Oscars are White BET awards?

I really don't think anyone will miss Jada Smith, or Chris Rock. So let them boycott all they want. Who wants to bet both still go though? And who wants to bet that BLM will also show up? And will some of the recipients kowtow in giving their thanks and have something to say about or will they stay very silent and instead attack a political party?

Chris Rock is the host.
Will a white guy jump onstage at the BET show and grab the mic away from a black woman? Can't wait to see that one.
I really don't think anyone will miss Jada Smith, or Chris Rock. So let them boycott all they want. Who wants to bet both still go though? And who wants to bet that BLM will also show up? And will some of the recipients kowtow in giving their thanks and have something to say about or will they stay very silent and instead attack a political party?

Chris Rock is the host.
Yeah. He is. So much for showing his displeasure of it being racist, eh? Can we say H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E? why yes, we can.
I really don't think anyone will miss Jada Smith, or Chris Rock. So let them boycott all they want. Who wants to bet both still go though? And who wants to bet that BLM will also show up? And will some of the recipients kowtow in giving their thanks and have something to say about or will they stay very silent and instead attack a political party?

Chris Rock is the host.
Yeah. He is. So much for showing his displeasure of it being racist, eh? Can we say H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E? why yes, we can.

Yeah, and you know he'll be making rude jokes about the situation all night.
I'd have a little more respect for him if he declined to be host. But, he won't.
Chris Rock was making a joke.

Spike Lee is just pissed that he's been nominated twice, but never won.

Jada Pinkett Smith is just pissed that she's never been nominated. and her husband has been nominated twice, but never won.

And 12 Years A Slave (deservedly) won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Were those two whining that year?

On Jan 18, 2016, Mrs. Pinkett Smith shared, "Begging for acknowledgement or even asking diminishes dignity..."

I agree with Mrs. Pinkett Smith. When she uttered these words immediately my thoughts went to this interview where nationally and internationally popular victim of Childhood Trauma, Abuse and Neglect and American recording artist Kendrick Lamar addresses family and parental responsibility/accountability issues that deprived him, his three siblings, his numerous cousin, as well as far too many of his school classmates and neighborhood friends of THEIR dignity. Family and parental issues that also deprives far too many developing children from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy "Average Joe and Josie" American kid childhood with Safe Streets to travel and play on.

My next thoughts went to paragraph eight of this LAWeekly interview in which Kendrick graphically describes horrific child abuse and trauma that continues causing him to experience adult depression.


My thoughts about Mrs. Smith's comments and concerns also had me wondering why millions of my American neighbors WILLFULLY ignore our expanding and shameful National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect mostly fueled and perpetuated by immature American teen girls and young women of African descent who irresponsibly and cruelly subject their children to undignified human oppression known as *Childhood Abuse and Neglect, aka Poverty* by building families with too many mouths to feed, clothe and supervise, before acquiring the practical skills, PATIENCE and means to raise a fairly happy child maturing in to a fairly happy, reasonably responsible teen and adult enjoying mostly fond memories of his ot her childhood.

*Child Abuse and Neglect* that is primarily responsible for our prisons and far too many American communities being populated by depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* full of resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles.

Addressing inmates at Ironwood State Prison, Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, gives a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of troubled and chronically ill Americans.

I also asked myself why America's *Premier Presidential and Parental Couple* largely ignore this child harming social issue that sadly robs millions of Americans of their dignity.


Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
Yeah - because we all know awards should be given based on race and not merit.
Gosh - no token awards for black actors??? Terrible just terrible.

Charles Cunningham Boycott,
(born March 12, 1832, Burgh St. Peter, Norfolk, Eng.—died June 19, 1897, Flixton, Suffolk)
Is anyone else getting tired of all this "white" bashing going on in this country? If this was being done to any other people say, BLACK. There would a huge outcry.

white people are the majority in this country so you black people need to get over yourselves. we aren't out here forcing you all to abort your offspring. or keep voting for a party who hasn't done a thing to lift you up or help your lives.

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