Our Disreputable Fifth Column....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Hide it, disguise it, however they may, there is a major design in the media to downgrade the nation, to put it in a poor light.

To me, the only explanation is that there is a 'fifth column' with the aim of bringing down the United States.

Today is June 6th.

It represents the beginning of the end of the forces of darkness in WWII.
All credit to brave, noble young men of the 'Greatest Generation.'

Note the way CBS News celebrates those souls.

1. "When some liberators were criminals

2. (CBS News) With the anniversary of the 1944 D-Day invasion due this coming Thursday, there's an untold story that's coming to light about some of the soldiers who took part -- and we warn you, it's not an easy story to hear. Here's national security correspondent David Martin:

3....not all American soldiers conducted themselves like members of the "Greatest Generation."
"War does bad things to people in general," said Atkinson. "It makes good soldiers do bad things, and it makes bad soldiers do terrible things."

4. Roberts photographed documents in which French officials complained of a "regime of terror" perpetrated by "bandits in uniform." Also, said Roberts, "There [were] many rape accusations on the part of the Norman women."

5. "The GIs had a preconception of France as -- as one journalist put -- a gigantic brothel," said Roberts. "And in fact Hitler also called France the brothel of Europe."

6. ...D-Day unleashed "a veritable tsunami of male lust" on French villages..."
When some liberators were criminals - CBS News

Who selects the stories?
What is the purpose....what message to young Americans...that their nation is not worthy of defending, of preserving?

This is why we wind up with a President who says "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."
War is war, and American GIs were soldiers in war: yes, atrocities occurred.

Our GIs still were angels compared to the demonic Nazis, and our GIs and Brits and French and allies liberated Europe from one of the greatest evils in history of mankind.
War is war, and American GIs were soldiers in war: yes, atrocities occurred.

Our GIs still were angels compared to the demonic Nazis, and our GIs and Brits and French and allies liberated Europe from one of the greatest evils in history of mankind.

Did you think this OP was about the soldiers?

About human nature?

About war?

None of the above.

It is about the attack of the Leftists in the media on the reputation, the memory of the soldiers who freed Europe, and by extension, the nation.

It's about the sleazy America-haters who take the opportunity to turn a great moment in our history and drag it, and us, through the mud.
America has lost too many of its sons especially in Korea and Vietnam where we fought as the local army were to cowardly and lazy to fight for their own country. We should have let the dog eaters in their rice paddy's go down by themselves without the loss of American lives.
War is war, and American GIs were soldiers in war: yes, atrocities occurred.

Our GIs still were angels compared to the demonic Nazis, and our GIs and Brits and French and allies liberated Europe from one of the greatest evils in history of mankind.

Did you think this OP was about the soldiers?

About human nature?

About war?

None of the above.

It is about the attack of the Leftists in the media on the reputation, the memory of the soldiers who freed Europe, and by extension, the nation.

It's about the sleazy America-haters who take the opportunity to turn a great moment in our history and drag it, and us, through the mud.

What you may not understand is that they have the right to say what they want on this day as much as you, dear. The moment of greatness outweighs the boos of the very small minority, who are far outside of our great American narrative mainstream.

You need more nuance, sophistication, balance, when it comes to our narrative.

Cherish the moment, the heroes, and ignore the naysayers. Most, if not all on the Board, probably never would have known about them.
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I understand the story, I understand that some sleazy journalists think it is worth telling. But i spent 14 years in Europe and heard very very few negative stories about our troops. Not that atrocities didn't happen. Young boys in that situation and all that...

But is D Day the right time to tell those stories? I think not.............
I understand the story, I understand that some sleazy journalists think it is worth telling. But i spent 14 years in Europe and heard very very few negative stories about our troops. Not that atrocities didn't happen. Young boys in that situation and all that...

But is D Day the right time to tell those stories? I think not.............

I agree..............


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My late father was at Normandy. He was with the 1st Army, VII Corps at Utah beach on D+2.

the things he saw in WWII haunted him for the rest of his life, which was much too short. (He died at 56).

And, yes, it wasn't all glory. He told me one story of how his unit had to ambush French bandits who were raiding their supply depots.

