Oregon Patriots Decline Escort Out of Town

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

When Ammon Bundy called for the will of the Harney County people to be heard, they turned up in record numbers. Packed to the doors it was standing room only at the County Fairgrounds meeting which was facilitated by Harney County Sheriff David Ward. Some say the entire town showed up. Others say it was the largest gathering they had ever witnessed in their life (including the county fair).

At the meeting, one longtime Harney County resident took the floor. Addressing the topic of the straw poll, his response was two-fold. He said, Sheriff Ward's poll asks do we want it to end peacefully and the protesters to go home? Yes, we want it to end peacefully. No, I don't necessarily want them to go home. They have the right to free speech and I want to find out what they have to say.

Another Harney County resident took the floor and stated that the Hammond Ranchers are the nicest people who ever walked the face of the earth and that they got the rottenest deal there ever was!

Rep. Greg Walden echoed those sentiments on the House floor the other day. He stated that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) goes onto private land “all the time” to set back burn fires in order to protect their own lands. Yet BLM has never been sentenced under the 1996 Terrorism Law. He also stated that according to a law he authored, BLM has not kept their agreement to build fences but has ordered the ranchers to build them instead.

Rep. Walden stated that the Hammond ranchers had been forced to sign a right of first refusal. Under this restriction they cannot purchase or sell anything over $500 without obtaining permission from the federal government. Rep. Walden has called it a “Constitutional Crisis.”

To illustrate what Rep. Walden is speaking about – consider this fire started by BLM employees:

The Cerro Grand fire went out of control after government employees failed to properly plan and prepare for windy conditions May of 2000. The prescribed burn whipped out of control, devouring over 47,000 acres of private land including over 400 homes, creating over 1 billion dollars worth of damages.

How many BLM employees were charged?

A report from the National Park Service Federal Board of Inquiry recommended that no disciplinary action be taken against the government employees. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt claimed it wasn't a case of criminal negligence and therefore there would be no criminal charges filed.

Time for a review:

Case A: Hammond ranchers start a back burn fire which burns 1 acre of BLM land causing $100 worth of damages and get 5 years in prison under the 1996 Terrorism law and are fined $400,000.00.

Case B: Federal government employees who failed in oversight and proper planning for a prescribed burn under high wind conditions burn over 47,000 acres of private land that doesn't belong to BLM and destroy 400 homes creating over $1,000,000,000.000 worth of damages and receive no monetary fines and no criminal charges are filed.

It is not difficult to understand why the ranchers have complained about the federal government's double standards.

Harney county residents have been voicing their frustrations about an overreaching federal government that have been seizing their lands for a long time.. They are grateful for the attention that has finally come their way as a result of the Patriot Protesters occupying Malhuer Wildlife Refuge.

Harney County resident Mitch Stegner said he had been out to the protest site and that the men and women were polite. He stated that the Bundy Ranchers have given Harney County the best gift it has ever received. He said, Whether you agree with them or not, they have given us our biggest and best platform to get our message to the federal government that they have to pay attention to us.

I would add that they have also given the American people an opportunity to learn the truth about BLM's land grabbing schemes and the double standard the federal government has been using - disproportionate fines and criminal charges for ranchers vs BLM (who appears to be above the law).

Today Sheriff Harney offered Ammon Bundy and his fellow Patriots an escort out of town but they declined. Mr. Bundy said they will accept that escort but not just yet.

The standoff continues.
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The community supports him. There are a lot of offal I'm sure that will seed meetings and show up to pretend to be community members, but the reality is that the people who live and work and have businesses there are thankful to the Bundys and appreciative that he brought attention to their situation.

The locals are visiting them at the refuge, bringing food, praying with them, and in general being quite blatant in their support. The Oregonian, which initially was running jeering joke posts and memes on their facebook, is getting scooped by other news media outlets, presumably because the locals are freezing them out. The Oregonian has never been their friend, and they know it, and they also have facebook, and read the papers, and saw the garbage that the Oregonian was running.

