Our next Civil War will be over abortion

Again abortion breaks a universal law that keeps the balance of young to old correct

Abortion and then add other liberal harms that bring this imbalance it always ends in disaster for the nation
Only Red States will lose access to abortion.

Serves them right for voting Conservative

I'll take that bet.

Once the Supreme Court holds that personhood begins when a person's life does, no State law can trump that.
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Only Red States will lose access to abortion.

Serves them right for voting Conservative

That’s OK!

When little Daisy Mae gets herself knocked up (probably by a brother or cousin or maybe even daddy) she can just hop on the Greyhound and get her problem taken care of in the nearest blue state
abortion is an easy issue to understand

History will show how ignorant it was to make abortion legal
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.

No, it won't.
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.

No, it won't.

Accept the challenge.
Women are too smart to get into a fight with men with whom they have a disadvantage physically. They can use other means to get ahead of men, and are doing so right now.
They have what most men want...It's called a vagina. We are slaves to V-J-J.

I have witnessed countless pathetic displays of men abandoning all reason and decorum for the mere promise of a little nookie.

They have what most men want...It's called a vagina. We are slaves to V-J-J.

I have witnessed countless pathetic displays of men abandoning all reason and decorum for the mere promise of a little nookie.


I have seen it too, and maybe even let it happen to me to a small degree. Heck. look at Jeff Bezos. Was some morning talk show host with implants worth $70 BILLION dollars? That's how powerful the female attraction is to some (most?) men.
When the state declares they can kill an innocent human being and then lights up the city in pink to satiate their bloodlust, imagine what they're going to do to you.

No. YOU imagine it for us. Tell us what fantasy you have here.

Be specific. SHow us exactly how crazy you are.

Im not imagining anything. I just saw for a fact, a lib governor, sign into law, the ability to murder innocent life.
Have you read the law?

Yeah, the women in danger is a laugher. That was thrown in there to make it legal. There is no reason to murder an innocent baby the day before its born.
Yeah...it's not as if women ever die when pregnant or when giving birth....:icon_rolleyes:
I don’t believe that a man has ever in human history died while giving birth
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.

Close Blackrook Yes and No.
The REAL Civil War is over Political Beliefs.
Right to Life is just as much a belief as Right to Health Care.
Marriage between a man and a woman (genetically defined)
is as much a belief as right to marriage between
any two people of any definition of orientation or gender identity equally faith based.

The problem we have faced from the beginning is that
we do not believe or define the role of govt the same way,
nor do we recognize "political beliefs" and other faith-based beliefs
equally as "organized religions" in the meaning of the First
Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment equal protections, and Civil Rights protections
against Discrimination by Creed.

We have been fighting the same basic war
over ideologies, and every other conflict over political beliefs
(whether gun rights, voting rights, abortion, marriage, death
penalty, immigration etc.) reflects that same battle.

If we finally agree to recognize Political Beliefs as separate
for each person or group, and that these should neither be
Established nor Prohibited by Govt, then we could work toward
either separating these by party/group or limiting public policy
to points and policies in agreement between all such groups of different creeds.

Instead, if we keep fighting to dominate, overrule, exclude or impose
one party's Creed over another, we keep fighting this same Civil War but
in different contexts over different issues we cannot resolve because of
our inherent beliefs, where Govt is not supposed to be abused to force anyone to change or to comply.
I don’t believe that a man has ever in human history died while giving birth

Who is saying we should abort babies if the pregnancy is life threatening to the woman, or are you just virtue signaling again?
I have seen it too, and maybe even let it happen to me to a small degree.
No shame in that. EVERY non-gay man does it. We are hard-wired to seek pussy by nearly all means necessary.

We were given a brain and a penis....but only enough blood to operate one at a time.

No. YOU imagine it for us. Tell us what fantasy you have here.

Be specific. SHow us exactly how crazy you are.

Im not imagining anything. I just saw for a fact, a lib governor, sign into law, the ability to murder innocent life.
Have you read the law?

Yeah, the women in danger is a laugher. That was thrown in there to make it legal. There is no reason to murder an innocent baby the day before its born.
Yeah...it's not as if women ever die when pregnant or when giving birth....:icon_rolleyes:
I don’t believe that a man has ever in human history died while giving birth

Fair point.

But the real question is, Do you believe any children are being killed by abortions?
abortion is an easy issue to understand

History will show how ignorant it was to make abortion legal
The problem is that history has proved the slippery slope.

Now it would simply be government telling a woman she must give birth to a child.

What is the next logical step?

It seems ridiculous that government would regulate consensual sex, but Statist Authoritarianism has a way of going to the extremes if no one fights them.

If we require women to carry a baby full term, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, under penalty of capital murder, would it not also be fair to hold men to the same standard for jacking off into a jizz rag?

How far should we allow our government to control us all?

There are competing interests between mother and unborn child. They are legitimate and valid on BOTH sides.

If you can admit that, you will be more likely to get consessions from the other side.

Only Red States will lose access to abortion.

Serves them right for voting Conservative

I'll take that bet.

Once the Supreme Court holds that personhood begins when a person's life does, no State law can trump that.

They will not make that ruling

Even before Roe vs Wade, States were allowed to have abortion on a stare by state basis

Today’s court will nibble at the edges making it more difficult to find abortion providers

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