Our next Civil War will be over abortion

America has changed from democracy of high wisdom voters to now low wisdom voters who elects crooks that destroys the nation
All democracies commits suicide because of giving freedoms to the unwise which then destroys the nation
You know we are not a pure democracy, right?

We are not s fast democracy but we are a democracy and much wider now than with the founders who did not let the unwise vote

The wider the democracy that includes the unwise the nation will fall
Ok....I've seen enough of your writing pattern now, Comrade. What's the weather like in Moscow today?
You're insane. Abortion has been a fact of life since the dawn of time. The ONLY people going insane over abortion, are those people who seek to control others. And it's always conservatives who say they believe in freedom.

There is nothing worse than being forced to carry a child to term that you don't want and can't keep. That is not freedom, that is abuse of women.

So women should not be held accountable at all for being IRRESPONSIBLE for getting pregnant and then not wanting the baby. It is ok just to kill kids for CONVENIENCE?

Especially today, with all the birth control, morning after pill, etc there is no excuse to let this happen. Are some women that stupid?

You obviously ARE that stupid, since you're completely ignoring the fact that MEN participate in the act of conception too, and should bear an equal responsibility in preventing an unwanted outcome.

Preventing pregnancy is NOT as easy as you make it out to be, short of surgical sterlization. Every form of birth control FAILS, even when used exactly according to instructions. And if you deviate from the instructions, all bets are off.

HALF of all women who obtain abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant. The "morning after pill" is only for extreme cases like rape when there's a high risk of pregnancy due to ovulation. The morning after pill is NOT anyone's idea of a regular form of birth control.

Abortion is seldom about convenience. It's about poverty, and a lack of societal suppports for women having babies. No job security, no maternity leave. Conservatives rail that liberals don't accept biology, but conservatives don't accept biology either. They ignore the needs of women for health care in their child bearing years, the costs and difficulties in obtaining birth control, and that women get pregnant. They allow employers to FIRE pregnant women who can no longer perform all of the duties of their work.

If you want women to carry their babies to term, make it easier, cheaper and safer for them to do so. Provide supports, not roadblocks to that goal. Stop caring about the unborn and start caring more for the living. That's the key to ending abortion.

One form of birth control is 100% foolproof! Abstinence works all the time, every time!

But why are you so into abstinence? Has it worked in your relationships? The right-wing seems to have an obsession with sex and what other people do in the bedroom. The rest of us don't know why. Normal humans have sex. It's a part of being human.

We humans also use technology to achieve our goals; at least most of us do. I don't know what to think about you people who shun modern medical science and technology,but I wouldn't want to sit next to you on a bus or a plane.

There is some sort of mental sickness going around in the right wing. Maybe you people don't date, fall in love, get married. You seem to have no idea about human emotions and desires. You are saying that couples who want to space their children should sleep in separate rooms.
You're insane. Abortion has been a fact of life since the dawn of time. The ONLY people going insane over abortion, are those people who seek to control others. And it's always conservatives who say they believe in freedom.

There is nothing worse than being forced to carry a child to term that you don't want and can't keep. That is not freedom, that is abuse of women.

So women should not be held accountable at all for being IRRESPONSIBLE for getting pregnant and then not wanting the baby. It is ok just to kill kids for CONVENIENCE?

Especially today, with all the birth control, morning after pill, etc there is no excuse to let this happen. Are some women that stupid?
Those dastardly WOMEN...getting preggers all by themselves..


When the state declares they can kill an innocent human being and then lights up the city in pink to satiate their bloodlust, imagine what they're going to do to you.

When abortion was illegal, you had orphanages filled with children no one wanted. You had homes for unwed mothers where women were forced to pray, and repent their wanton ways. When they returned home, they were whispered about and treated as unclean. Women were dying, bleeding out in hospitals after back alley abotions.

It's amazing how many MEN in this thread are threatening physical violence and murder as a solution to their outrage over abortion. You're going to kill women, real people, because they're taking responsibility and control of their lives. That's where the real bloodlust is. Conservatives want to murder women they cannot control.

