Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

How are they going to murder again if they have been commuted to life with no chance of parole?

In Manson's case, it was life with a possibility of parole. There always existed a possibility, however slim, that he might have been paroled.

And even “life without parole¨ is no guarantee. Remember Willie Horton, a convicted murderer who had been sentenced to life without parole. He was released on a “furlough”, during which he committed several more violent crimes.

And of course, even a criminal sentenced to death, until that sentence is completed, there is always a chance that a corrupt piece-of-shit governor may commute or pardon such a criminal, and allow it to go free again to commit more crimes.
You know there's a whole range of options between "Setting them free" and "Killing the poor bastard on dubious evidence" right?
Yeah, you are a blood thirsty piece of garbage.

Again, you're a piece of shit that always takes the side of criminals against that of human beings. Always. I have never seen, from you, an exception to this.

What standing do you think that gives you to pass any judgment of any kind against any actual human being? You are no better than the criminal filth whose side you always take.
So I guess having a DP really doesn't have an effect, as those states are the most jab-happy.

It would be a lot more effective if it was actually carried out in a timely manner.

How many subhuman criminal pieces of shit have gone on to commit more crimes, after they were put to death?
Uh, if there is ANY doubt at all, they should be let go. That's how our system SHOULD work.

YOu don't throw a man in jail because you are kind of sure he did it.

Every last one of the 183 people released from Death Row had cops, prosecutors, a judge and a jury who were POSITIVE they did it.

Until someone else proved they didn't.
joe what does ....thats why it should only be for those who have been proven without a doubt they did the killing..
Well of course she is doing so legally, but her basis is not that they were wrongly convicted, or they they have reformed. Her basis is based upon her personal belief that the death penalty is immoral. Plus, it's racist, of course....

The power of commutation is not only to protect the innocent, it is to protect the guilty who are being punished too harshly.

Among the many problems with the DP is how it is unevenly applied. An affluent white person with a good lawyer can plea-bargain down to 25 to life (Getting out in 15) while the poor black kid with the public defender who is drunk gets the death penalty.

So good for her fixing the problem.
It would be a lot more effective if it was actually carried out in a timely manner.

How many subhuman criminal pieces of shit have gone on to commit more crimes, after they were put to death?

So you are arguing we should execute people who are innocent because then they won't commit any other crimes? Not sure about your deluded Mormon Logic here.

If you lock them up for life, the won't commit any other crimes.

Hey, Bob, you should move to Iran. You'd be happier there.

joe what does ....thats why it should only be for those who have been proven without a doubt they did the killing..

Are you fucking dense. If there is ANY DOUBT they did the killing, you let them go, stupid. You don't put them in jail unless you are sure they did what they are accused of.

Except in at least 193 cases, we put someone on death row when someone else did it, and in 20 cases, we put people to death even though there were doubt.

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I am staunchly against the death penalty. I don't think it is a deterrent. That being said, if we executed people 90 days after their sentence, I think the deterrent factor would skyrocket. If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times...we need to completely overhaul our criminal justice system.

As for this ruling, I have mixed emotions. At the end of the day, I think it's a good thing to do. However, I do not like that the jury was empaneled, listened to testimony, rendered a verdict, then (likely) rendered a sentence. Then...later on a governor, overturns it? Don't get me wrong, stop all executions going forward but I don't like it when the jury system is usurped by the chief executive.
With any justice, when they get released they can visit fools like you.
The power of commutation is not only to protect the innocent, it is to protect the guilty who are being punished too harshly.

Among the many problems with the DP is how it is unevenly applied. An affluent white person with a good lawyer can plea-bargain down to 25 to life (Getting out in 15) while the poor black kid with the public defender who is drunk gets the death penalty.

So good for her fixing the problem.
It doesn't always happen that way....but no person with any intelligence believes that it NEVER happens that way.

Which underscores the major shortcoming of the death penalty...that once it's applies; there ain't no goin' back.
So you are arguing we should execute people who are innocent because then they won't commit any other crimes? Not sure about your deluded Mormon Logic here.

If you lock them up for life, the won't commit any other crimes.

Hey, Bob, you should move to Iran. You'd be happier there.

Are you fucking dense. If there is ANY DOUBT they did the killing, you let them go, stupid. You don't put them in jail unless you are sure they did what they are accused of.

Except in at least 193 cases, we put someone on death row when someone else did it, and in 20 cases, we put people to death even though there were doubt.

are you fucking dense joe or can you read?.....lets do this again....i said the death penalty should only be for those who have been proven without a doubt they did the killing..now if you cant understand that....go get the 8 year old down the street to tell you what that means....fucking dumbass...
are you fucking dense joe or can you read?.....lets do this again....i said the death penalty should only be for those who have been proven without a doubt they did the killing..now if you cant understand that....go get the 8 year old down the street to tell you what that means....fucking dumbass...

Our system only calls for finding someone guilty if it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
If there is doubt they are guilty at all, you set them free.

That's our system. Or at least that's the way it's supposed to work.

