Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

I never said what you asked me to clarify so I have no obligation to address it. Get over your deceitful self.
oh playing the dumb game now....here i will remind you what you said...."Oddly you are likely unable to understand that much of the violence we have seen from the people has resulted from the violence by those we put over the people"
and i asked...."what violence have we put over violent gangs like the M-13 people?..so get over yourself and answer the question....
In that case it wouldn't "be better"...but if the wrongfully convicted is still alive...

The only reason some of these guys get the defenses they get is BECAUSE they have the death penalty. And most of the fighting isn't about the person's guilt, it's about technical and procedural bullshit about the PUNISHMENT, not the crime itself.
Because they recognize the barbarism in it.

Are you really arguing that poverty leads to crime? Maybe we should do something about that.

It isn't. But you have 50 years to correct the mistake. Once you execute someone, you can't correct the mistake.

No one looks to correct the mistake for life sentences, everyone looks at the DP, and most of the DP appeals aren't about guilt, but about technical bullshit regarding the PUNISHMENT, not the CONVICTION.

No, I am saying some people are just assholes and don't have the same concerns about their freedom that we do.
The governor is acting within her capacity as chief executive, she has the lawful authority to commute sentences – nothing is being usurped.

And executing people 90 days after being sentenced would be un-Constitutional, the condemned not being afforded comprehensive due process.

There are aspects of our judicial system in need of reform, but this isn’t it.
Aw did someone get hurt in the feels, If these people were found guilty, and sentenced to death that is exactly what they should get. If not they can all be let out and stay with you!
oh it didnt?...you should go back and read our conversation over again.....but you wont because you would have to admit you moved the conversation away from what i was talking about...

I care less what you were talking about. I made a statement and backed that statement up.

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