on other nations for what we are unable and unwilling to do for ourselves?
Correct you are!

The benefits to the economy by Reagan's spending came back ten-fold in growth.

That's not an exaggeration- ten time.

Reagan learned from the New Deal and deficit spending under the name New Deal, Reganomics, or the Bush/Obama Stimulus can be a good thing. Trick is making people forget the interest on the deficit thanks to economic growth and or inflation.

Oh, a 2nd or, or good PR.

What is interesting to note is the stock market has recovered this time around but home values have not to the same extent and this has confused folks. Looking at the long term housing market the general lines all seem to more or less mimic this one:


Blame Clinton or Bush or both, that peak sure did hit a valley and it sure seems to have stabilized, blame Bush or Obama or both.

So yeah, I'm not much of an optimist but the world seems a predictable place once again and unlike 2008 we no longer seem to be on the precipice.

-The rest of the world predictably is still catching up after WWII

-Our stock market is growing while just working and investing in your home has limited returns as seems to be the trend.

-China is getting closer to leveling the playing field.

-The spread of nuclear weapons is a predictable problem 70 years after we dropped a couple. God, someday everyone will be able to make them :(

-The Islamic world is a religion 600 years newer than "ours" and they are causing as much trouble as "we" did 600 years ago.

I fervently believe that no matter how good the economy actually is, Republicans will be there to point out how BAAAAAAD things really are, using "facts" like how good things were under Reagan as their time-tested barometer.

I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why' or, more importantly, how.

Seems kind of straw-man to me.

Oh, Reagan did not put an end to The Soviet Union; the Soviet Union put an end to the Soviet Union. It was a bad idea that failed - Reagan just stood over top of it after it had a major myocardial infarction, while the referee counted to ten.

I know that counts too, but crediting that event to Reagan, is like saying that my kid drives my cab from the back set via is play steering wheel.

I fervently believe that no matter how good the economy actually is, Republicans will be there to point out how BAAAAAAD things really are, using "facts" like how good things were under Reagan as their time-tested barometer.

I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why'.

Seems kind of straw-man to me.

Oh, Reagan did not put an end to The Soviet Union; the Soviet Union put an end to the Soviet Union. It was a bad idea that failed - Reagan just stood over top of it after it had a major myocardial infarction, wile the referee counted to ten.

"I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why'."

Evidence coming right up:

1.More than 6.7 million more Americans have been plunged into poverty since Obama became President.

2.Real household income is down 5%

3. Consumer prices are up 10.2%

4. Total federal debt is up 58%

5. Gasoline prices are up 82%

6. Food stamp recipients up 49%

7. Debt held by the public is up 89%

However, the Obama administrationrecently projected an annual deficit of $750 billion in the fiscal year that began Oct. 1, and $626 billion the year after. At that rate, the debt owed to the public will more than double during the Obama presidency.

As of 2012, according to the most recent figures reported by the Census Bureau, median (midpoint) income for all U.S. households was $51,017, which was 4.9 percent lower (in inflation-adjusted dollars) than it was in 2008, the year before Obama took office.

The same story applies to family income, which includes many families with two earners. (The “household” figure includes single persons living alone, as well as families.) Median family income in 2012 was $62,241, or 5.1 percent below the inflation-adjusted 2008 level.

The number of persons living in poverty also worsened again in 2012, according to the most recent Census figures.

8. As of last year, 46,496,000 persons lived in households with income below the official poverty line, an increase of nearly 6.7 million since 2008 and 249,000 since 2011. The total poverty rate remained unchanged in 2012 at 15 percent of the total U.S. population. So for the second straight year, the poverty rate was 1.8 points higher than it was in 2008.

Obama 8217 s Numbers October Update

9...in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery.Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

10. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Tavis Smiley Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator Under Obama NewsBusters

11. . ".... the... [dollar] has today a value of barely a 1,250th of an ounce of gold, a staggering plunge from an 853rd of an ounce on the day Mr. Obama took office...." Fiat Wages - The New York Sun

12. "CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years, but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made

Federal deficits have soared between 2009 and 2012, bring the total long-term debt to a level equal to 73 percent of the nation’s GDP. “Between 2009 and 2012, the federal government recorded the largest budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946, causing federal debt to soar.”

CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made Dallas Morning News

13. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted)median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

14. "(CNSNews.com) - The real median income of American women dropped a little more than four percent in the first three full years after the end of the last recession,..... Census Bureau income data, the median income of American women was $21,520 in constant 2012 dollars. That was down $914 dollars—or about 4.1 percent—from 2009." Median Income of Women Dropped 4 --In First 3 Years of Recovery CNS News

15. "US economy slowed to 0.1 percent growth rate in Q1

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy slowed drastically in the first three months of the year...to a barely discernible 0.1 percent annual rate in the January-March quarter, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. That was the weakest pace since the end of 2012 and was down from a 2.6 percent rate in the previous quarter.... the anemic growth last quarter is surely a topic for discussion at the Federal Reserve's latest policy meeting,..."

