Our Anti-Colonial President


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." http://gawker.com/5636212/newt-gingrich-kenyan-anti+colonial-behavior-is-model-for-obama

a. In short, the President is motivated by a Third World, anti-American ideology.

2. “Anti-colonialism” is one of the most powerful political forces in the non-Western world in the last 100 years, and is both a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. The major tenets of anti-colonialism include the following: “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.

a. Therefore, the core of anti-colonialism is theft: the looting of poorer countries.

4. A second tenet is that ‘exploitation’ continues even after the colonizing nations have left; it is referred to as ‘neocolonialism”….economic piracy even after the political piracy has been removed.

a. Distant banks, drug companies, oil companies, etc., continue the exploitation….so said Kwame Nkrumah, in “Neocolonialism: Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism.”

b. “…believed capitalism had malignant effects that were going to stay with Africa for a long time. …, Nkrumah argued that socialism was the system that would best accommodate the changes that capitalism had brought,…” Kwame Nkrumah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. In 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

d. Anti-colonialists demand that ‘stolen’ wealth be redistributed from the people of the rich countries to those in the poor.

5. The corollary of colonialism was racism, as the British and French established colonies, they installed white people as rulers over black, yellow and brown folks.

a. African writer Chinweizu makes the point, though, that the British didn’t take over because of the color of people in Kenya or India, but because of economic benefits. Chinweizu, “The West and the Rest of Us,” p. 406.

6. Third, it is a core belief of anti-colonialists today that America has replaced Europe as the main perpetrator of global theft and exploitation. Palestinian writer Edwaerd Said, on of Obama’s teachers at Columbia, adds: “America began as an empire during the 19th century, but it was in the second half of the 20th, after the decolonization of the British and French empires that it directly followed its two great predecessors.”

a. America is “the machine for crushing, for grinding, for degrading peoples.”
Aime Cesaire, “Discourse on Colonialism.” http://www.bandung2.co.uk/books/Files/Politics/Poli2.htm

7. So, what to expect from this President?

a. Chinweizu: : “European rule was entrenched…by means of a western Christian culture, a western political power structure, and a colonial economy,” anti-colonialism “involves measures against all three.”

b. “Redistribution…make the fruits of the earth available to all right here on earth.” Chinweizu, Op.Cit., p.137.

8. Need one look any further to understand our President? Redistribution….globally. This doesn’t mean just millionaires and billionaires….this means all Americans, requiring a diminution in the standard of living of every American. Further, power must be distributed, until America is no longer preeminent, and not any more than any other nation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p.12-13.

This is what a vote for Obama entails....hatred of Western civilization, Christianity, and exceptionalism.
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what book/article is the above list from?
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So now Obama's some kind of Kenyatta/Nkrumah operative?

By using the word "now" you indicate that you didn't understand the OP.

Try again.
I just used now because this is the first time that I'd seen an anti-obamite use these characters as a point of reference.

There were some parts of the OP which I didn't understand, or understood differently.
1. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama

a. In short, the President is motivated by a Third World, anti-American ideology.

2. “Anti-colonialism” is one of the most powerful political forces in the non-Western world in the last 100 years, and is both a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. The major tenets of anti-colonialism include the following: “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.

a. Therefore, the core of anti-colonialism is theft: the looting of poorer countries.

4. A second tenet is that ‘exploitation’ continues even after the colonizing nations have left; it is referred to as ‘neocolonialism”….economic piracy even after the political piracy has been removed.

a. Distant banks, drug companies, oil companies, etc., continue the exploitation….so said Kwame Nkrumah, in “Neocolonialism: Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism.”

b. “…believed capitalism had malignant effects that were going to stay with Africa for a long time. …, Nkrumah argued that socialism was the system that would best accommodate the changes that capitalism had brought,…” Kwame Nkrumah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. In 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

d. Anti-colonialists demand that ‘stolen’ wealth be redistributed from the people of the rich countries to those in the poor.

5. The corollary of colonialism was racism, as the British and French established colonies, they installed white people as rulers over black, yellow and brown folks.

a. African writer Chinweizu makes the point, though, that the British didn’t take over because of the color of people in Kenya or India, but because of economic benefits. Chinweizu, “The West and the Rest of Us,” p. 406.

6. Third, it is a core belief of anti-colonialists today that America has replace Europe as the main perpetrator of global theft and exploitation. Palestinian weriter Edwaerd Said, on of Obama’s teachers at Columbia, adds: “America began as an empire during the 19th century, but it was in the second half of the 20th, after the decolonization of the British and French empires that it directly followed its two great predecessors.”

a. America is “the machine for crushing, for grinding, for degrading peoples.”
Aime Cesaire, “Discourse on Colonialism.” http://www.bandung2.co.uk/books/Files/Politics/Poli2.htm

7. So, what to expect from this President?

a. Chinweizu: : “European rule was entrenched…by means of a western Christian culture, a western political power structure, and a colonial economy,” anti-colonialism “involves measures against all three.”

b. “Redistribution…make the fruits of the earth available to all right hear on earth.” Chinweizu, Op.Cit., p.137.

8. Need one look any further to understand our President? Redistribution….globally. This doesn’t mean just millionaires and billionaires….this means all Americans, requiring a diminution in the standard of living of every American. Further, power must be distributed, until America is no longer preeminent, and not any more than any other nation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p.12-13.

This is what a vote for Obama entails....hatred of Western civilization, Christianity, and exceptionalism.

1. I suspect your political beliefs have impacted your mental health to such a degree that paranoid schizophrenia needs to be ruled out.

2. Moral, amoral and immoral are terms which confused you in another thread. Since the proper application of those terms in this most recent of your rants is noticeably absent one must presume you are still confused.
Ah yes...

