Our Constitution was written with a Trump like President in mind

The framers had George Washington in mind when they wrote Article II. Would the framers even have considered a Constitution without Washington's participation?
Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.

Then why didn't the Constitutional limits work with Obama?

How did he get away with pushing unconstitutional laws such as the ACA mandates,
and order DACA outside Constitutional authority?
You are referring to executive orders. I agree they threaten the division of powers. Trump is on pace to write more executive orders than any President in history. Obama signed fewer than his two predecessors.
Consolidated list by President
# President Total Executive Orders
42 Bill Clinton 364
43 George W. Bush 291
44 Barack Obama 276
45 Donald Trump 70
41 more rows
List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia
List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia

Clinton and Bush used Executive Orders for their intended purposes, to clarify laws passed. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama used them to illegally write laws from the Oval Office. President Donald Trump has been using them to undo President Obama's illegal and draconian orders.
Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.
The idea was for a limited Federal Government if anything the Constitution was written to control big government progressive liberals.
Yes....a President under attack by unelected bureaucrats who are using the power of the government to conduct illegal investigations......you are correct.....
Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.

Actually, it was written more to keep a corruptocrat like the shrillary OUT of the presidency.
Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.
The idea was for a limited Federal Government if anything the Constitution was written to control big government progressive liberals.
The founding Fathers were split on the size and power of the central government. Hamilton was the leading advocate for a larger stronger central government. Jefferson was the leading advocate for limited government. But when jefferson became President he started advocating for a stronger, larger central government.

You need to brush up on your history. You are loose with the facts just like Trump.
Yes....a President under attack by unelected bureaucrats who are using the power of the government to conduct illegal investigations......you are correct.....
Trump is under attack by justice department leaders HE APPOINTED. You are not very intelligent.
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Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.

Then why didn't the Constitutional limits work with Obama?

How did he get away with pushing unconstitutional laws such as the ACA mandates,
and order DACA outside Constitutional authority?
You are referring to executive orders. I agree they threaten the division of powers. Trump is on pace to write more executive orders than any President in history. Obama signed fewer than his two predecessors.
Consolidated list by President
# President Total Executive Orders
42 Bill Clinton 364
43 George W. Bush 291
44 Barack Obama 276
45 Donald Trump 70
41 more rows
List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia
List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia

Clinton and Bush used Executive Orders for their intended purposes, to clarify laws passed. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama used them to illegally write laws from the Oval Office. President Donald Trump has been using them to undo President Obama's illegal and draconian orders.
You don't know what youre talking about. What you are saying is flat ass not true. Typical Trumpster, you make crap up.
Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.
The idea was for a limited Federal Government if anything the Constitution was written to control big government progressive liberals.
Progressive liberals, of the day, helped write the Constitution.
Did you take any history in school. Did you ever go to school.
There are lot of Trumpsters that lie about history. It is the Trump way; lie, make up stuff, to justify stupid actions
Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.

Then why didn't the Constitutional limits work with Obama?

How did he get away with pushing unconstitutional laws such as the ACA mandates,
and order DACA outside Constitutional authority?
You are referring to executive orders. I agree they threaten the division of powers. Trump is on pace to write more executive orders than any President in history. Obama signed fewer than his two predecessors.
Consolidated list by President
# President Total Executive Orders
42 Bill Clinton 364
43 George W. Bush 291
44 Barack Obama 276
45 Donald Trump 70
41 more rows
List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia
List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia

Clinton and Bush used Executive Orders for their intended purposes, to clarify laws passed. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama used them to illegally write laws from the Oval Office. President Donald Trump has been using them to undo President Obama's illegal and draconian orders.
You don't know what youre talking about. What you are saying is flat ass not true. Typical Trumpster, you make crap up.
Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.... with a retrospective approval rating of 63 percent, while Trump cant break 40 percent.
The Founding Fathers warned about allowing the Central Gov't to get too large. Said it would lead to Corruption and abuse of Power.

They were correct. Limited Gov't with States governing themselves was their intent. FDR killed that.
They were correct. Limited Gov't with States governing themselves was their intent.
Absolutely incorrect and wrong headed as that was NEVER the Framer's intent. The entire idea of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia was to shed the unworkable Articles of Confederation with the, "Limited Gov't with States governing themselves" paradigm and relegate that unworkable foolishness to the eternal pile of failed experiments and, "...form a more perfect union...."

