Orania,South Africa: A path to survival for Western People.

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He is a typical inbred black supremacist constantly spewing the same racial slurs against white people as any other black supremacist while having the nerve to whine about perceived racism against him.

You agree with him because you belong to a hate group called the Democratic Party of America which incorporates the same old fascist, Neo-Nazi black supremacist messaging into its platform.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
I guess I have to show you the proof though I doubt it will do much good for a cave monkey such as yourself.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News
That is measuring African genetic data to European genetic data, not white American(the most genetically diverse white people in the world) genetic data to black American(the least genetically diverse black people in the world) genetic data.

I knew you were dumb but this is funny as hell. Even you should know white boys in america have european DNA. :laugh:
Europeans in Europe today are far more genetically isolated than white Americans.

You won't find many Scottish/German hybrids in either Germany or Scotland, but there are quite a few mutts of wholely European descent in America(and to a lesser extent, Canada).
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
I guess I have to show you the proof though I doubt it will do much good for a cave monkey such as yourself.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News
That is measuring African genetic data to European genetic data, not white American(the most genetically diverse white people in the world) genetic data to black American(the least genetically diverse black people in the world) genetic data.

I knew you were dumb but this is funny as hell. Even you should know white boys in america have european DNA. :laugh:
Europeans in Europe today are far more genetically isolated than white Americans.

You won't find many Scottish/German hybrids in either Germany or Scotland, but there are quite a few mutts of wholely European descent in America(and to a lesser extent, Canada).
If you are entirely white you are inbred. Sorry but those are the facts. Europeans were inbred long before they came to the americas.
Said the obviously racist inbred black guy...
Black people are the most genetically diverse race on the planet. You cave monkeys experienced major inbreeding as DNA tells us. Dont you wonder how come you guys get so many weird degenerative diseases and look old by your mid 30's?
moon shine and a high bullshit diet?
Is that you Rachel Dolezal?
you wish, I don't have a white inferiority complex masquerading as Aryanism.
fact is I'm half Irish and half Cherokee .
so I have more than enough reason to be pissed at "white" people.
I don't agree with asclepias because I'm a wanna be black .
I agree with him because he's right and has science to back him up.
you however just spew the same klan ,neo Nazi, white supremacist bullshit propaganda , that was false from the first time some racist pos proclaimed it .
He is a typical inbred black supremacist constantly spewing the same racial slurs against white people as any other black supremacist while having the nerve to whine about perceived racism against him.

You agree with him because you belong to a hate group called the Democratic Party of America which incorporates the same old fascist, Neo-Nazi black supremacist messaging into its platform.
Worst imitation ever.
Not even the least bit original just like your white supremacist dogma.
Black people are the most genetically diverse race on the planet. You cave monkeys experienced major inbreeding as DNA tells us. Dont you wonder how come you guys get so many weird degenerative diseases and look old by your mid 30's?
You are a black American, your bloodline is straight. Stop kidding yourself.

White people only age terribly when they go out of their way to destroy their skin via tanning, smoking etc. I am 26 and I still get carded.
Of course my blood line is straight. Your blood line is inbred and therefore prone to all those degenerative diseases I mentioned. Like most cave monkeys I see math is hard for you. 26 is less than mid 30's. Once you hit your mid 30's you will fall off a cliff and look about 90.
If your bloodline is straight then you have an entire family of inbreds, moron.
All you are doing is moving the goalpost. Most black supremacists on the web insist white people age horribly in their 20s and even late teens. I will look good well into my 50s and most likely beyond that..

BTW, plenty of black people look like shit in their 40s
so you're gonna go the metro sexual route and spend time and money on an extremely self involved quest that won't make a damn bit of difference.
you dna determines how fast and how soon you will age ..
if you want to see what you'll look like in 25 -30 tears look at your parents and grandparents.
Asclepias thinks aging is a matter of race. Go argue with him, moron.
He's partially right.
Since you have to be spoon fed the obvious .race and genetics determine who will you age.
In general
White people age the fastest Asians the slowest but there are always exceptions.
moon shine and a high bullshit diet?
Is that you Rachel Dolezal?
you wish, I don't have a white inferiority complex masquerading as Aryanism.
fact is I'm half Irish and half Cherokee .
so I have more than enough reason to be pissed at "white" people.
I don't agree with asclepias because I'm a wanna be black .
I agree with him because he's right and has science to back him up.
you however just spew the same klan ,neo Nazi, white supremacist bullshit propaganda , that was false from the first time some racist pos proclaimed it .
He is a typical inbred black supremacist constantly spewing the same racial slurs against white people as any other black supremacist while having the nerve to whine about perceived racism against him.