If they have an argument then make it in the appropriate places. Setting fires at your whim that are against the law isn't going to fly. People in Furgeson or any other city that commit vandalism are caught when possible and prosecuted.

I'm not overly concerned about this group occupying a building for a few days to make a point. Read Civil Disobedience by Thoreau, I support this. At gun point? Yes that is a problem.
They've gotten a lot of attention to whatever it is they are angry about and now its time to follow the law and fight it out in court and the public square.

Occupy Wallstreet, Black Lives Matter, Greenpeace, et al. Civil disobedience is healthy if done in a healthy way.

Sticking a gun in someone's face or threatening the same isn't going to cut it.
The LDS church has told the Bundys they are wrong.

Good people have told the Bundys they are wrong.

So far no one has been shot.

If they shoot anyone, the drones will be used against them. Send the women and children out if it is martyrdom the men want.
The LDS church has told the Bundys they are wrong.

Good people have told the Bundys they are wrong.

So far no one has been shot.

If they shoot anyone, the drones will be used against them. Send the women and children out if it is martyrdom the men want.

Back in the late 1700's the JakeAss would have been known as Benedict Arnold!
The LDS church has told the Bundys they are wrong.

Good people have told the Bundys they are wrong.

So far no one has been shot.

If they shoot anyone, the drones will be used against them. Send the women and children out if it is martyrdom the men want.

Back in the late 1700's the JakeAss would have been known as Benedict Arnold!
Only by the loyalists, Arnold was a hero until he was corrupted by men like you.
If they have an argument then make it in the appropriate places. Setting fires at your whim that are against the law isn't going to fly. People in Furgeson or any other city that commit vandalism are caught when possible and prosecuted.

I'm not overly concerned about this group occupying a building for a few days to make a point. Read Civil Disobedience by Thoreau, I support this. At gun point? Yes that is a problem.
They've gotten a lot of attention to whatever it is they are angry about and now its time to follow the law and fight it out in court and the public square.

Occupy Wallstreet, Black Lives Matter, Greenpeace, et al. Civil disobedience is healthy if done in a healthy way.

Sticking a gun in someone's face or threatening the same isn't going to cut it.

Oregon standoff: Idaho group arrives to 'secure perimeter, prevent Waco-style situation'
The roads are being blocked by feds as we write here on the Board.
The LDS church has told the Bundys they are wrong.

Good people have told the Bundys they are wrong.

So far no one has been shot.

If they shoot anyone, the drones will be used against them. Send the women and children out if it is martyrdom the men want.

Back in the late 1700's the JakeAss would have been known as Benedict Arnold!
Only by the loyalists, Arnold was a hero until he was corrupted by men like you.

He was a fucking traitor, as YOU are!
The LDS church has told the Bundys they are wrong.

Good people have told the Bundys they are wrong.

So far no one has been shot.

If they shoot anyone, the drones will be used against them. Send the women and children out if it is martyrdom the men want.

Back in the late 1700's the JakeAss would have been known as Benedict Arnold!
Only by the loyalists, Arnold was a hero until he was corrupted by men like you.

He was a fucking traitor, as YOU are!
Because you, a mouse among men, say so? :lol: Arnold was our greatest combat commander before he was lured into sedition by men like you.
The LDS church has told the Bundys they are wrong.

Good people have told the Bundys they are wrong.

So far no one has been shot.

If they shoot anyone, the drones will be used against them. Send the women and children out if it is martyrdom the men want.

And let's hope the feds don't shoot anybody. It appears the locals approve of the Bundy presence:

"On Wednesday, around two dozen local supporters drove up to the occupied refuge on Wednesday to shake hands with Ammon Bundy and show their support.
"I believe what they're doing is right," said Burns resident Lindsay Tyler.
"I want to thank them for standing up for everybody's rights," Dale Houck said.
"It's seems a little bit extreme at first," Houck admitted. "But how else are you going to get it out there?"
Others agree -- the attention to the area's issues with federal oversight was needed.