My Way News - US economy slowed to 0.1 percent growth rate in Q1

16. "More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force
The unemployment rate dropped to 6.3 percent in April from 6.7 percent in March, the lowest it has been since September 2008 when it was 6.1 percent. The sharp drop, though, occurred because the number of people working or seeking work fell. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not count people not looking for a job as unemployed.

The bureau noted that the civilian labor force dropped by 806,000 last month, following an increase of 503,000 in March."

Report More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force CBS DC

The amount (not seasonally adjusted) of Americans not in thelabor force in April rose to 92,594,000, almost 1 million more than the previous month.

17. "The U.S. economy contractedat a much steeper pace than previously estimated in the firstquarter, but there are indications that growth has sincerebounded strongly.

The Commerce Department said on Wednesday gross domesticproduct fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate, the economy's worstperformance in five years, instead of the 1.0 percent pace ithad reported last month." Final US first quarter GDP contracts

18. (CNSNews.com) - The number of Americans 16 and older who did not participate in the labor force climbed to a record high of 92,120,000 in June, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)..... the labor force participation rate for Americans was 62.8 percent, matching a 36-year low. Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force in June CNS News

19. (CNSNews.com)– The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7 More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3 CNS News

20. (CNSNews.com) - 11.4 million Americans age 16 and over have left the workforce since President Obama took office in January 2009, according to data released today from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
In July 2014, there were 92,001,000 Americans, 16 and over, who were classified as “not in the labor force,” meaning they not only did not have a job, but they didn’t actively seek one in the last four weeks

11 472 000 Americans Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office CNS News

21. "The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare
109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012,according to data released Tuesdayby the Census Bureau. When those receiving benefits from non-means-tested federal programs — such as Social Security, Medicare, unemployment and veterans benefits — were added to those taking welfare benefits, it turned out that 153,323,000 people were getting federal benefits of some type at the end of 2012.

Subtract the 3,297,000 who were receiving veterans' benefits from the total, and that leaves 150,026,000 people receiving non-veterans' benefits."

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News

Excellent link showing the economy US Household Income Department of Numbers

If you like, I'd be happy to provide a similar list for foreign policy.

I await, "With bated breath and whispering humbleness," you response.
If you like, I'd be happy to provide a similar list for foreign policy.

I await, "With bated breath and whispering humbleness," you response.

No thanks about the list for foreign policy, that's called "the shotgun approach." When you rapid fire twenty different separate issues at me, it becomes too daunting to try and address it.

Let me just start with:

19. (CNSNews.com)– The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

You did not indicate whether or not this number has changed from before Obama took office, so to say that he did this, you would need to include that information.

The amount (not seasonally adjusted) of Americans not in thelabor force in April rose to 92,594,000, almost 1 million more than the previous month.

Please notice that you are going on a month to month comparison and as clearly stated, this figure IS NOT seasonally adjusted.

5. Gasoline prices are up 82%

Does Obama somehow have magic powers of telling oil companies what to charge for gasoline?

If he did, do you promise to not call him a communist?

U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High

The effects of shale and more efficient production will soon push annual energy production to the highest level in U.S. history. The previous record was set in 1970. Since then, particularly after the Arab Oil embargo of 1973, America became ever more dependent on imports — particularly of crude. However, OPEC no longer predominantly controls the supply of oil to the United States as it did for years. The trend also will put pressure on the ban on U.S. oil exports....

Read more: U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High - 24/7 Wall St. U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High - 24 7 Wall St.
"I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why'."

Evidence coming right up:

1.More than 6.7 million more Americans have been plunged into poverty since Obama became President.

2.Real household income is down 5%

3. Consumer prices are up 10.2%

4. Total federal debt is up 58%

5. Gasoline prices are up 82%

6. Food stamp recipients up 49%

7. Debt held by the public is up 89%

Unless you can prove, or even make a convincing argument, that President Obama actually caused any of that, then you might as well be claiming that President Reagan caused the AIDs epidemic in the US.
If you like, I'd be happy to provide a similar list for foreign policy.

I await, "With bated breath and whispering humbleness," you response.

No thanks about the list for foreign policy, that's called "the shotgun approach." When you rapid fire twenty different separate issues at me, it becomes too daunting to try and address it.

Let me just start with:

19. (CNSNews.com)– The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

You did not indicate whether or not this number has changed from before Obama took office, so to say that he did this, you would need to include that information.

The amount (not seasonally adjusted) of Americans not in thelabor force in April rose to 92,594,000, almost 1 million more than the previous month.

Please notice that you are going on a month to month comparison and as clearly stated, this figure IS NOT seasonally adjusted.

5. Gasoline prices are up 82%

Does Obama somehow have magic powers of telling oil companies what to charge for gasoline?

If he did, do you promise to not call him a communist?

