Other candidates thinking about skipping fox debate

I can see the party coming apart at the seams.

You'd think that after 8 years of Obama you guys would be wary of a guy who surrounds himself with yes-men. Now you want a guy who wants to pre-select the people allowed to question him?

It just goes to underscore that GOP/Conserve-Hate-Ive opposition to Obama was not based on policies or behavior but mainly skin color. You're supporting someone who is 3,000% more self-centered than even the lampoonist claims you've guys made about Obama.

Oh, and, once the party makes up its mind on a nominee, you're going to see a unity on the right side of the aisle that you haven't seen in eons.

Reinforced by vast numbers of fence-sitters and centrists who aren't committing until the race gets down to the wire.

Your side is in the process of losing power again.

And the longer you delude yourself about it, the easier the process.

Another political idiot. If the party could not unite behind a milquetoast like Romney, you think they're going to unite behind a bombastic blowhard like Trump or Ted Cruz?

You should go back to whatever college you went and demand a full refund; you're woefully unprepared for adulthood.
Thank you for your feedback.

Milquetoasts do not inspire... bombasts can and oftentimes do.

You will understand all of this much better, though, on the morning of November 9, 2016.

Can't wait for November, myself.
Milquetoasts do not divide, Trump calls other republicans "losers".
Trump is either (a) really confident in his Iowa chances, or (b) as I've maintained his campaign is a charade and he is using the big-bad media to cover his ass in raising the white flag.
I can see the party coming apart at the seams.

You'd think that after 8 years of Obama you guys would be wary of a guy who surrounds himself with yes-men. Now you want a guy who wants to pre-select the people allowed to question him?

It just goes to underscore that GOP/Conserve-Hate-Ive opposition to Obama was not based on policies or behavior but mainly skin color. You're supporting someone who is 3,000% more self-centered than even the lampoonist claims you've guys made about Obama.

Oh, and, once the party makes up its mind on a nominee, you're going to see a unity on the right side of the aisle that you haven't seen in eons.

Reinforced by vast numbers of fence-sitters and centrists who aren't committing until the race gets down to the wire.

Your side is in the process of losing power again.

And the longer you delude yourself about it, the easier the process.

Another political idiot. If the party could not unite behind a milquetoast like Romney, you think they're going to unite behind a bombastic blowhard like Trump or Ted Cruz?

You should go back to whatever college you went and demand a full refund; you're woefully unprepared for adulthood.
Thank you for your feedback.

Milquetoasts do not inspire... bombasts can and oftentimes do.

You will understand all of this much better, though, on the morning of November 9, 2016.

Can't wait for November, myself.
Milquetoasts do not divide, Trump calls other republicans "losers".
Don't look now, but your Divide-and-Conquer tactics are showing, m'am...
...trouble for you(r side) is... ain't nobody buyin' it in 2016...
Trump is either (a) really confident in his Iowa chances, or (b) as I've maintained his campaign is a charade and he is using the big-bad media to cover his ass in raising the white flag.
Well... errrrrrrrr... ummmmm.... uhhhhhhhh... that's certainly ONE explanation, I guess...
I can see the party coming apart at the seams.

You'd think that after 8 years of Obama you guys would be wary of a guy who surrounds himself with yes-men. Now you want a guy who wants to pre-select the people allowed to question him?

It just goes to underscore that GOP/Conserve-Hate-Ive opposition to Obama was not based on policies or behavior but mainly skin color. You're supporting someone who is 3,000% more self-centered than even the lampoonist claims you've guys made about Obama.

Oh, and, once the party makes up its mind on a nominee, you're going to see a unity on the right side of the aisle that you haven't seen in eons.

Reinforced by vast numbers of fence-sitters and centrists who aren't committing until the race gets down to the wire.

Your side is in the process of losing power again.

And the longer you delude yourself about it, the easier the process.

Another political idiot. If the party could not unite behind a milquetoast like Romney, you think they're going to unite behind a bombastic blowhard like Trump or Ted Cruz?

You should go back to whatever college you went and demand a full refund; you're woefully unprepared for adulthood.
Thank you for your feedback.

Milquetoasts do not inspire... bombasts can and oftentimes do.

You will understand all of this much better, though, on the morning of November 9, 2016.

Can't wait for November, myself.
Milquetoasts do not divide, Trump calls other republicans "losers".
Don't look now, but your Divide-and-Conquer tactics are showing, m'am...
...trouble for you(r side) is... ain't nobody buyin' it in 2016...

Were you talking to me?

Just read your Messiah's quotes silly.
Mebbe Trump is startin' a trend...

... is good...

... now I can go back to watchin' Elementary.
Donald Trump Campaign Manager: Other Candidates Thinking About Skipping Fox Debate - Breitbart

Good. Put fox in their place. Their obsession with Trump is disturbing to say the least. Trump is changing things he is THE leader here...not fox and that's quite obvious.
Trump needs to debate Ted Cruz 1 on 1
Why? IF and WHEN it comes down to those then I am sure they will.

I predict those 85% will tune in to Trump's veterans support event.

i will !! if there is a place to tune into, do you have any info for this event?
I would as well if its being put on TV
Oh, and, once the party makes up its mind on a nominee, you're going to see a unity on the right side of the aisle that you haven't seen in eons.

Reinforced by vast numbers of fence-sitters and centrists who aren't committing until the race gets down to the wire.

Your side is in the process of losing power again.

And the longer you delude yourself about it, the easier the process.

Another political idiot. If the party could not unite behind a milquetoast like Romney, you think they're going to unite behind a bombastic blowhard like Trump or Ted Cruz?

You should go back to whatever college you went and demand a full refund; you're woefully unprepared for adulthood.
Thank you for your feedback.

Milquetoasts do not inspire... bombasts can and oftentimes do.

You will understand all of this much better, though, on the morning of November 9, 2016.

Can't wait for November, myself.
Milquetoasts do not divide, Trump calls other republicans "losers".
Don't look now, but your Divide-and-Conquer tactics are showing, m'am...
...trouble for you(r side) is... ain't nobody buyin' it in 2016...

Were you talking to me?

Just read your Messiah's quotes silly.
He ain't MY Messiah, lady... hell, I think he'd be a Walking Disaster as POTUS, and I don't want him anywhere NEAR the nuclear launch codes.
It's easy to tell which candidate is the biggest threat to the Democrats...that is the one Candycorn is most against.

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