Our immigration system is not broken


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

And I am sick to my stomach of hearing the left wing pro-Illegal Alien rhetoric resonating all across the nations. The same rhetoric was used by Bush when he tried to pass a path to citizenship. It is broken because 12 million plus people decide they do not want to wait by the law to enter legally so they enter illegally or on visa and overstay? It is broken because our immigration system do not let every one who wants to come in just because? That is not a broken immigration system but a broken government that allow it by not enforcing our immigration laws and not securing the border. Legalizing 12 million people is just like legalizing drugs because our government refuse to do all we can to stop them from coming. It does not solve the problem, it just exacerbate the problem. Do it right the first time and you don’t have to do it again. We have not completed the 1986 amnesty. We did the amnesty part but never the immigration control and the border securing part. Let finish what we started in 1986 and fix illegal immigration by enforcement, secure the border and develop a effective temporary work program that will provide adequate worker for farmers. 12 million Illegal Aliens here to do jobs Americans will not do and crops are rotting in the fields? Our immigration enforcement system is what is broken.

A reprieve for 12 millions to come forward and fess up (maybe if you are not a convicted felon), pay a fine, (from people who will claim hardship) pay 20 years of back taxes, (whatever the hell that means) learn English, (that should be a requirement to enter the country) go to the back of the line behind those who are waiting to enter legally, (that end of that line is in Mexico. Ask Sasha Obama) undergo a drug test (lmao) is a bucket of horse manure Obama and the Demowits are trying to sell the American people. This will do nothing to control illegal immigration and secure the border. Just as the 1986 amnesty did nothing to control illegal immigration and secure the border and only legalized 3 million plus people.

The important fact of this is our immigration system is not broken. It allows foreign students to come on student visas and take their education back and make a better place for their people. It allows over a million to enter legally each year, plus asylum seekers and refugees. It allows millions to become citizens each year. That is what it is suppose to do. Our immigration system is not supposed to let every nation to send it masses of poor people here for American tax payers to take care of (old and out dated as the Statue of Liberty) when they should be taking responsibility for it own by providing jobs, etc. Mexico’s economy is perfectly capable of taking care of it’s own people but why should they when our leaders are more than willing to make us tax payers do it for them.
Enough is enough. The American people are not taking it anymore.

“Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you.”

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