"If they wouldn't have done with the refuge what they did, our voices in Harney County wouldn't have been heard," Tyler said.
They support Bundy because he drew attention to the problems they've been facing in the community.
"I'm sick and tired of the BLM and the federal government," Houck said."

Harney sheriff on refuge stalemate: No more meetings, 'all options open'

When Ammon Bundy called for the will of the Harney County people to be heard, they turned up in record numbers. Packed to the doors it was standing room only at the County Fairgrounds meeting which was facilitated by Harney County Sheriff David Ward. Some say the entire town showed up. Others say it was the largest gathering they had ever witnessed in their life (including the county fair).

At the meeting, one longtime Harney County resident took the floor. Addressing the topic of the straw poll, his response was two-fold. He said, Sheriff Ward's poll asks do we want it to end peacefully and the protesters to go home? Yes, we want it to end peacefully. No, I don't necessarily want them to go home. They have the right to free speech and I want to find out what they have to say.

Another Harney County resident took the floor and stated that the Hammond Ranchers are the nicest people who ever walked the face of the earth and that they got the rottenest deal there ever was!

Rep. Greg Walden echoed those sentiments on the House floor the other day. He stated that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) goes onto private land “all the time” to set back burn fires in order to protect their own lands. Yet BLM has never been sentenced under the 1996 Terrorism Law. He also stated that according to a law he authored, BLM has not kept their agreement to build fences but has ordered the ranchers to build them instead.

Rep. Walden stated that the Hammond ranchers had been forced to sign a right of first refusal. Under this restriction they cannot purchase or sell anything over $500 without obtaining permission from the federal government. Rep. Walden has called it a “Constitutional Crisis.”

To illustrate what Rep. Walden is speaking about – consider this fire started by BLM employees:

The Cerro Grand fire went out of control after government employees failed to properly plan and prepare for windy conditions May of 2000. The prescribed burn whipped out of control, devouring over 47,000 acres of private land including over 400 homes, creating over 1 billion dollars worth of damages.

How many BLM employees were charged?

A report from the National Park Service Federal Board of Inquiry recommended that no disciplinary action be taken against the government employees. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt claimed it wasn't a case of criminal negligence and therefore there would be no criminal charges filed.

Time for a review:

Case A: Hammond ranchers start a back burn fire which burns 1 acre of BLM land causing $100 worth of damages and get 5 years in prison under the 1996 Terrorism law and are fined $400,000.00.

Case B: Federal government employees who failed in oversight and proper planning for a prescribed burn under high wind conditions burn over 47,000 acres of private land that doesn't belong to BLM and destroy 400 homes creating over $1,000,000,000.000 worth of damages and receive no monetary fines and no criminal charges are filed.

It is not difficult to understand why the ranchers have complained about the federal government's double standards.

Harney county residents have been voicing their frustrations about an overreaching federal government that have been seizing their lands for a long time.. They are grateful for the attention that has finally come their way as a result of the Patriot Protesters occupying Malhuer Wildlife Refuge.

Harney County resident Mitch Stegner said he had been out to the protest site and that the men and women were polite. He stated that the Bundy Ranchers have given Harney County the best gift it has ever received. He said, Whether you agree with them or not, they have given us our biggest and best platform to get our message to the federal government that they have to pay attention to us.

I would add that they have also given the American people an opportunity to learn the truth about BLM's land grabbing schemes and the double standard the federal government has been using - disproportionate fines and criminal charges for ranchers vs BLM (who appears to be above the law.

Today Sheriff Harney offered Ammon Bundy and his fellow Patriots an escort out of town but they declined. Mr. Bundy said they will accept that escort but not just yet.

The standoff continues.

As already correctly noted: the Constitution affords citizens the means by which to address acts of government they oppose – through the political process or the legal process, not engaging in a ridiculous, childish display such as these 'militia' nitwits.

Their 'cause' is completely devoid of merit.
The locals are tired of BLM and the feds running national lands as they, not the ranchers, want to run the lands.

The proper place to go is to their representatives, not the torch.

The government will not back off this time.

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