Orwellian politics

Orwell saw it coming, so did Rand. In Atlas Shrugged the government passed the "equalization of opportunity act" which mandated that successful companies give a portion of their business to failing poorly run companies, in Atlas it was railroad lines, but we are seeing the exact same things today. Punish success and reward failure. Its what dems and libs live by.
Massive Grammatical Brainwashing That Is Never Exposed

One thing Rand did confirms my previous post. When asked a question about how she writes, she made a general statement that referred to a writer as a "he." This is so new, to bring back pre-feminist grammar, that I must illustrate, but not in an exact quotation from her: "A writer must make sure that everything leads to the ending he has in mind."

I only saw her use the ridiculous and unnecessary "he or she" once, and that was in a statement issued by the government, which was a subtle putdown. But go ahead, listen to the fake anti-feminist Right Wing media and pretend they are what they say they are. You'll never realize that they're all in the same clique, all dominated by pushy bimbos.
What other orwellian word games have you noticed lately?

Summer 2016: Wikileaks has some AWESOME sauce! Hitlery is toast! Stick a fork in her!

November 2016: What do you mean Russia was behind the leaks?

December 2016: Those leaks had no impact on the election!

January 2017: Those leaks didn't start until October! Fox News sez so!
Remember when Common Core was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and 46 states, including almost all of the red states, approved it?

Then Obama said he liked Common Core, and suddenly Common Core was the devil's cock!

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
I thought of an example while at lunch (doing errands)
The false premise comes from Hadit and supported by dblack, who won't put their example into context.

We're talking about the word games some people play with politics. That's the context. What does "deny access" really mean?
We're not talking Orwellian, and I realize you find the provision of a benefit to one group rather than another objectionable, and so do I, but in terms of language pushing alternative facts, I think you'd find clearer examples from the current house members who oppose taxing the more wealthy for universal "access" to HC, not to speak of the birthers.
Your Talk Show Nannies Only Provide You With a Few Totally Partisan Examples

"Pollution" is one; it should be called "byproducts." Calling it "pollution" sounds like any of it at all is bad, when up to certain levels, it is completely harmless or even beneficial. It kills killer microbes, which are far more vulnerable to it than we are.
Remember when Donald Trump was a registered Democrat all during the Bush years and said we should impeach Bush and cut-and-run from Iraq?

Remember when all the pseudocons called the other Republican candidates RINOs and supported Trump? Remember when Trump's kids forgot to change their party registration to Republican in time to vote in the New York primary?

Willfull blindness and doublethink. A necessary requirement in an Orwellian prole.
Remember all those topics on this forum over all these years since the Bush Administration insisting Saddam had WMDs?

We had those topics regularly on this forum right up until Trump said Saddam never had those WMDs, and the pseudocons turn on a dime and support him!

There hasn't been a single "Saddam had WMDs" topic since then.
The Left is expert at the use of Orwellian wordsmithing, but the right does it too.

How about the use of the words "defending our freedom?" The media, politicians, and others love to proclaim American soldiers who die in some shit hole half way around the world, did so to protect our freedom. What a bunch of statist BS.

Yeah. Iraq - we protected the shit out of their freedom, didn't we?
Those Who Prey Together Stay Together

What So Proudly We Halliburton--that mission was accomplished, Boy Howdy! You gotta admit that Dubya learned a lot at Harvard Bizz Skule. Who but a well-trained MBA could think up this ingenious business strategy? Halliburton builds something, the Iraqis blow it up, Halliburton get a bonus contract to build its replacement!
The Left is expert at the use of Orwellian wordsmithing, but the right does it too.

How about the use of the words "defending our freedom?" The media, politicians, and others love to proclaim American soldiers who die in some shit hole half way around the world, did so to protect our freedom. What a bunch of statist BS.

Yeah. Iraq - we protected the shit out of their freedom, didn't we?
Those Who Prey Together Stay Together

What So Proudly We Halliburton--that mission was accomplished, Boy Howdy! You gotta admit that Dubya learned a lot at Harvard Bizz Skule. Who but a well-trained MBA could think up this ingenious business strategy? Halliburton builds something, the Iraqis blow it up, Halliburton get a bonus contract to build its replacement!

No other company was willing to take on the jobs and contracts that Halliburton took on. Not saying that what they did was right, good, or ethical. I am just pointing out that the contracts they took had very high risks attached and no other company was willing to bid on them.

and Yes, they made a lot of money. Risk = reward.
Remember all those topics on this forum over all these years since the Bush Administration insisting Saddam had WMDs?

We had those topics regularly on this forum right up until Trump said Saddam never had those WMDs, and the pseudocons turn on a dime and support him!

There hasn't been a single "Saddam had WMDs" topic since then.

Wrong, "Saddam had WMDs" Assad used some of them.

I get your point, and that is where the media has become corrupt. They no longer report the facts, they spout propaganda for one side or the other. Honest journalist is an oxymoron.
The Left is expert at the use of Orwellian wordsmithing, but the right does it too.