Americans look back at WWII with these rose-colored glasses, but the reality is, horrible things happened, and we were responsible for some of them. Our enemies were responsible for more, which made us right.
It's not true what they said about our troops raping the French women.

The majority of the woman did it willingly with our troops hoping that the American Soldiers would marry them.
When the soldiers did not marry them, the woman accused them of rape.
Some French woman claimed to have been raped rather than admit that they had willingly had sex, and some prostitutes would threaten a rape accusation in order to extract more money out of a GI.
The GIs who raped France: We know about the mass rape of German women by Stalin's soldiers. Now a new book reveals American troops committed thousands of rapes on French women they were 'liberating' | Mail Online
My late father was at Normandy. He was with the 1st Army, VII Corps at Utah beach on D+2.

the things he saw in WWII haunted him for the rest of his life, which was much too short. (He died at 56).

And, yes, it wasn't all glory. He told me one story of how his unit had to ambush French bandits who were raiding their supply depots.

Americans look back at WWII with these rose-colored glasses, but the reality is, horrible things happened, and we were responsible for some of them. Our enemies were responsible for more, which made us right.

Sherman said it best....War is Hell

Soldiers have acted inappropriately towards civilians since there have been soldiers. Did our soldiers commit atrocities? Of course they did.
Unlike many nations we identify those soldiers and make them accountable. But even the US has a certain tolerance towards what happens on the battlefield.
I don't think that reporting these things makes these crimes any worse.

While French women were probably molested by GIs, I don't think it was a widepread practice and was not supported by command.

For comparison, look at the treatment of German women by invading Russian soldiers. They were encouraged to rape as many women as they pleased as retribution
My late father was at Normandy. He was with the 1st Army, VII Corps at Utah beach on D+2.

the things he saw in WWII haunted him for the rest of his life, which was much too short. (He died at 56).

And, yes, it wasn't all glory. He told me one story of how his unit had to ambush French bandits who were raiding their supply depots.

Americans look back at WWII with these rose-colored glasses, but the reality is, horrible things happened, and we were responsible for some of them. Our enemies were responsible for more, which made us right.

Bless your dad.

You miss the point.....accidentally?

1. If, as it appears, the incidents were minor in comparison to the efforts, the bravery....why does it deserve more time on the air than any of the Obama scandals?

2. Why in proximity to the anniversary of the Normandy invasion?

The use of the story is the attempt to besmirch the noble endeavors of the United States.

3. Perhaps you have forgotten....or never knew....the meaning of 'Fifth Column.'

"A fifth column is a group of people who undermine a larger group, such as a nation or a besieged city, from within. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize when coordination with an external attack requires and extend even to uniformed military operations as part of a coordinated campaign. They can be clandestine, involving acts of sabotage, disinformation campaigns, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force."
Fifth column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. It was a Fifth Column that cost the United States victory in Viet Nam.
It is a Fifth Column that teaches our children that the United States is no different, and usually worse, than other nations.

And the main stream media is rife with Fifth Columnists.

The story didn't appear on Aljazeera.....but on CBS.
My late father was at Normandy. He was with the 1st Army, VII Corps at Utah beach on D+2.

the things he saw in WWII haunted him for the rest of his life, which was much too short. (He died at 56).

And, yes, it wasn't all glory. He told me one story of how his unit had to ambush French bandits who were raiding their supply depots.

Americans look back at WWII with these rose-colored glasses, but the reality is, horrible things happened, and we were responsible for some of them. Our enemies were responsible for more, which made us right.

Bless your dad.

You miss the point.....accidentally?

1. If, as it appears, the incidents were minor in comparison to the efforts, the bravery....why does it deserve more time on the air than any of the Obama scandals?

2. Why in proximity to the anniversary of the Normandy invasion?

The use of the story is the attempt to besmirch the noble endeavors of the United States.

