O'Reilly has not always been my cup of tea so to speak

Too aggressive with the ladies too 13 million worth
Peddle your smut elsewhere, I'm not interested.
o really is a leader in the smut parade
This filth is where so many of you leftists choose to reside. Why? Does it hit close to home? Did someone touch you in the bad place? Did you touch someone in the bad place? Why the obsession with the sex lives of others? Not getting any yourself?

Let me be clear.

I care as much about Bill's sexcapades as I did Mr Clintons.

Now crawl back in your hole
I'll just peek out for a second gramps How you feel about pussy grabbing, 3 times married degenerate in our WH ?? Bet you love him
I am VERY happy that Hillary lost. Ecstatic actually. And PRESIDENT TRUMP, seems to be doing fine so far.

PS. Do you need help finding your bridge?
Hes doing fine ??? He ran on killing our HC , infrastructure ,a wall and tax relief Which of those are near accomplished? Your own party told him KMA and you're in the majority on everything Your happiness must be coming from a demented republican
I wonder if leftists consider actually shoving a cigar in a woman's pussy is worse than talking about grabbing pussy?
all depends how recently you want to go Want to go back to ronnie or maybe even lincoln ? Why stop at clinton 17,18 years ago?
Peddle your smut elsewhere, I'm not interested.
o really is a leader in the smut parade
This filth is where so many of you leftists choose to reside. Why? Does it hit close to home? Did someone touch you in the bad place? Did you touch someone in the bad place? Why the obsession with the sex lives of others? Not getting any yourself?

Let me be clear.

I care as much about Bill's sexcapades as I did Mr Clintons.

Now crawl back in your hole
I'll just peek out for a second gramps How you feel about pussy grabbing, 3 times married degenerate in our WH ?? Bet you love him
I am VERY happy that Hillary lost. Ecstatic actually. And PRESIDENT TRUMP, seems to be doing fine so far.

PS. Do you need help finding your bridge?
Hes doing fine ??? He ran on killing our HC , infrastructure ,a wall and tax relief Which of those are near accomplished? Your own party told him KMA and you're in the majority on everything Your happiness must be coming from a demented republican
He has 4 years to secure his plans. Do you make a habit of reviewing movies after the previews for other movies are done playing?
A lot more proof than you have of Trump/Putin Collusion.


Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart
and the proof of all that hearsay got him how many years in jail? republicans are famous for finding bs to throw against the wall,,,,,meanwhile dump is a self admitted grabber of pussy

"...the proof of all that hearsay got him how many years in jail?"

I am so glad you posted the usual prosaic defense of the rapist.

Let's examine it, to prove what a lying dunce you are:

When any Liberal/Progressive/Democrat bootlicker is presented with the list of Bill Clintons rape and sexual misbehaviors, the knee-jerk response of the jerk is the expected: "But...but (sputter- sputter) he was never convicted in any court of law!!
This, of course, is a prime example of sophistry, the use of fallacious arguments, with the intention of deceiving. (i.e., the jerk is a liar.)

This is not a court of law, and the argument does not end with a jail sentence....sadly.
It is the court of real world experience, and is based on one's judgment based on their experience and knowledge, and, especially, the past behavior of the individual in question.

The type of verdict demanded does not require that of a court, it is the court of public opinion.

1. Based on Clinton's history, is the charge that he refused to acknowledge his prey's refusal for sexual intercourse...possible or impossible?

.......probable or improbable?

.....exceptional or expected?

2. Has he been shown to be a liar? Yes, in fact in a court of law.
The answer is clear.
"Bill 'the rapist' Clinton" is an accurate description.

3. The same procedure should be used to examine as to whether charges would even be brought against one of his lofty political stature...and political party.
That question requires even less effort to answer.....as it has been answered previously, in an even more serious matter: responsibility in the death of a young woman.
I refer to "The Liberal Lion," Ted Kennedy.

4. An auxiliary question might be 'what type of individual would support rapists and murderers as mentioned above?
This, too, is an easy question to answer: a lying Liberal lout.
Raise your paw.

5. Oh.....need I bring up the rapist's many trips to Epstein's 'Sex Slave island' where the rich and famous...and politically connected...go to have sex with underage girls.
"Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known"
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known
and oh brilliant chic ,,,how does all that 16 and more years ago excuse the slimebag repubs put into our wh now how many women accused him? how many wifes has he bought and sold A first class con man and crook and you talk of Clinton?? Hey lets go back to Ronnie baby or maybe Lincoln that cheating sob lol

So you have given up denying that you voted for a rapist....and racist.....twice?

I've reduced you to saying that there is a time limit on your malfeasance in putting a rapist and racist in the White House?


Shall we get to your support of Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

You're not much at vetting candidates, are you?
sorry chic I voted for gwb in 2000 I was a schmuck, a republican ,,{but I repeat myself} soon after became a dem never to vote for a republican again ,,,fool me once shame on you,,,,fool me twice shame on me

Oh look, another "I used to be a Republican" lying sack of crap. Did you and joeblow send away for the same kit?
o really is a leader in the smut parade
This filth is where so many of you leftists choose to reside. Why? Does it hit close to home? Did someone touch you in the bad place? Did you touch someone in the bad place? Why the obsession with the sex lives of others? Not getting any yourself?

