Our Dale Smith has passed. OUR tribute to a brave warrior.

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Dale Smith was not a conspiracy theorist. I totally agree with everything he said because he had ironclad proof. Liberals don't have any proof whatsoever and can only bray the standard FAKE NEWS! LIE! GATEWAY PUNDIT! FOX NEWS! I have never seen any of those mealy mouthed creeps offer an evidentiary fact to back up their fantasies.
Dale Smith was not a conspiracy theorist. I totally agree with everything he said because he had ironclad proof. Liberals don't have any proof whatsoever and can only bray the standard FAKE NEWS! LIE! GATEWAY PUNDIT! FOX NEWS! I have never seen any of those mealy mouthed creeps offer an evidentiary fact to back up their fantasies.

Just limiting this conversation to Sandy Hook. you know, that it never happened and all the parents, first responders, etc. were Crisis Actors.

Remington admitted fault and paid the Families 73 Million dollars.
Alex Jones admitted lying in court and was penalized $1.5 Billion (with a B) dollars.
Wolfgang Halbig had to declare bankruptcy...

Now, honestly, I don't care about Chem Trails or Roswell Aliens or any of the other nonsense conspiracy theorists come up with to explain their unhappiness in life.

But these were real people who had a real tragedy in their lives. Something truly awful happened to them. A parent should never have to bury his child. Being called a "Crisis Actor" afterwards is truly rubbing salt into a wound. It's cruel, it's sadistic, and honestly, there's no excuse for it.

Because I'm feeling generous, I honestly hope that for his own sake, Dale was just misled by other worse actors.
Just limiting this conversation to Sandy Hook. you know, that it never happened and all the parents, first responders, etc. were Crisis Actors.

Remington admitted fault and paid the Families 73 Million dollars.
Alex Jones admitted lying in court and was penalized $1.5 Billion (with a B) dollars.
Wolfgang Halbig had to declare bankruptcy...

Now, honestly, I don't care about Chem Trails or Roswell Aliens or any of the other nonsense conspiracy theorists come up with to explain their unhappiness in life.

But these were real people who had a real tragedy in their lives. Something truly awful happened to them. A parent should never have to bury his child. Being called a "Crisis Actor" afterwards is truly rubbing salt into a wound. It's cruel, it's sadistic, and honestly, there's no excuse for it.

Because I'm feeling generous, I honestly hope that for his own sake, Dale was just misled by other worse actors.
I don't know anything about Sandy Hook except people died and it was a government plot. The current government is nothing but a criminal organization. All those school, church and synagogue shootings was plotted, organized and conducted by the U.S. Government. J'Accuse and fuck the traitorous government we have.

And before you lose your shit, I am a patriotic American soldier who abhors the current nest of traitors inside the Beltway.

I don't know anything about Sandy Hook except people died and it was a government plot. The current government is nothing but a criminal organization. All those school, church and synagogue shootings was plotted, organized and conducted by the U.S. Government. J'Accuse and fuck the traitorous government we have.

And before you lose your shit, I am a patriotic American soldier who abhors the current nest of traitors inside the Beltway.

I don't know anything about Sandy Hook except people died and it was a government plot. The current government is nothing but a criminal organization. All those school, church and synagogue shootings was plotted, organized and conducted by the U.S. Government. J'Accuse and fuck the traitorous government we have.

well, according to Dale, no one died at Sandy Hook and Adam Lanza never existed.
I'm not sure what the government had to do with Sandy Hook. Maybe fail to pass laws to keep crazy people like him from getting guns. But we keep failing at that.

But let's take your argument at face value.

Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is often true.

Either - There is a vast conspiracy at the highest levels of government to stage active shooter events to achieve some nebulous policy goal, involving thousands of people who are in on the conspiracy...


Every once in a while, a deranged lunatic takes advantage of our lax gun laws to get the firepower to cause a lot of misery.

Seems the latter explanation seems far more likely.

And before you lose your shit, I am a patriotic American soldier who abhors the current nest of traitors inside the Beltway.

So was Timothy McVeigh.

Or you can do what we do in a democracy, you make the best argument for your point of view and win people over.
To heck with Joe and the b that he rode in on. 👌
The current government is nothing but a criminal organization. All those school, church and synagogue shootings was plotted, organized and conducted by the U.S. Government.
The crazy train has left the station.
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