How about the use of the words "defending our freedom?" The media, politicians, and others love to proclaim American soldiers who die in some shit hole half way around the world, did so to protect our freedom. What a bunch of statist BS.

Yeah. Iraq - we protected the shit out of their freedom, didn't we?
Those Who Prey Together Stay Together

What So Proudly We Halliburton--that mission was accomplished, Boy Howdy! You gotta admit that Dubya learned a lot at Harvard Bizz Skule. Who but a well-trained MBA could think up this ingenious business strategy? Halliburton builds something, the Iraqis blow it up, Halliburton get a bonus contract to build its replacement!

No other company was willing to take on the jobs and contracts that Halliburton took on. I am just pointing out that the contracts they took had very high risks attached and no other company was willing to bid on them.

and Yes, they made a lot of money. Risk = reward.
Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight

As usual, the top management and stockholders took none of those risks and received most of the rewards. If Americans ever man up, we'll demand that the sons of the plutocratic parasites be on the front lines before they're allowed to hide in the front office.
Remember all those topics on this forum over all these years since the Bush Administration insisting Saddam had WMDs?

We had those topics regularly on this forum right up until Trump said Saddam never had those WMDs, and the pseudocons turn on a dime and support him!

There hasn't been a single "Saddam had WMDs" topic since then.

Wrong, "Saddam had WMDs" Assad used some of them.

I get your point, and that is where the media have become corrupt. They no longer report the facts, they spout propaganda for one side or the other. Honest journalist is an oxymoron.
Whoever Falsifies Language Falsifies Thought

Learn what "oxymoron" really means, not what Diploma Dumbo jurinalists tell you it means. At least you didn't use their "WMD" for the plural WMDs. Beware of using those babbling idiots, Left or Right, as language role models. Our hand-picked pundits are either bluebloods or brownnoses, not brains.
Remember all those topics on this forum over all these years since the Bush Administration insisting Saddam had WMDs?

We had those topics regularly on this forum right up until Trump said Saddam never had those WMDs, and the pseudocons turn on a dime and support him!

There hasn't been a single "Saddam had WMDs" topic since then.

Wrong, "Saddam had WMDs" Assad used some of them.

I get your point, and that is where the media has become corrupt. They no longer report the facts, they spout propaganda for one side or the other. Honest journalist is an oxymoron.
Show me a "Saddam had WMDs" topic started on this forum since Trump has been elected.

Go ahead.

I can show you topics right up until he began saying Saddam didn't.
The Left is expert at the use of Orwellian wordsmithing, but the right does it too.

How about the use of the words "defending our freedom?" The media, politicians, and others love to proclaim American soldiers who die in some shit hole half way around the world, did so to protect our freedom. What a bunch of statist BS.

Yeah. Iraq - we protected the shit out of their freedom, didn't we?
Those Who Prey Together Stay Together

What So Proudly We Halliburton--that mission was accomplished, Boy Howdy! You gotta admit that Dubya learned a lot at Harvard Bizz Skule. Who but a well-trained MBA could think up this ingenious business strategy? Halliburton builds something, the Iraqis blow it up, Halliburton get a bonus contract to build its replacement!

No other company was willing to take on the jobs and contracts that Halliburton took on. I am just pointing out that the contracts they took had very high risks attached and no other company was willing to bid on them.

and Yes, they made a lot of money. Risk = reward.
Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight

As usual, the top management and stockholders took none of those risks and received most of the rewards. If Americans ever man up, we'll demand that the sons of the plutocratic parasites be on the front lines before they're allowed to hide in the front office.

losing your investment and your company is not taking a risk???????????? WTF?
Remember all those topics on this forum over all these years since the Bush Administration insisting Saddam had WMDs?

We had those topics regularly on this forum right up until Trump said Saddam never had those WMDs, and the pseudocons turn on a dime and support him!

There hasn't been a single "Saddam had WMDs" topic since then.

Wrong, "Saddam had WMDs" Assad used some of them.

I get your point, and that is where the media have become corrupt. They no longer report the facts, they spout propaganda for one side or the other. Honest journalist is an oxymoron.
Whoever Falsifies Language Falsifies Thought

Learn what "oxymoron" really means, not what Diploma Dumbo jurinalists tell you it means. At least you didn't use their "WMD" for the plural WMDs. Beware of using those babbling idiots, Left or Right, as language role models. Our hand-picked pundits are either bluebloods or brownnoses, not brains.

I know exactly what the word oxymoron means. apparently you don't. honest journalist wasn't an oxymoron in the past, but it is today. Do you get that?
Remember all those topics on this forum over all these years since the Bush Administration insisting Saddam had WMDs?

We had those topics regularly on this forum right up until Trump said Saddam never had those WMDs, and the pseudocons turn on a dime and support him!

There hasn't been a single "Saddam had WMDs" topic since then.

