Our corrupt media

I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Dude. Your OP is partisan so how are they to answer you without being so?

Only because currently the media is partisan left. At some future time it could be partisan right. My point is that a partisan media is bad for any country, no matter which side it is on.
yet that is not what your OP said.
is Bannon on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC?
Fox is the most watched news channel -- by far. So quit making a fool of yourself
I never heard of the guy.
Funny, because he runs your messiahs campaign and has been around a long time.

Please show me where Hillary was prosecuted or convicted of a crime.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.

The media sells a product. If there were none who consumed such a product, Economics 101: it wouldn't sell.

As a conservative, do you consume media from MSNBC, CNN, or other such liberal or mainstream media outlets? Do liberals consume media from FOX, Drudge, Breitbart, or other such conservative media outlets?

Do you go to Olive Garden when you want steak? Do you go to Taco Bell when you want bbq?

The media isn't swaying the electorate, the electorate isn't swaying the media, but they do influence each other in an eternal negative feedback loop.

The reason Trump is getting shat on by the "msm" is because it sells.

somewhat true, and what does that say about our society?

Two things:

1. The majority doesn't like Trump

2. They majority doesn't care about good journalism.

actually the majority doesn't like either candidate.

your number 2 is correct.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:

I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Dude. Your OP is partisan so how are they to answer you without being so?

Only because currently the media is partisan left. At some future time it could be partisan right. My point is that a partisan media is bad for any country, no matter which side it is on.
yet that is not what your OP said.

I said "I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way."

it helps if you actually read before responding.
What goes around comes around. I told you tards all your benchmarks and standards would come back and slap you in your slack little faces.

Stop your whining and take your own medicine.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.

I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?
It seems the truth just pisses you off and you don't know how to handle the truth.

I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Right wing media isn't biased?
I'll bet the media you consume is 98+ percent right wing media, where there are no discernible journalistic standards.

So please, stop pretending.

right wing media: Limbaugh, Hannity
left wing media: everyone else. all networks, all newspapers, all of Hollywood, all of the music industry.

wake the fuck up and deal with reality--------------the media is lying to you and you are slurping it up like a pig in slop
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?
I like how you are still pretending Pedophile Don's sex crimes are just talk. Very amusing.

Hey, you fuckheads went all the way back to Obama in college. Same with Hillary. You tards set the standard.

Quit your whining and take your own medicine, tard.
I didn't reply to your post. So what is your point?
The point is his post which you ignored entirely and made it about him personally rather than opining on the actual topic.

He didn't make any points. Right wing media goes by another name, and that is propaganda. They have zero journalistic standards.
Ground control to major Tom
Exactly. You have heard floridly psychotic statement like the NYT is unreliable because it has a liberal bias. And then you are stupid enough to believe that the NYT is no more reliable than Brietbart.

And that is mind numbingly stupid.
The NY times is going under, no one is buying it any more. why do you think that is happening?
Unless you are the stupidest person on earth, you know print media is going under because of digital media.

But the NYT is not going under, even though many other print media will:
Here's Why the NYT Is Still Looking to Cut Costs, Even Though It Turned a Profit
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Dude. Your OP is partisan so how are they to answer you without being so?

Only because currently the media is partisan left. At some future time it could be partisan right. My point is that a partisan media is bad for any country, no matter which side it is on.
yet that is not what your OP said.

I said "I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way."

it helps if you actually read before responding.
Holy shit is it in the air today? That statement right there makes it partisan! You are literally telling them this is my statement and all your counter arguments are invalid because all that don't agree must be partisan. No matter how your op is answered it is going to be partisan. It has to be. There is no other way.
Every day.

Every. Single. Day.

Every day, two or three or more pseudocons are caught copying and pasting total BULLSHIT from their propaganda organs.

And every. Single. Day, they get right back in line to be lied to again.

I just can't laugh loud enough at what this whining from the hypocrites warrants. I really can't.

Mind you, I've tried. But no matter how hard and loud I laugh, I don't do this fucking raging hypocrisy justice.
Pedophile Don was caught with his pants down.

And all his Chumps have in the way of defense is to whine about it being reported!

And then they whine exactly like a five year old. "B-b-b-b-but Billy did it, too!"

"Billy did it, too!" That's Chump-speak for, "It's okay to barge into kids' dressing rooms to catch them naked."

You won't hear these sick fucks say a cross word about Pedophile Don. Not one word.

That says everything about their character.

Quit your fucking whining, you disgusting fucks.
Pedophile Don was caught with his pants down.

And all his Chumps have in the way of defense is to whine about it being reported!

And then they whine exactly like a five year old. "B-b-b-b-but Billy did it, too!"

"Billy did it, too!" That's Chump-speak for, "It's okay to barge into kids' dressing rooms to catch them naked."

You won't hear these sick fucks say a cross word about Pedophile Don. Not one word.

That says everything about their character.

Quit your fucking whining, you disgusting fucks.
I missed your praising of hiLIARy's attributes. OH WAIT!!! she doesn't have any :itsok:
These two statements below are propaganda from the left.

1. The majority doesn't like Trump

2. They majority doesn't care about good journalism.
Pedophile Don was caught with his pants down.

And all his Chumps have in the way of defense is to whine about it being reported!

And then they whine exactly like a five year old. "B-b-b-b-but Billy did it, too!"

"Billy did it, too!" That's Chump-speak for, "It's okay to barge into kids' dressing rooms to catch them naked."

You won't hear these sick fucks say a cross word about Pedophile Don. Not one word.

That says everything about their character.

Quit your fucking whining, you disgusting fucks.
I missed your praising of hiLIARy's attributes. OH WAIT!!! she doesn't have any :itsok:
Yes, you did miss it. Because I have never praised Hilary, you stupid false dichotomy fuck.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism.
Its your imagination. Was the media in the “tank” when it showed Clinton stumbling getting into the van? Was it in the tank when it ran near around the clock coverage about the lewinsky affair? The media likes sensational stories. Always has. When you live as high profile a life as the GOP nominee has, you’re going to have prolific fails. Especially when the failure is denied when it quite obviously took place.

I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.
I don’t know why anyone believes a word out of Fox News or MSNBC for that matter. I’ll agree with you on that. These networks have a bias, they are proud of the bias and they do not deny the bias.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.
Tissue drama queen? When Bush wanted to go to war at all costs with Iraq, the media was complicit in not dare questioning any official.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?
Oh brother.

You guys do nothing but regurgitate the most outrageous bullshit that is published or broadcast; multiple times daily.

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.

Take care of your own backyard loser

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