Our FBI Is Our Enemy

Nothing will change the fact that there was massive fraud.
I don’t think you understand what a fact is. It’s different than unsubstantiated allegations.

Still waiting for Lindell to release his PCAPs.
How many judges did Trump appoint again? You mean to tell us that all of those good folks that he hires are crooked as the days are long.
How many times do I have to say Trump picked from a cesspool that is our government? When you pick from garbage, you get garbage.
We know they were behind Jan. 6th. Of course they say no but do not have any credibility anymore. Now this crap?

The FBI allegedly paid a publisher of white supremacist literature more than $144,000 over 16-plus years to serve as a confidential informant, according to recent filings in an ongoing domestic extremism case.

These allegations were made earlier this month by Kaleb Cole, an accused member of the white supremacist group Atomwaffen. Cole was arrested in February 2020 for allegedly participating in an Atomwaffen intimidation campaign against Jewish people and journalists of color.

On Aug. 13, Cole filed a motion to suppress evidence seized during the FBI’s search of his Texas home. According to Cole, the FBI failed to disclose the sordid background of one of its confidential informants in the bureau’s application for a search warrant.

“The CI [confidential informant] is a convicted felon and currently owns and operates a publishing company that distributes white supremacist writings,” Cole said in his Aug. 13 filing.

Those bastards.

You and your right wing media pals are the ones who have no credibility. The FBI has far more credibility than you.
We know they were behind Jan. 6th. Of course they say no but do not have any credibility anymore. Now this crap?

The FBI allegedly paid a publisher of white supremacist literature more than $144,000 over 16-plus years to serve as a confidential informant, according to recent filings in an ongoing domestic extremism case.

These allegations were made earlier this month by Kaleb Cole, an accused member of the white supremacist group Atomwaffen. Cole was arrested in February 2020 for allegedly participating in an Atomwaffen intimidation campaign against Jewish people and journalists of color.

On Aug. 13, Cole filed a motion to suppress evidence seized during the FBI’s search of his Texas home. According to Cole, the FBI failed to disclose the sordid background of one of its confidential informants in the bureau’s application for a search warrant.

“The CI [confidential informant] is a convicted felon and currently owns and operates a publishing company that distributes white supremacist writings,” Cole said in his Aug. 13 filing.

Those bastards.
Were you this paranoid before they all started plotting against you?

Atomwaffen (aka Trump's "very fine people") were at Charlottesville

And are in out military...its great that Biden and Austin are expelling these people...finally.
They have always been our enemy. Enemy of democrats too. They're too stupid to realize. Besides, they don't think of the eff bee eye as law enforcement. To the loony left, the eff bee eye is another tool or weapon to use against the other half of the people sharing this land.
FBI has gone corporate in the United States with an extremist CDU/CSU European Union NATO agenda.

Firearms "consumers" always become mental health "consumers" under the government’s universal gun confiscation protocol.

There's an "industry" and "... the work is ongoing."

Unfortunately, we've heard that from Europe before, particularly in Germany and Poland during the 1930s.

Were you this paranoid before they all started plotting against you?

Atomwaffen (aka Trump's "very fine people") were at Charlottesville

And are in out military...its great that Biden and Austin are expelling these people...finally.
I am not paranoid. Your side are the paranoid ones. Arresting political prisoners and censoring information is paranoia.
I am not paranoid.
So what conspiracy theory don't you believe? You believe the FBI is against you, the press is against you, the vaccine is dangerous, the blob won the election... Feel free to tell us one whacky right wing conspiracy theory you dont' buy into.
Your side are the paranoid ones.
LOL... Yeah... we're the ones still insisting that Trump won the election and that he'll be reinstated any day now. Really...you're the 2021 version of the 9/11 truthers...
Arresting political prisoners and censoring information is paranoia.
If it were censored; you wouldn't know anything about it.

PS: Your blob said that he would arrest HRC during a debate. What was that shit brains?
The co- conspirators not charged are informants for the FBI or agents. You lose.

Questions have also been raised about the role FBI informants may have played in the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riots.

“What would be shocking and strange is not if the FBI had embedded informants and other infiltrators in the groups planning the January 6 Capitol riot,” said journalist Glenn Greenwald, who’s been extensively documenting various questionable activities of the national security apparatus, in a recent op-ed. “What would be shocking and strange—bizarre and inexplicable—is if the FBI did not have those groups under tight control.”

Same source as OP.
The national security state doesn't just shape the liberal media, I am sure it is embedded in conservative media as well.

They forward talking points on Fox, and on talk radio as well.

. . . see, the problem, when Ike warned us of the military-industrial establishment, or the deep state, exerting a powerful influence, is now, the bureaucracy itself is a stake holder in the outcome of policy decisions. This of course, started with the manipulations of J. Edgar Hoover and the Dulles Brothers, and now, it is completely out of control.

The privatized intel. corporations which farm out this work, also have an interest in making the citizenry believe that there is no such corruption going on. This corruption serves the interests of mainly Wall-Street and the Tech Sector, but all licensed and regulated sectors of the economy benefit when ever it causes inelasticity and reduced market competitions.

Anyone that mocks this idea, is either in on it, uneducated about it, or in complete denial.

. . . and, of course, the deep state is aware that the average person is getting wise to the growing corruption of the private/public partnerships. That is part of this whole Covid scam. This disease, when you do the research, has no more fatality rate than say, polio, the measles, etc. But with those? We did not strip folks of their freedoms and create a closed society. We didn't track their every move, record their every word and speech, follow who they met with and where they went, create curfews, etc.

Now? The deep state insists on total control. We are getting a closed society because they know damn well what they have done, and have been doing.

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