CDZ Oregon State Troopers now Feds

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015

Trump has had the US Marshals deputize the Oregon State Troopers.

Go to 7 minutes and 55 seconds...

In some ways I agree with this move since the mayors, governors, and their local judiciary, don't appear to want to do their job. Local law enforcement has been catching them and the district attorneys have been letting them go as fast as they are caught. Now those caught will go to federal court instead of local court.

This appears to be a legal move on the part of the President.

I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?

Do we want this to happen?


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View attachment 383759

Trump has had the US Marshals deputize the Oregon State Troopers.

In some ways I agree with this move since the mayors, governors, and their local judiciary, don't appear to want to do their job. Local law enforcement has been catching them and the district attorneys have been letting them go as fast as they are caught. Now those caught will go to federal court instead of local court.

This appears to be a legal move on the part of the President.

I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?

Do we want this to happen?



I'd have to see the oath they are swearing to. Back in the day, when they formed Posse's, the oath was for the duration of the emergency. It is likely that this is the case now.
It's the only way. I agree, does it have an end point.

But after Wheeler has flat out rejected any help Trump had to do something after we had a murder on the streets of Portland.

The ANTIFA thugs tried to burn the apartment building down where Wheeler lived and that could have killed a lot of people in that building.

How long has this two week pandemic emergency lasted?


I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?

I understand your concerns and I would share them if this happened out of a clear blue sky.

But it didn't.

Mayors and governors are literally allowing their own citizens to be murdered. And for political gain no less!

It needs to be stopped!
View attachment 383759

Trump has had the US Marshals deputize the Oregon State Troopers.

In some ways I agree with this move since the mayors, governors, and their local judiciary, don't appear to want to do their job. Local law enforcement has been catching them and the district attorneys have been letting them go as fast as they are caught. Now those caught will go to federal court instead of local court.

This appears to be a legal move on the part of the President.

I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?

Do we want this to happen?



It's like Sowell said, "There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs."

I'm pretty libertarian. I detest when any government branch or agency makes a decision that consolidates power under their control. That said, as someone who lives in Portland, I've kept a close watch on, not only THIS eruption of political violence, but the many, MANY cases of violent leftists assaulting individuals in my hometown for at least the last four years just for being politically disagreeable.

For several years, I've watched as police, under stand down orders from Ted Wheeler, stood idly by while antifa types gang stomped lone dissenters. For the last few months, I've watched how our DA has repeatedly released rioters accused of felonies up to and including assault of a peace officer, back onto the streets. In several cases, now, these repeat offenders have then gone on to murder.

The government of Portland is flatly refusing to fulfill its duty to protect ALL of its citizens, apparently in favor of advancing the goals of a group of violent pricks attacking and destroying at random, and people are dying because of it.

So, as much as I'm perturbed by the nation's executive branch expanding its authority, even temporarily (so we hope), this particular instance is, relatively speaking, small potatoes. Compared to the issue that the action is meant to correct, i.e. the fact that the government of Portland is giving relative impunity to a violent mob, this deputy scheme is NOTHING. I am absolutely THRILLED that Trump and co have figured a way to step in without invoking the Insurrection Act, which WOULD be an absolutely terrifying escalation and something that I don't believe is warranted.
I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?

I understand your concerns and I would share them if this happened out of a clear blue sky.

But it didn't.

Mayors and governors are literally allowing their own citizens to be murdered. And for political gain no less!

It needs to be stopped!

Maybe the Oregon State Troopers should stop by the governors, mayors, and DA's, office first and make some arrests for aiding and abbetting.


Maybe the Oregon State Troopers should stop by the governors, mayors, and DA's, office first and make some arrests for aiding and abbetting.

I would applaud that move!

The father of the 19 year old murdered in CHAZ is suing the city, state, mayor, and governor for THREE BILLION DOLLARS for the death of his son.
I would applaud that move!

The father of the 19 year old murdered in CHAZ is suing the city, state, mayor, and governor for THREE BILLION DOLLARS for the death of his son.


If he wins the first thing that should happen is confiscation of the governors, mayors, DA's, judiciaries, and other state officials who are involved, assets and revocation of any licenses to practice to pay for the first part of that bill.

They didn't want to learn morals and ethics in college they can pay the price.


It has the potential to get into constitutionally murky waters. The federal jurisdiction is supposedly limited to that enumerated to it by the Constitution. (The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.-- Tenth Amendment)

Would you trust a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this unlimited jurisdiction?

Because once a precedent is laid down, that can of worms is wide open.
It has the potential to get into constitutionally murky waters. The federal jurisdiction is supposedly limited to that enumerated to it by the Constitution. (The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.-- Tenth Amendment)

Would you trust a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this unlimited jurisdiction?

Because once a precedent is laid down, that can of worms is wide open.


No. If I was the President during these riots and a murder or any other federal crime happened and the local DA of a city or state left them go because they were "peaceful protesters" and they were refusing to prosecute I would have sent the FBI in to arrest the DA and whoever above him/her that gave the order for aiding and abetting in the murder or any other federal crime.

However I can see where Trump would not trust the FBI to do as ordered after what happened over the last few years.