Wrong, "Saddam had WMDs" Assad used some of them.

I get your point, and that is where the media has become corrupt. They no longer report the facts, they spout propaganda for one side or the other. Honest journalist is an oxymoron.
Show me a "Saddam had WMDs" topic started on this forum since Trump has been elected.

Go ahead.

I can show you topics right up until he began saying Saddam didn't.

right, no threads, because in most people's minds the question is either settled or of no importance. It has nothing to do with Trump being elected, there would be no threads on it if hilly had won.
The Left is expert at the use of Orwellian wordsmithing, but the right does it too.

How about the use of the words "defending our freedom?" The media, politicians, and others love to proclaim American soldiers who die in some shit hole half way around the world, did so to protect our freedom. What a bunch of statist BS.

Yeah. Iraq - we protected the shit out of their freedom, didn't we?
Those Who Prey Together Stay Together

What So Proudly We Halliburton--that mission was accomplished, Boy Howdy! You gotta admit that Dubya learned a lot at Harvard Bizz Skule. Who but a well-trained MBA could think up this ingenious business strategy? Halliburton builds something, the Iraqis blow it up, Halliburton get a bonus contract to build its replacement!

No other company was willing to take on the jobs and contracts that Halliburton took on. I am just pointing out that the contracts they took had very high risks attached and no other company was willing to bid on them.

and Yes, they made a lot of money. Risk = reward.
Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight

As usual, the top management and stockholders took none of those risks and received most of the rewards. If Americans ever man up, we'll demand that the sons of the plutocratic parasites be on the front lines before they're allowed to hide in the front office.

losing your investment and your company is not taking a risk???????????? WTF?
Gamblers Anonymous

"Risk" is an Orwellian double-speak buzzword. Their employees take the risk, not the owners. And if the employees are successful,, they cover the "risk" the owners claim is all their own. Second, risk itself means stupidity, as in "That was a pretty risky thing you did."

Even "Orwellian" is Orwellian if you preach that it only covers Left Wing deception.
George Orwell famously warned us of those who would control our thoughts by controlling the words we use. I thought it might be interesting to track efforts to do this in modern politics.

I'll start with the shenanigans around the word "access". It's a popular euphemism for describing poverty, often combined with the equally dubious usage of "denied". Rather than saying that a family can't afford decent housing, they might say that they are "denied access" to adequate housing. Being "denied access" seems to simply mean that they can't afford something, but it has connotations that prompt people to think about the issue differently. Which is the point.

They prefer "access" to "buy" or "afford" because they want to promote the idea that the goods and services in question aren't things you buy, but rather things you are granted "access" to. The usage of "denied" reinforces this stealth assumption by further suggesting that the goods and services in question are, by right, owed to the person in question. They want to equate not being able to afford something with being "denied" a right.

What other orwellian word games have you noticed lately?
The right wing loves to "hate on the poor", but blame the left for allegedly, keeping them poor.
Actually, people were denied access to birth control.
As is illustrated in the OP, that means society didn't want to buy birth control for people who could easily buy a box of condoms.
No it means that states really did prohibit access to birth control. and it continues
Pharmacists In Kansas Can Now Deny Women Access To Birth Control
Words mean things, and that headline is false. The law states that individual pharmacists can refuse to fill individual prescriptions. They cannot deny a woman access to birth control, because all she has to do is walk across the street to another pharmacy. Could I say that a barbershop is denying me access to a haircut because the barber doesn't do the style I want?
False argumentation by the far right.

If the pharmacist says 'no', then that pharmacist has denied a person access to birth control.

The law needs to be challenged in court, and pharmacists must be challenged in court.

So, if a grocer refuses to sell someone a gallon of milk (perhaps because they're in a bad mood, or maybe because the grocery store closed thirty minutes ago, the reason is irrelevant) have they've "denied a person access" to milk?
why special pleading with, "exceptions to the rule"?
No it means that states really did prohibit access to birth control. and it continues
Pharmacists In Kansas Can Now Deny Women Access To Birth Control
Words mean things, and that headline is false. The law states that individual pharmacists can refuse to fill individual prescriptions. They cannot deny a woman access to birth control, because all she has to do is walk across the street to another pharmacy. Could I say that a barbershop is denying me access to a haircut because the barber doesn't do the style I want?
False argumentation by the far right.

If the pharmacist says 'no', then that pharmacist has denied a person access to birth control.

The law needs to be challenged in court, and pharmacists must be challenged in court.

So, if a grocer refuses to sell someone a gallon of milk (perhaps because they're in a bad mood, or maybe because the grocery store closed thirty minutes ago, the reason is irrelevant) have they've "denied a person access" to milk?
Yes, right at that moment.

The law is clear that if you provide a public service you better provide the damn service to everyone.

I'm not talking about laws. Just the language. Would you say someone is being "denied access" if they simply can't afford the thing they want?
Yes, under any form of capitalism; it is why we call it poverty, not merely being poor.

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