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O'Reilly Categorizes The Simpletons

I have noticed that about you. You always want to claim the morale high ground concerning vulgarity. But what it really is in an easy way out for you to run from real debate. Vulgarity is not a white flag, it is a sign of passion. Something you have no clue about because you are little more than a robot programmed by your handlers and dutifully following your marching orders.

So let me make this easy for you. Let's take one thing at a time. The Taliban and Afghanistan. Why did Trump negotiate with known terrorists, the Taliban? Why did he leave the provincial government of Afghanistan out of the negotiations? Why did he trust the Taliban to help get Americans out? Was he not operating under the assumption that the Taliban were going to take control of Afghanistan? What other reason would he have done what he did? And if that is the case, why is it problematic now, that exactly what he planned to happen, happened?

I never use vulgarity.
There are several reasons.
One, I was brought up correctly.
Two, as you have found, I am articulate and clever enough to put your sort in your place via language one can properly use in front of children.
And....of course.....I am far brighter than you are.....I didn't vote for Democrats.....


You are stupid for voting for Democrats when 30+ lies and hoaxes have been exposed.....

....but you abuse the privilege of being stupid by still defending that vote.

You will not be forgiven for what you have done to the country I love.

Now, get lost, moron.
Another indoctrinated fool. Yes, several of our federal agencies were weaponized. It started under Obama and the IRS. MSNBC didn't tell you that? Let me guess, Lois Lerner acted on her own to target Conservative entities for audits? The FBI wasn't anti-Trump? Those text messages by Strzok here just for fun and in no way would have influenced his decision making while investigating Trump? Fake dossier and lying to the FISA court in order to get an investigation off the ground? Nah, didn't happen. You folks will believe anything.

All true....and they know it...

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election," Barr wrote in a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary committees on Sunday afternoon.That was despite "multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign," he wrote. Mueller Report Doesn't Find Russian Collusion, But Can't 'Exonerate' On Obstruction

“ The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign – joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the report states: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.” Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report (Published 2019)

And today.....

“The Washington Post corrects, removes parts of two stories regarding the Steele dossier…Other stories that made the same assertion were corrected as well.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/life...c9b770-43d5-11ec-a88e-2aa4632af69b_story.html

Yet the low-lifes simply shrug and continue with the propaganda.
Another indoctrinated fool. Yes, several of our federal agencies were weaponized. It started under Obama and the IRS. MSNBC didn't tell you that? Let me guess, Lois Lerner acted on her own to target Conservative entities for audits? The FBI wasn't anti-Trump? Those text messages by Strzok here just for fun and in no way would have influenced his decision making while investigating Trump? Fake dossier and lying to the FISA court in order to get an investigation off the ground? Nah, didn't happen. You folks will believe anything.
That shit about the IRS cracks me up. So, some 501C spouts off about an unwillingness to pay federal income taxes and somehow it is a travesty of justice that they get targeted for investigation? How the hell does that make sense? I mean if you are self-employed and go around town spouting off about how you think income taxes are an injustice and you will avoid them if possible do you really think the IRS should turn a blind eye? Comical man, absolutely comical what you morons swallow.

And that dossier you Republicans are always spouting off about. You know who originally funded that? Hell, it was REPUBLICANS. I don't know if you guys actually know that and just ignore it, or if you really are so uninformed that you don't know that. Honestly, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and going with the former. And to be blunt, I think there is something there. Trump was tremendously accommodating to Putin. So much so that it was embarrassing. Again, not understanding why anyone with any common sense couldn't see that. But then again, you can never underestimate the intelligence of the American public.
I never use vulgarity.
There are several reasons.
One, I was brought up correctly.
Two, as you have found, I am articulate and clever enough to put your sort in your place via language one can properly use in front of children.
And....of course.....I am far brighter than you are.....I didn't vote for Democrats.....

View attachment 564517

You are stupid for voting for Democrats when 30+ lies and hoaxes have been exposed.....

....but you abuse the privilege of being stupid by still defending that vote.

