Our Anti-Colonial President

Sure I have.

The completely undocumented horsecrap estimate of Cold War Propagandists said he was a really, really bad man.

Uh, huh.

I'm still wondering how they effectively estimated these supposed millions he killed.

"Everyone knows....."

Oh....that's your tale.

1. Mao Zedong caused the...]

NOt wasting my time with it, it was propagandistic bullshit from start to finish, and I don't care.

Frankly, the way you guys carry on about Mao or Stalin, there wouldn't be any Russians or chinese left by your estimates...

Some dyslexic said you were full of carp.
Yawn... seriously, are you upset that Clinton never got around to you?

I think it was your mustasche that turned him off.

Next she'll be listing all the people the Clintons killed in Arkansas.

The rape charge crap against Clinton, and the murder charges, were all part of the Clinton variation of birtherism.

These conspiracy types are not deep thinkers.
"Everyone knows....."

Oh....that's your tale.

1. Mao Zedong caused the...]

NOt wasting my time with it, it was propagandistic bullshit from start to finish, and I don't care.

Frankly, the way you guys carry on about Mao or Stalin, there wouldn't be any Russians or chinese left by your estimates...

Some dyslexic said you were full of carp.

again, yawn... COld War Propaganda aren't facts.

And the Chinese are Mitt's best buddies now, so I don't know what you are complaining about.
Yawn... seriously, are you upset that Clinton never got around to you?

I think it was your mustasche that turned him off.

Next she'll be listing all the people the Clintons killed in Arkansas.

The rape charge crap against Clinton, and the murder charges, were all part of the Clinton variation of birtherism.

These conspiracy types are not deep thinkers.

I've noticed that.

Personally, I thought Clinton was a pretty awful person, but as a president, he was effective. The economy went well, we were at peace most of the time.

Obama, not so much, although there was a mess when he got there.

The thing is, the GOP has some very solid values that it holds dear. We should live within our means. We should encourage work over dependency. We should have strong defense, and support strong families. Government should be limited.

But somewhere along the line, that all got corrupted... so now all they have is the anger that they can't sell what should be an easy to sell mesage. So being unable to sell their message, all they have is

"Clinton is a rapist! And Obama is a Ni... errr Anti-Colonialist Thinker. And he wasn't even born here. Really."
The thing is, the GOP has some very solid values that it holds dear. We should live within our means. We should encourage work over dependency. We should have strong defense, and support strong families. Government should be limited.

But somewhere along the line, that all got corrupted... so now all they have is the anger that they can't sell what should be an easy to sell message. So being unable to sell their message, all they have is

It got corrupted by fostering the entitlement class for political gain who will not aspire to such tenets because most times they were not taught them by self-sufficient parents.
Sure I have.

The completely undocumented horsecrap estimate of Cold War Propagandists said he was a really, really bad man.

Uh, huh.

I'm still wondering how they effectively estimated these supposed millions he killed.

"Everyone knows....."

Oh....that's your tale.

1. Mao Zedong caused the...]

NOt wasting my time with it, it was propagandistic bullshit from start to finish, and I don't care.

Frankly, the way you guys carry on about Mao or Stalin, there wouldn't be any Russians or chinese left by your estimates...

Joe would rather believe there is some kind of conspiracy by big corporations to destroy the middle class which makes absolutely no sense at all, then he would to accept the Fact that Mao and Stalin were two of the worst mass murders in history all the while he promotes and wishes for the annulation of all the Jews in Israel. This is what you deal with this nutjob PC he has serious issues..He's not well:cuckoo:
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'Anti-colonialist' decoded:

To call Obama an anti-colonialist, in a Kenyan context, is to effectively call him a Mau Mau, referring to the anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in the fifties, and thus associate him with - from a certain white perspective -

violent heathen black African 'savages' bent on slaughtering civilized white people.

Not exactly nuanced, once you know the code.
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'Anti-colonialist' decoded:

To call Obama an anti-colonialist, in a Kenyan context, is to effectively call him a Mau Mau, referring to the anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in the fifties, and thus associate him with - from the white perspective -

violent heathen black African 'savages' bent on slaughtering civilized white people.

Not exactly nuanced, once you know the code.

Indonesia was a colony too.
Exactly why we don't get to see anything about Mr.Marxist he was raised to be a fire starter- anti American, and these guys elected him. Its so sad

Let me second that....

“So who were Obama’s founding fathers?

