Our Military people want a new CIC

Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.
Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.

Vast majorities of our men and women in uniform don't want to be led by someone who never ran so much as an Hotdog Stand in his life before becoming their boss.

That surprises you?

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Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.

Vast majorities of our men and women in uniform don't want to be led by someone who never ran so much as an Hotdog Stand in his life before becoming their boss.

That surprises you?


Frankly, yes, but then again, remembering my own service they tend to be a rather authoritarian bunch who respond better to a dictatorial loud-mouthed tough talking style of leadership.
Really, who other than Obamaphone recipients want Obama as their POTUS these days?

The US Military rolled over Japan and Germany in 4 years.

We've been in Iraq for 9 years and Afghanistan for 11.

Now either the US is completely fucking up the "strategery" or we're just there for the War Profiteering. Which is it?

I think the Military knows.
Dishonest post. It wasn't a poll of the military, it was a poll of subscribers to the Military Times Group, a demographic that is overwhelming older, white, male, and self-selected to like the Gannett semi-tabloid newspapers.

Being a veteran, I recognize Obama's competance as CIC. I'm also repulsed at the way the weakling conservatives so often try to hide behind the skirts of the military. And I don't do the military-worship thing so common in conservative chickenhawks. A military opinion is no more valid than any other, and only scary authoritarian type minds think military opinions are superior.
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Great. Now even more oversees military ballots will be sent late, if at all.

Most active military I know subscribe to or buy the Air Force times.
Dishonest post. It wasn't a poll of the military, it was a poll of subscribers to the Military Times, a group that is overwhelming older, white, male, and self-selected to like the Gannett semi-tabloid newspapers.

Being a veteran, I recognize Obama's competance as CIC. I'm also repulsed at the way the weakling conservatives so often try to hide behind the skirts of the military. And I don't do the military-worship thing so common in conservative chickenhawks. A military opinion is no more valid than any other, and only scary authoritarian type minds think military opinions are superior.

Sucks to be you, mammary:

The 3,100 respondents — roughly two-thirds active-duty and one-third reserve component members

List of Al Qaeda leaders killed by Obama.....

There’s Osama bin Laden.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader Anwar al-Awlaki as of today.
Earlier this month officials confirmed that al Qaeda’s chief of Pakistan operations, Abu Hafs al-Shahri, was killed in Waziristan, Pakistan.
In August, ‘Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman, the deputy leader of al Qaeda was killed.
In June, one of the group’s most dangerous commanders, Ilyas Kashmiri, was killed in Pakistan. In Yemen that same month, AQAP senior operatives Ammar al-Wa’ili, Abu Ali al-Harithi, and Ali Saleh Farhan were killed. In Somalia, Al-Qa’ida in East Africa (AQEA) senior leader Harun Fazul was killed.
Administration officials also herald the recent U.S./Pakistani joint arrest of Younis al-Mauritani in Quetta.
Going back to August 2009, Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mahsud was killed in Pakistan.
In September of that month, Jemayah Islamiya operational planner Noordin Muhammad Top was killed in Indonesia, and AQEA planner Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was killed in Somalia.
Then in December 2009 in Pakistan, al Qaeda operational commanders Saleh al-Somali and ‘Abdallah Sa’id were killed.
In February 2010, in Pakistan, Taliban deputy and military commander Abdul Ghani Beradar was captured; Haqqani network commander Muhammad Haqqani was killed; and Lashkar-e Jhangvi leader Qari Zafar was killed.
In March 2010, al Qaeda operative Hussein al-Yemeni was killed in Pakistan, while senior Jemayah Islamiya operative Dulmatin - accused of being the mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings – was killed during a raid in Indonesia.
In April 2010, al Qaeda in Iraq leaders Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi were killed.
In May, al Qaeda’s number three commander, Sheik Saeed al-Masri was killed.
In June 2010 in Pakistan, al Qaeda commander Hamza al-Jawfi was killed.
Wonder if part of the problem is Obama's communist tendencies?

Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.

Vast majorities of our men and women in uniform don't want to be led by someone who never ran so much as an Hotdog Stand in his life before becoming their boss.

That surprises you?


That article clearly says their primary concern is economic, not the wars or deployments.

And, they surveyed a limited number of senior NCO's and officers. That's what we used to call "Lifer's."

I'd be curious to know what the privates think, wouldn't you?
I think I get it now!!


Dishonest post. It wasn't a poll of the military, it was a poll of subscribers to the Military Times Group, a demographic that is overwhelming older, white, male, and self-selected to like the Gannett semi-tabloid newspapers.

Being a veteran, I recognize Obama's competance as CIC. I'm also repulsed at the way the weakling conservatives so often try to hide behind the skirts of the military. And I don't do the military-worship thing so common in conservative chickenhawks. A military opinion is no more valid than any other, and only scary authoritarian type minds think military opinions are superior.
No, you just do the Obama-worship thing so common in braindead leftists.
Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.

Vast majorities of our men and women in uniform don't want to be led by someone who never ran so much as an Hotdog Stand in his life before becoming their boss.

That surprises you?


That article clearly says their primary concern is economic, not the wars or deployments.

And, they surveyed a limited number of senior NCO's and officers. That's what we used to call "Lifer's."

I'd be curious to know what the privates think, wouldn't you?

That is even worse.

The more they know, the more they hate his commie guts.

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I'm still trying to figure out when our service men and women joined a democratic military that thinks of their feelings. When I served no one asked what I thought, felt, or wanted. I was told what to do and when to do it, and you did it without question.:eusa_silenced: Poll, my ass.

I served when Bush the first started the war in Iraq by not letting us finish the job in the first place. CIC royal fuck up. They all do it regardless of party affiliation. Politicians kill more service men and women than any other group.
The Military Times Poll is a secure email survey of active-duty, National Guard and reserve members who are subscribers to the Military Times newspapers (see How We Did It, below).

This population is older and more senior than the military population at large, but it is representative of the professional core of the all-volunteer force.

Just typical angry old white men.

And NOT the citizen army that won WWII etc.

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