You will not be forgiven for what you have done to the country I love.

Now, get lost, moron.
You are absolutely precious. Raised right? No, you were raised insulated from reality. I don't know how old you are but I venture to guess you have never had a real job or walked in the real world. And sorry, but your parents gave you an injustice by attempting to protect you from the world. A real parent would equip you with the skills necessary to negotiate that world. Your constant posting here clearly indicates that is not within your skillset.

I pity you. The country you love? You have no understanding of just what that country is. How can you? You don't even understand the trials and tribulations of the people that populate that country and you have no clue as to the founders of that countries mindset.

I mean look at the cartoon you posted. $1.49 gas. Well no shit, when everyone is afraid to leave their house no one is buying gas. Do you want to call that an accomplishment? Same for inflation. We got real supply chain issues, mostly because of something called pent up demand. Biden has increased consumer confidence, people are actively going out, spending money, and feel good about the future. Sure, if Trump was president they would still probably be holed up in their house and afraid to spend any money. Again, do you feel that is accomplishment?

The high energy cost. While part of that is a demand issue, another part of that is oil companies fleecing our ass. The price of crude has not changed significantly. Production on federal lands is UP, not down. An informed person would know that. An uninformed useful idiot would not.

Afghanistan, you still have not answered some basic questions that I asked you. If anything, Trump created the disaster and now you want to pin it on Biden. I mean it doesn't matter to me. I was a fool's gambit to start with. Alexander gave one of history's greatest speeches attempting to get his troops to move forward in Afghanistan, they still refused. Evidently they were smarter than us. It is a hell hole, a place where entire dynasties go to die. Only a fool would attempt to curtain them.

Look, this whole intelligence issue is laughable. You post any IQ test you want. I can promise you, I will crush you with the results. I have had a genius level IQ since I was in the sixth grade. Funny, my sister was a freshman in High School when I was a freshman in college. She still mentions it today. She got a job as an office assistant and, being nosey, like she is, she pulled my file. Right across the top, "Genius" was written. I have gotten every question right on every IQ test I ever took, which puts me at a minimum of 160. I refused additional testing because what was the use. Judging from your posts, you would struggle to get to 120.
You are absolutely precious. Raised right? No, you were raised insulated from reality. I don't know how old you are but I venture to guess you have never had a real job or walked in the real world. And sorry, but your parents gave you an injustice by attempting to protect you from the world. A real parent would equip you with the skills necessary to negotiate that world. Your constant posting here clearly indicates that is not within your skillset.

I pity you. The country you love? You have no understanding of just what that country is. How can you? You don't even understand the trials and tribulations of the people that populate that country and you have no clue as to the founders of that countries mindset.

I mean look at the cartoon you posted. $1.49 gas. Well no shit, when everyone is afraid to leave their house no one is buying gas. Do you want to call that an accomplishment? Same for inflation. We got real supply chain issues, mostly because of something called pent up demand. Biden has increased consumer confidence, people are actively going out, spending money, and feel good about the future. Sure, if Trump was president they would still probably be holed up in their house and afraid to spend any money. Again, do you feel that is accomplishment?

The high energy cost. While part of that is a demand issue, another part of that is oil companies fleecing our ass. The price of crude has not changed significantly. Production on federal lands is UP, not down. An informed person would know that. An uninformed useful idiot would not.

Afghanistan, you still have not answered some basic questions that I asked you. If anything, Trump created the disaster and now you want to pin it on Biden. I mean it doesn't matter to me. I was a fool's gambit to start with. Alexander gave one of history's greatest speeches attempting to get his troops to move forward in Afghanistan, they still refused. Evidently they were smarter than us. It is a hell hole, a place where entire dynasties go to die. Only a fool would attempt to curtain them.

