Our corrupt media

Fox is the most watched news channel -- by far. So quit making a fool of yourself
This just isn't an accurate representation of actual news viewership.

The cable news networks (CNN, MSBNC, FOX) have more interested and engaged news viewers. The traditional broadcast networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) have the more traditional, once or twice a day news consumers.

Typical total news viewers for ABC, NBC, CBS: Approximately 22.5 million (Evening News Ratings: Week of Aug. 29)

Typical total news viewers for CNN, MSNBC, FOX: Approximately 4.0 million (Scoreboard: Saturday, October 8)

Or, to look at it another way, FOX 1.3 million, the rest 25.2 million.

As far as news consumption is concerned, it's not even close. FOX has only a tiny amount of the viewers. The more liberal-leaning networks have a lion's share of the news viewership.
Pedophile Don was caught with his pants down.

And all his Chumps have in the way of defense is to whine about it being reported!

And then they whine exactly like a five year old. "B-b-b-b-but Billy did it, too!"

"Billy did it, too!" That's Chump-speak for, "It's okay to barge into kids' dressing rooms to catch them naked."

You won't hear these sick fucks say a cross word about Pedophile Don. Not one word.

That says everything about their character.

Quit your fucking whining, you disgusting fucks.
I missed your praising of hiLIARy's attributes. OH WAIT!!! she doesn't have any :itsok:
Yes, you did miss it. Because I have never praised Hilary, you stupid false dichotomy fuck.
Someone's got a case of the Fridays :( Cheer- up kiddo
Pedophile Don was caught with his pants down.

And all his Chumps have in the way of defense is to whine about it being reported!

And then they whine exactly like a five year old. "B-b-b-b-but Billy did it, too!"

"Billy did it, too!" That's Chump-speak for, "It's okay to barge into kids' dressing rooms to catch them naked."

You won't hear these sick fucks say a cross word about Pedophile Don. Not one word.

That says everything about their character.

Quit your fucking whining, you disgusting fucks.
I missed your praising of hiLIARy's attributes. OH WAIT!!! she doesn't have any :itsok:
Yes, you did miss it. Because I have never praised Hilary, you stupid false dichotomy fuck.
Someone's got a case of the Fridays :( Cheer- up kiddo
You just posted a variation of the "B-b-b-but Billy did it, too!" meme your masters have programmed into you.

Thanks for proving my point.
Not one word of criticism for Pedophile Don's behavior.

Much worse, they are actually DEFENDING the creep!

That's all you need to know about the character of Trump's Chumps.
right wing media: Limbaugh, Hannity
left wing media: everyone else.
Don't tell Steve Bannon.
How stupid are Trump's supporters if they believe this crap?

is Bannon on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC? I never heard of the guy.

as to who is stupid. How stupid are Hillary supporters who continue to support a corrupt liar who constantly violated federal laws, who bribed the FBI and DOJ, and whose foundation is a front for laundering foreign money into the Clinton bank account.

So you have accused Ms. Clinton of
Violating Federal Law
Laundering money

Zero proof of any such thing exists but here you are, publishing it.

When you get some integrity, you can comment on journalistic integrity.
"The media likes sensational stories" although this a real phenomenon, there is also media that strives for more neutrality.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?

Let be factual you would be silent if the News media were covering Hillary Clinton scandals 24\7\365 days a year and nothing on Donald Trump...

Also let be factual Donald Trump from eleven years ago was not his first slip in life and seeing he is running for President mean he will be the focus of the Media at this moment.

I can google and bing articles to death about Hillary Clinton and you will proclaim that it is not enough but what you fail to understand is the American voter has gotten so use to reading about Clinton that she is like Terrorism and yeah it can be shocking when you first hear or read about but over time it just become another news story!