As if someone should take the rambling of Newt Gingrich seriously.

Just like your shallow sense of "wit", your ignorance knows no bounds.
So now Obama's some kind of Kenyatta/Nkrumah operative?

By using the word "now" you indicate that you didn't understand the OP.

Try again.
I just used now because this is the first time that I'd seen an anti-obamite use these characters as a point of reference.

There were some parts of the OP which I didn't understand, or understood differently.

The take-away is that our President was steeped in anti-American, far-Left propaganda from childhood through graduate school.

Sadly, he hasn't shown the insight which would have neutralized same.

Even more sadly, he has used a redistribuionist and 'settling old scores' outlook in sailing the ship of state.

Luckily, he'll be gone shortly.
By using the word "now" you indicate that you didn't understand the OP.

Try again.
I just used now because this is the first time that I'd seen an anti-obamite use these characters as a point of reference.

There were some parts of the OP which I didn't understand, or understood differently.

The take-away is that our President was steeped in anti-American, far-Left propaganda from childhood through graduate school.

Sadly, he hasn't shown the insight which would have neutralized same.

Even more sadly, he has used a redistribuionist and 'settling old scores' outlook in sailing the ship of state.

Luckily, he'll be gone shortly.
far left? So its far left to bend over to pressure and cut taxes or extend the bush era tax cuts?
If you want to have a point, make sure its grounded in something factual.
By using the word "now" you indicate that you didn't understand the OP.

Try again.
I just used now because this is the first time that I'd seen an anti-obamite use these characters as a point of reference.

There were some parts of the OP which I didn't understand, or understood differently.

The take-away is that our President was steeped in anti-American, far-Left propaganda from childhood through graduate school.

Sadly, he hasn't shown the insight which would have neutralized same.

Even more sadly, he has used a redistribuionist and 'settling old scores' outlook in sailing the ship of state.

Luckily, he'll be gone shortly.

One could argue that your post is immoral, for the Jewish, Catholic and Protestant ten commandments all state, "You shall not bear false witness". Ignorance of the meaning of immoral is no excuse.
The fact that the Founders of this country were 'anti-colonial' is kind of sort of the main reason the United States of America is here today.
I just used now because this is the first time that I'd seen an anti-obamite use these characters as a point of reference.

There were some parts of the OP which I didn't understand, or understood differently.

The take-away is that our President was steeped in anti-American, far-Left propaganda from childhood through graduate school.

Sadly, he hasn't shown the insight which would have neutralized same.

Even more sadly, he has used a redistribuionist and 'settling old scores' outlook in sailing the ship of state.

Luckily, he'll be gone shortly.
far left? So its far left to bend over to pressure and cut taxes or extend the bush era tax cuts?
If you want to have a point, make sure its grounded in something factual.
PoliticalChic only requires grounding in something which has been published by somebody somewhere, notwithstanding fact.
Ah yes...

As if someone should take the rambling of Newt Gingrich seriously.

Just like your shallow sense of "wit", your ignorance knows no bounds.

....and in your post I can hear the snuffling of the ubiquitous pigs of the Left…

As usual, the ignorant who are afraid of others recognizing their ignorance, i.e., you, pretend to have a considered opinion, while in actuality you mere parrot some bumper-sticker that the Left feeds you: "the rambling of Newt Gingrich"

"Education dominated Gingrich’s life from the time he entered Emory University and on from there. While at Emory, he earned a B.A. in history in 1965 and then an M.A. in 1968. From there the budding scholar earned a PhD in modern European history from Tulane University in 1971. Well-suited for the academic life, Gingrich taught history at West Georgia College (now the University of West Georgia) for eight years."
Newt Gingrich: A Brilliant Neo-Con with a lot of Baggage - Off The Grid News

To the best of my recollection, I'm only read one of Gingrich's books. It was excellent, insightful.
How many have you read....you know, as the basis of your 'opinion'?

As for a previous post.....
....I’m sorry I hurt your feeling when I called you stupid.
I really thought you already knew.
The take-away is that our President was steeped in anti-American, far-Left propaganda from childhood through graduate school.

Sadly, he hasn't shown the insight which would have neutralized same.

Even more sadly, he has used a redistribuionist and 'settling old scores' outlook in sailing the ship of state.

Luckily, he'll be gone shortly.
far left? So its far left to bend over to pressure and cut taxes or extend the bush era tax cuts?
If you want to have a point, make sure its grounded in something factual.
PoliticalChic only requires grounding in something which has been published by somebody somewhere, notwithstanding fact.

So, you still were unable to grasp the essence of the OP?

No prob....it was only meant for adults.
What we really need is a pro-colonialist in office.
What we really need is to get Obama out of the White House, gain control of the Senate and keep control of the House.

Obama is clearly and enemy of the United States and our Constitution.

Whether he calls it anti-colonialism or something else does not matter. His degrading of the United States to put us on more equal standing with mediocre European countries is ludicrous. He has already given us the first downgrading of our credit worthiness. He's apologized to every leader in every country he has visited.

He flies around in Air Force One with an entourage fit for a King's family to facilitate his figurative SHITTING ON THE UNITED STATES.

He and his racist wife defile our flag and our history of supporting and fighting for FREEDOM and capitalism.

He is driven by the Marxist principles of his father and of his dearly beloved Marxist professors at wherever the fuck it is that he claims to have studied college level courses. (Where's your transcript and your thesis papers, Obie?")

He is a liar, an impostor and totally unfit to be President of the United States...yet liberals worship his persona and would bow down to kiss his ass if he told them to. Oh how easy it is to fool fools these days!
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