Oscars are tonight...

I will keep my 30 year streak alive of ignoring the Oscars. There is an abundance of nice cleavage, but beyond that there is little value in watching.
OK I admit I watched for about 30 seconds last night while randomly flipping channels. I was treated to a beautiful Black woman wearing a transparent dress standing next to Congressman John Lewis (huh?) In other words the perfect summary of the Oscars: cleavage and politics.
I will keep my 30 year streak alive of ignoring the Oscars. There is an abundance of nice cleavage, but beyond that there is little value in watching.
OK I admit I watched for about 30 seconds last night while randomly flipping channels. I was treated to a beautiful Black woman wearing a transparent dress standing next to Congressman John Lewis (huh?) In other words the perfect summary of the Oscars: cleavage and politics.
Lewis is an American Patriot and Civil Rights icon
I will keep my 30 year streak alive of ignoring the Oscars. There is an abundance of nice cleavage, but beyond that there is little value in watching.
OK I admit I watched for about 30 seconds last night while randomly flipping channels. I was treated to a beautiful Black woman wearing a transparent dress standing next to Congressman John Lewis (huh?) In other words the perfect summary of the Oscars: cleavage and politics.
Lewis is an American Patriot and Civil Rights icon
He's also a con-artist.
Hollywood soldiers arrive to battle "inequality."

Carbon credits at work
I will keep my 30 year streak alive of ignoring the Oscars. There is an abundance of nice cleavage, but beyond that there is little value in watching.
OK I admit I watched for about 30 seconds last night while randomly flipping channels. I was treated to a beautiful Black woman wearing a transparent dress standing next to Congressman John Lewis (huh?) In other words the perfect summary of the Oscars: cleavage and politics.
Are you certain that was a woman????
I will keep my 30 year streak alive of ignoring the Oscars. There is an abundance of nice cleavage, but beyond that there is little value in watching.
OK I admit I watched for about 30 seconds last night while randomly flipping channels. I was treated to a beautiful Black woman wearing a transparent dress standing next to Congressman John Lewis (huh?) In other words the perfect summary of the Oscars: cleavage and politics.
Lewis is an American Patriot and Civil Rights icon
He's also a con-artist.
Great American Patriot who put his life on the line for liberty and justice
"If Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg shows up at some point onstage, that's gonna be the longest standing ovation in Oscars history."

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Inadvertently Featured On 'In Memoriam' Segment At Oscars Third Year In A Row


HOLLYWOOD, CA—In an apparent technical error, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was inadvertently featured on the "In Memoriam" reel at the Academy Awards for the third year running.

When the footage ran, reporters quickly called Ginsburg's residence to verify she was actually dead. She claimed that she wasn't dead and that in fact she was feeling fine and getting better. She said she thought she'd go for a walk now. Her doctors took over the phone call and stated that she would be "stone dead in a moment."

But Ginsburg insisted that she feels very happy, so Oscars executives were forced to admit that it was an apparent mistake.

Academy representatives have apologized for the error "for now."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Inadvertently Featured On 'In Memoriam' Segment At Oscars Third Year In A Row
An American Patriot on par with our founding fathers
LOL...I can't imagine George Washington or Thomas Jefferson playing a foot stool for a deplorable criminal like Hillary Clinton. But then you lie regularly so perhaps even you don't truly believe yourself.
I will keep my 30 year streak alive of ignoring the Oscars. There is an abundance of nice cleavage, but beyond that there is little value in watching.
OK I admit I watched for about 30 seconds last night while randomly flipping channels. I was treated to a beautiful Black woman wearing a transparent dress standing next to Congressman John Lewis (huh?) In other words the perfect summary of the Oscars: cleavage and politics.
Lewis is an American Patriot and Civil Rights icon
He's also a con-artist.
Great American Patriot who put his life on the line for liberty and justice
Now he's just a race-pimp defending his rich white taskmasters.
I get your drift....but can't root for death.

Can't we have a GoFundMe for her retirement?
Death isn't necessary but she really should retire before she drops dead in court.

There is another option......

"Half-Human, Half-Robot Justice Enters Supreme Court, Introduces Self As Ruth Bader Gins-Borg


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Yesterday after the United States Supreme Court opened and justices began filing in, a half-robot, half-human with the face of Ruth Bader Ginsburg entered wielding an arm cannon, body armor, enhanced retinal targeting, and an integrated jetpack. “I AM RUTH BADER GINS-BORG. PLEASE PROCEED,” the cybernetic justice said to her colleagues, then reclined in her provided Windsor chair which was instantly crushed under the weight of her new cybernetic body.

Overall, Gins-Borg performed well, never falling asleep or showing any signs of fatigue. “She didn’t even blink,” said Judge Sonya Sotomayor who claims the cyborg justice stared at her for a large portion of the proceedings with one empty, soulless eye. At one point Sonya quietly whispered into the vacant robot woman’s ear, “is that you in there Ruth? What have they done to you?”

Some concerns were raised when an abortion bill was brought before the court and Ginsborg began repeatedly shouting, “TERMINATE. TERMINATE. TERMINATE!” Technicians were brought in and, after a brief reboot, court resumed as usual.

“Any concern that Ruth will be resigning her chair can be put to rest at this point,” said lead technician Robert Cornell. “She’s now running on the most powerful lithium-ion battery in the world, is plated with titanium body armor, runs on an Intel Xeon processor, and can get a strong wifi signal practically anywhere.” Ginsborg’s technicians believe she will remain on the court centuries after everyone on this Earth is dead and gone."
Half-Human, Half-Robot Justice Enters Supreme Court, Introduces Self As Ruth Bader Gins-Borg

Ginsburg made history as the second female appointed to the court by Bill Clinton in 1993. Now, as Ruth Bader Gins-Borg, she has made history again as the first United States Supreme Court cyborg justice.
"Everybody should watch Won't You Be My Neighbor, it is so good, completely baffling it didn't get nominated."

You like Mr. McFeely, huh?
Well, it looks like republicans will have to dust off their old John Wayne vcr tapes, "Mr Smith Goes to Washington", "The Sound of Music", and the old WWII propaganda movies because the academy doesn't have much to offer them this year. There's:
  • Bohemian Rhapsody, a biographical film about Freddie Mercury, lead singer of the British rock band Queen, great music but with a liberal dose of the stars bisexual appetites.
  • The Favorite, a dark comedy about the women of Queen Anne's court.
  • Roma, a Spanish language film about life in a Mexican neighborhood in the 1970's, definitely, not for Trumpsters.
  • Then there's Green Book, a story about blacks touring the Deep South in 1962. Need I say more.
  • “If Beale Street Could Talk”, a love story set in Harlem in the 1970's with the expected racial prejudice and bad white guys.
Maybe next year will be conservative time at movies.

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