Now would you like me to Bing all the articles on Clinton wikileaks or about Bill Clinton sexual past so you can see the amount of coverage?

hillary clinton wikileaks - Bing News

Hillary Clinton wiki links - Google Search

Bill Clinton Sex Scandals - Bing News

Bill Clinton Sex Scandals - Google Search

Hillary Clinton Emails - Bing News

Hillary Clinton Emails - Google Search

There enjoy those news links and if you need more proof how how much the media has covered the bitch hound of lucifer I will gladly provide you more or will you cry and say it is not enough and one article about Trump ( yes there are many more before you cry about there are ) is one too many and the news should only focus on the bitch hound!?!
Pedophile Don was caught with his pants down.

And all his Chumps have in the way of defense is to whine about it being reported!

And then they whine exactly like a five year old. "B-b-b-b-but Billy did it, too!"

"Billy did it, too!" That's Chump-speak for, "It's okay to barge into kids' dressing rooms to catch them naked."

You won't hear these sick fucks say a cross word about Pedophile Don. Not one word.

That says everything about their character.

Quit your fucking whining, you disgusting fucks.
I missed your praising of hiLIARy's attributes. OH WAIT!!! she doesn't have any :itsok:
Yes, you did miss it. Because I have never praised Hilary, you stupid false dichotomy fuck.
Someone's got a case of the Fridays :( Cheer- up kiddo
You just posted a variation of the "B-b-b-but Billy did it, too!" meme your masters have programmed into you.

Thanks for proving my point.
I'm saying hiLIARy is engaged in mud- slinging INSTEAD of listing reasons to vote FOR her she listing reasons to vote AGAINST her opponent you ASSCLOWN :)
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?

Let be factual you would be silent if the News media were covering Hillary Clinton scandals 24\7\365 days a year and nothing on Donald Trump...

You guys remember I said earlier I could not laugh loud enough at the hypocrisy?

I forgot to mention I could not laugh loud enough at the amnesia of Trump's Chump, too. They have memories like that of a goldfish.

How old are you, dumbshit? Just out of diapers? You actually have the fucking nerve to say the Clintons haven't been extreme vetted for the past quarter of a century?

We would have to post a Donald Trump topic every five seconds for the next two years to catch up to all the anti-Hillary topics which have been posted since 2008. They didn't even slow down during the interim between Obama's nomination in 2008 and her announcement she was running again in 2015!

Hell, I joined this forum in 2011, and the anti-Hillary topics were daily fodder. And there have been THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of Benghazi topics about Clinton.

Wise up, fool.
Okay anyone with a moderate sum of honesty knows the majority of the media is extremely biased towards the democrat party. Fox being one of the very few bastard children who seems to be Trumps bitches. Also everyone knows regressives will NEVER admit to it. As to why they allow it it is because to them furthering their agenda trumps all else. Regressives are not smart enough to understand the pitfalls of their mindless worship of statism. The majority of regessives are so stupid they honestly think they are helping. They honestly think freedom means racism and it will kill the world. They can not comprehend how their own insecurities and self hate is what is driving them. decades of regressives running our education has produced generations or useful idiots.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?

Let be factual you would be silent if the News media were covering Hillary Clinton scandals 24\7\365 days a year and nothing on Donald Trump...

You guys remember I said earlier I could not laugh loud enough at the hypocrisy?

I forgot to mention I could not laugh loud enough at the amnesia of Trump's Chump, too. They have memories like that of a goldfish.

How old are you, dumbshit? Just out of diapers? You actually have the fucking nerve to say the Clintons haven't been extreme vetted for the past quarter of a century?

We would have to post a Donald Trump topic every five seconds for the next two years to catch up to all the anti-Hillary topics which have been posted since 2008. They didn't even slow down during the interim between Obama's nomination in 2008 and her announcement she was running again in 2015!

Hell, I joined this forum in 2011, and the anti-Hillary topics were daily fodder.

Wise up, fool.

