Our Dale Smith has passed. OUR tribute to a brave warrior.

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Those chem trails are lethal I tell ya'. Look what they did to Dale.

Not in good taste. I argued with Dale over a few things that he said that were wrong, but a lot of that doesn't really matter right now.

Yep, way to be a dick! I knew that was coming, just surprised it wasn't Bodey.

I reckon Dale hammered you pretty good a time or 2.

Dale rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I found his position on Sandy Hook to be beyond the pale of good taste or decency. (essentially, he kept claiming it was a false flag even after the people who started those rumor lost in court and admitted they were lying).

Still, not the time or the place to open old wounds.
We didn’t agree on much of anything politically, but I could tell he was a good guy with a big heart. Stubborn and borderline hostile with his political beliefs, but then very gracious, like way overboard gracious, when I gave my condolences over his father passing.

At least the suffering is over now. Rest in peace, bud.
Haven’t seen you for ages.
Good to see you too.

I've met Dale IRL twice a few years back. I was shocked when I got an email that he transitioned, so I came to look what was going on. There are alternative "medicines" out there...if I knew what what was going on. Well, it had to happen this way. There are no coincidences..
Dale, just late yesterday, Friday, I became aware of your passing after reading Hoss's thread. I had gone there to talk with you a bit but instead, read the sad news and then left a tribute from my saddened heart.

I'm grateful you are free from pain now and with your loved ones. I came to know you here just after reading Hoss's original OP and fell in love with the kind of man you were, a man of principles, integrity, and a loving heart. You have blessed all of us who followed that thread. You will never leave my heart. We shared touching moments. RIP my friend. Condolences to Sandy and to all who cared deeply for you. Your spirit is still alive in my heart and you are not suffering from pain and wondering each and every day how much longer you have on this planet.

Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day.

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