Oregon regrets decriminalizing street drugs

Tell that to the merchants in San Francisco

Mentally ill drug addicts are ruining the business district

Those people were always around.

it's more of a city management issue now that's all.

We have left the mentally ill to fend for themselves because we don't want to offer health care anymore. You reap what you sow.

We decided to wage a so called war on drugs that cost trillions of dollars and resulted in nothing rather than spending a fraction of that money to actually improve the lives of people.

And you can't even see that it is your attitude and unwillingness to look for a pragmatic course of action that has caused a lot of the problems you are now whining about.
it's more of a city management issue now that's all.
A management issue caused by lib drug permissiveness

Legalizing or decriminslizing drugs instead of just saying no are what caused this problem
A management issue caused by lib drug permissiveness

Legalizing or decriminslizing drugs instead of just saying no are what caused this problem
Wrong again more like caused by removing all help for the mentally ill

And decriminalizing drugs will actually unclog the courts, free up the police and save more than enough money to establish medical treatment and intervention and rehab services
Wrong again more like caused by removing all help for the mentally ill

And decriminalizing drugs will actually unclog the courts, free up the police and save more than enough money to establish medical treatment and intervention and rehab services
Take away the drugs and many if not most crazy people will regain their senses
The Left regrets nothing

That would imply weakness and fallibility, something their cult cannot admit too.

Putin done it.
I sincerely believe that will be the reason for the death of the left.

Not being able to admit that what you're doing is wrong/not working and double/triple/infinity downing on it every time

is untenable in the end. They will hardhead themselves into obsolescence
Naturally common sense befuddles you

Mentally ill people becomes addicts because they are left to fend for themselves like you want them to be with no way to get medical treatment therefore they self medicate so as to make the symptoms of their actual illness more manageable.
Mentally ill people becomes addicts because they are left to fend for themselves like you want them to be with no way to get medical treatment therefore they self medicate so as to make the symptoms of their actual illness more manageable.
Many if not most people become addicts first and then lose their minds

No good ever comes from using drugs

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