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It has the potential to get into constitutionally murky waters. The federal jurisdiction is supposedly limited to that enumerated to it by the Constitution. (The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.-- Tenth Amendment)

Would you trust a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this unlimited jurisdiction?

Because once a precedent is laid down, that can of worms is wide open.
It's that vs the precedent that a state government can allow a violent mob of political fellow travelers to commit acts of violent political suppression with impunity vs the use of the Insurrection Act in what are, as you've said, very Constitutionally murky waters.

I don't like this precedent that you've described, but it's the least of three evils.
Trump has had the US Marshals deputize the Oregon State Troopers.

In some ways I agree with this move since the mayors, governors, and their local judiciary, don't appear to want to do their job. Local law enforcement has been catching them and the district attorneys have been letting them go as fast as they are caught. Now those caught will go to federal court instead of local court.

This appears to be a legal move on the part of the President.

I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?

It has the potential to get into constitutionally murky waters. The federal jurisdiction is supposedly limited to that enumerated to it by the Constitution. (The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.-- Tenth Amendment)

Would you trust a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this unlimited jurisdiction?

Because once a precedent is laid down, that can of worms is wide open.

View attachment 383792

No. If I was the President during these riots and a murder or any other federal crime happened and the local DA of a city or state left them go because they were "peaceful protesters" I would have sent the FBI in to arrest the DA and whoever above him/her that gave the order for aiding and abetting in the murder or any other federal crime.



So, I guess that's a yes, you would trust AOC with that much power.
It has the potential to get into constitutionally murky waters. The federal jurisdiction is supposedly limited to that enumerated to it by the Constitution. (The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.-- Tenth Amendment)

Would you trust a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this unlimited jurisdiction?

Because once a precedent is laid down, that can of worms is wide open.

View attachment 383792

No. If I was the President during these riots and a murder or any other federal crime happened and the local DA of a city or state left them go because they were "peaceful protesters" I would have sent the FBI in to arrest the DA and whoever above him/her that gave the order for aiding and abetting in the murder or any other federal crime.



So, I guess that's a yes, you would trust AOC with that much power.


Where did I say that?


Trump has had the US Marshals deputize the Oregon State Troopers.

In some ways I agree with this move since the mayors, governors, and their local judiciary, don't appear to want to do their job. Local law enforcement has been catching them and the district attorneys have been letting them go as fast as they are caught. Now those caught will go to federal court instead of local court.

This appears to be a legal move on the part of the President.

I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?



I provided a link.


Trump has had the US Marshals deputize the Oregon State Troopers.

In some ways I agree with this move since the mayors, governors, and their local judiciary, don't appear to want to do their job. Local law enforcement has been catching them and the district attorneys have been letting them go as fast as they are caught. Now those caught will go to federal court instead of local court.

This appears to be a legal move on the part of the President.

I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?


View attachment 383798

I provided a link.



I see no link. Redo it.
Trump has had the US Marshals deputize the Oregon State Troopers.

In some ways I agree with this move since the mayors, governors, and their local judiciary, don't appear to want to do their job. Local law enforcement has been catching them and the district attorneys have been letting them go as fast as they are caught. Now those caught will go to federal court instead of local court.

This appears to be a legal move on the part of the President.

I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?


View attachment 383798

I provided a link.



I see no link. Redo it.



Go to 7 minutes and 55 seconds on the Timcast.


View attachment 383759

Trump has had the US Marshals deputize the Oregon State Troopers.

In some ways I agree with this move since the mayors, governors, and their local judiciary, don't appear to want to do their job. Local law enforcement has been catching them and the district attorneys have been letting them go as fast as they are caught. Now those caught will go to federal court instead of local court.

This appears to be a legal move on the part of the President.

I suppose it's better than the Insurrection Act or Martial Law being declared.

Unfortunately I see problems with this in that what if those Oregon State Troopers are never undeputized?

Do we want this to happen?



It's like Sowell said, "There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs."

I'm pretty libertarian. I detest when any government branch or agency makes a decision that consolidates power under their control. That said, as someone who lives in Portland, I've kept a close watch on, not only THIS eruption of political violence, but the many, MANY cases of violent leftists assaulting individuals in my hometown for at least the last four years just for being politically disagreeable.

For several years, I've watched as police, under stand down orders from Ted Wheeler, stood idly by while antifa types gang stomped lone dissenters. For the last few months, I've watched how our DA has repeatedly released rioters accused of felonies up to and including assault of a peace officer, back onto the streets. In several cases, now, these repeat offenders have then gone on to murder.

The government of Portland is flatly refusing to fulfill its duty to protect ALL of its citizens, apparently in favor of advancing the goals of a group of violent pricks attacking and destroying at random, and people are dying because of it.

So, as much as I'm perturbed by the nation's executive branch expanding its authority, even temporarily (so we hope), this particular instance is, relatively speaking, small potatoes. Compared to the issue that the action is meant to correct, i.e. the fact that the government of Portland is giving relative impunity to a violent mob, this deputy scheme is NOTHING. I am absolutely THRILLED that Trump and co have figured a way to step in without invoking the Insurrection Act, which WOULD be an absolutely terrifying escalation and something that I don't believe is warranted.

THis is a good post. I think Trump has a right and must bring in the Feds to do something about this violence.

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