You agree with him because you belong to a hate group called the Democratic Party of America which incorporates the same old fascist, Neo-Nazi black supremacist messaging into its platform.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
Bullshit there is no credible scientific evidence to support that propaganda.
Desperate much?
you wish, I don't have a white inferiority complex masquerading as Aryanism.
fact is I'm half Irish and half Cherokee .
so I have more than enough reason to be pissed at "white" people.
I don't agree with asclepias because I'm a wanna be black .
I agree with him because he's right and has science to back him up.
you however just spew the same klan ,neo Nazi, white supremacist bullshit propaganda , that was false from the first time some racist pos proclaimed it .
He is a typical inbred black supremacist constantly spewing the same racial slurs against white people as any other black supremacist while having the nerve to whine about perceived racism against him.

You agree with him because you belong to a hate group called the Democratic Party of America which incorporates the same old fascist, Neo-Nazi black supremacist messaging into its platform.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
I guess I have to show you the proof though I doubt it will do much good for a cave monkey such as yourself.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News
That is measuring African genetic data to European genetic data, not white American(the most genetically diverse white people in the world) genetic data to black American(the least genetically diverse black people in the world) genetic data.
False. there is no different.
you wish, I don't have a white inferiority complex masquerading as Aryanism.
fact is I'm half Irish and half Cherokee .
so I have more than enough reason to be pissed at "white" people.
I don't agree with asclepias because I'm a wanna be black .
I agree with him because he's right and has science to back him up.
you however just spew the same klan ,neo Nazi, white supremacist bullshit propaganda , that was false from the first time some racist pos proclaimed it .
He is a typical inbred black supremacist constantly spewing the same racial slurs against white people as any other black supremacist while having the nerve to whine about perceived racism against him.

You agree with him because you belong to a hate group called the Democratic Party of America which incorporates the same old fascist, Neo-Nazi black supremacist messaging into its platform.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
I guess I have to show you the proof though I doubt it will do much good for a cave monkey such as yourself.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News
You also might want to read the fine print.

Your link says that white people are more genetically diverse than East Asians and Native Americans.
True but not the way you wish they were.
So Daws is an inbred cave monkey too...
No just you.
Daws is part Irish, moron.
So am I moron.

Congratulations moron, you are a cave monkey.
No. I'm Black. Its impossible for me to be a cave monkey by virtue of having the orginal homo sapiens DNA
True on the original dna but false on why you aren't a "cave monkey".
Ask the Expert: Did Cavemen Actually Live in Caves? - English Heritage Blog
No just you.
Daws is part Irish, moron.
So am I moron.

Congratulations moron, you are a cave monkey.
No. I'm Black. Its impossible for me to be a cave monkey by virtue of having the orginal homo sapiens DNA
All the supposed genetic deficiencies that come with being European have run through your bloodstream as well...
Thanks to inbreeding with whites.
Again your racism betrays you.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
I guess I have to show you the proof though I doubt it will do much good for a cave monkey such as yourself.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News
That is measuring African genetic data to European genetic data, not white American(the most genetically diverse white people in the world) genetic data to black American(the least genetically diverse black people in the world) genetic data.

I knew you were dumb but this is funny as hell. Even you should know white boys in america have european DNA. :laugh:
Europeans in Europe today are far more genetically isolated than white Americans.

You won't find many Scottish/German hybrids in either Germany or Scotland, but there are quite a few mutts of wholely European descent in America(and to a lesser extent, Canada).
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
I guess I have to show you the proof though I doubt it will do much good for a cave monkey such as yourself.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News
That is measuring African genetic data to European genetic data, not white American(the most genetically diverse white people in the world) genetic data to black American(the least genetically diverse black people in the world) genetic data.

I knew you were dumb but this is funny as hell. Even you should know white boys in america have european DNA. :laugh:
Europeans in Europe today are far more genetically isolated than white Americans.

You won't find many Scottish/German hybrids in either Germany or Scotland, but there are quite a few mutts of wholely European descent in America(and to a lesser extent, Canada).
Modern Europeans Descended from Three Groups of Ancestors
No just you.
Daws is part Irish, moron.
So am I moron.

Congratulations moron, you are a cave monkey.
No. I'm Black. Its impossible for me to be a cave monkey by virtue of having the orginal homo sapiens DNA
True on the original dna but false on why you aren't a "cave monkey".
Ask the Expert: Did Cavemen Actually Live in Caves? - English Heritage Blog
The cave monkey part is dependent on the percentage of neanderthal DNA you possess. Neanderthals definitely lived in caves and so did whites in France.
No just you.
Daws is part Irish, moron.
So am I moron.