No no. The bloodlust is 70 million killed.....here in america. The only people doing the killing are the abortionists and the lawmakers who allow such depravity. One more thing, a man is just as responsible as a woman when they make the decision to end human life.
You're insane. Abortion has been a fact of life since the dawn of time. The ONLY people going insane over abortion, are those people who seek to control others. And it's always conservatives who say they believe in freedom.

There is nothing worse than being forced to carry a child to term that you don't want and can't keep. That is not freedom, that is abuse of women.

So women should not be held accountable at all for being IRRESPONSIBLE for getting pregnant and then not wanting the baby. It is ok just to kill kids for CONVENIENCE?

Especially today, with all the birth control, morning after pill, etc there is no excuse to let this happen. Are some women that stupid?
Those dastardly WOMEN...getting preggers all by themselves..


When the state declares they can kill an innocent human being and then lights up the city in pink to satiate their bloodlust, imagine what they're going to do to you.

When abortion was illegal, you had orphanages filled with children no one wanted. You had homes for unwed mothers where women were forced to pray, and repent their wanton ways. When they returned home, they were whispered about and treated as unclean. Women were dying, bleeding out in hospitals after back alley abotions.

It's amazing how many MEN in this thread are threatening physical violence and murder as a solution to their outrage over abortion. You're going to kill women, real people, because they're taking responsibility and control of their lives. That's where the real bloodlust is. Conservatives want to murder women they cannot control.

No no. The bloodlust is 70 million killed.....here in america. The only people doing the killing are the abortionists and the lawmakers who allow such depravity. One more thing, a man is just as responsible as a woman when they make the decision to end human life.

But if a man says no abortion the woman can still get it done

This is part of the widening gender gap that will have the men fighting the women
The most strident anti-choice advocates are pushing for an all-out ban, and have chosen among the most far-reaching approaches to reach their goal of banning abortion: so-called “personhood” measures.

Although details vary, “personhood” measures typically change a state’s definition of the word “person” to include a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus, with the intent of outlawing abortion. As if this were not enough, most “personhood” measures go far beyond an abortion ban also to sweep in most common forms of contraception, stem-cell research, and in vitro fertilization. Even worse, “personhood” measures by their very definition have few if any exceptions to protect a woman’s life or health. In sum, “personhood” measures are a blatant attempt to take away a woman’s ability to make reproductive-health-care decisions, including her constitutional right to choose safe, legal abortion.

The most strident anti-choice advocates are pushing for an all-out ban, and have chosen among the most far-reaching approaches to reach their goal of banning abortion: so-called “personhood” measures.

Although details vary, “personhood” measures typically change a state’s definition of the word “person” to include a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus, with the intent of outlawing abortion. As if this were not enough, most “personhood” measures go far beyond an abortion ban also to sweep in most common forms of contraception, stem-cell research, and in vitro fertilization. Even worse, “personhood” measures by their very definition have few if any exceptions to protect a woman’s life or health. In sum, “personhood” measures are a blatant attempt to take away a woman’s ability to make reproductive-health-care decisions, including her constitutional right to choose safe, legal abortion.

Unintended consequences of those kinds of measures.....pregnant women can't drive because two behind the wheel....paying double for anything like movies or seating anywhere....etc.
There is no Civil War coming and even if there was it sure as shit wouldn’t be over an issue like abortion that most people don’t give a crap about

Civil Wars are not generally fought by the majority of any one sect of people.

They are fought by the most impassioned members who are willing enough to fight for, kill and even die for what they believe.

Less than 10% of the US population fought in our civil war.

You live in a fast changing world of younger populations of people who are less religious with most not being religious at all that don’t care what you think. The pro birthed world you inhabit only exists between your ears.

Yeah. That explains all the growth in the right to life marches and all, allright.
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.

I'd say that the only way to have a Civil war would be to outlaw abortion.

That's because those who oppose abortion have respect for life, but those who are in favor it have no respect for life, or at least, most of them.

They are disrespectful, violent, and profane.

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