Our awesome education system on full display. 1/3rd of millennials believe the Earth is flat.

Perhaps if they would stop with the transgender, anal sex is ok, homo shit, etc and actually start teaching what matters they wouldn't be churning out dunces

Don't be so hard on yourself. You just don't know how to vet shit memes.

>> Give the internet some weird statistic on millennials and it's gonna have a field day with it. Like this latest one: "a third of millennials believe the Earth is flat".

Except it's not, and they don't.

... As per the results, only 66 percent of 18-24 year-olds are firmly convinced of our planet's spherical shape.

But that doesn't automatically mean the other third thinks it's flat. Here's the actual breakdown of the data by age group:


As you can see, only 4 percent in the youngest age group expressed flat-Earther convictions, and a further 14 percent showed skepticism in either direction.

Not to mention a whole 16 percent who simply ticked the "other/not sure" box.

.... There could be so many reasons for choosing the "other" box, including not really caring or not thinking about Earth's shape, and simply wanting to get through the survey to cash in those reward points.

As for the 4 percent of young flat-Earthers unearthed in the data - there's no way of telling how truthful they were being, and whether they just wanted to mess with the researchers when they saw the amusing study question.

... But if you still want to be upset about something, consider this: a 'round Earth' can still be flat, like a disk. Maybe YouGov should have asked whether Earth is spherical? << --- ScienceAlert

Perhaps it has less to do with "abject stupidity" and more to do with the death of reading comprehension and the willingness of Gullibles to take fake headlines and run with them without sussing out if they actually hold water.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You just don't know how to vet shit memes.

>> Give the internet some weird statistic on millennials and it's gonna have a field day with it. Like this latest one: "a third of millennials believe the Earth is flat".

Except it's not, and they don't.

... As per the results, only 66 percent of 18-24 year-olds are firmly convinced of our planet's spherical shape.

But that doesn't automatically mean the other third thinks it's flat. Here's the actual breakdown of the data by age group:


As you can see, only 4 percent in the youngest age group expressed flat-Earther convictions, and a further 14 percent showed skepticism in either direction.

Not to mention a whole 16 percent who simply ticked the "other/not sure" box.

.... There could be so many reasons for choosing the "other" box, including not really caring or not thinking about Earth's shape, and simply wanting to get through the survey to cash in those reward points.

As for the 4 percent of young flat-Earthers unearthed in the data - there's no way of telling how truthful they were being, and whether they just wanted to mess with the researchers when they saw the amusing study question.

... But if you still want to be upset about something, consider this: a 'round Earth' can still be flat, like a disk. Maybe YouGov should have asked whether Earth is spherical? << --- ScienceAlert

Perhaps it has less to do with "abject stupidity" and more to do with the death of reading comprehension and the willingness of Gullibles to take fake headlines and run with them without sussing out if they actually hold water.

Aside from reading comprehension, critical thinking skills and willingness to swallow confirmation biases unquestioningly, there's this from the same poll:


Of course, poor reading comprehension, dearth of critical thinking skills, willingness to swallow confirmation biases unquestioningly and organized Big Religion, are all interrelated and interdependent, so those mired in any one of these dynamics might want to have a look around to see who they're sharing the room with.
Perhaps if they would stop with the transgender, anal sex is ok, homo shit, etc and actually start teaching what matters they wouldn't be churning out dunces
It's those religious private schools....let's remember that the Catholic Church didn't apologize and admit Galileo was right until the late 20th century.

When you failed your VH1 where are they now history class by not knowing who Joan Jett was, well I can believe 1/3 of millennials would believe the damn Earth is flat!

I mean Tide Pods and Condoms as idiotic things to eat and snort?

Yeah, society has finally hit the damn retardation level where I might consider to self abort myself!!!

When you failed your VH1 where are they now history class by not knowing who Joan Jett was, well I can believe 1/3 of millennials would believe the damn Earth is flat!

I mean Tide Pods and Condoms as idiotic things to eat and snort?

Yeah, society has finally hit the damn retardation level where I might consider to self abort myself!!!
Im not a millenial!

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