1. Are you fucking stupid or just fucking retarded?

2. I was showing the stupid OP'er the amount of Clinton articles out there!

3. Who the fuck are you to accuse me of defending Trump?

It seem you're too fucking stupid to understand I was actually pointing out there are many articles out there about Clinton and accusing the OP'er of being another partisan whore like you!

It seem your kunt ass can not click links to show I was actually proving the OP'er to be a fucking liar and that the media covers the bitch hound daily...

Let me guess you object of me calling that career whore of a politician a bitch hound?

Well if you do then fuck you bitch!

Now I do not give a damn how long you have been on this fucking board but you do not accuse me of defending Trump when I was actually bashing the fucking OP'er.

Because you have been here since 2011 mean your pathetic ass is just that pathetic!

Now fuck off you skank ass of a whore!
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?

Let be factual you would be silent if the News media were covering Hillary Clinton scandals 24\7\365 days a year and nothing on Donald Trump...

You guys remember I said earlier I could not laugh loud enough at the hypocrisy?

I forgot to mention I could not laugh loud enough at the amnesia of Trump's Chump, too. They have memories like that of a goldfish.

How old are you, dumbshit? Just out of diapers? You actually have the fucking nerve to say the Clintons haven't been extreme vetted for the past quarter of a century?

We would have to post a Donald Trump topic every five seconds for the next two years to catch up to all the anti-Hillary topics which have been posted since 2008. They didn't even slow down during the interim between Obama's nomination in 2008 and her announcement she was running again in 2015!

Hell, I joined this forum in 2011, and the anti-Hillary topics were daily fodder.

Wise up, fool.

1. Are you fucking stupid or just fucking retarded?

2. I was showing the stupid OP'er the amount of Clinton articles out there!

3. Who the fuck are you to accuse me of defending Trump?

It seem you're too fucking stupid to understand I was actually pointing out there are many articles out there about Clinton and accusing the OP'er of being another partisan whore like you!

It seem your kunt ass can not click links to show I was actually proving the OP'er to be a fucking liar and that the media covers the bitch hound daily...

Let me guess you object of me calling that career whore of a politician a bitch hound?

Well if you do then fuck you bitch!

Now I do not give a damn how long you have been on this fucking board but you do not accuse me of defending Trump when I was actually bashing the fucking OP'er.

Because you have been here since 2011 mean your pathetic ass is just that pathetic!

Now fuck off you skank ass of a whore!
I misread your post. My sincerest apologies.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?

Let be factual you would be silent if the News media were covering Hillary Clinton scandals 24\7\365 days a year and nothing on Donald Trump...

You guys remember I said earlier I could not laugh loud enough at the hypocrisy?

I forgot to mention I could not laugh loud enough at the amnesia of Trump's Chump, too. They have memories like that of a goldfish.

How old are you, dumbshit? Just out of diapers? You actually have the fucking nerve to say the Clintons haven't been extreme vetted for the past quarter of a century?

We would have to post a Donald Trump topic every five seconds for the next two years to catch up to all the anti-Hillary topics which have been posted since 2008. They didn't even slow down during the interim between Obama's nomination in 2008 and her announcement she was running again in 2015!

Hell, I joined this forum in 2011, and the anti-Hillary topics were daily fodder.

Wise up, fool.

1. Are you fucking stupid or just fucking retarded?

2. I was showing the stupid OP'er the amount of Clinton articles out there!

3. Who the fuck are you to accuse me of defending Trump?

It seem you're too fucking stupid to understand I was actually pointing out there are many articles out there about Clinton and accusing the OP'er of being another partisan whore like you!

It seem your kunt ass can not click links to show I was actually proving the OP'er to be a fucking liar and that the media covers the bitch hound daily...

Let me guess you object of me calling that career whore of a politician a bitch hound?

Well if you do then fuck you bitch!

Now I do not give a damn how long you have been on this fucking board but you do not accuse me of defending Trump when I was actually bashing the fucking OP'er.

