Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

joe lets just do like they do now and let everyone go....will that satisfy your love for many of these guys?...

It's not a matter of loving these guys.
It's a matter of not executing the innocent.
Since you can't promise me we won't execute an innocent person by mistake... in fact, there is solid evidence we have... the DP shouldn't be an option.
It's not a matter of loving these guys.
It's a matter of not executing the innocent.
Since you can't promise me we won't execute an innocent person by mistake... in fact, there is solid evidence we have... the DP shouldn't be an option.
There are people on death row who are known to be guilty. No mistake possible. However, there are kangaroo courts like the Jan. 6 committee using terrorism and insurrection laws to make sure they are guilty. And the cop who murdered the woman that day got off Scot free.
It's not a matter of loving these guys.
It's a matter of not executing the innocent.
Since you can't promise me we won't execute an innocent person by mistake... in fact, there is solid evidence we have... the DP shouldn't be an option.
yea i can joe.....the asshole was on film doing the killing....but to you that just might be someone who looks like the killer...
yea i can joe.....the asshole was on film doing the killing....but to you that just might be someone who looks like the killer...

Um, which asshole was that?
The exception should not make the rule.
193 Innocent people were either sent to death Row or actually executed.
That's simply too high of a failure rate to continue to have the option.
Um, which asshole was that?
The exception should not make the rule.
193 Innocent people were either sent to death Row or actually executed.
That's simply too high of a failure rate to continue to have the option.
if the person is on film doing the killing then that person is guilty right?..there are cameras everywhere now....or to you is it someone who just looks like the person on the film?....
if the person is on film doing the killing then that person is guilty right?..there are cameras everywhere now....or to you is it someone who just looks like the person on the film?....

The film might not show everything. The film might show the other guy presented a threat.

Heck, Kyle Rittenhouse was caught gunning down three people on video, and he got to walk.
if the person is on film doing the killing then that person is guilty right?..there are cameras everywhere now....or to you is it someone who just looks like the person on the film?....

IMO no one has the right to take the life of another outside of direct self defense.
The film might not show everything. The film might show the other guy presented a threat.

Heck, Kyle Rittenhouse was caught gunning down three people on video, and he got to walk.
you mean like the video a few years back were the robber killed the 7/11 guy because the 7/11 guy pulled a gun on him while he was being robbed at gun point....you mean that poor robber was being threatened?....how about this store owner here joe should he be held for shooting this poor robber?...
you mean like the video a few years back were the robber killed the 7/11 guy because the 7/11 guy pulled a gun on him while he was being robbed at gun point....you mean that poor robber was being threatened?....how about this store owner here joe should he be held for shooting this poor robber?...

Um, no one died in that incident and the four suspects were arrested.
So not sure what your point here is, Harry.

Point is, when you let the government start executing people, they are going to execute people who are innocent. Period. Full stop.

Which is unacceptable.

I'll ask the same question I asked the weird Mormon, when have we ever executed a rich person?
Um, no one died in that incident and the four suspects were arrested.
So not sure what your point here is, Harry.

Point is, when you let the government start executing people, they are going to execute people who are innocent. Period. Full stop.

Which is unacceptable.

I'll ask the same question I asked the weird Mormon, when have we ever executed a rich person?
then execution should only be if there is absolute proof the the person is guilty.....something i have been saying since we started this conversation,but yet you seem to think NO ONE is ever absolutely guilty.....and joe the great majority of violent crime in this country is done by people who are not rich....
then execution should only be if there is absolute proof the the person is guilty.....something i have been saying since we started this conversation,but yet you seem to think NO ONE is ever absolutely guilty.....and joe the great majority of violent crime in this country is done by people who are not rich....

Because that is the great majority of this country. I will note, you did qualify your statement with "violent". The crime of the rich isn't violent in the same way and generally it's not even criminally prosecuted.
Because that is the great majority of this country. I will note, you did qualify your statement with "violent". The crime of the rich isn't violent in the same way and generally it's not even criminally prosecuted.
well i believe violent people should be treated violently back....they should either be given the death penalty or long prison sentences with none of this early out bullshit....they serve every minute of their sentences..... early out should be reserved for non violent offenders.....
well i believe violent people should be treated violently back....

That will show that violence is wrong. Oddly you are likely unable to understand that much of the violence we have seen from the people has resulted from the violence by those we put over the people.

they should either be given the death penalty or long prison sentences with none of this early out bullshit....they serve every minute of their sentences..... early out should be reserved for non violent offenders.....

If they take a life, I have no problem with them not getting another chance at that by a life sentence.
Because they recognize the barbarism in it.

Isnt that the Governor undermining the Democratic process? The majority of Oregonians voted to have the DP, and while the Governor (I assume) has the Constitutional authority to commute sentences can we agree that commuting all DP sentences while it might adhere to the letter of the law doesnt follow the spirit?

Are you really arguing that poverty leads to crime? Maybe we should do something about that.

Ohhh we should start a war on poverty. We could call it the "Great Society" or something like that. Im sure if we spend enough money like 28 trillion we will solve the problem...
That will show that violence is wrong. Oddly you are likely unable to understand that much of the violence we have seen from the people has resulted from the violence by those we put over the people.

If they take a life, I have no problem with them not getting another chance at that by a life sentence.
what violence have we put over violent gangs like the M-13 people?...
Sorry, I have no desire to discuss something in your deceitful way.
in other words you are full of shit.....those peoples violence has nothing to do with the so called violence we put over them....they were violent when they got here...
i asked you to clarify something you said....if you cant answer a simple question pk, then you dont have an answer....just say so....

I never said what you asked me to clarify so I have no obligation to address it. Get over your deceitful self.

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