Congratulations moron, you are a cave monkey.
No. I'm Black. Its impossible for me to be a cave monkey by virtue of having the orginal homo sapiens DNA
All the supposed genetic deficiencies that come with being European have run through your bloodstream as well...
Not in the vast amount that it runs through your blood stream. My dominant African genes render your inbred recessive DNA mute.
Is that you Rachel Dolezal?
you wish, I don't have a white inferiority complex masquerading as Aryanism.
fact is I'm half Irish and half Cherokee .
so I have more than enough reason to be pissed at "white" people.
I don't agree with asclepias because I'm a wanna be black .
I agree with him because he's right and has science to back him up.
you however just spew the same klan ,neo Nazi, white supremacist bullshit propaganda , that was false from the first time some racist pos proclaimed it .
He is a typical inbred black supremacist constantly spewing the same racial slurs against white people as any other black supremacist while having the nerve to whine about perceived racism against him.

You agree with him because you belong to a hate group called the Democratic Party of America which incorporates the same old fascist, Neo-Nazi black supremacist messaging into its platform.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
Bullshit there is no credible scientific evidence to support that propaganda.
Desperate much?
It is simple history and mathematics.

You take a couple thousand imported African slaves and turn them into millions and you will have multiple generations of inbreeding of varying degrees. We have not had significant black immigration into this country for very long.

White Americans are far less likely to be a product of inbreeding because until a generation or so there was always massive immigration from all corners of Europe mixing into the white American population.
you wish, I don't have a white inferiority complex masquerading as Aryanism.
fact is I'm half Irish and half Cherokee .
so I have more than enough reason to be pissed at "white" people.
I don't agree with asclepias because I'm a wanna be black .
I agree with him because he's right and has science to back him up.
you however just spew the same klan ,neo Nazi, white supremacist bullshit propaganda , that was false from the first time some racist pos proclaimed it .
He is a typical inbred black supremacist constantly spewing the same racial slurs against white people as any other black supremacist while having the nerve to whine about perceived racism against him.

You agree with him because you belong to a hate group called the Democratic Party of America which incorporates the same old fascist, Neo-Nazi black supremacist messaging into its platform.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
Bullshit there is no credible scientific evidence to support that propaganda.
Desperate much?
It is simple history and mathematics.

You take a couple thousand imported African slaves and turn them into millions and you will have multiple generations of inbreeding of varying degrees. We have not had significant black immigration into this country for very long.

White Americans are far less likely to be a product of inbreeding because until a generation or so there was always massive immigration from all corners of Europe mixing into the white American population.
studies show us that not only are Africans the most diverse race on the planet, Africans enslaved and brought over to the US were separated and kept from others that were related to them or even spoke the same language. Whites in the US still are genetically inbred because most of their DNA is based on inbreeding. Thats why you have so many degenerative diseases, low birth rates, and recessive genes.
He is a typical inbred black supremacist constantly spewing the same racial slurs against white people as any other black supremacist while having the nerve to whine about perceived racism against him.

You agree with him because you belong to a hate group called the Democratic Party of America which incorporates the same old fascist, Neo-Nazi black supremacist messaging into its platform.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
Bullshit there is no credible scientific evidence to support that propaganda.
Desperate much?
It is simple history and mathematics.

You take a couple thousand imported African slaves and turn them into millions and you will have multiple generations of inbreeding of varying degrees. We have not had significant black immigration into this country for very long.

White Americans are far less likely to be a product of inbreeding because until a generation or so there was always massive immigration from all corners of Europe mixing into the white American population.
studies show us that not only are Africans the most diverse race on the planet, Africans enslaved and brought over to the US were separated and kept from others that were related to them or even spoke the same language. Whites in the US still are genetically inbred because most of their DNA is based on inbreeding. Thats why you have so many degenerative diseases, low birth rates, and recessive genes.
Low birth rates in white communities are a direct result of extreme feminism and misandry ,abortion(over the span of dozens of generations), chemicals in our foods, the de-racialization of the general white populace, materialism and personal responsibility.

I could breed a couple hundred kids alone if I didn't give a damn about where they would end up in life and didn't care about a monogamous relationship.

Fertility is mostly only a factor for older white people trying to have kids, and unfortunately that share of the child rearing population keeps increasing.
Stop whining and I told you that whites are inbred not Blacks. Do I have to post a link on here to embarrass you?
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
Bullshit there is no credible scientific evidence to support that propaganda.
Desperate much?
It is simple history and mathematics.

You take a couple thousand imported African slaves and turn them into millions and you will have multiple generations of inbreeding of varying degrees. We have not had significant black immigration into this country for very long.

White Americans are far less likely to be a product of inbreeding because until a generation or so there was always massive immigration from all corners of Europe mixing into the white American population.
studies show us that not only are Africans the most diverse race on the planet, Africans enslaved and brought over to the US were separated and kept from others that were related to them or even spoke the same language. Whites in the US still are genetically inbred because most of their DNA is based on inbreeding. Thats why you have so many degenerative diseases, low birth rates, and recessive genes.
Low birth rates in white communities are a direct result of extreme feminism and misandry ,abortion(over the span of dozens of generations), chemicals in our foods, the de-racialization of the general white populace, materialism and personal responsibility.