In Hawaii, he came under the influence of the former Communist Frank Marshall Davis; at Columbia, he encountered the Palestinian radical Edward Said; at Harvard, Obama’s mentor was the Brazilian socialist Roberto Mangabeira Unger; in Chicago, Obama befriended the revolutionary preacher Jeremiah Wright and the former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers….

Never before has America had a president tutored and mentored by a Communist and pat-time pornographer; a ‘professor of terror” who advocated armed resistance against America and her allies; by a socialist so radical that he was rejected by the foreign socialist government he served in; by an incendiary theologician whose philosophy can be summed up in the phrase “God damn America”; and by a former terrorist, who, like Osama Bin Laden, attempted to blow up th Pentagon and other symbols of American power.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 69-70.

That's his life's influences nothing scary there huh? Pffft I've gained new respect for the doomsday "preppers"
'Anti-colonialist' decoded:

To call Obama an anti-colonialist, in a Kenyan context, is to effectively call him a Mau Mau, referring to the anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in the fifties, and thus associate him with - from a certain white perspective -

violent heathen black African 'savages' bent on slaughtering civilized white people.

Not exactly nuanced, once you know the code.

The point is idiot, Obama believes that the Europeans conquered and stole all the natural resources from the countries they colonized which is partly true, but he also believes he can reverse that and give these countries back some of what they stole, which is why he sends money to some of these counties to develop their own resources while he limits our own. Race? He supports the Russians maybe because his parents and mentors were Communists? They meet in a Russian language class.. He makes stupid arms treaties that weaken this country while the Russians give up nothing the Russians looks out for their own interests, China does the same thing. Obama doesn’t do what is in the interest of this country his ideology is all that matters
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'Anti-colonialist' decoded:

To call Obama an anti-colonialist, in a Kenyan context, is to effectively call him a Mau Mau, referring to the anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in the fifties, and thus associate him with - from a certain white perspective -

violent heathen black African 'savages' bent on slaughtering civilized white people.

Not exactly nuanced, once you know the code.

I'm beginning to think that we could call Obama" Barack", and suddenly that would have racial connotations as well.
'Anti-colonialist' decoded:

To call Obama an anti-colonialist, in a Kenyan context, is to effectively call him a Mau Mau, referring to the anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in the fifties, and thus associate him with - from a certain white perspective -

violent heathen black African 'savages' bent on slaughtering civilized white people.

Not exactly nuanced, once you know the code.

The point is idiot, Obama believes that the Europeans conquered and stole all the natural resources from the countries they colonized which is partly true, but he also believes he can reverse that and give these countries back some of what they stole, which is why he sends money to some of these counties to develop their own resources while he limits our own.
Huh?! Which former colonial nations has Obama increased funding to in order to develop their own resources?
'Anti-colonialist' decoded:

To call Obama an anti-colonialist, in a Kenyan context, is to effectively call him a Mau Mau, referring to the anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in the fifties, and thus associate him with - from a certain white perspective -

violent heathen black African 'savages' bent on slaughtering civilized white people.

Not exactly nuanced, once you know the code.

The point is idiot, Obama believes that the Europeans conquered and stole all the natural resources from the countries they colonized which is partly true, but he also believes he can reverse that and give these countries back some of what they stole, which is why he sends money to some of these counties to develop their own resources while he limits our own. Race? He supports the Russians maybe because his parents and mentors were Communists? They meet in a Russian language class.. He makes stupid arms treaties that weaken this country while the Russians give up nothing the Russians looks out for their own interests, China does the same thing. Obama doesn’t do what is in the interest of this country his ideology is all that matters

I think you meant to say your point is idiotic. A typo perhaps?
'Anti-colonialist' decoded:

To call Obama an anti-colonialist, in a Kenyan context, is to effectively call him a Mau Mau, referring to the anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in the fifties, and thus associate him with - from the white perspective -

violent heathen black African 'savages' bent on slaughtering civilized white people.

Not exactly nuanced, once you know the code.

Indonesia was a colony too.

And I once had a three speed English bicycle.

Next irrelevancy...
Imagine if Romney as a teen had a mentor that was a card carrying KKK member, then he followed a college professor that was also in the KKK, he joined white racist groups on campus even spoke out at a rally then in his adult years befriended an abortion clinic bomber. Nevermind his white racist preacher of 20 years that did his marriage ceremony in a Nazi like ceremony.

Then when running for POTUS the media ignored the stories and even covered them up....