3. Perhaps you have forgotten....or never knew....the meaning of 'Fifth Column.'

"A fifth column is a group of people who undermine a larger group, such as a nation or a besieged city, from within. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize when coordination with an external attack requires and extend even to uniformed military operations as part of a coordinated campaign. They can be clandestine, involving acts of sabotage, disinformation campaigns, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force."
Fifth column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. It was a Fifth Column that cost the United States victory in Viet Nam.
It is a Fifth Column that teaches our children that the United States is no different, and usually worse, than other nations.

And the main stream media is rife with Fifth Columnists.

The story didn't appear on Aljazeera.....but on CBS.

The press has to sell papers
Stories are released when they will have the most impact. Releasing a story related to the liberation of France will get more attention in the first week in June then it will in February
4. It was a Fifth Column that cost the United States victory in Viet Nam.
It is a Fifth Column that teaches our children that the United States is no different, and usually worse, than other nations.

The Fifth Column saved thousands of US lives in Viet Nam. If anything, they were too late in questioning the war. I only wish they had been more vigilant when Bush decided to invade Iraq
4. It was a Fifth Column that cost the United States victory in Viet Nam.
It is a Fifth Column that teaches our children that the United States is no different, and usually worse, than other nations.

The Fifth Column saved thousands of US lives in Viet Nam. If anything, they were too late in questioning the war. I only wish they had been more vigilant when Bush decided to invade Iraq

You misunderstand what happened.

They took their orders from the enemy.
And convinced folks like you that principles were involved.

1. NYTimes’ Harrison Salisbury traveled to North Vietnam in 1966-67, and reported that the US was deliberately targeting the civilian population. But Guenter Lewy, in “America in Vietnam,” revealed that “Only after the articles had appeared did a small number of persons learn that Salisbury, in effect, had given the authority of his byline to unverified Communist propaganda and the New York Times printed it as though Salisbury had established it himself with his own on-the-scene reporting…borrowed extensively from a North Vietnamese propaganda pamphlet, “Report on US War Crimes in Nam-Dinh City…” Lewy, p. 400-401

Not the first time Communist propaganda has appeared....and succeeded.

2. Another indication of the subservience of the communists to a foreign government can be seen during WWII. At the behest of the Commintern, as the archives reveals, the American Peace Mobilization committee was formed in April of ’41. It’s function was to support the Soviet line, bring progressives aboard, protest against the lend-lease program to aid Britain…they paraded in front of the White House, chanting “FDR is a fascist, …he’s starting a war!’ They managed to dupe the easiest group to dupe: progressive pastors. The NYTimes article at the time said “Clergyman Group Opposes War Aid!’

a. In mid-protest, on June 22, 1941, they became pro-war! The Germans had broken their agreement with the Soviets, and invaded Russia! Suddenly the group was for lend-lease, and FDR wasn’t a fascist…and they changed their name to American People’s Mobilization.
Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford “DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century"
Nah, yours is a reactionary statist neo-con argument, PC.

(1) The press has the right to investigate the government, as you would agree with your friend Obama.

(2) The American people have the right to tell the government "no".

To suggest that American dissent is somehow '5th column' as if it were somehow equivalent to fascist groups in Europe spits on the American culture and its narrative.
Nah, yours is a reactionary statist neo-con argument, PC.

(1) The press has the right to investigate the government, as you would agree with your friend Obama.

(2) The American people have the right to tell the government "no".

To suggest that American dissent is somehow '5th column' as if it were somehow equivalent to fascist groups in Europe spits on the American culture and its narrative.

The press does not investigate the government if the government is Leftist, as you are.

But....as this required more space....I will post on OP on the topic later.
Nah, yours is a reactionary statist neo-con argument, PC.

(1) The press has the right to investigate the government, as you would agree with your friend Obama.

(2) The American people have the right to tell the government "no".

To suggest that American dissent is somehow '5th column' as if it were somehow equivalent to fascist groups in Europe spits on the American culture and its narrative.

The press does not investigate the government if the government is Leftist, as you are.

But....as this required more space....I will post on OP on the topic later.

Oh? IRS? Hmmm?

I am in the mainstream, while you are a Far Right Statist Reactionary.

Let's keep our definitions accurate. Remember that you are not entitled to your own definitions, terms, and facts.

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