U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High

The effects of shale and more efficient production will soon push annual energy production to the highest level in U.S. history. The previous record was set in 1970. Since then, particularly after the Arab Oil embargo of 1973, America became ever more dependent on imports — particularly of crude. However, OPEC no longer predominantly controls the supply of oil to the United States as it did for years. The trend also will put pressure on the ban on U.S. oil exports....

Read more: U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High - 24/7 Wall St. U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High - 24 7 Wall St.
If you like, I'd be happy to provide a similar list for foreign policy.

I await, "With bated breath and whispering humbleness," you response.

No thanks about the list for foreign policy, that's called "the shotgun approach." When you rapid fire twenty different separate issues at me, it becomes too daunting to try and address it.

Let me just start with:

19. (CNSNews.com)– The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

You did not indicate whether or not this number has changed from before Obama took office, so to say that he did this, you would need to include that information.

The amount (not seasonally adjusted) of Americans not in thelabor force in April rose to 92,594,000, almost 1 million more than the previous month.

Please notice that you are going on a month to month comparison and as clearly stated, this figure IS NOT seasonally adjusted.

5. Gasoline prices are up 82%

Does Obama somehow have magic powers of telling oil companies what to charge for gasoline?

If he did, do you promise to not call him a communist?

U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High

The effects of shale and more efficient production will soon push annual energy production to the highest level in U.S. history. The previous record was set in 1970. Since then, particularly after the Arab Oil embargo of 1973, America became ever more dependent on imports — particularly of crude. However, OPEC no longer predominantly controls the supply of oil to the United States as it did for years. The trend also will put pressure on the ban on U.S. oil exports....

Read more: U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High - 24/7 Wall St. U.S. Energy Production Set to Reach All-Time High - 24 7 Wall St.

Let's see.....you claimed "I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why'."

I provided 21+ news items damning this regime....and you gave an "is not, is not" for two......I won't even bother to skewer those two.....

Seems to have pretty well demolished your defense of the failure in the White House, which was based on your ignorance.

The only way you MIGHT save face is to claim you are on the right side of this poll:

"Romney would win popular vote in rematch against Obama: CNN poll"
Romney would win popular vote in rematch against Obama CNN poll - Washington Times

Well....have you learned anything or are you a Democrat?
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

Shhhhh.... PC needs "Imaginary " Reagan. The one who never raised taxes, never gave amnesty to illegals, never sold weapons to terrorists

Modern American conservatives are not monotheistic. Reagan is also a god to them.
"I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why'."

Evidence coming right up:

1.More than 6.7 million more Americans have been plunged into poverty since Obama became President.

2.Real household income is down 5%

3. Consumer prices are up 10.2%

4. Total federal debt is up 58%

5. Gasoline prices are up 82%

6. Food stamp recipients up 49%

7. Debt held by the public is up 89%

Unless you can prove, or even make a convincing argument, that President Obama actually caused any of that, then you might as well be claiming that President Reagan caused the AIDs epidemic in the US.

"Unless you can prove, or even make a convincing argument, that President Obama actually caused any of that,..."

What sort of moron votes for a President, and then claims that what ever events occur, he's not responsible?

Raise you paw.

If you had an IQ able to be measured, I'd suggest a careful reading of "The Golden Bough," by Frazer, in which you might......might.....gain an understanding of the reasons for selecting a leader.....and held responsible for what occurs.

You, being more a 'lunch bucket' version of an intellect....forget it, it's way over your head.
Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

Shhhhh.... PC needs "Imaginary " Reagan. The one who never raised taxes, never gave amnesty to illegals, never sold weapons to terrorists

I "imagine" nothing, you dunce....

I can document what happened to the economy and the geopolitical environment as a result of his presidency.
Let's see.....you claimed "I don't see how you can make a blanket statement about Obama messing up the country, but not offering any evidence as to 'why'."

I provided 21+ news items damning this regime....and you gave an "is not, is not" for two......I won't even bother to skewer those two.....

Seems to have pretty well demolished your defense of the failure in the White House, which was based on your ignorance.

PC, you posted a bunch of C&Ps and I made a very compelling argument that you were cherry-picking information in order to take a very inaccurate snapshot of the current administration.

I hate to disappoint you, kind woman, but I'm no democrat; I would probably be considered a Libertarian, but am actually more of a quasi-anarchist.

Having an opinion is fine - I truly have no prob with you believing what you believe, but don't forgot that I am entitled to that same, constitutionally guaranteed, honor.

Reagan took office in the 'wake of a recession'?

The brief 1980 recession had been over for 6 months when Reagan became president. Within 6 months we were back into a DEEP 16 month recession.

Shhhhh.... PC needs "Imaginary " Reagan. The one who never raised taxes, never gave amnesty to illegals, never sold weapons to terrorists

Modern American conservatives are not monotheistic. Reagan is also a god to them.

"Modern American conservatives are not monotheistic. Reagan is also a god..."
You're so stupid that folks are gonna think I pay you to pitch such soft-balls for me to hit out of the park...

...how many examples of Liberals claiming that Obama was the messiah would you like????

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders.

Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Coulter, "Demonic," chapter two.

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