I could breed a couple hundred kids alone if I didn't give a damn about where they would end up in life and didn't care about a monogamous relationship.

Fertility is mostly only a factor for older white people trying to have kids, and unfortunately that share of the child rearing population keeps increasing.
Give it a rest you inbred cave monkey. You smell like a wet dog for a reason. Youre genes dictate this. You have already illustrated you lack the educational acumen to speak knowledgeably about most topics on this site. :laugh:
Black Americans are some of the most inbred people in the world bar none.
Bullshit there is no credible scientific evidence to support that propaganda.
Desperate much?
It is simple history and mathematics.

You take a couple thousand imported African slaves and turn them into millions and you will have multiple generations of inbreeding of varying degrees. We have not had significant black immigration into this country for very long.

White Americans are far less likely to be a product of inbreeding because until a generation or so there was always massive immigration from all corners of Europe mixing into the white American population.
studies show us that not only are Africans the most diverse race on the planet, Africans enslaved and brought over to the US were separated and kept from others that were related to them or even spoke the same language. Whites in the US still are genetically inbred because most of their DNA is based on inbreeding. Thats why you have so many degenerative diseases, low birth rates, and recessive genes.
Low birth rates in white communities are a direct result of extreme feminism and misandry ,abortion(over the span of dozens of generations), chemicals in our foods, the de-racialization of the general white populace, materialism and personal responsibility.

I could breed a couple hundred kids alone if I didn't give a damn about where they would end up in life and didn't care about a monogamous relationship.

Fertility is mostly only a factor for older white people trying to have kids, and unfortunately that share of the child rearing population keeps increasing.
Give it a rest you inbred cave monkey. You smell like a wet dog for a reason. Youre genes dictate this. You have already illustrated you lack the educational acumen to speak knowledgeably about most topics on this site. :laugh:
On the contrary.

In this idiocracy I am practically a god.
Bullshit there is no credible scientific evidence to support that propaganda.
Desperate much?
It is simple history and mathematics.

You take a couple thousand imported African slaves and turn them into millions and you will have multiple generations of inbreeding of varying degrees. We have not had significant black immigration into this country for very long.

White Americans are far less likely to be a product of inbreeding because until a generation or so there was always massive immigration from all corners of Europe mixing into the white American population.
studies show us that not only are Africans the most diverse race on the planet, Africans enslaved and brought over to the US were separated and kept from others that were related to them or even spoke the same language. Whites in the US still are genetically inbred because most of their DNA is based on inbreeding. Thats why you have so many degenerative diseases, low birth rates, and recessive genes.
Low birth rates in white communities are a direct result of extreme feminism and misandry ,abortion(over the span of dozens of generations), chemicals in our foods, the de-racialization of the general white populace, materialism and personal responsibility.

I could breed a couple hundred kids alone if I didn't give a damn about where they would end up in life and didn't care about a monogamous relationship.

Fertility is mostly only a factor for older white people trying to have kids, and unfortunately that share of the child rearing population keeps increasing.
Give it a rest you inbred cave monkey. You smell like a wet dog for a reason. Youre genes dictate this. You have already illustrated you lack the educational acumen to speak knowledgeably about most topics on this site. :laugh:
On the contrary.

In this idiocracy I am practically a god.
your clay feet are crumbling under the massive weight of your bullshit.
Bullshit there is no credible scientific evidence to support that propaganda.
Desperate much?
It is simple history and mathematics.

You take a couple thousand imported African slaves and turn them into millions and you will have multiple generations of inbreeding of varying degrees. We have not had significant black immigration into this country for very long.

White Americans are far less likely to be a product of inbreeding because until a generation or so there was always massive immigration from all corners of Europe mixing into the white American population.
studies show us that not only are Africans the most diverse race on the planet, Africans enslaved and brought over to the US were separated and kept from others that were related to them or even spoke the same language. Whites in the US still are genetically inbred because most of their DNA is based on inbreeding. Thats why you have so many degenerative diseases, low birth rates, and recessive genes.
Low birth rates in white communities are a direct result of extreme feminism and misandry ,abortion(over the span of dozens of generations), chemicals in our foods, the de-racialization of the general white populace, materialism and personal responsibility.

I could breed a couple hundred kids alone if I didn't give a damn about where they would end up in life and didn't care about a monogamous relationship.

Fertility is mostly only a factor for older white people trying to have kids, and unfortunately that share of the child rearing population keeps increasing.
Give it a rest you inbred cave monkey. You smell like a wet dog for a reason. Youre genes dictate this. You have already illustrated you lack the educational acumen to speak knowledgeably about most topics on this site. :laugh:
On the contrary.

In this idiocracy I am practically a god.
Yes you are the god of idiocy.
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