Orlando and Gun Control: An Inconvenient Truth

No it is not. FL has tons of guns and are far from the least amount of crime. Above average homicide rate. Stop pushing blatant lies. The US has more guns than anywhere and high crime rates compared to many countries with few guns.
Buy more guns and ammo

Has not helped.
More people kill with hammers and such than firearms, ban hammers?

When was the last mass hammer killing? How many were killed?
Hammers don't kill people do...

So there haven't been any. Thank you. Had the Orlando shooter had a hammer the carnage would be dramatically less.
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

The guy working the door should have had a gun. Ditto anyone working behind the bar. In this instance it might have saved many lives.
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

The guy working the door should have had a gun. Ditto anyone working behind the bar. In this instance it might have saved many lives.

The police were there right at the beginning and couldn't stop him.
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard

You seem to be the stupid one preaching the same old lies. Force them to illegally get their dangerous weapons and they can be stopped before killing.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

The guy working the door should have had a gun. Ditto anyone working behind the bar. In this instance it might have saved many lives.

The guy should not have been able to buy a weapon for mass killing.

a.m., Sunday, June 12

Omar Mateen enters Pulse nightclub armed with an assault rifle, a handgun and multiple rounds of ammunition and opens fire.

An off-duty officer working security for the club opens fire and is soon joined by two other responding officers, but Mateen gets past them and pushes back toward the bathrooms in the rear of the club.
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard

You seem to be the stupid one preaching the same old lies. Force them to illegally get their dangerous weapons and they can be stopped before killing.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center


How would've more laws helped?
This is Obama's legacy, deservedly so.
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

The guy working the door should have had a gun. Ditto anyone working behind the bar. In this instance it might have saved many lives.

The guy should not have been able to buy a weapon for mass killing.

a.m., Sunday, June 12

Omar Mateen enters Pulse nightclub armed with an assault rifle, a handgun and multiple rounds of ammunition and opens fire.

An off-duty officer working security for the club opens fire and is soon joined by two other responding officers, but Mateen gets past them and pushes back toward the bathrooms in the rear of the club.
We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard

You seem to be the stupid one preaching the same old lies. Force them to illegally get their dangerous weapons and they can be stopped before killing.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center


How would've more laws helped?
This is Obama's legacy, deservedly so.

Bush ended the assault rifle ban and mag limits. Now we see the results.
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

The guy working the door should have had a gun. Ditto anyone working behind the bar. In this instance it might have saved many lives.

The guy should not have been able to buy a weapon for mass killing.

a.m., Sunday, June 12

Omar Mateen enters Pulse nightclub armed with an assault rifle, a handgun and multiple rounds of ammunition and opens fire.

An off-duty officer working security for the club opens fire and is soon joined by two other responding officers, but Mateen gets past them and pushes back toward the bathrooms in the rear of the club.

Armed security was there, didn't matter. How is that a deflection?

Our homicide rate is much higher.

Yes because we have Blacks and Mexicans in Democrat controlled big cites (where crime of all kind is rampant) shooting each other mostly over drugs and no gun control law in the country is going change that.

Our homicide rate is much higher.

Yes because we have Blacks and Mexicans in Democrat controlled big cites (where crime of all kind is rampant) shooting each other mostly over drugs and no gun control law in the country is going change that.

50 just died in one mass shooting. Gun control can limit the death toll.
That nightclub, you know the one Mateen attacked? It was packed with 300 healthy men/women. And nobody took him down. Nobody. Fifty people died instead. He was outnumbered three-hundred to one. Please, don't bother preaching to me about how much safer the world would be with gun control. Even though that club was a vaunted gun-free zone, people still died. It didn't stop a crazed Muslim "jihadi" from mowing people down with an "AR-15" or whatever weapon he used. This gun free zone lulled these poor people into a false sense of security. They soon found out how nonexistent that security was. That alone proves just how ineffectual gun free zones really are.

What if in fact they had been armed? What would have been better, a sign which gives the illusion of security, or a firearm at your side which gives certain security?

What do you think gun-free zones have accomplished? This isn't Star Trek, you can't just raise a forcefield and block crazed gunmen/terrorists from bringing their weapons into the building. It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry to say gun control liberals are too thickheaded to see that. All a gun free zone is, is three words on a sign. Words are meaningless. Signs are meaningless. Words were not going to stop that terrorist from killing people.

This is truly heartbreaking. Gun control liberals think gun-free zones will stop these atrocities from happening. Gun control liberals think gun control laws will stop these atrocities from happening. Right. This is like trying to stop a bomb blast with a piece of paper. In essence, that's all gun control laws and gun free zone signs are, just words written on a piece of paper.

I've held this position from the day it happened. 300 people against one man (who, apparently, had time to both look at the Internet and post to the Internet, as well).

I'm in no way blaming the patrons, but damnit, if you are fairly certain that you are going to die, Jesus Christ, fight back. Do you know how heavy a wine bottle is? A beer bottle? A glass?

Not to mention that if one or two of the patrons had been carrying...
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard

You seem to be the stupid one preaching the same old lies. Force them to illegally get their dangerous weapons and they can be stopped before killing.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center


How would've more laws helped?
This is Obama's legacy, deservedly so.

Bush ended the assault rifle ban and mag limits. Now we see the results.
Blame Bush huh? Lol - you're delusional child idiot if you think laws here going to stop these mass shootings. And you have no proof more laws were going to stop these. dumb ass
Buy more guns and ammo...
I've had enough bands in enough bars in my lifetime to understand that a gun free zone is a damn good idea. One yahoo coked and boozed up with a gun not liking someone bumping into him on the dance floor or worse yet not liking a song my band was playing could turn into a nightmare very quickly.

BUT I think clubs, theaters or where ever you have a gun free zone, it is incumbent sp? on the establishment to provide well trained and well armed security for their patrons.

ETA: Mandatory metal detectors is worth a look as well.

So, out of curiosity, why couldn't the bar tenders and bouncers be armed?
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

Yes. Do you think that in a crowd of 300+ people, there will be 300+ guns?

This post is a good example of the fantasy land that the true gun nuts live in.

I own guns - many of them. I like guns, I think they're a lot of fun. But I'm not completely deluded into think that guns are some magical solution to everything.

What if the owners of the club didn't want people to bring guns in? Should they have been forced to allow it?

People drink and take drugs at night clubs. Every night while working, I had to physically bounce many angry, violent, drunken clowns. Many of them threatened my life - and had some of them had a gun on them, I have no doubt that I would have been killed. I was stabbed twice.

What fantasy world are you babbling about? I asked a question.

The fantasy world in which allowing people to bring guns to into nightclubs is a "good idea".

Your question is irrelevant to my point, which is why I ignored it. It only takes one drunk, coked-up clown with a gun to put bodies on the floor for scuffing his shoes.

Guess you weren't good enough to be carrying yourself?

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