Look, this whole intelligence issue is laughable. You post any IQ test you want. I can promise you, I will crush you with the results. I have had a genius level IQ since I was in the sixth grade. Funny, my sister was a freshman in High School when I was a freshman in college. She still mentions it today. She got a job as an office assistant and, being nosey, like she is, she pulled my file. Right across the top, "Genius" was written. I have gotten every question right on every IQ test I ever took, which puts me at a minimum of 160. I refused additional testing because what was the use. Judging from your posts, you would struggle to get to 120.

No vulgarity....no matter how deeply I've wounded you.
No vulgarity....no matter how deeply I've wounded you.
See, that is another thing about you. Are you so unconfident in yourself that you have to declare victory when you have done nothing? Debate is really a formal process. You make contentions, I oppose them, and then you address my opposition. But you don't do that. In fact, you look for the quickest way out.

I toy with you, like a cat and a mouse. I find it entertaining. I laugh so hard at your complete inability to provide even a cursory rebuttal. It is like you are lost, a deer in the headlights look, unable to think for yourself. I mean you are really not very good at this, despite what you might think. And in no small way, that breaks my heart. I really wish you would find something that you are good at. Most certainly, your constant posting is not it. It really is sad. I only enter into your threads when I am looking for a little entertainment. I need to stop, because I really feel bad.

You are so damaged, I really am about to cry. You need someone to lift you up, and I just can't do that when you post such nonsense all the time. Find a calling. Find a church. Get out, embrace the real world. Do something for others, not for yourself. Pull yourself away from the siren call of the radical right, who have no interest in your well being. My favorite movie is an old one, Rock Hudson, Magnificent Obsession, give to others what they need, attain whatever you desire. Live by that and find real happiness. God bless you, find your real calling.
See, that is another thing about you. Are you so unconfident in yourself that you have to declare victory when you have done nothing? Debate is really a formal process. You make contentions, I oppose them, and then you address my opposition. But you don't do that. In fact, you look for the quickest way out.

I toy with you, like a cat and a mouse. I find it entertaining. I laugh so hard at your complete inability to provide even a cursory rebuttal. It is like you are lost, a deer in the headlights look, unable to think for yourself. I mean you are really not very good at this, despite what you might think. And in no small way, that breaks my heart. I really wish you would find something that you are good at. Most certainly, your constant posting is not it. It really is sad. I only enter into your threads when I am looking for a little entertainment. I need to stop, because I really feel bad.

You are so damaged, I really am about to cry. You need someone to lift you up, and I just can't do that when you post such nonsense all the time. Find a calling. Find a church. Get out, embrace the real world. Do something for others, not for yourself. Pull yourself away from the siren call of the radical right, who have no interest in your well being. My favorite movie is an old one, Rock Hudson, Magnificent Obsession, give to others what they need, attain whatever you desire. Live by that and find real happiness. God bless you, find your real calling.

I destroyed you.

I posted 30+ lies and hoaxes that you swallowed and still believe....

OK....I'll call that a victory.
See, that is another thing about you. Are you so unconfident in yourself that you have to declare victory when you have done nothing? Debate is really a formal process. You make contentions, I oppose them, and then you address my opposition. But you don't do that. In fact, you look for the quickest way out.

I toy with you, like a cat and a mouse. I find it entertaining. I laugh so hard at your complete inability to provide even a cursory rebuttal. It is like you are lost, a deer in the headlights look, unable to think for yourself. I mean you are really not very good at this, despite what you might think. And in no small way, that breaks my heart. I really wish you would find something that you are good at. Most certainly, your constant posting is not it. It really is sad. I only enter into your threads when I am looking for a little entertainment. I need to stop, because I really feel bad.