Every last person on death row, the police, prosecutor, judge and jury were positive that they did the killing without a doubt.
Until someone else looked into it and found...um, yeah, there's a whole lot of doubt.

The problem is, of course, that everyone is innocent until proven broke. The poor get railroaded and the rich get really good lawyers who get evidence suppressed, get favorable rulings, can afford jury consultants and expert witnesses.

So no big surprise that most of the people on death row are poor and black.

When was the last time we executed a rich person in this country?
I agree with the principle of the death penalty however the criminal justice system is broken in that personal agendas can be pushed through the investigations and the courts. Guilty verdicts based on circumstantial evidence can be pretty flimsy. Mirder cases can be used politically and unfortuneal are and other cases people get off with very good attorney and just having money.

I detest murderers and be.I’ve they should die, however the court system is not fair and equal at this time to be trusted not to make errors.
Our system only calls for finding someone guilty if it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
If there is doubt they are guilty at all, you set them free.

That's our system. Or at least that's the way it's supposed to work.

Every last person on death row, the police, prosecutor, judge and jury were positive that they did the killing without a doubt.
Until someone else looked into it and found...um, yeah, there's a whole lot of doubt.

The problem is, of course, that everyone is innocent until proven broke. The poor get railroaded and the rich get really good lawyers who get evidence suppressed, get favorable rulings, can afford jury consultants and expert witnesses.

So no big surprise that most of the people on death row are poor and black.

When was the last time we executed a rich person in this country?
and many of those on death row are as guilty as charged.....if some asswipe is on camera killing someone are you going to tell me they may not be guilty of that murder?...
Well, hold on a sec.

I saw this series on AMC called the Killing Season. Its about a bunch of murders that took place on Long Island (at least the first few episodes were). The persons murdered were largely sex workers. Theoretically they could find the DNA of several former clients in the victims.

So if someone was convicted of killing one of the sex workers based (in part) on their DNA being at the scene, that isn't proof positive they were the murderer.

What my comment was concerning DNA was more about it possibly exonerating folks who have been on Death Row.

An outlier.
Until some criminal-loving piece of shit that infests a position with the relevant powers sets that criminal free.

Well, you might be on to something here, Bob. The problem with "lock them all up" is eventually you can't lock them all up.

We have 2 million people in prison.
We have another 7 million on probation or parole, just one mistake from going back.
We have 100 million Americans with a police record, albeit most of them for petty offenses.

So if you want put more people in prison, you have to let other people out. If you are wasting your money on years of litigation to execute one criminal, it means you have less money for guards and services.

Whatever spin was put on the story for political motives, the hard facts remain that Horton is an example of a subhuman criminal piece of shit that was sentenced to life in prison without parole, after committing a particularly brutal murder; and was set loose under a corrupt policy, which allowed him to commit several more brutal crimes.

A policy developed by a Republican Governor, which Republican judges ruled that was worded in such a way that lifers should have access.

The piece of shit Dukakis vetoed a bill, passed by both houses of Massachusetts' legislature, that would have excluded from the ill-conceived furlough program, convicts like Horton, that had been sentenced to life without parole. He is complicit in the crimes that Horton went on to commit.

Because it would have completely eliminated the program, which actually DID have merit in transitioning ex-convicts back into society.

Or the most relevant and important fact, which is that some nominally-“human” creatures are nothing better than uncivilized animals, who have no qualms about causing any amount of harm to actual human beings.
I am sure there are some true sociopaths out there.
And there are people who are driven by circumstances to commit crime.

Funny, Europe doesn't seem to have our crime problems... Hmmmm.... why do you think that is? I have my theory, which you reject, but I would love to hear yours. I need a good laugh.

You defend and support the murders of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, thousands of them every day; and you condemn me as a “a sociopath who gets off on murdering people” for wishing that genuine murderers should be brought to proper justice.
Fetus aren't people.

Jeffrey Epstein comes immediately to mind. Of course, that was done through unofficial channels, and most likely more to protect other criminal shit than to administer justice.
Um, Epstein killed himself.
and many of those on death row are as guilty as charged.....if some asswipe is on camera killing someone are you going to tell me they may not be guilty of that murder?...

How many people on death row had their action caught on camera?
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I am staunchly against the death penalty. I don't think it is a deterrent. That being said, if we executed people 90 days after their sentence, I think the deterrent factor would skyrocket. If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times...we need to completely overhaul our criminal justice system.

As for this ruling, I have mixed emotions. At the end of the day, I think it's a good thing to do. However, I do not like that the jury was empaneled, listened to testimony, rendered a verdict, then (likely) rendered a sentence. Then...later on a governor, overturns it? Don't get me wrong, stop all executions going forward but I don't like it when the jury system is usurped by the chief executive.

Plus the people of Oregon also voted the DP back, only to have two governors implement a moratorium.
There have been far too many cases of modern DNA science leading to the release of innocent people on death row. Something is broken in our justice system and it needs to be fixed before we kill any more people.

As for executing people 90 days after conviction, we would have killed a lot of innocent people.

Besides, I think life without parole is a fate worse than death.

For you maybe, for a hardened criminal 3 hots and a cot is probably not that bad.

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