Because you have been here since 2011 mean your pathetic ass is just that pathetic!

Now fuck off you skank ass of a whore!
I misread your post. My sincerest apologies.

I also apologize...
We return now to our regularly scheduled program of a cranky old school conservative ranting into the wind...
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?

Let be factual you would be silent if the News media were covering Hillary Clinton scandals 24\7\365 days a year and nothing on Donald Trump...

You guys remember I said earlier I could not laugh loud enough at the hypocrisy?

I forgot to mention I could not laugh loud enough at the amnesia of Trump's Chump, too. They have memories like that of a goldfish.

How old are you, dumbshit? Just out of diapers? You actually have the fucking nerve to say the Clintons haven't been extreme vetted for the past quarter of a century?

We would have to post a Donald Trump topic every five seconds for the next two years to catch up to all the anti-Hillary topics which have been posted since 2008. They didn't even slow down during the interim between Obama's nomination in 2008 and her announcement she was running again in 2015!

Hell, I joined this forum in 2011, and the anti-Hillary topics were daily fodder.

Wise up, fool.

1. Are you fucking stupid or just fucking retarded?

2. I was showing the stupid OP'er the amount of Clinton articles out there!

3. Who the fuck are you to accuse me of defending Trump?

It seem you're too fucking stupid to understand I was actually pointing out there are many articles out there about Clinton and accusing the OP'er of being another partisan whore like you!

It seem your kunt ass can not click links to show I was actually proving the OP'er to be a fucking liar and that the media covers the bitch hound daily...

Let me guess you object of me calling that career whore of a politician a bitch hound?

Well if you do then fuck you bitch!

Now I do not give a damn how long you have been on this fucking board but you do not accuse me of defending Trump when I was actually bashing the fucking OP'er.

Because you have been here since 2011 mean your pathetic ass is just that pathetic!

Now fuck off you skank ass of a whore!
I misread your post. My sincerest apologies.

Also let me write that if Trump voters believe the News Media has been unkind to their candidate, well at least no one from MSNBC has made fun of Trump grandchildren like what happen to Mitt Romney!

Mitt Romney Responds To MSNBC Attack On His Grandchild

Now that was some low ass shit there!

The Media is going to cover Trump and I feel the media has been kind to the little shit for brains. I believe if the Media had any balls they would call into question about the real reason why Trump want a wall between Mexico and the U.S.?

Donald Trump Sued Over Mexican Resort That Was Never Built

Donald Trump settles lawsuit over Baja condo resort that went bust

Trump losing millions of dollars from a bad real estate deal south of the border could sway those like him to be hostile to the nation that cost him millions in a lawsuit...

If the media had any real balls they would focus on the Donald divorce from wife number one and question why the divorce was granted on " Cruel and Inhuman Treatment "?

Trumps Get Divorce; Next, Who Gets What?

If the media was going after Donald Trump they would focus on Donald Trump and his children business dealing in the Middle East and his connections to certain businessmen in the region and governments?

What about Donald Trump's Muslim nation properties?

Then finally, if the Media were really going after Trump they would be able to connect Trump middle east dealing and follow it back to Russia and see Putin strings connected to some of this... ( My opinion on that one )

So seeing the Media is focused on Pussy-gate and not things that could actually hurt Trump tell me they are not doing their job if they are in the bed with Clinton!
The traditional broadcast networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) have the more traditional, once or twice a day news consumers.
Nobody under 75 years old watches ABC, NBC or CBS news regularly.
Wrong. Per the link I provided, age 25-54 viewership alone is about 5 million daily, 1 million more than the cable news networks TOTAL viewership.

The argument just doesn't float. Not even close.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.

You're asking a liberal to inject decency and morals in to their political machine.. Seriously, do you expect for these Godless Anti-American swine to all of the sudden gain some type of moral clarity?? Look at what's being released.. The LEFT IS UTTERLY CORRUPT like nothing we've ever seen before.

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