You are so damaged, I really am about to cry. You need someone to lift you up, and I just can't do that when you post such nonsense all the time. Find a calling. Find a church. Get out, embrace the real world. Do something for others, not for yourself. Pull yourself away from the siren call of the radical right, who have no interest in your well being. My favorite movie is an old one, Rock Hudson, Magnificent Obsession, give to others what they need, attain whatever you desire. Live by that and find real happiness. God bless you, find your real calling.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

This is exactly what she does. Start a post often inspired by wingnut lunatics who have their own reputational issues (O'reilly is a good example of this) and then when someone replies with an informed opinion she melts. Her replies consisted mostly of a 1 question "IQ test" which isn't a reply at all and about your word choice which made up less than 1% of your reply because she's a snowflake on language and needs an out. Then she declares victory without ever having to defend her OP. I don't think there is another poster on this board who runs away from her own arguments as quickly as possible and there are a lot of dunces on this board.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

This is exactly what she does. Start a post often inspired by wingnut lunatics who have their own reputational issues (O'reilly is a good example of this) and then when someone replies with an informed opinion she melts. Her replies consisted mostly of a 1 question "IQ test" which isn't a reply at all and about your word choice which made up less than 1% of your reply because she's a snowflake on language and needs an out. Then she declares victory without ever having to defend her OP. I don't think there is another poster on this board who runs away from her own arguments as quickly as possible and there are a lot of dunces on this board.

Translation: " I am so deeply hurt by the truth of what a fool I have become.....

Translation: " I am so deeply hurt by the truth of what a fool I have become.....


It's literally impossible to exaggerate how horrible this poster is at debating and is just a general all around bad actor.

Why don't you actually try responding to Winston's multiple posts? Maybe your next tactic should be something dramatic like counting his typos. It's not like you've posted an ounce of substance in response to him.
It's literally impossible to exaggerate how horrible this poster is at debating and is just a general all around bad actor.

Why don't you actually try responding to Winston's multiple posts? Maybe your next tactic should be something dramatic like counting his typos. It's not like you've posted an ounce of substance in response to him.


What is there to debate?

The facts are clear and evident.

Only an imbecile....you......could miss the proof of Democrat governance......


What is there to debate?

The facts are clear and evident.

Only an imbecile....you......could miss the proof of Democrat governance......

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You have yet to address a single point made by another poster and instead have attacked his vocabulary like a Mormon reviewing a George Carlin stand up bit, attacked his IQ with a stupid "IQ test" joke that was flat and then declared victory. Same pattern everytime.

Why not just debate him? Why do you lose every time so epically? Who hurt you?
You have yet to address a single point made by another poster and instead have attacked his vocabulary like a Mormon reviewing a George Carlin stand up bit, attacked his IQ with a stupid "IQ test" joke that was flat and then declared victory. Same pattern everytime.

Why not just debate him? Why do you lose every time so epically? Who hurt you?

I just put you in your place....and it was fun.
I just put you in your place....and it was fun.
You didn't do anything. That's your problem. Again and again and again you run away from your own debates. Why not answer Winton's posts? We both know why, you aren't capable of it without turning it into your snowflake opinion about a couple of 4 letter words or just moving the goal posts or insulting someone's intelligence instead of actually debating or simply changing the topic when you're cornered. Believe it or not outside of a couple of wingnuts on this board you aren't fooling anyone. Do you know this?
You didn't do anything. That's your problem. Again and again and again you run away from your own debates. Why not answer Winton's posts? We both know why, you aren't capable of it without turning it into your snowflake opinion about a couple of 4 letter words or just moving the goal posts or insulting someone's intelligence instead of actually debating or simply changing the topic when you're cornered. Believe it or not outside of a couple of wingnuts on this board you aren't fooling anyone. Do you know this?

Let's leave that up to readers of our posts to decide.
Let's leave that up to readers of our posts to decide.

Yes, I really care what dumbstump or uncensored the pretend Nazi hunter think.

In the meantime have you bothered to even consider actually responding to the guy who was debating you and kicked your ass? Give him credit he has to have the patience to wade through your self important and (very) sloppy posts that you leave behind. At least give him the courtesy for having to pay attention to you.
Yes, I really care what dumbstump or uncensored the pretend Nazi hunter think.

In the meantime have you bothered to even consider actually responding to the guy who was debating you and kicked your ass? Give him credit he has to have the patience to wade through your self important and (very) sloppy posts that you leave behind. At least give him the courtesy for having to pay attention to you.


Jump out!!!!!!!!!!!!


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