Our FBI Is Our Enemy

Oh really?

It's your boy Biden that stays limber by bending over for him. I heard Putin even left 20 bucks and a mint on Bidens pillow.

Biden bought them matching shirts but Putin said no fuckin way.
It was Trump who loves Putin.
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
Putin tells the communist retard to get rid of the missile defense treaty, poof, it's gone.
Putin tells Trump get me back into the G-7, Trump begs the G-7 to do so.
"Wouldn't it be nice to be friends with Russia? Wouldn't that be a good thing?"
The commie, orange retard
FBI Director Comey publicly declared Hillary Clinton broke several laws by using her own personal server, then he overstepped his authority to wield power abdicated by the criminal US AG to declare Clinton would not be indicted because 'she had no idea she was breaking laws, to include espionage.

The FISA Court conducted their own investigation regarding the FBI's Constitutional and civil rights and broke laws by perpetrating fraud and crimes against the FISA Court. The FISA Court's findings provided evidence to reveal the FBI for DECADES under FBI Directors Mueller and Comey - Mueller's protégé. According to the FISA Court the FBI illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, news media, Congress, the USSC, a Presidential nominee and his team, and a newly elected President. they also reported that new FBI Director Wray lied to the FISA court when asked him to recommend steps to correct the FBI's previous crimes by claiming he had only found administrative procedures that needed to be corrected. According to the FISA Court Wray has made no significant changes and the FBI continues operating as usual.

The FBI was exposed for participating in Barak Obama and Joe Biden's failed coup attempt in trying to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing the newly elected President from office. The Director of the FBI, James Comey, Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, and other senior members participated in the coup and ran various portions the FBI was involved in. FBI Director Comey even 'threw' Deputy Director McCabe 'under the bus' during testimony before Congress, declaring McCabe had committed Perjury before Congress.
- The FBI learned of candidate Hillary Clinton's intent to use Russian Intel Agency authored propaganda against President Trump and instead of stopping Clinton he FBI under Comey took over the operation, using a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who was also working for and being paid by the Russians.

Former FBI Director Mueller was proven to have knowingly put an innocent man in prison, withholding evidence to do so. Years later, when this was revealed, the wrongly convicted man was released, and the man the FBI knew had committed the crimes was arrested, despite the fact that Mueller had withheld evidence came out, Mueller continued to claim the man he wrongly convicted / put in prison was guilty.

The FBI was exposed as a major part of the criminal planning of the Kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The FBI reportedly infiltrated a group, came up with the idea of the kidnapping, and talked the group into agreeing to do it.

Evidence proves the FBI was in possession of Hunter Biden's laptop, hiding it, and refusing to act on it during the election. The wealth of evidence on the laptop, which has been confirmed because it is not the only one with copies of the files found on Hunter's PC, consists of evidence of drug abuse, family home-made porn movies starring Hunter and cousins, evidence of the Biden family financial scandals to include Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and Biden taking money from the CCP and Russia.

The FBI has just recently been exposed for having evidence of US Gymnast Coach Nasser's sexual abuse for years of girls on the US Olympic teams and doing NOTHING, taking no action to arrest the POS and stop the horrific abuse perpetrated on these girls.

These are only SOME of the long list of horrific crimes and acts of betrayal against the American people - US citizens, reporters, the media, US Congressmen and women, USSC Justices, and even a President and his team.

Robert Mueller, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and a host of others should be sent to prison for the rest of their lives. The entire FBI needs to be thoroughly investigated, all operations ceased during the investigation, and any agents who engaged in criminal activity should be jailed. The FBI needs to be cleaned out, from top to bottom.

IF the FBI is allowed to continue to exist its leadership - the New Director and Deputy Director should not incestuously come from within its own inner circle, someone groomed from within as Mueller did with Comey, but should instead be outsiders, strong, ethical, independent unbiased persons from outside the Agency.

Despite the findings that the FBI has been illegally spying on Americans for DECADES by criminally abusing the SECRET FISA Court, Congress passed the same bill, continuing to allow Wray and the FBI to continue doing it. Wray needs to be immediately fired and investigated. Congress should vote to end the law passed not long ago that ensures the secret spying on of Americans and other crimes committed by the FBI will continue. The use of a secret court that can be used and abused to target and criminally trample the rights of American citizens by the FBI should be abolished.

After decades of violating Constitution and law the FBI has proven that NO ONE can be entrusted with such power.

'Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.'

The laws, the secret court, the 'shadows' that allow such absolute power to be corrupted and used against the American people MUST stop, and those found guilty of abusing that power should be held accountable.
How many times do I have to say Trump picked from a cesspool that is our government? When you pick from garbage, you get garbage.
Trump appointed judges that the conservative Federalist Society told him to pick.
Remember when “conservatives” were for “back the blue” and the police?

That was before cults gonna cult!

White Trumptards would never commit crimes!

Whites commit crime at about the same percentage as your Dim dreg blacks.....but they make up about 65% of the population whereas your Leroys are 13%. And gangs are cults right Dimmer???

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