Let me be clear.

I care as much about Bill's sexcapades as I did Mr Clintons.

Now crawl back in your hole
I'll just peek out for a second gramps How you feel about pussy grabbing, 3 times married degenerate in our WH ?? Bet you love him
I am VERY happy that Hillary lost. Ecstatic actually. And PRESIDENT TRUMP, seems to be doing fine so far.

PS. Do you need help finding your bridge?
Hes doing fine ??? He ran on killing our HC , infrastructure ,a wall and tax relief Which of those are near accomplished? Your own party told him KMA and you're in the majority on everything Your happiness must be coming from a demented republican
He has 4 years to secure his plans. Do you make a habit of reviewing movies after the previews for other movies are done playing?
yes and to be honest I hope his tax plans work out But he's not off to a good start with many of his own party opposing him
and the proof of all that hearsay got him how many years in jail? republicans are famous for finding bs to throw against the wall,,,,,meanwhile dump is a self admitted grabber of pussy

"...the proof of all that hearsay got him how many years in jail?"

I am so glad you posted the usual prosaic defense of the rapist.

Let's examine it, to prove what a lying dunce you are:

When any Liberal/Progressive/Democrat bootlicker is presented with the list of Bill Clintons rape and sexual misbehaviors, the knee-jerk response of the jerk is the expected: "But...but (sputter- sputter) he was never convicted in any court of law!!
This, of course, is a prime example of sophistry, the use of fallacious arguments, with the intention of deceiving. (i.e., the jerk is a liar.)

This is not a court of law, and the argument does not end with a jail sentence....sadly.
It is the court of real world experience, and is based on one's judgment based on their experience and knowledge, and, especially, the past behavior of the individual in question.

The type of verdict demanded does not require that of a court, it is the court of public opinion.

1. Based on Clinton's history, is the charge that he refused to acknowledge his prey's refusal for sexual intercourse...possible or impossible?

.......probable or improbable?

.....exceptional or expected?

2. Has he been shown to be a liar? Yes, in fact in a court of law.
The answer is clear.
"Bill 'the rapist' Clinton" is an accurate description.

3. The same procedure should be used to examine as to whether charges would even be brought against one of his lofty political stature...and political party.
That question requires even less effort to answer.....as it has been answered previously, in an even more serious matter: responsibility in the death of a young woman.
I refer to "The Liberal Lion," Ted Kennedy.

4. An auxiliary question might be 'what type of individual would support rapists and murderers as mentioned above?
This, too, is an easy question to answer: a lying Liberal lout.
Raise your paw.

5. Oh.....need I bring up the rapist's many trips to Epstein's 'Sex Slave island' where the rich and famous...and politically connected...go to have sex with underage girls.
"Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known"
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known
and oh brilliant chic ,,,how does all that 16 and more years ago excuse the slimebag repubs put into our wh now how many women accused him? how many wifes has he bought and sold A first class con man and crook and you talk of Clinton?? Hey lets go back to Ronnie baby or maybe Lincoln that cheating sob lol

So you have given up denying that you voted for a rapist....and racist.....twice?

I've reduced you to saying that there is a time limit on your malfeasance in putting a rapist and racist in the White House?


Shall we get to your support of Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

You're not much at vetting candidates, are you?
sorry chic I voted for gwb in 2000 I was a schmuck, a republican ,,{but I repeat myself} soon after became a dem never to vote for a republican again ,,,fool me once shame on you,,,,fool me twice shame on me

Oh look, another "I used to be a Republican" lying sack of crap. Did you and joeblow send away for the same kit?
thats the big problem with republicans The think republican right or wrong ,,,can never change Heads like cement
O'Reilly quit being a journalist once Trump was elected. Now he is another Trump sycophant on Trump News. Case in point, when O'Reilly interviewed Trump he asked Trump a tough question and never followed up when Trump obfuscated. The No-Spin zone has become the Trump Spin Zone.

I see all the Trump sycophants complaining about Clinton yet they voted for Trump who is a sexual harasser as well. Rank hypocrisy. When our guy does it, that is okay but the other guy better not do it.

What is sad is that O'Reilly's ratings have gone up. Apparently Trump supporters have no trouble with sexual harassment as long as it is their guy doing it.
O'Reilly quit being a journalist once Trump was elected. Now he is another Trump sycophant on Trump News. Case in point, when O'Reilly interviewed Trump he asked Trump a tough question and never followed up when Trump obfuscated. The No-Spin zone has become the Trump Spin Zone.

I see all the Trump sycophants complaining about Clinton yet they voted for Trump who is a sexual harasser as well. Rank hypocrisy. When our guy does it, that is okay but the other guy better not do it.

What is sad is that O'Reilly's ratings have gone up. Apparently Trump supporters have no trouble with sexual harassment as long as it is their guy doing it.

Sexual harassment? Where is this evidence of sexual harassment? A braggadocios wind bag? That's hardly evidence at all. DNA stains on a dress is evidence.

Bill has made plenty of negative comments about Trump. Granted, they are friends, but I don't see any bias in Bills reporting.
The best is watching the clinton voters shout from their moral superiority and their pathetic typical hypocritical platitudes.

That is all I know and the only thing I see here.

They were just fine with voting for a rapist.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

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