Romney grew up in a racist church. An officially racist church.
'Anti-colonialist' decoded:

To call Obama an anti-colonialist, in a Kenyan context, is to effectively call him a Mau Mau, referring to the anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in the fifties, and thus associate him with - from a certain white perspective -

violent heathen black African 'savages' bent on slaughtering civilized white people.

Not exactly nuanced, once you know the code.

The point is idiot, Obama believes that the Europeans conquered and stole all the natural resources from the countries they colonized which is partly true, but he also believes he can reverse that and give these countries back some of what they stole, which is why he sends money to some of these counties to develop their own resources while he limits our own.
Huh?! Which former colonial nations has Obama increased funding to in order to develop their own resources?

Why are you financing offshore drilling in Brazil if there's a permitorium at home? David Vitter wants the administration -- specifically the Export-Import Bank -- to explain how and how much the US has benefitted from a $2 billion loan we gave Brazil for offshore drilling. “I am sure you can understand the frustration Louisianans have with a $2 billion loan to produce energy offshore Brazil,” Vitter wrote to [Export-Import Presient Fred] Hochberg – especially given the “ongoing de facto moratorium” on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

Vitter has specific questions as to the benefits of the loan. “I would appreciate a full accounting for the return on investment the American taxpayer has received, and is anticipated to receive, on the $2 billion loan to this Brazilian petroleum company,” Vitter wrote to Hochberg. “I want to understand why permitting domestically is nearly stalled, and if there is at least a return on this investment over the last year and a half for supporting production offshore Brazil

Obama administration likes offshore drilling -- in Brazil
Imagine if Romney as a teen had a mentor that was a card carrying KKK member, then he followed a college professor that was also in the KKK, he joined white racist groups on campus even spoke out at a rally then in his adult years befriended an abortion clinic bomber. Nevermind his white racist preacher of 20 years that did his marriage ceremony in a Nazi like ceremony.

Then when running for POTUS the media ignored the stories and even covered them up....

Romney grew up in a racist church. An officially racist church.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAYe7MT5BxM&feature=related]Jeremiah Wright - Hillary Clinton ain't never been called.... - YouTube[/ame]
Imagine if Romney as a teen had a mentor that was a card carrying KKK member, then he followed a college professor that was also in the KKK, he joined white racist groups on campus even spoke out at a rally then in his adult years befriended an abortion clinic bomber. Nevermind his white racist preacher of 20 years that did his marriage ceremony in a Nazi like ceremony.

Then when running for POTUS the media ignored the stories and even covered them up....

Romney grew up in a racist church. An officially racist church.


Governor George Romney supported Black Civil Rights. Will President Mitt?


LOS ANGELES, March 13, 2012—In 1963, George Romney gave the keynote address at the conference that sparked the Martin Luther King "Freedom Marches" in Detroit.

The first King event was the Metropolitan Conference on Open Occupancy, held in Detroit in January, 1963. The second was the Martin Luther King Freedom March, in June of the same year. According to Joe Darden, "the spin offs of [that march] were several Detroit NAACP-sponsored interracial marches into the Detroit suburbs." (Detroit, Race and Uneven Development, by Joe T. Darden, 1987, pg 132. Time.com.)

Governor Mitt Romney's father, George Romney, marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., showing clearly that he stood solidly in favor of Civil Rights.

The question about Mitt Romney is, does the apple fall far from the tree?

What real efforts will Mitt Romney make to show his connection to the civil rights movement that his father embraced in 1963?

Today the urban social programs created in the wake of the Civil Rights movement by Democratic leaders are subsidized by the states and counties. Rather than take responsibility for themselves, people in these communities depend on government, with local government subsidizing the self-aggrandizing programs of national Democrats.

Democrats have been playing the shell game for too long, taking more money out than they are helping the cities to bring in.

For forty years urban communities have lost time as we've watched the disintegration of local businesses, the absence of economic growth, and political corruption divert funds from the right people to the coffers of politicians. Inner cities' local leadership payrolls grow, and the people are taxed directly, and indirectly by the loss of jobs and income, to compensate for the failures of the community. Not believing in building wealth within the community, its leaders pursue policies and programs that prevent the community from creating and supporting businesses that will bring in profits and jobs. They don't really care: Profits are created by the people, for the people, and they reduce dependence on government

Governor George Romney supported Black Civil Rights. Will President Mitt? | Washington Times Communities

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