The Anti-Federalists lost that argument you're pushing on the day the US Constitution was ratified in 1788. It's past time for you 'hangers on of outmoded failed ideas' to acknowledge the lessons of history.

The only Founding Fathers who desired what your pushing were the ones desiring to maintain the status quo, and they lost in 1788. You people really need to read some ACTUAL history and not this partisan propagandized new age sophistry. I suggest starting with the Federalist Papers to begin finding the TRUTH! You should start with Federalist #10 and read what Madison wrote about the pitfalls of faction and the fracturing of unity via factions withing the body politic!
It is fake news to say that Bush issued EOs for clarifying passed laws.

One example is that he used them to unilaterally withdraw from War Crimes treaties so that he could invade Iraq without the threat of the Hague hanging over the troops.

Failing President Trump, the most divisive chief executive in our history, is issuing unlawful and severe EOs.

His own appointed Republican officials are pursuing Trump, not the Dems.
Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.
You obviously don't know what the word "demagogue" means, because Obama was a much better fit to the definition. Obama also violated the "separation of powers" provisions. Obama is the one who tried to make law solely on his own authority, not Trump.

What "war on the judiciary?" If anything, the judiciary is making war on Trump.

Bottom line: you're a dumbass.
The Founding Fathers warned about allowing the Central Gov't to get too large. Said it would lead to Corruption and abuse of Power.

They were correct. Limited Gov't with States governing themselves was their intent. FDR killed that.
They were correct. Limited Gov't with States governing themselves was their intent.
Absolutely incorrect and wrong headed as that was NEVER the Framer's intent. The entire idea of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia was to shed the unworkable Articles of Confederation with the, "Limited Gov't with States governing themselves" paradigm and relegate that unworkable foolishness to the eternal pile of failed experiments and, "...form a more perfect union...."

The Anti-Federalists lost that argument you're pushing on the day the US Constitution was ratified in 1788. It's past time for you 'hangers on of outmoded failed ideas' to acknowledge the lessons of history.

The only Founding Fathers who desired what your pushing were the ones desiring to maintain the status quo, and they lost in 1788. You people really need to read some ACTUAL history and not this partisan propagandized new age sophistry. I suggest starting with the Federalist Papers to begin finding the TRUTH! You should start with Federalist #10 and read what Madison wrote about the pitfalls of faction and the fracturing of unity via factions withing the body politic!
For your information, "federalism" is the system where the states largel government themselves. In short, you're an ignoramus.

Our Constitution was written with Trump like President in mind.
The founding Fathers built in safeguards in case the US ended up with a demagogue as President.
The key safeguard is the separation of powers.
Trump is doing his best to negate the safeguard with his war on the judiciary and the mugging of congress if they do not support him.
Our Constitution will win out.

Yup, two judges telling Muller to pound sand. Looks like the constitution is working indeed.
The Founding Fathers warned about allowing the Central Gov't to get too large. Said it would lead to Corruption and abuse of Power.

They were correct. Limited Gov't with States governing themselves was their intent. FDR killed that.
They were correct. Limited Gov't with States governing themselves was their intent.
Absolutely incorrect and wrong headed as that was NEVER the Framer's intent. The entire idea of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia was to shed the unworkable Articles of Confederation with the, "Limited Gov't with States governing themselves" paradigm and relegate that unworkable foolishness to the eternal pile of failed experiments and, "...form a more perfect union...."

The Anti-Federalists lost that argument you're pushing on the day the US Constitution was ratified in 1788. It's past time for you 'hangers on of outmoded failed ideas' to acknowledge the lessons of history.

The only Founding Fathers who desired what your pushing were the ones desiring to maintain the status quo, and they lost in 1788. You people really need to read some ACTUAL history and not this partisan propagandized new age sophistry. I suggest starting with the Federalist Papers to begin finding the TRUTH! You should start with Federalist #10 and read what Madison wrote about the pitfalls of faction and the fracturing of unity via factions withing the body politic!
Enumerated powers. Specifically say your wrong.

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